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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Tropical Beach
BW28 - World's Promo
Date Reviewed:
August 19, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.50
Limited: DNA
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Tropical Beach (World's Promo)
Today is a very interesting card to finish the week.
Friday's CotD is the promotional card given out to each
player at the recent World's tournament, Tropical Beach.
The problem with promos that aren't available to the
general public is that if they are too useful, the game
becomes extremely unfair because only a few players will
have the card and everyone else will be at a
disadvantage. However, if the cards are completely
useless then players who went to all of the effort of
acquiring one will feel very shortchanged.
Tropical Beach seems to be a compromise between the two
situations because by virtue of being a Stadium (which
both players can use) the gap between the 'haves' and
'have nots' is very small. Should you find yourself
competing against a player using Tropical Beach,
you may even find yourself using it more than the
opponent does!
The effect of Tropical Beach is to allow each player,
once before their attack, to fill their hands until they
are holding 7 cards. Then their turn ends imeediately.
While large sources of easily played, reusable draw
power are effectively nonexistent in the current format
(would you consider Magnezone Prime easy to p.ay?),
ending your turn and giving your opponent access to the
same draw power at no extra cost are hefty drawbacks.
Simply put, Tropical Beach is the most finely balanced
double-edged sword I have ever seen in the Poke'mon card
game. Which is what it should be, considering that
printing a World's Promo as anything else would be
either a waste of time or utterly broken.
As far as I can tell, the most effective way to use
Tropical Beach is as an opening card for those decks
that can't attack on the first turn, allowing you to do
something useful with what would otherwise be a wasted
attack. Later in the game you can use Tropical Beach for
the same reason (you can't attack normally for whatever
reason) or as a counter Stadium, getting rid of a piece
of your opponent's support structure (such as Burned
Tower or Ruins of Alph). While these useas are somewhat
limited, they are easily enough to justify a one-of copy
in your deck, should you be one of the lucky people who
went to World's this year (I really, REALLY want to join
that club!).
You do have to watch out for the ever popular Judge
though, as it will get rid of the hand that you just
sacrificed sacrificed an attack to pull and leave you
with only half your cards. Also, if you are using the
draw in the hope of pulling certain cards then you had
better be able to survive during your opponent's turn so
that you can play them. For example, if you need a
Switch because your Active has been dragged up by
Poke'mon Catcher to be beaten to a pulp then you had
better pray you can survive the extra turn. All too
often however, you will find yourself being able to play
your cards one turn too late.
On the other hand, this card would actually combo with
Judge very nicely, allowing you to fill your hand back
up if you are willing to sacrifice your offense for the
turn, especially since your opponent will have to choose
between attacking or drawing themselves. I can see
Weavile/Houndoom/Slowking decks having fun with Judge
and Tropical Beach to trick the opponent into making bad
plays while boosting their own setup considerably.
At the end of the day, Tropical Beach is easily played
from the hand (although it is difficult to search, and
really hard to obtain in the first place!) and can
quickly boost your setup if you are willing to sacrifice
your attack as well as run the risk of hand disruption
from your opponent. I would dearly love to own one
myself and I expect players from the recent World's to
at least test this card in their future decks. I take my
hat off to the design team, trying to balance this card
must have been a nightmare but they have pulled it off
brilliantly. Well played!
Modified: 4 (this card is severely situational and
requires great skill to use effectively but considering
that you have to go to World's to get one this is
probably less of an issue than it seems. Trading attacks
for draw power will work in any deck that has trouble in
the early game, so expect to see a few around at the
larger tournaments. Playetest it if you can!)
Limited: N/A (you can't buy World's promos anywhere
except occasionally at online auctions, and I don't
think any of them are even Poke'mon)
Combos with: Judge, Slowking HGSS, Weavile UD,
Houndoom UD, the Musketeer Trio

Otaku |
We end the week with
the exclusive Worlds 2011 Promo.
This is a Stadium card that, once per turn,
allows you to draw until you have seven cards in hand.
Your turn then ends.
This was part of the runner-up deck for the
Masters division.
So is it actually any good?
Yup, and I’ll explain why.
First we just don’t have that many Stadiums right
now, and here is one that gives us Supporter level
draw-power, even if it has some huge drawbacks.
There are plenty of openers that have as or more
useful set-up attacks, but it is getting more and more
dangerous to run them.
We’ve got plenty of Big Basic Pokémon and strong
Stage 1 Pokémon that can come out swinging on the
player’s second turn.
Especially if your opponent goes first, you’re
going to get one draw off of that opener and then either
it’s going to be KO’d, or perhaps worse something more
important will be forced Active by
Pokémon Catcher
and you’ll either have to burn a card to get that opener
out of play or have it waste space on your Bench until
your opponent needs one last, easy Prize.
So running this card gives all those Pokémon we’ve cited
as suffering because they couldn’t do anything useful an
option. Think of
giving up your attack almost like using a Technical
Machine. Now you
can start with
Tornadus, drop an Energy,
restock your hand, and next turn drop a
Double Colorless
Energy and go on the offensive.
Are there downsides?
You bet!
