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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Zoroark #71/114
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
April 28, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.67
Limited: 3.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Zoroark 71/114
Today we look at a very
interesting Pokémon. There’s some complicated rulings
stuff coming up in this review, so pay attention – there
may be questions afterwards. (Or not).
Let’s do the easy stuff first though.
Zoroark is a Stage 1 with a respectable 100 HP, a manageable Retreat cost
of one, and a handy Resistance to Psychic. So far, so
fairly good. The big downside is Fighting Weakness,
which makes Zoroark easy prey for cards like Donphan
Prime and Promo Toxicroak G. Fighting is a popular type
so it’s very unlikely that it will ever be a good
Nasty Plot is Zoroark’s first attack, and it’s nothing whatsoever like
the Nasty Plot you get in the video games. Instead of an
attack boost, you get to search your deck for a card and
put it into your hand. Is it really worth an attack to
do this? Well, no . . . but if it’s all you can do, it’s
never going to be a bad thing, and at least it’s cheap,
costing just a single Dark Energy.
Now we get on to the tricky part. Zoroark’s second attack, Foul Play,
costs [C][C] and allows Zoroark to copy one of the
Defending Pokémon’s attack and use it. Note that it
doesn’t say ANYTHING about needing the correct Energy to
use the attack. You are perfectly free to copy (for
example) Charizard AR’s Burning Tail without having
[R][R][C]. What’s more (and this is the important bit)
you don’t have to
discard any Energy either,
unless you had
Energy of that type attached to Zoroark! There are
two exceptions to this rule: firstly, if an attack tells
you to do something ‘or the attack does nothing’, then
you must fulfil that condition; secondly, if you are
able to meet the condition you must do so – for example,
Zoroark will always be able to discard two Energy when
using Foul Play to copy Garchomp C LV X’s Dragon Rush
Sounds great, doesn’t it? And it sort of is. Zoroark is great at taking
on Pokémon with huge expensive attacks for the cost of a
single Double Colourless. Unfortunately, because it is
utterly dependant on copying attacks, it is not really
viable as a main attacker by itself. Instead, Zoroark
will most likely see play as a tech that can be used to
counter big hitters like tomorrow’s review Pokémon.
Modified: 3.25 (could be a star tech of the next format)
Limited: 3 (not so much to copy here, but it is a handy counter to the
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Today's card is Zoroark, and it looks set to do
justice to the hype Zoroark has been receiving from the
media. It seems every 5th generation collectible has a
Zoroark on it somewhere. Is it just me or is Zoroark the
new Lucario?
The stats: Zoroark is a Dark type non-evolving Stage 1
with 100 HP, Fighting weakness, Psychic resistance, a
retreat cost of 1 and two attacks.
Obviously Zoroark has to be brilliant to justify use
since non-evolving Stage 1 Poke'mon have much lower
offensive power and survivability than their Stage 2
counterparts. 100 HP just makes the grade (you'll
probably survive a single hit) and the resistance is
great but the weakness makes Zoroark far too easy to KO
if you come up against Machamp SF or Donphan Prime. With
no Abilities for support or offense to justify Zoroark's
existence, what do the attacks do?
Nasty Plot costs [d] and allows you to search your deck
for any one card and put it into your hand. Obviously a
free search with no additional costs is awesome and can
net you that one card you desperately need, but since
you are attacking for the effect (and thus ending your
turn) your opponent gets a chance to disrupt your hand
before you can play the card you searched out.
Also, we have decent draw power available with Uxie LA,
Professor Juniper and Ninetales HGSS all providing
enough draw to get any card you might need without the
need to attack. If you can remember when Furret SW came
out with a free attack to search for any 2 cards from
your deck (a much stronger attack than Nasty Plot),
players loved it until Claydol GE was released and gave
greater consistency with the excellent Cosmic Draw
Poke-power (which did not use up your attack for the
turn as an added bonus). In the end Nasty Plot is good,
even great, but it has too much competition to be played
for its own sake.
