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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Pikachu #115/114
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
April 25, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Pikachu 115/114
Hello and welcome to some more of the
card reviews you love . . . or quite
like . . . or tolerate . . . or laugh
about with your friends. Whatever, they
are right here on Pojo’s CotD.
We kick off the week with the ‘secret
rare’ from the new Black and White set –
Pikachu. The flavour text says: ‘This is
an extremely rare Pikachu card. You’re
very lucky to have found it!’. Are they
right about that? Let’s look at the
Well, as for ‘extremely rare’, it
depends what you mean by that. I saw a
couple at Prerelease, but they do seem
quite tough to get. As for being lucky
to find it, again that depends on your
point of view. If you are a collector,
you will be very happy to pull one of
these. If you like prettyful cards with
unique foil treatments, then again, you
will smile when you see this in your
pack. But what about players? People
like me who don’t really care about any
of those things. Hmm . . . the news is
both good and bad.
The good news is that this card probably
just about edges the HGSS promo Pikachu
to become the best Pika in the format.
Its Energy acceleration attack isn’t
flippy and its Thunderbolt attack may do
20 less damage (80 as opposed to 100),
but it’s cheaper to use. The bad news?
It still isn’t a great Basic,
there aren’t any really top tier Raichu
decks, and even if there were, getting
your hands on a playset of these might
prove to be difficult and expensive.
I wouldn’t worry about it though. The
HGSS Promo is relatively cheap and easy
to get hold of, and the differences
between the two are fairly marginal.
Plus, we are still waiting on that tier
1 evolution . . .
Modified: 2 (decent enough Basic for
players, a great collectors card)
Limited: 1.5 (personally, I wouldn’t use
a secret rare in a prerelease
tournament. Especially one that wasn’t
going to do much for you)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! I hope that all of you
had a good time and pulled well at your Black and White
prereleases if you had them this past weekend. We will
be reviewing even more BW cards this week, so be sure to
check back, because we're going to be looking at some
good ones. Today we kick off our new COTD week by
reviewing a secret Ultra Rare card in the new set.
Today's Card of the Day is the Gen I Pokemon we all know
and love, Pikachu.
Pikachu is a Basic Lightning Pokemon. Lightning sees a
decent amount of play in Modified, with Luxray GL Lv. X
being very common and Magnezone steadily becoming more
popular with its MagneRock variant. 60 HP is decent for
an evolving Basic, but keep in mind that if you pull
this in Limited, there is no Raichu in the set. Fighting
Weakness is to be expected for a Lightning-type, so be
careful against the likes of Donphan, Machamp, and Promo
Toxicroak G. No Resistance is to be expected, but is
still unfortunate. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1 is
decent and payable.
Pikachu has two attacks, Energize and Thunderbolt.
Energize allows you to attach a Lightning Energy card
from your discard pile to Pikachu for the cost of [L].
This attack has a chance in Limited, where the format is
slow enough that your opponent won't necessarily hit
Pikachu for 60 damage immediately (although if they have
Reshiram, Zekrom, Cinccino, or Zoroark, even then
Pikachu may not be safe). In Modified, however, there
are generally better ways of getting multiple Energies
onto Pokemon, namely by evolving Pikachu into Raichu
Prime and using Voltage Increase, or even using
something like Magnezone Lv. X's Electric Trans. The
second attack, Thunderbolt, deals 80 damage for [LCC],
discarding all Energy attached to Pikachu in the
process. This is actually pretty decent, as 80 damage is
good for that cost, which is easily abusable with Double
Colorless Energy. However, the biggest question that
comes to mind is Pikachu's survivability: 60 HP is
probably not enough health to consistently put three
Energy on Pikachu in order to use the attack. In
Modified, chances are you won't have a Pikachu long
enough to use it (either due to it being KOed or to your
evolving it into Raichu), but in Limited, it can be good
if your opponent is slow to set up.
Modified: 1.75/5 There are about 10 Pikachu currently
legal for Modified. A few of the versions from older
sets - MD, SF, SV, AR - have the nice +10 Weakness to
Fighting instead of x2, and a few of them also have 70
HP. This Pikachu differentiates itself by being able to
power itself up without a coin flip, by still having a
very expensive, discard-everything attack, and by being
very, very shiny. If you want to run something like an
all-foil deck or think you can get away with using
Thunderbolt, this is the Pikachu for you. If not, you'll
probably want one of the DP/Platinum series Pikachus
with more HP and only +10 Weakness.
