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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Beartic #30
Emerging Powers
Date Reviewed:
August 18, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.25
Limited: 4.10
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Otaku |
It’s time to look at
Beartic (30/98), or rather one of
the two versions of the card currently
is a Stage 1 Water-Type Pokémon.
Ignoring all the Big Basic
Pokémon we seem to be getting these last
two sets, this format is great for Stage
1 Pokémon.
Stage 2 Pokémon still are
important to many decks, and even are
usually the focus of their respective
deck, however they either are too
important or slow to be a deck’s main
Being a Water-Type Pokémon does
Beartic to tap a few cards of
Water-Type support, which is actually
good considering this format has few
cards that support the Pokémon-Type (as
opposed to Energy-Type).
Perhaps more important is the low
occurrence of Water Resistance (with
even few of those Pokémon seeing play)
and the very high usage of Water Weak
Fire- and Fighting-Type Pokémon.
has 130 HP, which seems to be extremely
good for a Stage 1 Pokémon now.
Good but not great – something
known for having a large HP score like
Blissey or
Wailord still clocks in another 20
or 30 points higher, but at 130 HP
Beartic already has more HP than the
smaller Stage 2 Pokémon, and actually
ties what appears to be the new
“low-average” of the Black & White
Functionally he’ll survive all
but the biggest, most destructive
attacks unless they tag his Weakness,
and he might even survive two hits
before going down even without support.
has the somewhat rare Metal-Type
Weakness, which is probably the second
or third best Weakness to have: none
would obviously be the best and both
Grass- and Metal-Type Pokémon seem to be
struggling to field a tournament winning
deck in this format.
The lack of Resistance is
disappointing (but not crippling)
however the massive three Energy Retreat
Cost is a major concern and could be an
even bigger problem now that players can
reliably mess with your field via
Pokémon Catcher (BW: Emerging
Powers 95/98).
has two attacks: Sheer Cold and Icicle
Sheer Cold requires (WCC) to use,
and thanks to being
Double Colorless Energy compliant it
is a reasonably fast attack to use.
You’ll hit for 50 points of
damage, which isn’t that great for a
fully Evolved Stage 2 paying out three
Energy, but the attack has the added
effect of simply preventing your
opponent from attacking during their
next turn.
This puts your opponent in a
bind: not attack is quite, quite bad and
will quickly result in you pulling ahead
in Prizes, so the only real option is to
burn resources by forcing a change in
Active Pokémon.
On its own this isn’t a brilliant
attack, but it shows promise.
Icicle Crash on the other hand feels a
little overpriced, as it does just 80
points of damage for (WWCC).
The good news is that it too is
Double Colorless Energy compliant
and it also has an additional effect of
ignoring Resistance.
Water Resistance isn’t really all
that common, so while it is a nice bonus
to have it will seldom matter without a
major shake-up in the metagame or actual
As of now (or rather BW: Emerging
Powers becoming tournament legal)
there are two options for
Cubchoo to run (28/98 and 29/98).
Both are 70 HP Basic Water
Pokémon with Metal Weakness, no
Resistance, and chunky (for Basic
Pokémon) two Energy Retreat Costs.
29/98 can do 30 for (WW) and that
is not especially helpful; I recommend
28/98 because for (W) it can do 10 and
potentially put the Defending Pokémon to
Sleep or for (CC) it can put itself to
Sleep and heal up to 60 points of
Since its job is too Evolve and
it’s only attacking first turn or in a
worst case scenario, the latter seems
First I will point out it might have not
be bad for general usage. Simply back it
up with a few Pokémon your opponent
doesn’t want to force Active and also to
spam your opponent with
Crush Hammer (BW: Emerging Powers
92/98) and
Lost Remover (Call of Legends
80/95) while making sure you’re
hammering on the biggest threat (thanks
Pokémon Catcher).
It helps that half the major
Energy acceleration Pokémon are Water
Ideally (and perhaps
unrealistically) you’ll be able to
prevent anything from being powered up
to where it can hit hard, and hitting
Beartic will require using
Pokémon Catcher twice,
Switch twice, etc.
If they use a single
Pokémon Catcher, they get to hit
something like
Zekrom (Black & White 47/114,
114/114) which you’ll conveniently drop
Double Colorless Energy (or second
Energy if you can spare one ahead of
time) and shift gears to abusing
Outrage. Yet again your opponent must
push for OHKOs.
It should be noted that as Sheer
Cold seems to be the more valuable
attack, you really only need to provide
a single (W) Energy to use this card.