Since we have a very useful but overshadowed first
attack, we need a brilliant second attack for Zoroark to
avoid the binder.
The second attack, Foul Play, fits the theme of Dark
Poke'mon in general and Zoroark in particular. The cost
is [c][c] and the effect is to copy one of the attacks
on the Defending Poke'mon. Obviously you can do some
serious damage with this attack in the right situation,
and copying your opponent's attacks is always fun
because it adds an element of unpredicatbility to your
strategy. That and throwing an opponent's favourite
attack back in their face always makes me feel warm and
As cool as the effect is, there are several problems
with the attack . Most of them revolve around rulings
that haven't yet been made about this card, so doing a
proper review is going to be difficult.
The first potential problem is the cost. I don't know if
you have to meet the cost of the attack you are copying
as well as the cost of Foul Play. The cost for Foul Play
is cheap, but that advantage is wasted if you have to
use a bunch of Rainbow Energy to copy another attack.
Personally I think you are only going to have to pay for
Foul Play itself and ignore the cost of the copied
attack, but if that proves untrue then Zoroark is doomed
to be binder fodder.
The next possible problem is again to do with costs. If
you don't have to pay the energy cost of the target
attack, do you still have to pay other costs like
discards and self damage? Attacks that discard energy
are likely to be impossible for you to use because you
won't have the necessary energy attached to discard, and
self damaging attacks will also be difficult to use
since they will cut into your 100 HP very quickly.
On that track, if you copy an attack that discards all
of a certain energy attached to the Poke'mon using the
attack (discarding all [r] energy to use Emboar BW's
Flare Blitz, for example) do you still have to discard
even if you don't have any energy of that type (in which
case your attack fails) or do you get to use the attack
for free?
My personal guess is that additional costs such as
discarding cards and self damage will be applied when
copying an attack with Foul Play, just like helful added
effects like draw, search and disruption. My word isn't
gospel however, so if you plan to use Zoroark check for
current rulings when they become available.
A somewhat annoying problem is that when you are copying
an attack from the defending Poke'mon, the overwhelming
majority of attacks you copy will damage that same
Defending Poke'mon in some way. While damage and Knock
Outs are the point of the game, when you KO the current
Defending Pokemon you won't have access to its attacks
anymore. Sadly it is just the cost of doing business,
but it will still be frustrating that when you find a
good attack to clone you will lose it as soon as you
finish hitting the owner of said attack.
The fourth and biggest problem with Foul Play is that
your opponent will be likely be able to use their
attacks more effectively than you can by copying them.
For example, if Zoroark comes up against a Charizard PA
you won't be able to get the same damage bonuses that
the Charizard player can (even if you can pay the
discard cost to copy Charizard's Burning Tail). As
another example, if you face a Tyranitar SF you will be
getting minimal damage from Grind (Zoroark's HP is too
low to invest a lot of energy) while your opponent can
stack on the energy for major damage, or if you copy
Spinning Tail you are dealing decent spread but you
still aren't dealing a lot of damage to Tyranitar itself
which will counterattack and wipe you out. Then there
are possible matchups against Ditto LA and Mew Prime,
both of which will make you want to bang your head
against the table because your opponent will be using
attacks you can't copy.
Zoroark will suffer greatly whenever it does not have
access to an attack it can abuse, allowing your opponent
to play around you and deny you any good offensive
options (you can still use Nasty Plot to great effect
when Foul Play isn't an option though). Also, Zoroark
has very little access to damage bonuses, since you
won't often hit for weakness and you won't want to use a
Special Darkness Energy. Even worse, there is no
guarantee you will even deal damage because the attack
you copy may drop damage counters or inflict some other
alternative effect instead of straight damage.
There are some major upsides to Foul Play that I should
mention. If you don't have to pay the same energy cost
as your opponent to attack, Foul Play allows you quick
access to your opponent's more powerful attacks before
they can use them against you, giving you a cheap and
powerful (if very situational) attacker.
