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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Date Reviewed:
April 8, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.87
Limited: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
OK, here is a real
strange one. Most evolving cards,
however good they are, are the support
act to the main event – the evolution.
With Cubone,
however, it is the other way around.
TM is the mediocre and uninteresting
card that just seems to exist to give
power to its Basic form.
This is because of
Lonely Bone PokeBody. For
every Marowak
in the discard pile, attack damage done
to Cubone is
reduced by 20. It’s not hard to discard
with cards like Junk Arm and
Regice and
with a full set
gone, it means that
reduces damage done to it by a massive
80 points, making it a really tough
OHKO, especially if it has an Expert
Belt attached.
So, can
Cubone Tank
work as a deck? You’re joking, right?
With only 40 HP, you don’t even need to
attack to KO it half the time.
Crobat G
Flash Bites and/or Poison damage will
take care of it very quickly. So will
any attack that places damage counters
(see Gengar
SF for details). Thanks to
Water Weakness,
Gyarados doesn’t care if it has
Marowak in
the discard pile or not, and I haven’t
even mentioned
Dialga G LV X yet: a commonly
played card that basically flushes the
whole of Cubone’s
strategy down the toilet by negating the
Even if none of the
above were true,
Cubone’s actual attack is so lame
(unless you are
extremely lucky with coin flips),
that it will
struggle to take any Prizes at all. Even
more so than your opponent will against
a fully-tanked
I give
Cubone bonus
points for originality and uniqueness,
but at the end of the day, it’s just a
bad gimmick card.
Modified: 1.5 (I
suppose it might be fun for casual play.
But that’s it)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Cubone (HS Triumphant)
Unlike Call of Legends, HS Triumphant has had a great
reception in the Poke'mon TCG. Today's card is one of
the more quirky offerings from that set, Cubone.
Just on a side note, you may want to watch out for Call
of Legends cards when department stores put them on
sale. Unsold cards get destroyed, which means CoD cards
may well become scarce in a couple of years, making them
a decent investment for collectors. Players should still
stay well clear of that set.
Back to the review. Cubone is a Fighting type evolving
Basic with 40 HP, Water weakness, Lightning resistance,
A retreat cost of 1, a Poke-body and an attack. The 40
HP is a death sentence and the resistance can't make up
for that, so evolve Cubone immediately after you play
it. The retreat cost is payable but Cubone should never
be Active to retreat in the first place.
The attack, Bone Rush, is nearly uselss as it costs
[c][c] and requires very lucky flips, as well as being a
victim of the somewhat common resistance to Fighting.
Since it is a "flip until you get Tails" attack with 20
damage per Heads, you may just get lucky enough to take
a surprise KO but you will almost never be that lucky.
Investing the energy to attack with Cubone is just a
waste (due to the ease of taking Cubone out) so don't
ever put Cubone Active. I mean it, don't ever put the
little mumma's boy out front.
The Poke-body is only (relatively) good thing about this
card. For each Marowak in your discard pile, Lonely Bone
will reduce incoming damage to Cubone by 20 (other
effects are still applied as normal). While this might
seem great as a tanking ability and discarding a few
Marowak cards from your hand is easy in the current
format, we are also in a format dominated by cards that
drop damage counters which will go right through Lonely
Bone and shred that terrible 40 HP. Also, plenty of
Water decks will easily deal enough damage to bulldoze
right through the damage reduction with the help of
weakness, and plenty of decks can snipe around Cubone
while you are stuck with using the mostly ineffective
No, despite what some people have tried, running Cubone
as a tank is a terrible idea. lonely Bone is good for
coping with the low HP and keeping Cubone alive a little
longer, but only if you run a swarm of Marowak cards in
your deck. Then, whenever you lose one of your Marowak
cards your remaining Cubone cards get a boost. The lack
of a playable Marowak is what makes this card
unplayable, though the 40 HP is enough to make me want
to use the Legends Awakened version anyway. If only the
Poke-body could be applied to the evolved Marowak, we
might have a workable tank. Until and unless we get a
playable Marowak however, this is just an interesting
failure. Even with a Marowak worth using that may still
prove true.
