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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Lost Remover

Call of Legends

Date Reviewed: Feb. 11, 2011

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 3.40
Limited: 2.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK National

Lost Remover


Now this is a really interesting card that will go on to have a big impact on the format . . . or not. It can (and will) go both ways.


Lost Remover is a Trainer (good – unless you are locked by Vileplume UD!) with a pretty simple effect: put one of your opponent’s Special Energy into the Lost Zone (meaning they will have no way of getting it back).


Trainer-based Energy removal is a very powerful effect and this will appeal to a lot of players. How useful it is, and how much deckspace it will command, depends entirely (and obviously) on how important Special Energy is in the format. At first it may seem that including this card is a no-brainer with the ever-popular Luxchomp deck playing a full set of Double Colourless, but remember that Garchomp C LV X will most often be discarding the DCE for Dragon Rush as soon as it is attached, leaving this card only the odd Call Energy to target.


The kind of decks that Lost Remover will be most effective against are those that need their Special Energy to stay attached. For example, Steelix Prime decks tanking with Special Metal, or Gyarados and Gengar decks which like to use Rescue Energy to keep up a swarm of Pokémon by returning anything that is KO’d to the hand. None of those decks are completely dependant on Special Energy though, and there are many other decks which won’t be at all threatened by Lost Remover (Speed Machamp, Lostgar, Donphan, Uxie Donk to name a few).


This means that right now Lost Remover is a fairly niche card. It does something good in certain match ups. I do expect it to see tournament play, but probably only as a single copy in most decks, maybe together with Junk Arm which can recover it for further use. If the future format shifts in favour of something like DCE-dependant high energy attackers then this card could well become a staple. Meanwhile it’s something that every player needs to be aware of . . . a crucial Lost remover following a careless Energy attachment could turn a game.




Modified: 3 (going for the average here. Sometimes it will deserve more, sometimes less)

Limited: 2.25 (there are Special Metals and Darks in the set, but you probably won’t get a lot of use out of it).

Mad Mattezhion
 Professor Bathurst League Australia

Lost Remover

Hey guys, sorry about missing so many reviews. In the unlikely event I complete the NinePhlosion article I am writing, I will be writing a short article about Lost World to give a little more information about why that damned Stadium can and probably will kill Pokémon as we know it. But more on that later.

Lost Remover is our last card for this week, and it is a brilliant card (quite a rarity for the this set of reprints, but I’ll take what I can get!). The simple effect is to choose one Special energy attached to one of your opponent’s Pokémon and put it into their Lost Zone.

Energy removal as a strategy is not very popular at the moment because so many decks have attacks that can be powered with a single energy (or even worse, are free to use!) and a few boosts from the bench. For the decks that use a lot of energy, energy acceleration (typically from the discard pile) is used to pick up the slack so discarding an energy attached to your opponent’s Pokémon usually won’t annoy them much, if at all.

The other reason that energy removal is so underrated is that the only ways to remove energy from a Pokémon in the current card pool are all based on attacks. Quite aside from ending your turn, the attacks that remove energy are almost all over costed with weak (or even no) damage and/or require at least one coin flip. This ruins the effectiveness of the energy removal since you can’t depend on it and your Pokémon won’t be able to cut it in a fight due to the low damage.

In fact, the only Pokémon capable of energy removal you are likely to come up against are Typhlosion Prime (which needs [f][f][c] to deal 70 damage and discard an energy attached to each the Defending Pokémon and itself) and Dialga G Lv X (it has a flippy attack to remove energy to the Lost Zone that most players never use).

However, back in the bad old days of Base Set, you could play 2 different Trainer cards to remove energy from your opponent’s Pokémon, the aptly named Energy Removal and Super Energy Removal. These cards could be spammed from the hand to remove several energy from your opponent’s side of the field and obliterate their setup.

These cards are long gone, and like Gust of Wind they have never been reprinted in their original, obscenely powerful forms (though weaker versions have been released).

The power of Lost Remover is that you can use it several times in a turn because it is a Trainer and, even better, there is no chance that your opponent will be able to recover the energy since it is now in the Lost Zone!

Sadly, Lost Remover only works on Special energy, so the playability of the card all depends on how many Special energy you expect to play against. There are lots in the format, but will you face them?

