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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Gastly Lv. 14
Date Reviewed:
April 4, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.75
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: Gengar Line
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hello and welcome to a new week of
CotD. Still no Black and White card, but luckily
one of the other reviewers came up with the best idea
yet for a theme week: evolving Pokémon that are actually
quite good.
We kick off with one that you will
have seen a lot of in tournaments:
Gastly SF. Of course, the reason people use it is
because it evolves into Gengar
SF, Gengar Prime, and less
frequently Gengar AR, but as
Basics go this one has a lot more to offer than most.
That is almost entirely down to
Gastly’s first attack,
Pitch-Dark. For no Energy, you get no damage but you do
stop your opponent from playing Trainers on their next
turn. This does two very good things: firstly, it slows
your opponent down: no SP Radar, no Luxury Ball, no Rare
Candy etc. secondly, it hopefully means that they will
have a hand full of Trainers for when you get to use
Gengar SF’s Poltergeist
attack, which does 30 damage for each Trainer, Supporter
and Stadium they are holding.
Put Gastly
(and the Gengar line,
obviously) in a deck with Spiritomb
AR and Vileplume UD and you
have something that is capable of denying their opponent
Trainers for an entire match, one way or the other (it’s
called Vilegar and it wins
its fair share of tournaments). It’s also a very
effective way of making sure that
Uxie Donk decks never
get to go off and grab the one-turn win. If
Gastly has a downside it’s
that the low-ish HP makes
him very donkable . . .
especially if he runs into Sableye
who is pretty much Gastly’s
worst nightmare, thanks to its Dark Weakness.
Nevertheless, in terms of what it
can do for you, and the synergy it has with its Stage 2,
Gastly is still one of (if
not the) best evolving Basics in the format.
Modified: 3 (very useful Basic to
start with, but at the end of the day, it’s still there
to evolve)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Gastly (Stormfront)
Well, the malevolent little ball of gas has come a long
way since the utter failure that was Base Set Gastly.
This week we are reviewing evolving Poke'mon who offer
something worth using rather than just being a stepping
stone and I am happy to say that Gastly has made that
very short list.
Gastly's vital statististics are being a Psychic type
evolving Basic with 50 HP, +10 Dark weakness, Colourless
resistance, a retreat cost of 1 and 2 attacks. Sableye
SF is your worst nightmare if you have to start with
Gastly, but otherwise the 50 HP should buy you the 1
turn you need to evolve. Don't expect to last any longer
than that against a good setup, though.
Gastly has a good attack and a great attack, so I'm
going to save the best for last. Trick Gas costs [p] and
deals 10 damage, with the option of switching Gastly for
one of your Benched Poke'mon. The best way I have found
to use this attack is to bait and switch for Smeargle UD
or Spiritomb PA (when they have an Unown Q attached) so
that you can deal damage while using Portrait or
Keystone Seal. Of course this doesn't do much damage
(especially against Psychic resistance) and Spiritomb
users will most likely stick with Darkness Grace, but it
is a nice option to have. Especially if you need to get
away from Chatot MD or some other card that stops you
from retreating normally.
Pitch-dark is the other ttack, and it's one of those
lovely free attacks that I really want to see return to
the game. Free setup attacks rule, as do free disruption
attacks and Pitch-dark is smack-bang in the middle of
the second group. During your opponent's next turn they
can't play and Trainer cards from their hand which is
awesome when you look at the damage Gengar SF can do
with a mass of unusable Trainer cards trapped in your
opponent's hand. Even if you are running a LostGar deck
that doesn't take advantage of Poltergeist, disrupting
your opponent's Trainer usage gives you more time to
setup and gain the advantage. Best of all, Pitch-dark
gives you a better chance of a good start since it can
substitute for Spiritomb PA's Keystone Seal when you
don't have the little tombstone in your starting hand.
Gastly should still be evolved into Haunter and Gengar
as quickly as possible but if for some reason things
aren't going your way, Gastly can help you avoid getting
completely demolished while you recover.
Modified: 4 (If you play a Gengar in your deck, this is
the Gastly to use. And plenty of people play Gengar)Limited:
4 (Gengar is awesome here too, and there are plenty of
awesome Trainer cards that were released in Stormfront
so Pitch-dark is still awesome) |
conical |
4/4/11: Gastly(Stormfront)
Welcome to the next theme week: Evolving Basic Week!
Yes, we're looking at those cards you use to get to your
awesome Stage 1s and Stage 2s. A lot of these cards are
commonly seen, but some of them are more obscure.
But not today's card: Gastly! And what makes this Gastly
so good? Well, you just need to look at its first
attack: Pitch-Dark. Given the success of Dialga G and
Vileplume, it's no surprise that Gastly's
Trainer-locking attack also has its uses, especially in
Vileplume/Gengar lists. If you run max Gastly and
Spiritomb(which you should in VileGar), you have 8 cards
in your deck that can set up a Trainer lock turn 1. And
while Spiritomb is the more ideal starter, because of
Darkness Grace, Pitch-Dark may be the better Trainer
lock, since you can't break the lock by forcing Gastly
out of the active slot via Cyclone Energy/Regice LA,
like with Spiritomb. Overall, Gastly is definitely one
of the best evolving basics in the format, and yet
another useful tool in any Gengar deck's arsenal.
Modified: 4.25/5
Limited: 3/5
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo viewers! We have another theme
week for you all this week, and this time we're going to
be looking at useful Basics (and a Stage 1) that can
evolve that have been used in popular/good decks over
the past few years, and can be integral pieces to those
said decks on their own. Today, we are going to start
this week by reviewing Gastly from Stormfront.
Gastly is a Basic Psychic Pokemon. Psychic Pokemon are
common in today's Modified metagame, with Gengar (where
Gastly is used) and the pixies all around regularly. 50
HP is just about average for an evolving Basic, so it
should be able to survive at the beginning of the game,
barring a Sableye with a Darkness Energy on your
opponent's end. Weakness to Darkness can be problematic
if your meta has a lot of Dark techs, but since it's
just +10, that's not so bad. Colorless Resistance is
great against the likes of Garchomp C, although Dragon
Rush will still OHKO. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1 is
decent, and easily payable.
Gastly has two attacks: Pitch Dark, and Trick Gas. Pitch
Dark is the main reason why Gastly sees play, as it
stops your opponent from playing Trainers on their next
turn for free, which is amazing in VileGar builds that
are reliant on your opponent having many Trainers in
hand. It has the additional benefit of keeping your
opponent from setting up, especially because denying
them that crucial Poke Turn, Rare Candy, or Energy Gain
can really cause some problems for your opponent, while
allowing you to stall for a bit to get out your Gengar
and Vileplume, especially if you didn't get a Spiritomb
Trick Gas, Gastly's other attack, does 10 damage for a
single Psychic Energy, and you are able to switch Gastly
with one of your Benched Pokemon after doing damage.
This probably won't be that useful in most cases, but if
you find a reason to switch, it could be helpful. Most
of the time, however, you should probably stick with
using Pitch Dark.
Modified: 4/5 The rating is obviously for use in a
Gengar deck. It's easily the best Gastly available in
Modified right now, because it fits the synergy of the
rest of the VileGar deck so perfectly. Even in LostGar
builds, this is probably the Gastly of choice.
Limited: 2.5/5 If you draft a Gengar line here, you
should definitely use it. Even if you don't, it still
could be useful to stop your opponent from using their
Trainers, although low HP and a relative lack of
Trainers in Limited makes that kind of a letdown.