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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards of 2011
Countdown #8:
Tornadus #98
Emerging Powers
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 28, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.00
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#8 Tornadus EP
Number 8 in our countdown of the top 10 cards of 2011 is
Tornadus from Emerging
Powers: a card that we didn’t realise we needed until we
got it.
After the unprecedented (but completely necessary) early
rotation last June, Zekrom/Pachirisu/Shaymin
decks won Nationals in both Canada and Mexico, but
flopped terribly at both US Nationals and the World
Championship. The problem was that ZPS just didn’t have
much of a long game: with only four main attackers
(which damaged themselves when attacking), the deck
tended to either explode in the first couple of turns
and win, or find itself in deep trouble by mid game.
Some players tried to deal with this by adding cards
like Yanmega and/or
Lanturn Prime, and while
this did result in some good, viable decks, it did
detract from the sheer speed and first turn awesomeness
of the Z/P/S combo. What was really needed was
another big,
hard-hitting Basic that could come out on the first turn
and start taking Prizes.
Step forward Tornadus. With
its Colourless Energy requirements, and its Hurricane
attack that hit for 80 (while conserving Energy), it
slotted perfectly into every ZPS deck, often being used
more than Zekrom itself as
an early game attacker. The fact that it was Double
Colourless compatible was brilliant, and the fact that
it Resisted the Fighting
Pokémon (notably Donphan
Prime) that Zekrom was Weak
to, was a more than useful bonus. Now the fastest deck
in the format had up to eight Pokémon in its armoury
with which to get that first turn Prize, as well as a
much improved mid-to-late game performance.
has found its way into a few other decks besides: it’s
that good as
an early game Pokémon, and
that easy to
splash into almost anything. Its main achievement in
2011 though was in transforming
Zekrom decks from a very risky option into a bona
fide top tier contender.
Modified: 4 (another big hitting,
splashable Basic to rule the format with)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we're going to
review our #8 Card of the Year for 2011. Today's Card of
the Day is a Colorless Basic that has seem quite a bit
of play in Zekrom variants, and occasionally in other
decks as well. Today's Card of the day is Tornadus from
Emerging Powers.
Tornadus is a Basic Colorless Pokemon. As a Colorless
Basic, Tornadus can fit into nearly any deck without any
drawback, making it a very flexible choice if you need a
secondary attacker. 110 HP is excellent for a Basic,
even if it isn't up to the levels of Reshiram, Zekrom,
or Kyurem. Lightning Weakness is unfortunately pretty
bad in our current format, as Zekrom will eat Tornadus
alive. Fighting Resistance is great against Donphan and
the newly-popular Terrakion, and Tornadus' ability to
counter Fighting-types effectively is why it has seen so
much play. Finally, Tornadus has a Retreat Cost of 1,
which is easily payable if necessary.
Tornadus has two attacks, Energy Wheel and Hurricane.
Energy Wheel allows you to move an Energy attached to
one of your Benched Pokemon to Tornadus for a single
Colorless Energy. While Energy acceleration is good in
any form, you often won't have time to use this attack
unless it's in desperation. That being said, if your
opponent won't be able to attack Tornadus for a while
and you're strapped for Energy, Energy Wheel can be a
good move to use.
Hurricane is Tornadus' main attack, dealing 80 damage
for three Colorless Energy (most commonly powered up
with a Double Colorless). Hurricane also moves a Basic
Energy attached to Tornadus to one of your Benched
Pokemon. While the Energy movement could be perceived as
a drawback, this movement actually makes Tornadus an
excellent setup Pokemon, as you are able to slowly power
up your Benched Pokemon while still maintaining a decent
offensive presence. Notably, Hurricane can get many
2HKOs, notably against Donphan and Terrakion, two
Pokemon that will have a difficult time against Tornadus.
Modified: 4/5 Tornadus' great versatility is what
made its place on our Cards of the Year list. While most
commonly seen in Zekrom decks, Tornadus has also made
some appearances in Six Corners and a few other decks,
where it acts as an excellent offensive setup Pokemon.
While Hurricane may not deal amazing damage and
Lightning Weakness is a definite problem against Zekrom,
Tornadus is definitely a Pokemon you need to watch out
Limited: 5/5 It's a Colorless Basic with powerful
attacks, high HP, and acts as a team player to power up
your other Pokemon. Absolutely worth running in every
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Top Card #8: Tornadus (Emergin Powers)
I missed reviewing this card the first time it appeared
on Pojo, and I suffered for that when I faced a Zekrom
Rush deck using Tornadus against my still evolving Rain
Dance build featuring Donphan Prime. That 0-5
casual defeat at the local League was incredibly
Tornadus is seemingly the weakest of the three Weather
Genies, and in a vacuum this card doesn't offer nearly
as much as either Thunderus or Landorus. However, that
doesn't mean Tornadus can't hold its own. With 110 HP
and Fighting Resistance, Tornadus is Donphan's worst
nightmare and is one of the reasons that Fighting types
have become an endangered species at tournaments.
