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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards of 2011
Countdown - #9:
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 27, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.00
Limited: 4.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#9 Kyurem NV
We had to wait a long time for the third
member of the Unova
Dragon Trio to make its debut in the
TCG, but it was worth the wait.
Just like Reshiram
and Zekrom,
Kyurem is a
Basic Pokémon with a huge 130 HP. That
would have been almost unthinkable in
the past, but has since become the
standard by which other cards are
judged: why play 110 HP attacking Stage
1s when you have access to something
like this? Like the other Dragons, it
also has the incredibly useful Outrage
attack – for just one Double Colourless
Energy, Kyurem
can deal out severe punishment to any
Pokémon that attacks it for anything
short of a
When it comes to the second attack is
where Kyurem
takes a different approach.
Reshiram and
Zekrom offer
massive 120 damage
beatdown attacks with certain
downsides (Energy discard and
self-damage respectively).
Glaciate, on the other hand, has no such
drawback, but then it doesn’t do big
damage to the active either: instead it
has what is possibly the best spread
attack ever printed, doing 30 to every
single Pokémon on the opponent’s side of
the Field. That’s enough to KO Babies
and weak Basics like
Solosis in
one hit. Using Glaciate twice will deal
with most popular evolving Basics like
and Cyndaquil.
So, as you can see, getting two or three
turns of Glaciate puts an opponent under
enormous pressure and creates
game-winning situations: with a full
Bench, they are taking
180 damage
per turn, and that is
something that even
Reuniclus-based decks will
struggle to cope with.
Not only does
Kyurem have two great attacks, it
also boasts excellent Typing. Ever since
Gyarados SF
was rotated back in June, there hasn’t
been a really good Water Pokémon to
stand up to all that Fire in the Meta.
The fact that
Kyurem is Weak to Metal (it’s an
Ice Type in the video games), rather
than Lightning is also fantastic. The
only Metal Pokémon that sees much play
is Cobalion
NV, while Zekrom
and Magnezone
are everywhere.
Since its release,
Kyurem has seen play in a variety
of decks. It has been paired with
Prime for the obvious Energy
acceleration combo; been used in 6
Corners as an Outrage tech; partnered
with Cobalion
and Electrode Prime; and even found a
place in Truth variants as a
damage-spreading tank. How powerful it
will be in the future is doubtful: after
all, how useful will a 30 damage spread
be against 170+ HP EX Basics? Right now
though, it is one of the best attackers
we have, so make the most of it while
you can.
Modified: 4 (Good Typing, Outrage, and a
spread attack that is viable, even in a
format that is unfriendly to spread
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! I hope that all of
you are having an enjoyable holiday season. Today we're
going to review our #9 Card of the Year, a very powerful
and popular card from Noble Victories that's going to
see a lot of play as long as it stays in Modified.
Today's Card of the Day is Kyurem.
Kyurem is a Basic Water Pokemon. Water-types aren't
incredibly common in Modified, with Kyurem easily seeing
the most play (although Vanilluxe, Beartic, and even
Feraligatr still see some play as well). 130 HP is
absolutely massive on a Basic, matching the value of
Kyurem's trio brethren Reshiram and Zekrom as well as
keeping Kyurem from being Knocked Out in a single hit.
Metal Weakness is somewhat of a problem against Cobalion,
which has seen play exclusively to combat Kyurem (as
well as Vanilluxe). Sadly, Kyurem has no Resistance, and
has the standard dragon trio Retreat Cost of 2, which is
easily payable if you absolutely must.
Kyurem, much like its counterparts Reshiram and Zekrom,
has Outrage and its signature move. Outrage deals 20
damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on
Kyurem for two Colorless Energy (most commonly a Double
Colorless). Outrage is an important move on all of the
commonly-seen legendary dragons in Modified, but is most
important on Kyurem because it is usually Kyurem's most
damaging attack. Outrage is easily powered up through
weak attacks and Rainbow Energy attachments, and should
easily KO or significantly dent one or two of your
opponent's Pokemon before Kyurem goes down.
Glaciate, Kyurem's signature move, deals 30 damage to
each of your opponent's Pokemon for two Water and a
Colorless. While 30 damage may not sound like a lot,
this damage adds up VERY quickly, and can easily KO most
common bench sitters after two or three attacks.
Additionally, if your opponent has a full Bench, Kyurem
will put 180 damage onto the board with this attack,
making the damage output better than that of Reshiram or
Modified: 4/5 Kyurem is a fantastic Basic that will
continue to see a lot of play for quite a while. 130 HP
is massive, and both Outrage and Glaciate are very
powerful attacks. Kyurem is most often seen in Six
Corners and Cobalion/Kyurem/Electrode, but can also be
seen paired with Feraligatr Prime. The dragons should
continue to dominate Modified for quite a while (even
with the release of Mewtwo-EX), so you should expect to
see Kyurem around for quite some time.
