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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Krookodile #62
Emerging Powers
Date Reviewed:
August 29, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
62/98 (Emerging Powers)
Hello and welcome to a new week of the yet-to-emerge
Emerging Powers cards here on
Pojo’s CotD. Ok, I
know that a lot of you will have got your hands on some
via prereleases, but they
are not officially legal until 31 August.
We kick off with a card that is, in its own way, pretty
exciting. It’s nothing to do with the card as such, it’s
just that this Krookodile
happens to be an English exclusive (for the moment,
anyway). That’s right, this
is one of those extremely rare occasions where we get a
card before the Japanese players do.
So . . . what’s it like? Well, this
Krookodile has a more than decent 140 HP, for a
start. The Weakness to Water isn’t terrible as there
just aren’t any really top tier Water decks around right
now . . . Suicune &
Entei LEGEND techs, the
occasional Samurott maybe,
and the new Beartic, if it
lives up to the hype, is pretty much all you have to
worry about. Meanwhile, the Lightning Resistance should
definitely come in handy: Magnezone
Prime will have to Lost Zone four Energy to one-shot
this card, and Zekrom will
find it almost impossible. When it comes to stats, the
only downside is that huge Retreat cost of three. Play
Switch, or even consider Dodrio
UD if using or facing Vileplume.
This Krookodile is also one
of the very few Pokémon (so far) from the BW block that
has an Ability. Black Eyes
may not be as stellar as
Gothitelle’s Magic Room or
Emboar’s Inferno Fandango, but it’s decent
enough: when Krookodile is
active, you get a coin flip chance to discard
an Energy from the Defending
Pokémon. Obviously this is not much use against
Yanmega, and it won’t often
bother Donphan or
Typhlosion-based decks
either, but hey – it’s free, doesn’t waste an attack,
and could form part of an effective Energy denial
strategy with Lost Remover or even Crush Hammer.
When it comes to attacking,
Krookodile isn’t quite so good, and is certainly
inferior to the Black and White version. Having just the
one attack which costs [F][F][C]
means that Krookodile will
be a very slow Pokémon relative to the format. I suppose
the attack-locking attacks of its pre-evolutions, plus
the Energy removal Ability might give it a chance of
getting powered up, but even when (or if) this happens,
the base damage of 70 with a coin flip for an extra 20
(heads) or 20 points of self-damage (tails) isn’t
exactly overwhelming. Again, you are going to rely on
Energy denial to keep Krookodile
in the game long enough to take Prizes, and that’s a
risky strategy even if you aren’t facing a low-Energy
In the end, Krookodile is a
decent Pokémon with some nice features. However, just
being decent isn’t enough to get you a place at the top
tables in competitive events. If you love
Krookodile, by all means put
him in a deck with the other one . . . and go have some
fun at league.
Modified: 2.5 (An ok Pokémon that sadly falls just short
of being competitive)
Limited: 3 (Should survive long enough for its Ability
to come good)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! This week we are
continuing our reviews with some newly-released cards
from the Emerging Powers expansion, and we're going to
kick off the week with a card that was somewhat hyped
before the set's release, largely because it wasn't
fully spoiled and there was a lot of speculation over
what it was going to do. Today's Card of the Day is
Krookodile from Emerging Powers.
Krookodile is a Stage 2 Fighting Pokemon. Donphan Prime
is the most popular Fighting Pokemon at the moment,
seeing play in decks as both a dedicated main attacker
and as a secondary attacker or a tech. Aside from the
armored elephant, not too many Fighting-types are seeing
play right now, which is a bit surprising given the
popularity of heavy hitters Zekrom and Magnezone Prime.
140 HP is our modern standard for a Stage 2, allowing
this croc to take a few unboosted hits before going
down, even surviving Zekrom's Bolt Strike and Reshiram's
Blue Flare. Water Weakness means that Beartic, Blastoise,
and other Water-types will potentially make quick work
of Krookodile. Lightning Resistance is great, forcing
Magnezone Prime to remove four Energies for Lost Burn to
OHKO. However, even with the damage reduction, Zekrom
will still KO the next turn with either Outrage or Bolt
Strike. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 3 is very large, if
somewhat expected. Make sure to use Switch or Super
Scoop Up to get Krookodile out of the Active Position.