The same idea can be applied to disruptive attacks,
although generally you will be paying more energy than
your your opponent since the only good disruptive
attacks are the cheap ones.
Copying a snipe attack is definitely one of the biggest
upsides to Foul Play. Even after paying any additional
costs, using a heavy snipe attack to hit the target of
your choice is awesome, especially as you will almost
certainly be paying less energy to attack than your
opponent AND you can copy the attack turn after turn,
rather than using it once and losing it because you KO'd
the Poke'mon you were copying. Just watch that your
opponent doesn't snipe you out of existence first.
Garchomp C and Balstoise UL may have great sniping
attacks to clone but you can bet your collection that
your opponent will be using those snipes on you!
In the final analysis, Foul Play is good enough
alongside Nasty Plot that I would recommend running a
1-1 line of Zoroark in any mono Dark deck, such as
Tyranitar or Houndoom/Weavile. The speed and surprise
Zoroark will bring to the table along with the decent
stats mean that even if you don't get much mileage out
of Foul Play in a particular match, you will still get
your money's worth from Nasty Plot. And when Foul Play
can be abused in other matches, you will be damned glad
you included it in your deck list.
When definite rulings are released for Foul Play Zoroark
may well become broken and become a centrepiece in its
own future deck, or it could go the other way and find
itself marked as binder fodder that is all the more
disappointing because it came so close to being
playable. If the rulings go the way I think they will as
I wrote above, then Zoroark will be worth playing but
won't be a must run until a future format with slower
avearge setup makes Nasty Plot nigh on unbeatable. Only
time will tell which way the chips fall, but I like this
Modified: 3.75 (this is a tentative score until I know
what the rulings are, but at a guess this card just
makes it into the 'tournament viable' category)
Limited: 4 (Nasty Plot rules here and Foul Play has
plenty of good targets, especially as your opponent
probably won't have the energy they need for their
biggest attacks and won't able to move around as much to
deny you access to good targets. Just watch for Reshiram
and Zekrom, who both have more HP than Zoroark and
powerful attacks that are difficult to copy)
Combos with: a big brutish attacker that benefits from
Nasty Plot and can take over when Zoroark is being
blocked or outgunned. Something like Tyranitar Prime or
Tyranitar SF would fit the bill.
Garage |
4/28/11: Zoroark(Black & White)
Now we're getting to some really interesting cards! The
biggest thing that's been hyped with Zoroark is his 2nd
attack, Foul Play, which looks to be the closest thing
to reprinting the original Jungle Clefable, a somewhat
popular card amongst older players, and an all-around
cool concept, in my opinion. Granted, it takes 1 more
energy to use(a rare case of attacks becoming more
expensive), but there's still Double Colorless Energy to
help with the cost, plus it keeps possibly the most
important effect from Clefable, that being that attacks
that require you to discard energy are ignored, if it
specifies a type of energy. So, as I understand it, if
Zoroark copied Garchomp C's Dragon Rush, it'd have to
discard 2 Energy, since it doesn't specify an energy
type, but if you copied, say, Emboar's Flare Blitz
attack, Zoroark wouldn't have to discard any energy, as
long as it doesn't have any Fire energy attached. It's
unclear whether this would be useful in the current
format, due to most playable Pokemon having super-cheap
attacks these days, but it could have some uses. If
nothing else, it could kill a Gengar or two by copying
Poltergeist, and avoiding Fainting Spell flips.
But that's not all to the card! While Foul Play gets
most of the hype, and deservedly so, Nasty Plot also has
its uses. Yeah, there was a Furret from the previous the
format who had a similar attack, except was twice as
effective and required no energy, but then, Furret was
exclusively a support Pokemon, whereas Zoroark has the
tools to hold its own in battle(provided your opponent
has the tools as well). The point is, Nasty Plot is a
nifty attack, and should by no means be overlooked.
Modified: 3.75/5
Limited: 4.5/5 |