Your opponent will have a whole turn to wreck your hand
or your in game set-up
(rendering what you drew useless).
Your opponent will also have the option of using
but this is a mixed blessing: it means your opponent is
going for a good set-up his or herself, and not
attacking. You’ll
have a turn to utilize your fresh draws before your
opponent can do the same, and all the downsides you have
in using the card apply to your opponent as well.
So in the end, this card isn’t for everyone… well
because it currently is rather rare.
Hopefully TPC will actually re-release it
(without the stamp) because this card seems fairly
useful for some specific decks.
Namely those that would have more or less wasted
an attack anyway.
Using this you might help your opponent as well, but
you’ll know you’re running it so while your opponent
might be running
Judge and/or
Copycat, you
can guarantee those are in your own deck.
N/A (would be 5/5)
Garage |
8/19/11: Tropical Beach(Worlds promo)
This isn't the first time a Worlds promo has been
reviewed by the Pojo COTD people. Looking back, Tropical
Wind was reviewed back in 2009. This is a first, though,
in that this promo is pretty good.
In previous years, the Worlds promo has been a nice
little card, that in competitive play, were,
well...they're cute cards, but obviously not meant to be
played. Maybe Tropical Beach wasn't either, but this
time the card makers made the mistake of dealing with an
always relevant mechanic of drawing cards.
There is a drawback, of course. At the cost of using the
Stadium's effect to draw until you have 7 cards, you
must end your turn. Also, your opponent can use the
effect. The 'end your turn' part sounds bad, and for me,
brings back memories of a favorite card of mine, Thought
Wave Machine from Neo Destiny, and I imagine that most
players immediately look at a turn-ending effect and
choose not to play it. That said, people play Cleffa and
Manaphy, which end your turn anyway, and at least from
this, you get an extra 1-2 cards. And, being a Stadium
and not a low-HP basic, it isn't prize fodder for
Yanmega/Blastoise/Tyrogue/Pokemon Catcher. Also because
it's a Stadium, it's not like it has much competition in
terms of other Stadiums you might use. Lost World
belongs in its own deck, obviously(though you could use
this in Mewgar, probably), and while I don't hate
Burning Tower or Ruins of Alph, I wouldn't exactly sweat
taking them out of my deck. In fact, I don't play either
of them in any deck, so whatever.
Being a Worlds promo, there's some glaring questions
about the card's availability, but if you can get a hold
of enough copies, you should play it. Hopefully this
card is made available to more people, so that more
people can play it.
Modified: 4.25/5
Limited: Promo. Would be pretty awesome if it was in a
set, though.
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Tropical Beach (Worlds ’11 Promo)
Hello, CotD
readers! I’m back again with a review of
this very interesting and somewhat
controversial card. For those that don’t
know, every year World Championship
competitors are given a binder with a
set of exclusive stamped cards (one in
every language that the TCG is printed
in). In the past the set of Promos have
always been virtually unusable as far as
competitive play goes and that suited
everyone just fine: competitors got a
souvenir that could be sold for around
$100, but didn’t gain a competitive edge
from possessing these relatively rare
Now all that has (apparently) changed.
From the moment they first peeped into
their bags of competitor swag, players
began to speculate that this year’s
Promo was actually playable. It was a
Stadium that offered players something
that the format seemed to really need:
consistent draw power that wasn’t
shuffle-draw (like Professor Oak’s New
Theory or Copycat), at the expense of
skipping the attack for that turn. Think
of it as a way to refresh a played-out
hand without the risk of running a
Basic like Cleffa.
Of course the drawback is huge, of
course it’s a card that can benefit your
opponent . . . but a smart player who is
in control of when to drop the card to
best advantage can minimise those
Still, Tropical Beach looked only
borderline playable at best . . . until
Ross Cawthorn
included a single copy of the card in a
highly innovative rogue deck that went
on to take second place in Masters.
That’s when the controversy really
started: how are players outside of the
Worlds competitor elite supposed to get
their hands on a copy? Will Pokémon now
have something which will soar to Yu-Gi-Oh
SJC Promo prices and make
Luxray GL LV
X look like a cheapskate’s card? How
unfair is it that European players can
use six of their Promos (because of the
region language rule) while US
competitors only get one?
Well, you know what? While it would be
nice if the card did get a more widely
available printing, there’s very little
reason for anyone without a copy to
worry about it. Tropical Beach really
isn’t as playable as people are making
out. After all, it was a last minute
inclusion in Ross
Cawthon’s deck that was not
essential to make it work, and the deck
itself was one of those one-off genius
creations designed for a very
specialised and unique
metagame. In
other words, don’t expect to see
& Entei
sweep Battle Roads – the deck is too
complex for just anyone to pick up and
play and has now lost the element of
Right now we have a real lack of
playable Stadiums in the format: Indigo
Plateau and Lost World
are very
niche, and Burned Tower and Ruins of
Alph are
pretty average. This is making Tropical
Beach seem better than it really is.
Once we get some better Stadiums, I
suspect that the card (and the
controversy) will be quickly forgotten.
Modified: 2 (I’m not breaking up my nice
promo folder for this card)
Limited: n/a