When Krookodile was first spoiled as the cover card for
the Power Play theme deck for this set, the Pokemon
world was abuzz over what this Pokemon's "Black Eyes"
ability would be. With the card's release, we now know
that Black Eyes acts as a Crushing Hammer (or Energy
Removal 2, for you more veteran players): Once per turn,
if Krookodile is your Active Pokemon, you can flip a
coin. If heads, you choose an Energy attached to the
Defending Pokemon and discard it. Basically, this
Ability is great as it has the capability of slowing
your opponent down quite a bit, especially if they are
running a low Energy deck or a deck that is very reliant
on Special Energies. That being said, any Energy discard
is great, especially when it is reusable as an Ability
on a Pokemon. The only downsides is that it is quite
flippy, so there is a chance you won't get anything out
of using the Ability, and it's also quite useless
against Yanmega Prime, one of the most common attackers
in the format.
Krookodile also has one attack, Thrash. Thrash starts
off at 70 damage for two Fighting Energy and a
Colorless, and allows you to flip a coin. If heads, the
attack does 20 more damage; if tails, Krookodile does 20
damage to itself. Nothing terribly interesting, although
it is worth noting that even without the coin flip, you
will OHKO both Zekrom and Magnezone Prime as long as
they aren't using some kind of damage reduction. Against
other decks, 70 (or even potentially 90) damage will
rarely make the cut for three Energy, so it's probably
best to try to pair Krookodile with something else, as
Modified: 2.75/5 Krookodile is a mixed bag. It has very
good Fighting typing that will easily deal with Zekrom
and Magnezone, two of the biggest threats in Modified
right now, but loses to Yanmega and Beartic.
Additionally, even though it has the potential to OHKO
Zekrom and Magnezone, the decks that run those Pokemon
have forms of great Energy acceleration, meaning they
will probably be up and hitting a turn or two before
Krookodile. Black Eyes has the potential to be a very
good Ability, but it also relies on coin flips and
doesn't affect Yanmega at all. Finally, Thrash deals
decent damage, but ultimately not enough to be very
effective as a Stage 2, especially as it can damage
itself. All in all, Krookodile has a lot of potential,
but it really needs something else to partner with to
shine in this format, and I don't know if we have a good
partner for it right now.
Limited: 4/5 Black Eyes is absolutely disgusting in
Limited, as setting back your opponent's Energy drops,
even if inconsistently, is great. Thrash is decent here
as well, as 70 damage is still fairly good. As with most
Stage 2s, if you can get it out, your opponent will
likely have trouble dealing with it, and you should win.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Krookodile 62/98 (Emerging Powers)
Welcome to a new week here on Pojo. We start with the
centrepiece of the Fighting theme deck from the set,
Krookodile is a Fighting type Stage 2 with 140 HP, Water
weakness, Lightning resistance, a retreat cost of 3, an
Ability and an attack.
The HP is acceptable for a Stage 2 and is improved by
the resistance, forcing Zekrom to attack at least twice
and making Magnezone Prime burn 4 energy (Thunderus
won't even tickle). The reatreat cost is a pain so
Switch/Machamp Prime's Fighting Tag is a must. Sadly,
the Water weakness is easily exploited by Kingdra Prime,
along with the less common Feraligatr Prime and friends.
Finally, being a Fighting type is great for hitting many
common Poke'mon with double damage but the support for
both the type and the energy is very thin on the ground
(at the moment it is pretty much limited to Machamp's
Poke-power mentioned above). Since the attack requires
several Fighting energy you are going to be evolving and
powering up the old fashioned way (at least you have
Rare Candy).
The Ability is the reason I like this card. Black Eyes
is a once-per-turn Ability that lets you flip a coin. If
you flip Heads, you can choose an energy attached to one
of your opponent's Poke'mon and discard it. It doesn't
matter whether it is a Special or Basic energy and you
can get multiple uses from multiple Krookodile EP cards.
Unfortunately, the text states that you can only use
Black Eyes if Krookodile is Active, so unless you have
an unbelievably good setup and plenty of Switch cards
you won't get more than one shot (which has a 50%
failure rate).
