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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards of 2011
Countdown - #6
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 30, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.75
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#6 Eviolite
To end the week, here is the first Trainer card to make
our Top Ten of 2011. No prizes for guessing that it
won’t be the last.
In a format where the new first turn rules and the Rare
Candy errata made playing Pokémon that Evolved a less
and less attractive prospect, Pokémon decided to release
a whole load of Basics whose HP and damage output
rivalled, and in some cases exceeded, that of most Stage
2s. Then they went and gave us this:
Eviolite. A card that gives
exclusive protection to those same big powerful Basics
by reducing any attack damage they take by 20.
With an Eviolite attached,
it now takes 150 damage to
OHKO a Unova Dragon, with a
huge Outrage attack awaiting the Pokémon who fell short.
Eviolite reduces
Zekrom’s self-damage from
Bolt Strike to the point where it is barely a drawback
any more. A Tornadus with
Eviolite attached simply
laughs in the face of the one-mighty
Donphan Prime. With
Eviolite, a Durant NV can
hope to survive long enough to mill through an
opponent’s entire stack of cards. Six Corners (a deck
that basically works by hitting for Weakness with
Outrage attacks) becomes not only feasible, but top tier
thanks to Eviolite . . .
need I go on? This card has only just been released and
already it has had a massive impact.
Unlike the other cards we have looked at this week,
which probably have their best days behind them,
Eviolite is only going to
get better and better. In case you have been living
under a Geodude recently,
you will know that 170+ HP Basic EX Pokémon like
Groudon, and Zekrom
are just around the corner. Yep, the days where you will
need to hit for 200 damage just to OHKO a Basic Pokémon
are almost here, and Eviolite
is going to have a big part to play in that future.
Modified: 4.5 (This card will be making life difficult
for opponents until the day it rotates)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! Today we're going to
finish off our COTD Week with our #6 Card of 2011.
Today's card is a new Pokemon Tool from Noble Victories
that has seen tons of play since its release, and will
probably see even more play once Next Destinies comes
out. Today's Card of the Day is Eviolite.
Eviolite is a Trainer - Item card, and is also a Pokemon
Tool. Therefore, you can play as many of them as you
like during your turn (unless you're under the effects
of Allergy Flower or Magic Room), and you can attach it
to a Pokemon that doesn't already have a Pokemon Tool
attached to it. Eviolite's effect acts as a "permanent
Defender" for Basics, causing any damage done to the
attached Basic to be reduced by 20. This is very handy
on Reshiram and Zekrom, as neither can be OHKOed by an
opposing Blue Flare or Bolt Strike + PlusPower, instead
requiring three PlusPowers for the OHKO. Likewise, it
also adds to the survivability of the main attackers in
Six Corners, as well as making Durant a stalling force
to be feared. When using Eviolite, just remember that it
doesn't work on non-Basics (so LEGENDs and Evolved
Pokemon won't get the effect).
Modified: 5/5 Eviolite is really, really good. While it
doesn't belong in every deck (Evolution decks don't
really have much of a use for it), it definitely belongs
in any deck that is built around powerful Basic Pokemon.
Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Tornadus, Cobalion, Virizion,
Terrakion, and Durant all greatly benefit from the use
of Eviolite, turning some would-be OHKOs into 2HKOs,
giving you an extra turn to Super Scoop Up/Switch or get
a KO of your own. Additionally, when the new Basic
Pokemon-EX come out in Next Destinies, Eviolite will be
ridiculous with them as well. Expect this card to
continue to see a lot of play until it rotates, as it
should be a tournament staple.
Limited: 5/5 Most Limited decks rise and fall depending
on how powerful your Basics are, and Eviolite makes your
Basics even more powerful. Since Limited is a low-damage
format, chances are Eviolite can help you tank with your
Basics as long as possible, as any 10- or 20-damage
attack won't do anything with this Tool. Definitely
worth a deck slot here.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Top Card #6: Eviolite (Noble Vitories)
Noble Victories has been a raging success so far, and
one of the biggest reasons for that success is that many
cards were released that either created new archetypes (Vanilluxe,
Virizion and Cobalion for example) or cemented the old
ones (Kyurem, Eelectrik and N to name a few). Eviolite
is of the latter category, making the Zekrom Rush deck
(I like that name better than Zekrom Donk) even better
than it was before.
Eviolite is a lovely Poke'mon tool that reduces incoming
damage from attacks by 20 for the Poke'mon it is
attached to (including self damage), provided that said
Poke'mon is a Basic. Poke'mon Legend are left out in the
cold (yet again!) but there are plenty of viable
Poke'mon who just love this little treasure!
Zekrom is the first Poke'mon that comes to mind, since
the synergy with Bolt Strike is obvious. Equally
terrifying is Tornadus, who will now make Donphan and
Landorus cry like little children, since their attacks
will now be doing more damage to their own team than
they are to the cloud monster!
Less obvious but equally important targets are Kyurem
(living long enough to get in another Glaciate makes
Eviolite well worth the deck space), Cobalion NV (if
Magic Gothitelle isn't out yet, this will make your
opponent cry!), Mantine HGSS (getting one more Water
Poke'mon to complete your setup) and Shuckle Promo
(protect your card drawing sources!)
The there are the evolving Basics like Magnemite TM,
Hoppip HGSS, Tynamo NV, Cyndaquil HGSS, Totodile HGSS,
Gothita EP, Zorua EP and Horsea UL. All of these fragile
Poke'mon and more evolve into powerful forms but they
need prtoecting if they are going to get there, so
Eviolite is a worthwile investment purely to ensure your
support gets set up.
The only problem with Eviolite is that it doesn't have a
discard clause, so if you evolve a Poke'mon who is
holding one then you lose the effect but you can't
replace it with another Poke'mon Tool unless you scoop
up the Poke'mon and evolve it all over again (admittedly
Rocky Helmet is the only other current option, but it's
still annoying). Also, you can't get your Eviolite back
with Junk Arm until the target Poke'mon is Knocked Out,
but the reason you played Eviolite in the first place
was to prevent that from happening, so run multiple
copies for the best results.
There are very good reasons to include Eviolite in any
build and it is a must run in any deck with
self-damaging Basics. Pretty much the only acceptable
reasons not to use it are lack of space, a preference
for Rocky Helmet and not having them in your collection!
Modified: 4.75 (the competition with Rocky Helmet is
tough and the lack of usefulness on Evolutions is a
problem but Eviolite is an awesome card to play and you
will definitely come up against it)
Limited: 5 (between Landorus, the Musketeer Trio, Kyurem
and Druddigon you have absolutely no reason not to run
Combos with: any Basic will benefit, but Eviolite
becomes a must run if youR little critters have attacks
with recoil damage.