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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Mr. Mime #29/95
Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 16, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.60
Limited: 2.60
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Mr Mime (Call of Legends)
Unlike its little brother which
we reviewed yesterday, Mr Mime is the real deal when it
comes to teching in a
Gengar/Lost World deck.
We can pretty much ignore the silly coin flip attack,
the Psychic Weakness (unless it runs into
Drifblim FB), and the ok-ish
70 HP. Mr Mime is pretty much designed for one purpose:
to sit on the bench and use its
That PokePower, Trick
Reveal, means that once per turn (if you choose to use
it), you and your opponent must show each other your
hand of cards. Obviously, seeing what your opponent is
holding can be very useful; letting them know what you
have isn’t so great however. Because of this, Mr Mime
isn’t really suitable for general use, but instead fits
very nicely into decks where it is very important to
know what is in your opponent’s hand. Right now, that
basically means Gengar
Both Gengar SF and the Prime
really benefit from having Mr Mime around to use Trick
Reveal. With Gengar SF you
can find out exactly how much damage you can do with
Poltergeist without having to play
Looker’s Investigation as your Supporter for the
turn. In Gengar Prime/Lost
World decks, you can discover if your opponent is
holding any targets for Hurl into Darkness and possibly
save a Seeker for future use while improving your set up
by playing a Supporter like Twins or
Bebe’s Search.
Yes, it’s a pretty niche card, but
Gengar (both SF and Prime) is a very popular deck
and that is unlikely to change any time soon. I would
consider Mr Mime as practically a staple in either
build, and for that reason I’m going to have to give it
a decent score.
Modified: 3 (a great tech for any
Gengar deck)
Limited: 1.5 (eh . . . you don’t need Mr Mime to tell
you that your opponent’s hand is like yours – full of
jank and filler)
Combos with . . .
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Mr Mime (Call of Legends)
Hey Pojo fans! Today we have one of the weirder Pokémon
form the Franchise, and the evolution of yesterday’s
card, Mr Mime!
This guy is famous for being the maid to Ash Ketchum’s
Mum in the anime as well as for constantly saying its
own name while miming, which is bad form since mimes are
supposed to be silent!
Today’s version has an attack and a Poke-power that may
cause it to occasionally see play. But first, the stats.
Mr Mime is a non-evolving Basic of the Psychic group
with 70 HP, Psychic weakness and a retreat cost of 1. As
I said above, this card also has a single Poke-power and
an attack, at least one of which needs to be brilliant
as this card has low HP with a weakness that most
players will be able to take advantage of for a cheap
KO. And giving your opponent easy Prizes is never a good
The attack is called Juggling (obviously a play on Mr
Mime looking like a clown… a very creepy clown) and
costs [p][c]. In return for keeping Mr Mime alive long
enough to attach the necessary energy, you get to flip 4
coins (KISS OF DEATH! The dreaded coin flip!) and deal
10 damage for each Heads result. This attack gets the
gong for being both underpowered and unreliable, and the
fact that many commonly played Pokémon have a resistance
to Psychic is the final nail in the coffin.
However, Trick Reveal is much more useful. Once during
your turn, you may use this power to force your opponent
each show their hand, at the cost of revealing your own
hand. This is great for players who use Gengar SF since
you can reliably know every turn what your opponents are
holding. There are other ways of looking at your
opponent’s hand (Looker’s Investigation, Smeargle UD,
Weavile UD) but they are either difficult to use every
turn or end your turn when you use them (the Poltergeist
attack on Gengar SF and Mismagius UD is an example),
whereas Mr Mime can just sit on your bench and let you
look at your opponent’s hand turn after turn.
The problem with Mr Mime is that your opponent gets to
look at your hand as well, without having to use a card
of their own. Even if your opponent doesn’t have any way
to disrupt your hand in their deck, they will still be
able to prepare their own side of the field to deal with
your deck based on the contents of your hand. The 2 ways
around this problem are to use Trick Reveal when your
hand is empty (or as close to empty as is possible) or
to use Judge later in the turn so that your opponent has
no idea what cards you are holding (a good combo,
because you can look before you play to see if playing
Judge will hurt or help your opponent). This is still a
pretty major downside though, which huts Mr Mime’s
chances of reaching the ‘tournament viable’ category.
To conclude this review, Mr Mime does its job of
revealing your opponent’s hand more reliably than any
other card in the format. The sad part is, the downside
of Trick Reveal means that most players will stick with
Smeargle UD to peek at their opponent’s hand, and the
low HP of Mr Mime means it is sniper bait once you play
it onto your bench.