Black Eyes would be a lot more impressive if Crushing
Hammer hadn't been released in the same set with the
exact same effect for far less deck space and trouble to
play. True, you can't easily search out Crushing Hammer
and you have to play a Junk Arm or Good Rod if you want
multiple uses but the vast majority of players will find
Crushing Hammer to be far more suited to their deck than
a Stage 2 which has to be Active to be effective.
There is one deck that may find Krookodile a better
choice though. If anyone likes using the Torment attack
from the BW version Krookodile EP becomes a lot easier
to use. With a few Switch in your hand you have an extra
weapon for your lock on your opponent's attacks, or you
can simply tech in a single copy to use against
energy-heavy hitters.
The Ability looks usable if Krookodile's attack allows
it to hold its own in the Active Slot. Sadly, Thrash has
never been a good attack in either the TCG or the video
For the cost of [f][f][c] You get 70 damage and a coin
flip, which gives you 20 extra points of damage if you
flip Heads but reverses those same 20 points to damage
Krookodile if you flip Tails. 70 damage will net a 1HKO
against every Fighting-weak Poke'mon in the format so
the coin flip is only a real problem against
non-Fighting-weak Poke'mon and resistance. Oh, and all
of those situations where knocking yourown HP down
is a bad idea... which will be 99% of games.
Thrash can't be accelerated by cards like Double
Colourless Energy so you won't be able to attack before
Turn 3, and from there on in it is likely that you won't
have the time to build a proper replacement attacker if
Krookodile gets taken out (although if you have another
Krookodile BW evolved and ready to roll you can drop a
DCE and start the Torment). As such, Krookodile EP is
just too expensive for anyone but a Krookodile player to
take it seriously.
Modified: 3 (I want to try this out but I doubt it will
be anything worth bragging about. Still, for a new
Poke'mon Krookodile is getting a lot of love from the
printers and I tip my hat to the interesting mechanics
being used, even if the execution leaves a lot to be
Limited: 3 (again, this Krookodile is expensive with
less damage output than most of the Stage 2 cards in
this set. Still, Black Eyes becomes far more effective
in the slower format, especiialy if you pulled a
Crushing Hammer or 2 to complete the energy
Combos with: the other Krookodile from B&W, but I think
Krookodile has been edged out by Beartic anyway.

Otaku |
still gives me cravings for
Cookie Crisp cereal.
How is Pokémon’s marketing
missing this connection?
Oh, and at a glance it looks like
a promising card.
is a Stage 2 Fighting-Type Pokémon.
This means it’s going to have to
be a major component of any deck that
runs it, but hopefully gives it access
to stats and effects beyond mere mortal
man… and lower Stage Pokémon!
Being a Fighting-Type could be
handy, as it is a very common Weakness,
even on some very popular Pokémon like
Magnezone Prime and
Sadly, there isn’t really any
Fighting-Type support, as what exists
isn’t performing as well as hoped and
technically supports
Fighting Energy and not the actual
140 HP is good overall though amongst
the Black & White era Stage 2
Pokémon its actually dead center of
“average” (note: not a mathematical
Krookodile should last at least a
turn and possibly two against many
decks, except for Water and
Lightning-Type decks.
Water decks will enjoy exploiting
its Weakness and probably score a OHKO
and no worse than a 2HKO.
Lightning-Type decks smack into
Resistance, made even more effective by
so many Lightning-Type Pokémon being
Fighting Weak, and so if they get going
they will have a hard time scoring a
OHKO and if they don’t get going, even a
2HKO will be hard to manage!
The three Energy Retreat Cost is
hefty and you should build your deck to
avoid it: either pack plenty of
Switch (yes, on top of maxing out
Junk Arm), try to include some cards
to prevent/heal damage, or perhaps the
best choice is to do both!
has an Ability and an attack.
The Ability is what could get
this card played: while
Krookodile is Active, Black Eyes (as
it is named) will allow you to toss a
coin and to discard an Energy attached
to your opponent’s Active Pokémon if it
is “heads”.
This isn’t amazing, but it’s
fairly useful when you’re not dealing
with an Energy acceleration focused
deck. Unfortunately that is much of the
metagame right now.
