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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Scolipede #54/114
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
April 26, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.90
Limited: 2.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Scolipede 54/114
Yesterday’s card was cute and cuddly Pikachu. Today’s is
anything but cute and cuddly. If you disagree and find
8ft long poisonous centipedes appealing . . . well then
you’re just plain weird.
Scolipede is a Stage 2 Pokémon with a massive 150 HP.
It’s starting to look as if 130 HP on a Stage 2 might
not be standard any more. Being a Psychic Type has its
good and bad side: these Pokémon tend to hit both
Psychic and Fighting Pokémon for Weakness, but at the
same time, their own Psychic Weakness leaves them
vulnerable to a commonly played type. No Resistance (as
usual), and a horrible Retreat cost of three won’t do
much to endear this card to players either.
So, what about the attacks? Well, they are both quite
expensive. The first, Steamroller, does 60 damage for
three Energy of any Colour (Double Colourless comes in
handy here). Although the output is mediocre, the fact
that Resistance cannot be applied to this attack is a
nice bonus. There are a number of playable cards that
Resist Psychic (Tyranitar Prime, Steelix Prime, Dialga
G, Absol), and this effect would be very useful against
them. Poison Claws ups the attack cost quite a bit to
[P][P][C][C] (at least that DCE will still come in
handy), does 80 damage and inflicts Poison (big
surprise!). That’s not completely terrible and
may even be considered decent once all the one-Energy
attackers get rotated out of the format. For now though,
it’s too much cost for too little damage.
And that’s the problem with Scolipede all round really.
You couldn’t say it was a bad card but, apart from the
HP, nothing really stands out and makes you want to play
it. In a superfast format like the one we have now, it’s
obviously going to get slaughtered by the likes of SP
and Gyarados, but even in the future I suspect there
will be plenty of Pokémon around that can hit harder and
faster than Scolipede.
Modified: 2 (not bad, but not good enough either)
Limited: 3 (if you pull a decent line, it’s a bit of a
Garage |
4/26/11: Scolipede(Black & White)
It's a centipede. Eh...Centipedes are kind of freaky.
Especially when they're 8 feet tall.
Scolipede continues the trend set by Emboar last week,
that being the continued rise of HP. Perhaps 150 will
become the norm for Stage 2s after a while? Like Emboar,
however, the attacks are too overcosted in this format
to be of any use. Steamroller is pretty basic, though I
suppose that, given the colorless energy requirement,
Scolipede could be used one day as a tech to OHKO any
Psychic types. You know, if you're into running Stage 2
techs for some reason, which I'm not, but someone else
probably could. Then there's Poison Claws, which is a
pretty generic 'attack for damage and poison' attack.
This attack, I'm not so fond of, because 4 energy is
where I draw the line, especially when it's not all
colorless. In theory, Scolipede could just tank with its
above-average HP and forget about its below-average
attacks, but there's better options for tanks, even in a
different format.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Scolipede (Black and White)
Hey Pojo readers, today we have the toughest bug since
Drapion. Which admittedly wasn't a Bug type, but it sure
looked like one. It seems purple mutant creepy crawlies
always look awesome in Poke'mon. Let's hear it for
First on the agenda, the vital statistics. Scolipede is
a Psychic type Stage 2 with 150 HP, Psychic weakness, a
retreat cost of 3 and two attacks.
Aside from that monstrous HP (I'm sensing a theme here,
it seems the bar has been raised again from the 140 HP
common to Platinum Arceus and the HGSS block) Scolipede
doesn't have mcuh to recommend it. That weakness, while
expected for a VG Poison type, can be abused by Gengar
SF, the pixie trio and Nidoqueen RR to make 2HKOs pretty
easy. That means Scolipede won't have time to power its
attacks before it gets discarded, although that HP
should last a long time against any non-Psychic
attackers. Add the retreat cost (expected but still
heavy) which means Poison, Confusion and Burn are a
serious danger (pack Switch or Metagross UL) and you
know the attacks have to be brilliant or Scolipede hits
the binder because it is too easily countered.