I’ll list the likely targets and how much it is likely to hurt the opponent when you swing your ban-hammer down to banish their precious Special energy.

Metal Energy: This energy is stacked on a Pokémon to reduce incoming damage from attacks, so removing it to the Lost Zone will really make your opponent squirm as their tanking strategy falls apart. Use Lost Remover against decks using Steelix Prime and Dialga G.

Dark Energy: Again, players like to stack this card on a Pokémon to make a brutal beast that will destroy all it encounters, so lowering their damage cap will hurt and may just save you. Lost Remover is effective against Tyranitar SF/Prime players who love damage, and against players who like to donk with Sableye SF.

Rainbow Energy: You will usually only see 1 or 2 copies of this card in a deck, and most likely it will be on a Roserade UL which will use Rainbow Energy to fuel its Poke-power. If your opponent needs the Rainbow to attack then this card will hurt, but otherwise it will only be a minor inconvenience. Not very effective because so few Rainbow decks exist (and those that do either run enough Basic energy to make Rainbow unnecessary or run SP energy).

SP Energy: SP decks like to use this energy for consistency, although the fact that they run Cyrus’ Conspiracy means that competent players run enough Basic energy to cover their attack needs. So Lost Remover is nothing more than an annoyance in this scenario, though it is possible that your opponent will be critically injured if they are short of energy at the time.

Double Colourless Energy: Your opponent will always want to keep this card in play due to the amazing speed it offers (Nidoqueen RR, Machamp Prime, Uxie Lv X, the list goes on!). So Lost Remover will really tick your opponent off in this situation. Unless your opponent is using the DCE to cover a discard cost, in which case the DCE won’t be in play long enough for you to remove it. Garchomp C anyone?

Call Energy: This is used early game to grab Pokémon rather than power an attack, so using Remove Lost will be an inconvenience at most, causing your opponent to pay another energy to retreat their starter. Don’t bother using Remove Lost in this case unless you need to play out your hand.

Warp Energy: As above, players drop this for the switching effect and then forget about it, so playing Lost Remover will merely be an inconvenience.

Cyclone Energy: Ditto the Warp and Call energy.

Health Energy: Read above.

Upper Energy: No-one uses this unless they don’t have DCE in their collection, but if your opponent is relying on this card for a fast attack, then Lost Remover will cripple them.

Those are all of the Special energy I think are in the format at this time, so the verdict is inconclusive. Some decks will fear Lost Remover, some will laugh at it as they only run Basic energy and/or won’t care about losing the few Special energy they do use.

The one other problem with using Lost Remover is that you have to play several of them in your deck to get the most out of the effect, and most decks just don’t have the space for that many situational counter cards.

However, all is not lost. With Junk Arm, you can run a single copy of Lost Remover and retrieve it to reuse it multiple times against the decks it will hurt, or use it to pay the discard cost of Junk Arm if you are facing a deck that doesn’t care about Special Energy.

In the end, this is a lovely little counter card that may well cause a few surprise upsets while ever it remains in the card pool.

Modified: 3.75 (it’s a great new take on an old mechanic, and the no-retrieval clause of the Lost Zone adds to the power of the card. The lack of flipping is well balanced against the ability to only target Special Energy)
Limited: 1.25 (are there any Special energy in this set? You’ll be happy to take it for your collection though)

Combos with: Junk Arm


2/11/11: Lost Remover

Hey, players who remember Base Set! Remember Energy Removal? It's baaaaacccck!

Or something like that.

On the one hand, Lost Remover sends energy to the Lost Zone, making it impossible to retrieve. On the other, it only targets Special Energy. On the plus side, every deck runs some form of Special energy, particularly DCE and Call Energy. On the other, Garchomp C, the best abuser of DCE, discards the energy after attacking, and removing Call Energy won't have that much of an effect in most cases. Really, Lost Remover should be better in a format without Garchomp, where top attackers don't discard energy upon attacking. But you know what? I like this card, and it can certainly be very good in some cases, even in this format.

Modified: 3.25/5
Limited: 2.25/5(You remove...Special Metal and Dark energies. It could come in handy, but...)

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