The attack is unfortunately much worse.
You get a slightly wimpy 70
points of damage for (FFC) that has a
mandatory coin toss: on “heads” the
attack hits for an extra 20 points of
damage, but on “tails”
Krookodile hits itself for 20 points
of damage.
If the effect was optional the
attack would be better.
If the cost was (FCC) it would be
a lot better.
That isn’t the reality so in the
effects department, this card is
“slightly good” but depressingly all
from an Ability is has to be Active to
use, meaning you’ll need to work very
hard to get it out of the way or use the
poor attack.
As a Stage 2 Pokémon,
Krookodile has to Evolve from
In this case that would be
Sandile and
Sadly the newest versions from
BW: Emerging Powers lack Lightning
All other stats are the same as
the other legal-to-play versions.
As such I’d go with the Black
& White version of
Sandile and Krokorok as they have as
good or better attacks and Resistance.
I’d also probably run this
version alongside the Black & White
version of
Krookodile because its got identical
stats to today’s CotD with one very good
attack and one fairly good attack.
So what to run with the
Krookodile line?
You’d have to Bench two
Dodrio in order to enable a free
Retreat on
Krookodile, or run
Metagross (HS: Unleashed
4/95) and some source of Psychic Energy.
Even that would only give you two shots
at Black Eyes without having to add even
more to the combo, so I’d say that was
Switch doesn’t make sense either:
the Ability is a restricted
Crushing Hammer in terms of effect
and since it’s so hard to use more than
one a turn, maxing out
Crushing Hammer (and perhaps
Lost Remover due to its similar
effect) on top of
Junk Arm would make much, much more
If you can make a
Prime deck function, that is actually
the best “changing out” strategy I can
think of.
Sandile and
Krokorok aren’t the worst openers,
so you could be attaching Energy to
them, Evolve to
Krookodile, use Black Eyes, and if
it wasn’t worth attacking with
Krookodile just drop a
Machamp Prime.
Perhaps the best Modified strategy is to
simply use this to augment the other
Krookodile in a deck focused on its
soft lock.
The other
Krookodile can only hit harder than
this one if the Defending Pokémon is
already damaged, so despite seeming so
weak the attack might be worth using.
Black Eyes can help out against
certain decks, and if you aren’t using
Vileplume to shut down Item usage
you could even consider using
Switch and alternating
Krookodile to try strengthen the
If can trap something with a high
Retreat Cost up front, Black Eyes can
try and keep it from building up Energy
while Torment (from the other
Krookodile) keeps the less expensive
attacks from working.
If Black Eye works they won’t be
able to Retreat or use the more
expensive attacks.
Granted, that seems too
complicated to bother with, but I felt
it worth mentioning in case some future
card made it more effective.
Mostly I’d just pack it for those
match-ups where the Torment soft lock
just isn’t effective.
In Unlimited it’s pretty much useless:
even without the killer “first turn win”
decks, you’d just use
Energy Removal or
Super Energy Removal.
If you don’t want to deal with
Trainer denial, well the space you saved
on building a deck around a Stage 2
allows for plenty of counter-counters.
In Limited
Krookodile can really shine.
First all the normal benefits
I didn’t see any Energy
acceleration options and with the slower
pace of Limited and often severely
multi-color decks,
Krookodile and its Black Eyes should
be quite potent.
You will need to dedicate a
decent hunk of your deck’s Energy to
Fighting Energy, though.
2/5 (3.25/5 if used with the other
Combos with:
Krookodile (Black & White)
Not completely useless, but I honestly
had higher hopes for this card when I
first saw it.
Namely, I missed both “only while
Active” restrictions.
Given how fast the current format
is, I think
Krookodile could have been
relatively balanced (at least) even if
Black Eyes had worked from the Bench and
let you target any opposing Pokémon.
We have several Energy
acceleration decks in the format and the
rest of the attack is so poor that using
Pokémon Catcher to force it out
would be a fairly safe Prize (or
half-step to a Prize).
Swarming a Stage 2 Pokémon is not
easy, and while a full four would be
devastating, getting them out in time to
matter is a challenge.
Plus the deck would still
struggle against opposing Energy
acceleration decks.
Garage |
Alex |