Modified: 1.5 (No playable evolutions and terrible HP
make this card interesting but unusable)
Limited: 2 (Marowak is decent in this format but Cubone
is still limited in it's effectivenness. At least the
attack is Colourless)
Combos with: an overhaul and rerelease.
conical |
4/8/11: Cubone(Triumphant)
Cubone is one of the few evolving basics in the format
who could become archetypes on their own. Others would
include Shuppet PL and Combee UD.
So what makes card potentially playable is its Body,
which reduces damage dealt to Cubone for each discarded
Marowak. Certainly, there are enough cards that let you
discard cards, in order to get Marowak into the discard
pile. Gyarados generally uses like, 3-4 of them alone.
There are a few problems, though, which is why it is not
as good as Gyarados.
The first of which is that unlike Gyarados, who relies
on discarding Magikarp, a basic, Cubone has to discard
Marowak, an evolution. This doesn't immediately sound
like a problem, but keep in mind that Pokemon Collector,
one of the best cards in the game, and a card Gyarados
decks rely on heavily to search out Magikarps, only
targets basics. The only comparable card for evolutions
would be Professor Elm's Training Method, which only
searches out one evolution at a time.
The more obvious problem, though, is the HP. While
reducing damage is nice and all, it might not matter
much, since Cubone only has 40 HP. It can be boosted
with Expert Belt and Snowpoint Temple, but trying to set
up all that, along with discarding Marowaks, and the
fact that the attack is rather mediocre, means that this
isn't very playable. Cool concept, though.
Limited: 2.25/5
virusyosh |
Good day, Pojo viewers! Today we end our week of
useful evolving Basics by reviewing a card that doesn't
see a whole lot of play, but has some very interesting
abilities and could make a very fun League deck. Today's
Card of the Day is Cubone from HS - Triumphant.
Cubone is a Basic Fighting Pokemon. Fighting Pokemon are
commonly seen in Modified, usually in the form of
Machamp, Promo Toxicroak G, and Donphan Prime. 40 HP is
pretty low for any Basic, but luckily, Cubone's
Poke-Body makes up for its shortcomings there. Double
Water Weakness means that you are at the mercy of
Gyarados and Kingdra, but Lightning Resistance is great
against Luxray and Magnezone. Finally, a Retreat Cost of
one is affordable.
Cubone has a very interesting Poke-Body, Lonely Bone,
and one attack, Bone Rush. Lonely Bone reduces damage to
Cubone by 20 for each Marowak in your discard pile. This
means that if you have a full 4 Marowaks in the discard
pile, Cubone can have up to 80 damage reduced! Combine
this with Expert Belt and Snowpoint Temple, and you can
have a rather hilarious tanking deck going that might be
fun for league. It's not really viable in Modified as
Cubone's attack is unreliable, Gyarados destroys it
regardless of damage reduction, and Gengar can easily
just place damage counters, but if you want a change of
pace for a fun league deck, give it a shot.
Speaking of Cubone's attack, Bone Rush allows you to
flip a coin until you get tails, doing 20 damage for
each heads you flip for two Colorless Energy. Again,
this attack is very unreliable, but I suppose if you are
very lucky, you may be able to score some KOs.
Modified: 2/5 The Cubone deck idea won't really work
here, but if there is eventually a Marowak that is
Modified viable, this will be the Cubone of choice,
because damage reduction is always great.
Limited: 2.5/5 If you draft multiple Marowaks, Cubone
can be useful here. Lonely Bone probably won't trigger
very often unless you draft Marowaks, as well as having
the willingness to get rid of those cards. Even still,
Cubone's attack is Colorless, so it could be a passable
but unreliable Fighting tech if, for example, your deck
has a big Fighting weakness.
Combos With: Marowak (any), Junk Arm, Regice LA, cards
that discard (for the silly deck idea)