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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Virizion #13
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 12, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.67
Limited: 4.92
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
13/101 (Noble Victories)
Hello and welcome to a brand new week of cards here on
CotD. We’ve got mostly good stuff for you this
week too!
We kick off with one of my favourite cards from the set:
Virizion. It’s
unevolving Basic Pokémon, which is a pretty good
for a start: easily searched out with Pokémon Collector,
and able to benefit from the damage-reducing effect of
Eviolite. The 110 HP, while
not up to Zekrom standards,
is still more than decent for a Basic, as is the Retreat
cost of one. Not such good news is
Virizion’s Typing. Grass hits virtually nothing
significant for Weakness (Terrakion
maybe?), while at the same
time it is weak to the Fire decks which are still seeing
a fair amount of play (though not as much as
previously). Water Resistance is at least some
compensation: Kyurem is
appearing in a few decks now and an active
Virizion takes
just 10 damage from Glaciate.
first attack is Double Draw. For the low, low price of a
single Energy (any Colour will do), you get to draw two
cards (wow . . . they obviously worked really hard
naming this attack). Drawing two cards is . . . quite
good. Drawing two cards on your first turn . . . that is
actually very good compared to what most other Pokémon
have to offer (usually just an insignificant amount of
damage, if anything). Extra cards means more options on
your next turn and more chance of getting what you need
to set up. It may not be as useful as
Cleffa – which allows you to
play what you can from your hand, then refresh – but
it’s still effective, low cost draw, and that’s almost
always a good thing.
One advantage that Virizion
does have
over Cleffa (and in fact
over almost every other ‘starter’ Pokémon) is that it
has a very usable attack. Leaf Wallop only requires [G][C],
but then it only has a poor damage output of 40 on the
turn it is first used (still enough to KO Babies and low
HP Basics like Oddish and
Tynamo, though). On each
subsequent turn, however, Leaf Wallop will hit for 80
damage: a more than acceptable return on the two Energy
investment. Unfortunately the
attack-boosting effect ends if
Virizion is sent to the Bench, but surprisingly
this can work in your favour: your opponent is forced to
either burn their Catchers, or spend resources
KOing what is effectively
your starter Pokémon. Either that or deal with a
constant 80 damage which can put them under real
In a lot of previous formats,
Virizion would have been an absolutely stellar
card. It can wall for a bit, draw cards, and serve as a
decent attacker. In this format?
Well, straight draw doesn’t seem as desirable as the
shuffle draw you get from Cleffa
and various Supporters, 110 HP Pokémon can be taken down
in one hit, and the 40/80 damage is no more than
average. Virizion does a lot
of things quite well, but nothing absolutely amazing . .
. which is what cards need to do these days.
Nevertheless, Virizion
is seeing
some play as a starter/early game attacker in decks
inspired by the Japanese ‘6 Corners’ lists (basically
Virizion, the
Unova Dragons, and
Terrakion – abusing Outrage
attacks and covering almost all Weaknesses).
Outside of that deck, and looking forwards, I’m not sure
I can see Virizion getting
too much play. When we start getting the EX cards in the
next sets, the format looks like it will shift even more
in favour of huge Basic Pokémon that OHKO everything
very quickly, making a set-up
Pokemon like Virizion
even more redundant. That’s a shame really, as it is a
very well-designed card with a lot to offer. It’s only
crime seems to be the fact that it isn’t ridiculously
Modified: 3.25 (underrated card with a lot going for it
. . . just maybe not in this format)
Limited: 4.75 (a high HP Basic with
drawpower and a cheap attack – it’s hard to see
how you could do better)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! We are reviewing more
Noble Victories cards this week, starting with a new
version of a member of the Musketeer trio. Today's Card
of the Day is Virizion.
Virizion is a Basic Grass Pokemon. Being a Grass
Pokemon isn't terrible nowadays, as Fire's popularity is
dwindling and more people are utilizing Kyurem. 110 HP
is fairly good for a non-evolving Basic, although it's
still a bit lower than the dragon trio and the other
Musketeers. Fire Weakness is bad against Reshiram,
Typhlosion, and Emboar; Water Resistance is great
against Kyurem, and the rare Beartic and Vanilluxe; and
a Retreat Cost of 1 is great and easily paid.