Rainbow Energy could allow a 1-1 or
2-2 line to function in a ZPS deck,
allowing the
Pachirisu (Call of Legends
18/95) and
Shaymin (HS: Unleashed 8/95)
combo to power it up in one go.
In fact, even
Emboar or
Typhlosion could in theory
work this in for mirror matches.
I’ve heard of two established decks
really waiting for
Perhaps most obvious is using
this card as a new Rain Dance partner
Feraligatr (HeartGold/SoulSilver
108/123, HGSS Promo HGSS07)
This is probably due to both
Beartic and
Cubchoo having good HP scores the
speed Rain Dance gives
With this HP score and
Max Potion (BW: Emerging Powers
94/98) your opponent has to score a
OHKO… which will be made even more
challenging with Sheer Cold.
Normally I’d say go more
aggressive and just use Icicle Crash,
since your opponent could change out
their Pokémon, but with the need to take
Beartic in one shot, forcing your
opponent to spread out their own Energy
attachments should be more effective.
Even if your opponent does manage
to constantly cycle out their Pokémon
and take down
Beartic, if they haven’t gotten rid
of the damage now
Feraligatr Prime itself is all but
guaranteed to OHKO (technically the last
half a two-hit KO) the survivors.
The second strategy I’ve heard suggested
Beartic is to pair it with
Vileplume (HS: Undaunted
24/90), possibly further backed by
Serperior (Black & White
With just
Vileplume you will force your
opponent to constantly Retreat out of
the effects of Sheer Cold or have their
Active sit until KOed.
Switch or
Pokémon Catcher most decks should
find this challenging to overcome.
Serperior further extends the HP of
Beartic and helps against decks that
can more readily manually retreat.
I would be remiss not to mention the
cards I think could give
Beartic problems.
Yanmega (HS: Triumphant
98/102) Prime just needs to keep hand
sizes in synch for free attacks and its
free Retreat will make switching to a
second copy a breeze.
Zoroark (Black & White
71/114) is a problem because a mirror
match was already dicey given the large
Retreat Cost on
Beartic: if
Beartic gets hit by Sheer Cold it
will be expensive to get rid of the
effect, and that means if you don’t use
any additional protection
Zoroark will easily Sheer Cold into
Icicle Crash for a KO you see coming but
can’t stop.
The card is not up to snuff for
Unlimited use.
Obviously it doesn’t win first
turn so it isn’t going to compete with
the most broken strategies available,
but even dialing things back a bit and
intentionally ignoring that, Baby
Pokémon really ruin Sheer Cold, as do
the handful of useful, free Retreat
Basic Pokémon that would either already
be in some decks or would quickly be
remembered by longtime players and added
back in.
In Limited play, this things quite the
beast to deal with.
Its stats just manage to become
that much better, though one should note
there are three separate Metal lines in
this deck: a Basic, a Stage 2, and a
Stage 1 that has two different versions
of itself and its Basic.
That Weakness should actually
come into play.
Still the difficulty of pulling a
workable line makes the HP scores and
damage outputs just that much better,
and the difficulty of shaking the effect
of Sheer Cold (even if this set does
Pokémon Catcher) will make it hard
not to take at least one Prize before
Beartic goes down.
On top of all that this card’s
low requirements for actual
Water Energy make it easy to splash
into multi-color decks.
might at least come close to some of the
hype, because breaking it down it is a
well designed card whose only real
failing in the current metagame is that
it can’t deliver big hits except against
the abundant Fire Weakness we now see.
Mad Mattezhion |
Beartic 30/98 (Emerging Powers)
Hiya all, here is one of the majorly hyped cards from
Emerging Powers. The Pojo Team presents: the Common
Actually, it's Beartic but I couldn't resist the obvious
pun. I promise never to make a joke that lame again now
that I have it out of my system. Really, I mean it this
Okay, enough messing around. This version of Beartic
(there are 2) is a Water type Stage 1 that has 130 HP,
Metal weakness, a retreat cost of 3 and two attacks.
Actually, after going back over the leaked images I
realised that both Beartic cards have exactly the same
stats so I can skip this bit in my next review. Score
one for the lazy people!
The main reason this card was hyped was because of the
massive 130 HP combined with the Metal weakness,
resulting in a Stage 1 beast which might finally earn
Rain Dance decks some respect. So far, the power of
Zekrom (as either a main attacker or convenient wall)
has kept all Rain Dance decks (whether they use
Armourott, Lanturn Prime, Blastoise UL or even Wailord
UD) from making any headway but Beartic can take a hit
and return fire.