Sadly the attacks are sub-par. Psychic weakness is still
pretty common so the damage does get boosted but both
Steamroller and Posion Claws are too expensive to be any
Steamroller costs [c][c][c] and deals 60 damage which
ignores resistance but not other effects on the
Defending Poke'mon. Since Psychic Resistance is the most
common type (found on most Metal and Dark type cards)
this is a good effect to have, but the cost is too
expensive to allow a quick build. Even with Double
Colourless Energy, you will need 2 turns to power
Steamroller up, at which point you will probably be the
one getting steamrolled.
The damage is also a major letdown, as even if you get
to attack you won't be getting an OHKO against anything
but evolving Basics and Psychic-weak Stage 1 Poke'mon.
20 damage per energy just doesn't cut it anymore except
on single energy attacks so Steamroller fails in evry
Posion Claws is more of the same, costing [p][p][c][c]
for 80 damage and auto-Poison. Everything I just wrote
about Steamroller applies here as well, with the added
problems of resistance lowering your damage outout and
the need for specific energy slowing you down even more.
I have never seen a playable version of any attack
titled Poison Claws, even though Poison is the most
reliable (and easy to inflict) Special Condition in the
The HP is awesome and being a Psychic type is great for
hitting weakness and if Scolipede had attacks worth
using you could overlook the retreat cost and weakness
(or use Metagross UL and Exploud SV to remove them). But
as things stand this bug looks mean and nothing more.
Stash it in the binder and pray for a better release.
Modified: 1.5 (Matsuada Fukuda gets major kudos for such
fearsome looking artwork but the card is a failure)
Limited: 2 (Steamroller is purely Colourless and the
weakness isn't much of a problem with few Psychic type
cards in Black & White, but Reshiram and Zekrom are
still going to rip Scolipede apart even with 150 HP)
Combos with: a redesign and later release so that
Scolipede gets the respect it deserves.
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo viewers! Today we continue our BW
reviews with a new Stage 2 Psychic-type in the set.
Today's Card of the Day is Scolipede.
Scolipede is a Stage 2 Psychic Pokemon. Psychics are
commonly seen in Modified with the use of Uxie, Mesprit,
and Azelf along with different types of Gengar and the
random Skuntank/Toxicroak G. 150 HP is amazing for a
Stage 2, meaning that Scolipede should be able to take a
few hits quite easily. Psychic Weakness is to be
expected, since Scolipede is a Poison-type in the video
games. For cards, however, this means that one should
watch out for Gengar and Uxie Lv. X in Modified, and for
the mirror match in Limited. No Resistance is pretty
unfortunate but not wholly unexpected, and a Retreat
Cost of 3 is huge, but is somewhat expected for a huge
Scolipede has two attacks: Steamroller and Poison Claws.
Steamroller does 60 damage for three Colorless Energy,
ignoring Resistance. This can be good against opposing
Steel-types, or anything else that has Psychic
Resistance. The Energy cost makes it especially good for
Limited play, as it means that Scolipede is easily
splashable into decks utilizing a few Psychic Energy.
Poison Claws, on the other hand, does 80 damage for two
Psychic and two Colorless, and automatically Poisons the
Defending Pokemon. This is great because like
Steamroller, it can utilize Double Colorless Energy, and
the damage output is decent for its cost (although we're
used to much more in Modified).
Modified: 2/5 Scolipede won't be making a major splash
in the MD-on format, but I think it might be playable in
later formats, especially in a format like HGSS-on. It
has enough HP to be effective, especially in a format
without a lot of disruption. It could be especially good
if someone figures out a way to tank with it. However,
for the time being, its attacks don't do quite enough to
make a major impact.
Limited: 4/5 Scolipede is great here. 150 HP is massive
in Limited, meaning you should even be able to survive
two attacks from Reshiram and Zekrom. Furthermore,
Steamroller uses only Colorless Energy, allowing it to
be splashed into any deck, and while Poison Claws is
expensive, it gives high-output reliable damage,
something that is somewhat rare in the Limited format.
The only downside of course is that it's a Stage 2 and
you'll have to draft all of the lines as well, but if
you get a line, you should consider at least running a
few Psychic Energy for it. |