Tornadus isn't very gentle on any other type either, but
the Lightning Weakness makes for an uneven contest
against Thunderus, Zekrom or Magnezone.
The Colourless typing doesn't help Tornadus offensively
against anything except Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend, but it
does allow the hideous abuse of Double Colourless
Energy, FanBoar, the Pachirisu/Shaymin combo and the
Jirachi/Mismagius energy combo. As such, Tornadus can
justify a spot in MagneBoar, Magic Room and Zekrom Rush
builds as well as the experimental multitype decks
aiming for Weakness coverage (Four Corners, Six corners
or Haymaker depending on what Basics/Evolutions you use
and who you play against). Particularly, Zekrom Rush
decks love Tornadus for its ability to shut down Donphan
but Corners decks also like the versatility since they
have so many conflicting energy costs as well as using a
lot of DCE.
The retreat cost is cheap (making Tornadus is easy to
move) and the fact that it's a Basic is great for ease
of play, so all in all Tornadus will very rarely
disappoint you if it's in your opening hand and will
usually be a good draw at any stage of the game.
Still, good stats and good combos are only 2 corners of
the playable trinity with the thirs being good attacks.
Sadly Energy Wheel is nowhere near being useful, since
the effect is only to move an energy from one of your
Benched Poke'mon to Tornadus. This is a very poor
substitute for all of the energy acceleration available
to Tornadus and isn't even very useful in Limited. Even
if you have an energy on your Bench that you need to
move, you'll most likely lose it when your opponent
attacks and KOs Tornadus, seeing as how your attack will
end yout turn before you can do anything useful. Since
you have to attach an energy to Tornadus as well (the
cost is [c]), Energy Wheel is nigh on completely useless
in the early game and isn't worth the effort later on.
Hurricane more than makes up forthe deficiencies of
Energy Wheel, since it has the opposite effect. For a
cost of [c][c][c], Tornadus deals 80 damage and then
moves an energy attached to itself to one of your
Benched Poke' on (provided you have one). While the
damage output is overshadowed by many other popular
cards, it is still enough to 2HKO any Poke'mon except
Armourott or Wailord (which conveniently enough, are
easy prey for Zekrom). The energy moving may also seem
like a drawback (especially given how terrible Energy
Wheel is) but although you'll have to attach another
energy to Tornadus every turn, you will also be powering
up your other Poke'mon for when Tornadus bites the dust,
with the added advantage of preserving your Special
energy by moving them away if you expect Tornadus to be
taken out.
Even if you don't have any worthy Poke'mon to power up
then at least you'll be able to retreat that unlucky
support Poke'mon when it comes up as cannon fodder so
that another Tornadus or other Big Basic can takes its
place, or as a last resort you can go down swinging. Or
if Tornadus is all alone when you use Energy Whell, the
part about moving energy is completely ignored so it's
just a vanilla but effective attack.
Tornadus was the missing ingredient from Zekrom Donk
decks and is one of the best ways to fill a gap in a new
build you are testing. Whether you need another big body
but don't like the other options, or you want to keep
Donphan off your back, or even if you have a way to
attach extra energy, Torndaus is your friend!
Modified: 4.5 (the lack of raw power can be problematic
and Reshiram is stiff competition due to using many of
the same energy acceleration tricks, but Tornadus makes
a great patch for your deck's weaknesses so long as you
don't mind the Lightning Weakness)
Limited: 5 (it's very rare to be able to build a deck
that only uses a single energy type, so Tornadus is
brilliant for both the huge HP and Colourless attack
costs. Just be wary of Thunderus)
Combos with: Zekrom/Pachirisu/Shaymin decks ahould all
run a full set of Tornadus and any other archetype aside
from Rain Dance could make a case for including a copy
or two.
Otaku |
is #8 in our Top 10 countdown and… he
didn’t make my list.
It isn’t that he isn’t a good
card, it is just I felt there were 10
more “better” cards, though in my case
that includes the tell end of last
format and thus a card or two that are
no longer as widely played.
is a Basic Pokémon, meaning it fits into
the current format quite well, as Basic
Pokémon are both the easiest to fit into
a deck and the easiest to get into play,
while also being well supported in this
format, both with actual cards like
Eviolite and BW-era rules. Being a
Colorless Pokémon means it won’t have
any real support, be useful for hitting
Weakness, or have to worry about running
into a lot of Resistance Pokémon. 110 HP
goes a long way for this: it is the
third possible highest score for a Basic
Pokémon that doesn’t use “special”
rules, such as the upcoming Pokémon-EX.