Maybe Rain Dance variants will finally live up to their
original promise? First it was lack of a good attack
partner, than it was brutal Lightning types, next will
probably be a card that blocks energy acceleration! Oh
well, I still love the old 'Gatr and so should evryone
Now we come to the attacks and learn the other reason
for the hype. Sheer cold is one of my favourite moves in
both the video game and the card game. At [w][c][c] for
50 damage, the cost is high but fair, especially as we
have both Feraligatr Prime and DCE in the format to
speed things up. Of course, if Sheer Cold was just
vanilla damage it would be terrible so the effect has to
make up for it. Like all previous printed versions of
Sheer Cold, you flip a coin and if Heads, the Defending
Poke'mon can't attack during the next turn which is
great if it works but is somewhat unreliable. Still,
it's a very decent first attack, leading into a second
attack that hits a lot harder.
Now we get to Icicle Crash, which costs [w][w][c][c] and
deals 80 damage while ignoring Resistance. Since every
Grass Poke'mon now has Water resistance as standard
issue, the effect is useful but the damage seems a
little low (even with DCE reducing the cost). Seeing as
how most other main attackers will outclass you by 20-60
damage per turn I can't see what all the fuss is about.
Sure, Beartic can survive against Zekrom and Reshiram
but when you hit like a butterfly wrapped in cotton wool
it won't matter very much. Even with the ability to
prevent some attacks you aren't going to last long...
Wait a second!
*rereads card frantically*
Where is the coin flip? SHEER COLD HAS NO COIN FLIP AND
IS GUARANTEED TO WORK! This means that Beartic just
became the new Krookodile with more damage and a
stronger effect, as well as better support in the form
of Feraligatr Prime and Mantine HGSS. Not only that, but
between Sheer Cold and Icicle Crash you can deal 130
damage, which coincidentally takes out all of the
current Legendaries (including the very important Dragon
Twins) as well as Donphan Prime, Yanmega Prime, Cinccino
BW, Kingdra Prime and other Beartic. Also, it is only a
Pluspower away from destroying important targets like
Magnezone Prime, Feraligatr Prime and Rayquaza/Deoxys
Legend as well as hitting weakness on FanBoar, BlitzBoar
and Typhlosion Prime. I think Beartic BW can be crowned
the new King of the 2HKO!
You can use this god-like power to stall against heavy
targets, or if you are lucky enough to start with a [w]
energy and a DCE you can prevent your opponent's starter
from attacking to stop them even being able to set up.
Also, with the release of Poke'mon Catcher you can now
choose which target you want to lock down, rather than
watching your opponent put up a sacrifice only to
promote their attacker during the next turn and whack
your Beartic into oblivion.
Sadly, Sheer cold is not unbeatable. The effect can be
removed using either Switch, Super Scoop Up or by
evolving, but none of those approaches are easy for your
opponent to pull off. If the opponent switches out then
they still have to retreat the other Poke'mon they
promoted (or play a second Switch card) which will be a
serious hit to their available resources. Ditto if they
use Super Scoop Up, but you also have to consider that
the card is flippy and even if it works you will have to
play your evolutions and energy over again before coming
back to attack. Evolving is a lot easier, but if Beartic
is up against an evolving Basic or Stage 1 then the
player will probably use Icicle Crash instead to take a
If you need to defeat a player using Beartic then I
suggest you have plenty of Switch and Junk Arm to remove
the effect, or failing that to sacrifice the Poke'mon
that is being locked and replace it with a fresh
attacker when the sacrifice gets Knocked Out. Or you
could mark all Cubchoo as priority targets to stop
Beartic getting into play in the first place (Poke'mon
Catcher works both ways!).
A final word of warning: beware of rogue players who
tech this card into an off-type deck. You only need 2-4
[w] energy (or some Rainbow Energy) and several
DCE in your deck to get the full advantage from the
attacks so players who are willing to sacrifice some
consistency for more options may find that Beartic is
rewarding, especially against the much-feared Donphan
and Dragon Twins.
With the collapse of all of the old support engines
after the last rotation, rogue decks have been popping
up like daisies (take a look at Volbeat/Illumise TM,
Four Corners, Typhlosion/Ursaring/Vilplume and Weavile/Houndoom/Slowking
decks to understand what I mean). The change in the
available search and draw power has been massive so more
cards are able to compete than ever before. Kudos to the
Poke'mon design team for making this game so much
One last thing: am I the only one who thinks that
Beartic looks like the world's most evil triangle?
Someone get Pyhtagoras here on the double!
