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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Pidgey #67/95
Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 35, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.67
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Call of Legends)
In the 10+ years of the Pokémon TCG and
CotD, we have never, ever got around to reviewing
any of the 11 Pidgey that
have been printed. Actually, considering that
Pidgey is one of the
original 151, that doesn’t seem like many. There have
been more than four times as many Pikachu!
Like Mawile, this card is an
alt art reprint . . . of a card that we saw in the
previous set(!). The art is
lovely though, I’ll give it that.
If you want to play Pidgeot
(which I don’t really recommend as it is a gimmicky,
easily played-around tech at best), then the two
identical Pidgeys are all
the choice you have. Like its Stage 2,
Pidgey itself is a gimmicky
little card with an attack (Messenger) that seems more
useful than it really is. For one
Energy of any Colour, Pidgey
will search your deck for any Basic which you then put
in your hand. At this point, Pidgey,
having done its job, gets shuffled back into your deck.
Sounds ok, doesn’t it? Use Pidgey
to search out a useful Basic, and then send it to the
deck before it gets KO’d. Only trouble is, you need
another Pokémon on your Bench to use it in the first
place (otherwise you will lose due to having no Pokémon
in play) and you end your turn with fewer Pokémon on the
Field than you started with: which leaves you very
vulnerable to donk losses.
If you want to search out Basic Pokémon, use Pokémon
Collector, Call Energy or even one of the many Pokémon
with Call for Family style attacks. You don’t need this
weak 50 HP Pokémon to get the job done.
Modified: 1.25 (When you are a worse card than
Glameow MD, there’s
something seriously wrong)
Limited: 2.5 (Any form of search is useful . . . and you
will likely have a decent bench anyway)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo viewers! I hope that your weeks
all went well. Today we end our COTD week with a 1st
generation Pokemon that we've never reviewed before!
Today's Card of the Day is Pidgey from Call of Legends
(originally printed in Triumphant).
Pidgey is a Basic Colorless Pokemon. As stated before,
Colorless Pokemon are great because they can easily fit
into any deck due to their energy requirements, making
them fairly good support Pokemon. 50 HP is average for a
non-evolving Basic, Lightning Weakness hurts against
Luxray and the random Magnezone, Fighting Resistance is
great against Donphan, Machamp, and Promo Toxicroak G,
and finally a Retreat Cost of 1 is decent and can be
paid with the energy discard, Switch, Warp Point, Warp
Energy, or Unown Q.
Pidgey has two attacks, both costing a single Colorless
Energy. Messenger allows you to search your deck for a
Pokemon and put it into your hand, as well as shuffling
Pidgey and all cards attached back into your deck. In
Modified it's generally a better idea to use a Trainer
or Supporter as they won't use up the attack for your
turn, but it is nice that Pidgey removes itself from
play, meaning it won't be dragged up or sniped by Luxray,
Garchomp, or Gengar. In Limited, Messenger can be of
great use, as search is very limited here, making this
attack a great way to search out your evolutions.
The second attack, Glide, deals 10 damage for a single
Colorless. Nothing at all interesting.
Modified: 1.75/5 It's not totally useless as a set-up
Pokemon, but there are generally better options.
Limited: 4/5 Pidgey is a great starter to mid-game
player here, as Messenger can give you whatever you need
Pokemon-wise. Colorless typing and cheap cost also make
the attack that much better. Not quite an auto-inclusion
though, as Messenger still takes an attack and an Energy
drop, which can set you back if your opponent is well
set up. Still very good here, though.
conical |
2/25/11: Pidgey(Call of Legends)
This is apparently the first Pidgey review ever! For
this site. It's kind of surprising, but given the lack
of love Pidgey gets in general, maybe not so much.
Unfortunately, there is no reason to determine whether
this is the best Pidgey in the format, assuming you're
playing Pidgeot for some reason. Why? Because the only
other Pidgey in the format was in Triumphant...and this
is a reprint of that Pidgey. So this is the best Pidgey
in the format, by virtue of being the only Pidgey in the
Fortunately, it has other merits, mostly in Limited. A
bit of trivia: this Pidgey is actually based on Koga's
Pidgey, a card from Gym Challenge which also had the
Messenger attack, with similar effects. Pokemon search
is always great in this format, even if Pidgey can't
really use it if it's your only Pokemon, or if your lone
benched Pokemon is like Mime Jr. or something similar.
Still, it is definitely worth using, in a set filled
with great support in Limited.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 3.5/5