Limited: 2/5 It's fun to play here, since it will
probably survive at least one hit and be able to hit for
80. Then again, it can't evolve into Raichu and there's
also no easy way of getting the Energy back from your
discard pile, unless you get lucky and draft some Energy
Retrieval. If you decide to play it, look out for the
rare Fighting-types in this set as well, in addition to
Reshiram and Zekrom.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Pikachu (Black and White)
Hey, Pojo readers! Today we cover an old favourite,
Today's review is yet another card based on that
yellow-bellied, red-cheeked rat which just happens to be
a secret rare at #115 in the set. I must admit I've had
all of the Pikachu worship I can take, so I'm not
particularly pleased to see this card crop up in a set
that isn't supposed to have any Poke'mon from earlier
generations (at least not in the base set, I sincerely
hope they release a new card for each and every monster
over the next few sets).
However, I shouldn't pass judgement until I've gone over
the stats, so here we go. Pikachu is a Lightning type
evolving Basic with 60 HP, Fighting weakness and a
retreat cost of 1 as well as 2 attacks.
Obviously Pikachu isn't going to survive any big hits
with only 60 HP and the Fighting weakness only makes it
worse although in most cases it will be irrelevant
anyway. The lack of Metal resistance is also a point
against it when compared to other Pikachu cards, even
though that resistance doesn't normally help. So far the
picture is bleak.
The first attack is Energize which costs [l] to retrieve
a [l] energy and attach it to Pikachu. While it looks
okay at first glance, you really don't want Pikachu
Active at the end of your turn and even if you are
playing in Limited this attack has terrible synergy with
the second attack. If the cost was colourless then it
would be okay for use when you are out of other options
but since it needs [l] energy it gets the gong.
Thunderbolt is quite common to Pikachu and Raichu cards,
and this version costs [l][c][c] in return for 80 damage
with the drawback of discarding all [l] energy attached
to Pikachu. With either mixed energy or Double
Colourless Energy to help pay for the attack cost you
can limit the discard to 1 [l] energy card (which makes
attaching extra [l] energy with Energize a waste) and
attack turn after turn.
In Limited Thunderbolt can net you a quick lead since it
is quite cheap for the damage but in Modified it will
only be a last-resort attack. Because of that most
players will pass over this Pikachu for the SF version
which has 70 HP and only a +10 weakness, based on the
sound reasoning that surviving to elvolve into Raichu is
far better than trying to attack with Pikachu. The
rarity is also a problem as players like to protect
their collector items rather than risk damaging them
during play.
Of course, all of this assumes that there are some
playable Raichu cards in the format. Sadly, despite the
release of a Lv X and a Prime (which are both still
playable) along with about 7 other prints, Raichu
doesn't have a single working deck to its name. Both
Pikachu and Raichu seem doomed to remain as mere trader
Only new players and older player building a fun deck
will ever touch any of the Pikachu or Raichu cards we
have now, so either a Riachu player will not own this
card or won't want to risk damaging it. Either way I
never expect to play against this Pikachu.
Modified: 2 (Keep Pikachu safely in the binder along
with the Promo version that has similar attacks)
Limited: 2.5 (The damage is fair and the cost is
manageable, especially if you pull Zebstricka and Zekrom.
Still, the HP remains a problem and I would advise you
to stick Pikachu straight into the binder anyway)
Combos with: the flavour text is amusing, so combo
Pikachu with an appreciative note to the design team
followed by a rapid transfer to a binder.
Garage |
4/25/11: Pikachu(Black & White)
So this here Pikachu is the only Pokemon in this set
that is from the previous 4 generations. Of course, it
would be a Pikachu, who certainly doesn't get nearly
enough cards printed off of it.
Sarcasm aside, this is a fairly decent Pikachu. Energize
is the sort of attack you fight on any half-decent
Pikachu, which accelerates energy. Just because quite a
few Pikachu have it, though(HGSS Promo Pikachu has a
similar attack, I believe), doesn't make it any less
useful, given how pretty much every Raichu has to
discard energy for its attack. Thunderbolt is really
good, and even though the energy discard is bad, how
often do you see evolving basics doing 80 damage? Combee
UD could with a damaged Vespiquen and a Combee that's
not dead because of its 30 HP, Torchic PL could, if you
gave it a turn to Focus Energy, and even then it's a
flip, and then of course there's Shuppet. I don't think
Pikachu's going to become the next Shuppet, but I do
think it'll be a handy tool for any Raichu deck in the
Limited: 3.75/5(Good luck pulling this, but if you
Combos With: Raichu Prime