Limited: 5/5 A 130 HP basic with a powerful Colorless
attack and ridiculous spread ability is always a great
choice, even if you're not playing very much Water. If
you pull Eviolites to go with it, even better.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Top Card #10: Gothitelle 47/98 (Emerging Powers)
It's that lovely time of year again when the review crew
gets together and argues about which of this year's
cards are powerful enough to review again a la Hall of
Fame. I'm proud to be a part of this process and with
further ado, we give you the tenth card on the list:
The stats are on the weak side for an attacking Stage 2,
with 130 HP being the baseline rather than the upper
limit that it was a few years ago. Still, Gothitelle
will survive most attacks if it hasn't been previously
damaged, and it is truly the only poke'mon that doesn't
fear Pluspower (which currently is the most popular it
has been since its heyday back in Base Set). The
Weakness to Psychic is only a major factor in mirror
matches or aginst MewBox, since Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend
would score a 1HKO regardless and all of the other (even
marginally playable) Psychic Poke'mon I can think of
would still fall short of taking Gothitelle down in a
single hit. The retreat cost is reasonable although it
will be a setback if you have to pay it due to the
nature of the attack, so either Switch or Metagross UL
would be useful to conserve precious energy. In the end,
Gothitelle isn't made of glass but it isn't quite
invincible either, so have a backup plan ready in case
Gothitelle falls.
There are good reasons for building a deck around
Gothitelle however, or it wouldn't be on this list. The
first is Magic Room, a nasty Ability that stops your
opponent from playing Item cards whilever Gothitelle is
Active. The first and most broken way to abuse this
power is to get Gothitelle into play as quickly as
possible (hopefully with a turn 2 Rare Candy) so that
your opponent won't have time to use any Item cards at
all. Between consistency staples like Poke'mon
Communication and utility cards such as Poke'mon Catcher
that nearly everyone uses, Magic Room will render a
decent chunk of any deck completely useless. Better yet,
the effect is completely one-sided so you still have
your own trump cards like Rare Candy and Pluspower to
play as much as you like.
Unfortunately, it isn't easy to set up Gothitelle
quickly enough to shut off all of your opponent's Items
before they can be used. In this case, Magic Room loses
some of its disruptive power but still gives a strong
measure of protection to Gothitelle itself. Since
neither Catcher nor Poke'mon Reversal can force a switch
while Magic Room is in effect and the usual damage
calculation tricks like Pluspower, Eviolite and Rocky
Helmet won't work, Gothitelle becomes a major pain to
remove and limits your opponent's ability to recover
from succesful attacks.
More importantly, with Pluspower out of the picture,
Gothitelle is nigh on impossible to destroy in one hit.
The only Poke'mon that can properly exploit the weakness
is Mew Prime or another Gothitelle (the rest don't deal
enough damage even with the Weakness) and aside from
that, only a handful of Poke'mon can deal enough damage
for a clean KO. As such, if the Gothitelle player has a
way to fully heal their Poke'mon (generally a Reuniclus
and a Dragon, along with either Max Potion or Seeker)
then you will be completely outgunned until your
opponent runs out of healing cards, which probably won't
happen until after you are beaten.
However, Gothitelle needs a second ingredient to be
considered one of the Top 10, which comes in the form of
Madkinesis. At the cost of [c][c][c], Madkinesis deals
30 damage plus 20 more damage for each [p] energy
attached to Gothitelle. Technically this is a lousy
attack which requires 5 energy to reach the necessary
130 damage to take out most main attackers, even more if
you want to take out the biggest Poke'mon around (a
whopping 8 energy to take out Tyranitar Prime, for
example). However, since Gothitelle is so hard to KO, it
is a lot safer to build up energy than is the norm for
the game, and Gothitelle can also take advantage of some
energy acceleration from a combination of Jirachi UL and
either Shaymin UL or Mismagius UL. The combo is a bit
clunky but Gothitelle can stick around long enough for
it to matter so it's better than it looks, at least on
Gothitelle sets up slower than most decks, but makes up
for it by being nigh unstoppable on the offensive. As
long as you don't lose all six Prizes before Gothitelle
hits the table, you can claw your way back to take
victory. Be careful though, as cards like Kyurem,
Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend, Tyranitar Prime, Mew Prime and
the soon to be released Mewtwo Ex can seriously ruin
your day with their raw power capable of breaking
through Gothitelle's defenses!
Modified: 4 (as long as you can anticipate your
opponent, you can win with Gothitelle, but be prepared
to suffer if Gothitelle goes down becuase building a
replacement is a nightmare)
Limited: 4.5 (Magic Room works well here to stop your
opponent using Catcher, Max Potion and Great Ball, but
be aware that Gothitelle won't hit as hard without the
support available in constructed formats since you'll
likely be running a multitude of energy types in
Combos with: Reuniclus BW, whichever Dragon has the best
Outrage attack for your metagame and a backup plan
against Mewtwo and Mew.