Even with help
Tornadus can fall to the biggest
attackers in the format, but with a
little help (or a poor set-up on the
opponent’s shot) you’ve probably got a
turn, maybe two from it, unless you’re
facing the card’s Weakness or
The Lightning-Type Weakness is a big
Zekrom was already going to OHKO it
with Bolt Strike, so the real issue
comes from making it easier for all the
other Lightning-Type Pokémon to take
down (as well as allowing the top
Lightning-Type attackers to save their
“A” game for later).
Unlike many recent cards,
Tornadus enjoys having a Resistance,
and at least when it came out it was a
useful one: Fighting Resistance -20.
Doesn’t sound like this is really
a major concern right now, but maybe I
just was blinded by the latest deck
Finishing off the card’s stats we come
to its Retreat Cost; a single Energy
Retreat Cost is great, especially on top
of the high HP score.
This is low enough you should
almost always be able to pay it with
little difficulty, though obviously it
pales next to a free Retreat Cost.
Plus since there are some decks
that just won’t let you Retreat, you’ll
need to make room for some copies of
Switch anyway (or some other Retreat
alternative), which is a bit of a
Two attacks, but it much of the time it
might as well be just one.
The first attack is Energy Wheel
for (C), and all it does is allow you to
move an Energy from one of your Benched
Pokémon to
The second attack, Hurricane, is
what you’ll use most: for (CCC) you hit
for 80 points of damage with a mild
drawback that might be more of an
enhancement: Hurricane also forces you
to move a basic Energy attached to
Tornadus to one of your Benched
If you have only Special Energy
attached, this clause does nothing.
If you have at least one Basic
Energy card attached, you have to move
it but with the nature of the game, half
the time that just saves the Energy from
being discarded when
Tornadus gets KOed (and the other
half it will rarely matter that you need
to attach a single Energy the next
The all Colorless attack costs are
great: besides allowing you to fuel the
second attack with
Double Colorless Energy plus one
other Energy card, it makes
Tornadus universally easy to splash.
The first attack does have some synergy
with the second, but in a good build I
would expect to have
Tornadus attacking with
Hurricane by the second turn… thanks
Double Colorless Energy, not somehow
getting a second Basic Energy into play.
By the time you set-up for Energy
Wheel, you might as well have gone all
the way and add
Shaymin to shift the Energy right
away so you can attack with Hurricane
first turn, except that by now you
realize “I might as well be running
Zekrom or the like instead.” unless
you’re running it in addition to
As touched upon in the effects, you
could run this like a little
Zekrom or
Reshiram and in fact it makes a
solid back-up for
Zekrom decks since it is Fighting
Resistant, while
Pachirisu and
Zekrom are Fighting Weak.
Tornadus can be used as an alternate
opener, cleaner, or middle attacker, and
thanks to the effect of Hurricane you’ll
have a good chance of having another
Tornadus or
Zekrom prepped when the current one
Any deck that needs to harass
Fighting Pokémon has great incentive to
run this card, at least in Modified.
In Unlimited, I haven’t been exposed to
any major shifting of the decks so as
far as I know, you still have to fear
First Turn Win decks, and aside from
that it is mostly a matter of who sets
up their Trainer denial first to back-up
an otherwise strong attacker.
Tornadus would be able to make use
of many older Special Energy cards that
were Colorless, but
Recycle Energy is probably the only
one worthwhile.
Tornadus wouldn’t be especially good
or bad here: expect some decks to hit
your Weakness (when it matters), but you
do Resistance annoyances like the
classic Neo Discovery
Tyrogue (even if 10 points of damage
would go through on a successful Smash
Hurricane would OHKO many
attackers, since this format sees some
of the vicious-but-lower-HP older
Basically, it becomes a great
card amongst the “broken” phenomenal
cards of the past… and in a format where
speed is key.
Normally that works in a Basic
Pokémon’s favor, but not when you’re
probably already running
Broken Time-Space so you can get
Neo Genesis
Slowking into play in a single turn,
will have access (barring hand
disruption or Trainer denial) to the
most potent draw/search engine in the
history of the game, and are going to be
relying on Pokémon that just need less
Energy to do as much.
After all, we are including
Evolutions as competition for a Basic
I will bump its score up from my
previous review though, since Evolutions
still eat up more card slots, and that
might be exactly the space you need for
vital Trainer TecH.
In Modified I’d think this would be a
top pick. Pretty much everything about
this card becomes better, and the first
attack might even come in useful
(Retreating an injured Pokémon being a
common strategy in Limited).
With no specific Energy-Type
requirements, this should be run in any
deck that pulls it.
I can see why
Tornadus made the Top 10 of 2011
I had my reasons for not
including it, mainly because the deck it
seems to be most influential in is also
the one where it is riding the coattails
of a card I did include in my list.