Virizion has two attacks, Double Draw and Leaf
Wallop. Double Draw does exactly what its name suggests,
drawing two cards for a single Colorless Energy. This
attack is an excellent opening move, and is amazing for
both Modified and Limited. Leaf Wallop starts at a
rather paltry 40, but increases to 80 if you use the
attack consecutively. The damage output is steady enough
to 2HKO most of the big bruisers in the format, and can
do very well against Terrakion in the Six Corners
Modified: 3.5/5 Virizion is an effective member of
the Six Corners deck that has recently gained popularity
due to its good use as a starter and somewhat effective
attacker. While Leaf Wallop isn't the most damaging
attack in the format, 80 damage for two Energy is still
very respectable, and Virizion should easily work as
well in Six Corners, as well as a starter in any random
Grass deck you may want to build, especially with
Limited: 5/5 Virizion is a very effective starter in
Limited regardless of the type of deck you're running.
Double Draw is great pure card advantage in Limited, and
Leaf Wallop can do a great amount of damage for a low
cost. If you pull a Virizion in Limited, chances are you
should run it, no matter what type you ultimately decide
to play.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Hey Bill, with any luck I'll have my top 10 list to
you sometime tomorrow. Enjoy Christmas!
Virizion (Noble Victories)
We have another new print of the Musketeer Trio for
you today, and I must say that this card is a vast
improvement over its predecessor from Emerging Powers.
Virizion is a non-evolving Grass type Basic with 110
HP, Fire Weakness, Water Resistance, a retreat cost of 1
and two attacks.
Aside from the unfortunate Weakness, Virizion has
great stats and will survive at least 1 hit from
anything except Typhlosion Prime, Reshiram or Zekrom
(and Eviolite will stop Zekrom having an easy time of
it). Against any other Poke'mon and Water types in
particular, Virizion is a great wall.
What makes Virizion so appealing to me however is the
first attack. Double Draw costs [c] and draws you 2
cards, which is the best setup attack I've seen on any
Poke'mon printed in a Black & White set. Combined with
the high survivability, Virizion will give you 2-3 turns
of draw power easily and will also prvoide the cover you
need to evolve your more vulnerable Poke'mon (Magnemite
TM and Hoppip HGSS come to mind). The fact that it is
Colourless just adds to the utility and will make
Virizion a valuable card in the near future, and even
more so when all of the HeartGold/SoulSilver cards are
rotated out.
Leaf Wallop is nothing to sneeze at either. For
[g][c], you deal 40 damage, which is acceptable but
nothing special, and on your next turn Leaf Blade deals
80 damage instead. This damage boost is just plain
awesome, allowing you to 2HKO a Dragon with the help of
a Pluspower or a Rocky Helmet. Considering what the
damge attack on a starter is usually like, Leaf Wallop
is nothing short of astounding.
Virizion is now one of only 4 Grass Poke'mon I can
think of that are worth running (the others being
Yanmega Prime, Royal Healing Serperior and Jumpluff
HGSS) and it is the only Basic that Grass can claim is
good. It's about time the scales were balanced, and I
can see this card being used as the opening move in
decks as new arechetypes are created. Get a playset now!
Modified: 4 (There is still plenty of competition
from other starter Poke'mon like Mantine HGSS, Pichu
HGSS, Smeargle UD and Manaphy UL but Virizion is a solid
inclusion in any deck that needs a few more Basics to
tighten up the early game. And I expect that Virizion's
stock will only go up!)
Limited: 5 (Cheap attacks, card draw, a heavy body
and plenty of Water types to make the Resistance count,
as well as a few Grass Weak Fighting types to abuse.
Virizion is dynamite here!)
Combos with: any deck that suffers from too many lone
starting Poke'mon, especially if said deck need some
draw power to get a combo going.