Modified: 3 (a good Poke-power, but lousy stats mean
most players will probably use alternative cards, of
which there are several)
Limited: 3 (the attack is still terrible, and the pros
and cons of the Power still even out in this slower
format with the lack of hand disruption cards in Call of
Legends [Weavile gets to peek as well, so Mr Mime
doesn’t help it I the slightest])
Combos with: Gengar SF, Judge
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! I hope your weeks are
going well. Today we continue our COTD week with the
Evolution of yesterday's card (in the video games at
least, as the HGSS-era Baby Pokemon can't evolve).
Today's Card of the Day is Mr. Mime.
Mr. Mime is a Basic Psychic Pokemon. 70 HP is average
for a non-evolving Basic, which is rather unfortunate
because it can get sniped by Garchomp C Lv. X's Dragon
Rush, making for an easy KO. This means that in order to
see play, it must do something rather extraordinary as a
non-evolving Basic. Psychic Weakness means that Gengar
or even Uxie Lv. X will hurt, as will the occasional
Anticipation Toxicroak G, no Resistance is no
Resistance, and a Retreat Cost of 1 is very payable, and
can be reduced to nothing by Unown Q.
Mr. Mime has a Poke-Power and a single attack. Trick
Reveal allows each player to reveal their hand once per
turn, but only if Mr. Mime is not affected by a Special
Condition. This could work in a deck utilizing Gengar SF
to see what is in your opponent's hand to know whether
to Shadow Room or Poltergeist, but Looker's
Investigation outclasses Mr. Mime greatly in this
regard, as it doesn't take up a valuable bench slot,
won't get Knocked Out, and it doesn't force you to show
your opponent your hand, potentially letting them know
what you have planned. For Modified in general, Mr. Mime
could probably be used in any deck that likes to know
what the opponent's hand is, but chances are there will
be a problem finding a deck slot for it. In Limited,
this Power can be useful to see what your opponent might
be doing next, but considering you have to show your
opponent your hand as well, so it may not be worth it.
The attack, Juggling, allows you to flip 4 coins and
does 10 damage times the number of heads for a Psychic
and a Colorless. Not at all worth it in my opinion for
Modified, and even in Limited, there are generally
better options.
Modified: 1.75/5 Trick Reveal is the main reason you'd
play this card, as Juggling isn't very good. However,
Trick Reveal can also act as a double-edged sword, since
you have to show your opponent your hand as well.
Additionally, there are many Trainers and Supporters
that allow you to look at your opponent's hand without
revealing your own (Alph Lithograph ONE, Looker's
Investigation, and Cyrus's Initiative come to mind).
Limited: 2/5 I can't think of anything in Call of
Legends that immediately combos with Mr. Mime in regards
to Trick Reveal, but seeing what your opponent has might
be useful in some cases. Just keep in mind that you have
to show your hand too, revealing any of your possible
tricks. Juggling can even be used here in a pinch,
although the damage output is still disappointing.

Otaku |
This Wednesday we look at
Mr. Mime from HS-Call of Legends,
one of the new cards from the set.
Mr. Mime is a Psychic-Type Pokémon
giving it access to a little bit of
Support you probably won’t often use
with it.
It has 70 HP, about as low as you
want to see on a Basic that can’t
Evolve, but functional nonetheless.
Its Weakness is Psychic x2, and
that will make it easy prey for a TecH
copy of
Uxie Lv.X with a
Double Colorless Energy.
I still find a lack of Resistance
frustrating, but it is common so it
doesn’t really detract from the card.
The single Energy Retreat Cost is
pretty good; you shouldn’t have a hard
time paying it and you even have options
Unown Q to simply eliminate it.
I saved its Stage for last for a
reason: it’s Basic Pokémon, which is
probably the best Stage this format.
Basics are easy to search out and
play (which has been true most formats)
but their power level is at the point
where that speed and ease of play can
overwhelm many otherwise sturdy
Why save its Stage for last?
Because if you want to, you can
optionally play
Mr. Mime as an Evolution: the format
still has two versions of
Mime Jr. that possess the Baby
Evolution Poké-Power, allowing you to
Mr. Mime on top of them as if they
were Evolving, not only shaking all the
effects Evolution normally does (like
Special Conditions) but also any damage
counters that were on
Mime Jr.
Looking ahead, you can see that
Mr. Mime has an attack that requires
outside help to use first turn, so you
might want to consider using
Mime Jr. as your opener.
Your options are one 40 HP
version and one 50 HP version.
Both are (of course) Basic
Psychic Pokémon and have the same
Weakness (Psychic +10) and Retreat Cost
of just one; both fairly good bottom
Both have potentially useful
For one Psychic Energy the 40 HP
version can use the attack Mime,
which lets you shuffle your hand into
your deck then draw a number of cards
equal to your opponent’s hand.