Okay, I lied about not making any more terrible puns.
What did you expect?
Modified: 4.75 (the damage output is lower than almost
any other attacker so you won't get constant KOs but the
stats are brilliant for a Stage 1 and the lock from
Sheer Cold is just that good. If you are willing to make
do with 2HKOs then Beartic will serve you extremely
Limited: 4 (since you don't need many [w] energy it is
pretty easy to splash it in and Sheer Cold is freaking
awesome, but be prepared for your opponent to hide their
best Poke'mon on the bench behind a sacrificial
Legendary card (which are almost all 3HKOs for Sheer
Combos with: Vileplume UD and other cards that stop your
opponent recovering from Sheer Cold.
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we are
reviewing one of the most hyped cards from Emerging
Powers, and this one is expected to make a huge splash
in Modified, at least at first. Today's Card of the Day
is Beartic (#30) from Emerging Powers.
Beartic is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon. Water Pokemon aren't
so common right now in Modified, with the exception of
Manaphy UL as a dedicated starter and the appearance of
Kingdra Prime in many sniping contexts. However, with
this card's release, Beartic is expected to see some
play in a few variations, such as pairing it with
Vileplume UD or Feraligatr Prime. 130 HP is amazing for
a Stage 1, allowing Beartic to survive a few hits (if it
does get hit, that is). Metal Weakness is great, because
there are no commonly played Metal-types today, although
with this card and all of its hype, Scizor Prime may see
an increase in play as a counter. Beartic also has no
Resistance, not wholly unexpected, and a rather hefty
Retreat Cost of 3. If you must pay the Retreat Cost, try
to use Switch or Super Scoop Up.
Beartic has two attacks: the incredibly hyped Sheer
Cold, and Icicle Crash. Sheer Cold is Beartic's supposed
meal ticket in Modified, dealing a rather unimpressive
50 damage for a Water Energy and two Colorless. However,
the secondary effect is what is important: The Defending
Pokemon can't attack next turn! This wrecks many
powerful but slow (high Retreat Cost) decks, such as
many common Stage 2 variants right now, and can also
make any Pokemon with a somewhat high Retreat Cost have
problems. The idea of the Beartic Lock is to keep
spamming Sheer Cold (after possibly using Pokemon
Catcher on a bench sitter) and keep them Active,
preventing them from attacking, thus stranding them in
the Active slot until they are KOed or retreat/use
Switch. One possible partner for Beartic is Vileplume,
to prevent your opponent from using Switch or Super
Scoop Up in order to get their Active out. Feraligatr
Prime is also a common pairing, because Rain Dance
allows you to power up Sheer Cold quickly, allowing you
to begin the lock as soon as possible. (then again,
Double Colorless Energy is good for this as well).
Icicle Crash, Beartic's second attack, deals a decent 80
damage for two Water and two Colorless, and has the
secondary effect of not being affected by Resistance.
This is useful for getting damage in against things like
Serperior that are Water Resistant, as well as finishing
off your opponent after a Sheer Cold. It is a little
expensive for the cost, but given that Beartic will
often be used in a lock-type deck, chances are you
should be able to get the required cost onto Beartic.
Modified: 4/5 Beartic has the potential to be a
format-defining card, given its Sheer Cold attack, huge
HP, uncommon Weakness, and good synergy with other cards
in the format. However, I do have a few reservations
about it. Beartic's attacks are kind of expensive, and
if you can't power it up quickly, it won't be able to do
a whole lot in a fast format. Additionally, there are
many commonly played cards with free Retreat (Yanmega!)
that don't care about the Sheer Cold restriction and
will just go to beat up Beartic anyway. Therefore, it's
a matter of who puts pressure on first, and with Beartic
commonly being paired with two slower Stage 2 Pokemon,
Beartic may end up losing to faster, more offensive
decks. That being said, if you can set it up quickly,
Beartic will truly be a force to be reckoned with in
Modified, and can truly shine against decks with Yanmega,
and even those that do if you set up quickly enough.
Limited: 4/5 Beartic is still very useful in Limited,
although its attacks are bit expensive. 130 HP on a
Stage 1 is amazing, as is the ability to prevent your
opponent from attacking. Additionally, Icicle Crash
deals amazing consistent damage, and this makes Beartic
worth running, even if Water isn't your main type. I'm
not giving it a perfect score because the attacks are
expensive and can be kind of hard to power up in
Limited, but if you manage to draft a few Cubchoos and a
Beartic, it's great here, too.
Combos With: Vileplume UD, Feraligatr Prime