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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Super Rod
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 15, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.25
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Super Rod (Noble Victories)
Depending on how long they have been playing the TCG,
players will have one of three reactions when they see
this card . . .
Veterans who remember ye olde
days will say ‘oh look, they have reprinted Nightly
Garbage Run again’.
People who started playing in the Diamond and Pearl era
will say ‘yay! Night
Maintenance is back’
Relative newcomers will say ‘great! Now I don’t have to
rely on a subpar Supporter to get back my Pokémon and
Super Rod is a Trainer with a simple but incredibly
useful effect: it shuffles any combination of up to
three Pokémon and/or Energy back into your deck from
your discard pile. Sure, it doesn’t do quite as much as
Flower Shop Lady, but then it doesn’t burn your
Supporter for the turn either, meaning you can get back
what you shuffle in with Pokémon Collector, or try and
draw into it with something like
Cheren, or Professor Oak’s New Theory.
No, it isn’t a sexy glamour card, but it does do
something very useful, especially in a format where the
very best draw cards (Sage’s Training and Professor
Juniper) require you to discard cards from your deck or
hand. The decision to let a potentially important
Evolution or Energy hit the discard so you can grab the
Supporter you need next turn, or the Basic you want
right now is made a lot less painful with a card like
Super Rod in the format. This gives the card versatility
beyond simply shuffling back in KO’d Pokémon so that you
can search them out again.
Most decks that don’t play
Vileplume Trainer Lock will want to include a
copy of this card. Decks which discard heavily (like
anything that uses Electrode Prime for Energy
acceleration) might well want to use two. Super Rod may
not be as obviously game-changing as Trainers like
Pokémon Catcher and Eviolite,
but it will achieve semi-staple status, and in its own
way could be the difference between a win and a loss
over the course of a game.
Modified: 4.5 (so what if it’s not the most exciting
card in the world? We needed it)
Limited: 5 (you won’t have many good Pokémon. You will
want them back when they get KO’d)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Super Rod (Noble Victories)
I remember using this card when it was first printed
but it had a different effect then. Are all of the old
Trainers based on in-game items going to be rewritten
like Great Ball was?
Much like Great Ball, the funtions of both the old
and the new versions of Super Rod are similar. Also like
Great Ball, the new function has been printed exactly
the same way on a Trainer with a different name, in this
case Night Maintenance.
The original version made you flip a coin, and on a
Heads you returned an Evolution card from your discard
pile to your hand, while on a Tails you returned a Basic
Poke'mon instead. This version of Super Rod allows you
to look through your discard pile and shuffle up to 3
Poke'mon and basic energy cards back into your deck.
This is definitely a useful card to have in your
collection, as Professor Juniper has a tendency to
discard useful things from your hand (like Legend Pieces
and Stage 2 Poke'mon that you can't play before using a
Juniper) so having a way to retrieve them without using
up your Supporter for the turn is very handy.
Ever since we lost Palmer's Contribution there's been
a void which Super Rod has now filled, so expect to see
at least a single copy of this card in pretty much every
deck as an insurance policy against losing valuable
support Poke'mon, or simply against decking out. With
Professor Juniper being such a powerful hand refresh
card, anything that helps mitigate the drawbacks of
discarding your hand will definitely see play.
Modified: 4 (I can't think of a single deck that
would not benefit from having a single copy of Super Rod
for just-in-case scenarios, although if your deck
doesn't have a lot of single copies of Poke'mon or if it
doesn't draw a lot of cards then you could live without
Limited: 3 (Being able to get back an entire Poke'mon
line that you only had single copies of is a powerful
play, but I doubt you'll be able to draw into thos
restored Poke'mon any time soon. Still, it stops you
running out of cards in your deck)

Otaku |
How fascinating, the powers that be are
once again playing with the minds of
long time players by re-releasing a
Trainer with a completely altered
Super Rod once was a “normal”
Trainer that required you flip a coin to
If the results were “heads”, you
added an Evolution to your hand, and if
it was “tails” you added a Basic Pokémon
to your hand instead.
That effect would have been
better now than it was back in the day
due to the specifics of our metagame
versus back then.
Mainly we have Basic Pokémon that
are incredibly attackers and the
draw/search power to make getting what
you recycled back into hand a lot
The old version dated back to
Neo Genesis, after all.
Guess what
Super Rod does now?
That’s right; now
Super Rod has
Nightly Garbage Run’s old effect,
but enjoying Item status.
Only half a
Flower Shop Lady, but you keep your
Supporter for the turn… and I like that.
Running a key combination of
three Basic Pokémon (say
Pachirisu, and
Shaymin?) you can
Super Rod them back into your deck
then drop a
Pokémon Collector to bring them
right back to hand.
It isn’t as fast retrieving
specific Evolutions or Energy, but you
still can draw for them.
You can even
Junk Arm for it is you desperately
need to spam recursion, or if you had to
dump a lot of Pokémon and Energy early
game for various costs.
So in Modified, you’ll see this.
Probably not everywhere, since
Item-denial decks will shut it off but
not touch
Flower Shop Lady, but I can think of
a lot of decks that want to use their
Supporters elsewhere.
In Unlimited, Supporters aren’t
as important for draw power so using it
for recursion isn’t a big deal, plus
they never lost
Nightly Garbage Run.
In Limited, Trainers are almost
always extra useful since they are
scarce, and using this to recycle some
desperately needed Pokémon or Energy,
especially if it was something potent or
that you couldn’t run a lot of, is
Yes, still selling stuff on eBay
More stuff will be added Saturday
because I broke my glasses yesterday.
>.> Just a reminder, Pojo is in no way
responsible for any transactions, merely
letting me link to my auctions.