Copycat is a Supporter for a reason,
though as an attack it loses some
potency, especially first turn when
you’ll have a hard time playing out your
hand and your opponent’s hand size won’t
exceed six cards.
The 50 HP version has Encore,
which for one of any Energy allows you
to select one of the Defending Pokémon’s
attacks and force your opponent to use
that attack next turn… unless they
Evolve, Retreat, or I believe if your
opponent manages to force
Mime Jr. to the Bench (I was unable
to locate a direct ruling).
Like Mime, Encore can potentially
be useless: your opponent might have a
Pokémon that doesn’t need to attack,
that has only one attack anyway, that
has an alternative attack they can use.
The first catch includes not only
something up front to use a Poké-Power,
but also cards that are going to simply
be retreated or Evolve ASAP.
Call Energy can allow any Pokémon
access to the third caveat, and many
opening Pokémon have something like a
useful Poké-Body/Poké-Power with a
single attack.
Ultimately I’d say Mime is the
better attack but since it has only 40
HP and isn’t
that much better, you can use either
if you feel you really need
Mr. Mime to be an Evolution.
Fortunately if you do, you can
Evolve right away (unless you get nailed
Power Spray) so the poor attack may
not even matter.
So now we get to what
Mr. Mime can do.
It has a Poké-Power and one
The Poké-Power simply allows you
to force you and your opponent to show
each other your hands.
That isn’t especially powerful.
The attack is Juggling which
gives you four coin flips for (PC).
Mr. Mime does 10 damage times the
number of heads you get on the coin
So that’s an average of about 20
points of damage, which would be poor if
this was the beginning of an Evolution
line, and as a Basic that can’t further
Evolve (or can fake being a Stage 1
Pokémon), this is definitely
TPC didn’t even allow
Mr. Mime to get by with using a
Double Colorless Energy by making
the cost (CC); then just because it
could go off first turn and
Mr. Mime could easily attack in any
deck, making it only a little sub par.
Both of these effects seem like
decent supporting moves, but only if the
other were really great or there was
some synergy between the two.
If we had less need of Bench
space this format (due to all the
powerful “coming into play” Poké-Powers)
then I might not be quite so harsh on
the Poké-Power, since the corollary to
that is knowing your opponent’s hand is
a bit more useful this format, and hand
can be changed out frequently.
So why have I spent so much time and
text to review the card?
First I like to be thorough, and
second I believe there is a place for
this in many
Lost World decks.
The two builds I have seen (and
was impressed by) are the
Gengar and
Mew Prime from HS-Triumphant.
Both rely on the attack Hurl Into
Darkness (printed on
Gengar), though
Mew Prime can use the attack via a
combination of its own attack and Poké-Body
(and removing a copy of that
Gengar from play).
In either case, the attack has
you look at your opponent’s hand and
remove up to as many Pokémon you find
there as you have Energy attached to the
Pokémon using the attack (Gengar
Mew Prime).
We have several cards that allow
you to see and manipulate your
opponent’s hand, so why would
Mr. Mime be worth giving up a Bench
slot? Because it lets you see your
opponent’s hand
before you dedicate cards to messing
with it.
Why risk throwing away a hand
that already has enough Pokémon in it
for you to set up for a
Lost World win?
2/5 – This is a general rating; as
stated above the Poké-Power can come in
quite handy but its fighting for Bench
space in a crowded format and doesn’t
have a solid attack to fall back on.
I’d bump it a point or a point
and a half for decks like
Lost World variants that really like
to know what is in the opposing player’s
3.5/5 –
Mr. Mime is useful Basic Pokémon
needing only one Psychic Energy to
attack allows it to work into the
(usually) multi-color Limited decks with
only minor effort. Lower average HP
scores and damage outputs elevate most
Basic Pokémon in general in this format,
and while you’ll have to give your
opponent the same edge, knowing what is
first (by seeing your opponent’s
hand) can still be a huge advantage.
conical |
2/16/10: Mr. Mime(Call of Legends)
Today, we review Mime Jr.'s evolution, even though Mime
Jr. can't evolve into Mr. Mime...whatever, let's review
this card.
Mr. Mime's Power lets both players look at each other's
hands, like it says in the card text. This ability has
received a fair amount of hype in conjunction with both
the already existing Vilegar archetype and the heavily
hyped Lostgar archetype. Granted that Gengar Prime
already looks at your opponent's hand when using Hurl
Into Darkness, it may be good information to know before
you end your turn and waste an attack.
Of course, the card has a downside written into the
text; you reveal your hand as well. It might not be as
valuable information to your opponent as it is to you,
but is not wasting an attack worth the drawback?
I'm sure some people will run it, and may even do well
with it. I just question whether or not it was the right
Modified: 2.75/5
Limited: 2.5/5
Combos With: Gengar SF