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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Magnezone Lv. 44
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 28, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.13
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hello and welcome to the first in a series of theme
weeks here on Pojo’s
CotD. We have reviewed all
the new cards from Call of Legends, and we have a couple
of months to go until the new Black and White set is
released, so we thought this would be a cool way to fill
the gap.
is a Pokemon that had only a
marginal presence in tournament play, despite the fact
that the card designers seem to love it. Since its first
appearance in Diamond and Pearl, seven of them have been
printed. Compare that to Charizard
which, despite being one of the most popular Pokémon
ever, has only had 5 versions (and one of those was a
base set reprint) during the same time.
At the recent European Championships, a
Magnezone/Regirock deck
managed to go undefeated in Swiss rounds before losing
in the top cut. As a result, I expect that players will
look again at the potential of this Pokémon and it may
well be something you could expect to face at the
upcoming State Championships. One of the problems of
building a Magnezone deck
has always been choosing between the many different
versions of the card. Hopefully this week of reviews
will help players with that issue.
We kick off with the Metal
Magnezone from Stormfront.
It has a slightly below par 120 HP, but its typing means
it can use Special Metal energy to reduce damage, and
this compensates somewhat. The Weakness to Fire is not a
huge problem at the moment, as Fire is underplayed.
Combine that with a very useful Psychic Resistance and
you have a card that can usually take a hit or two.
The big attraction with this Pokémon is its Magnetic
Search Power. Once per turn, you get to search your deck
for a Lightning or Metal Pokémon and put it in your
hand. This is obviously useful in helping you set up
other Magnezones, but I
would question whether or not it is worth inclusion just
to fill this role. Setting up a Stage 2 Pokémon so that
you can set up other Pokémon is not a very efficient way
to spend your resources. Remember that you already have
methods of searching out Pokémon (Collector,
Luxury Ball) and that taking up one of your four
available Magnezones with
this card may not be the best idea. Once your deck sets
up, you probably won’t even need to use it.
The attacks fall into a similar category to the Power:
not bad, but not as good as you can get with other
Magnezones. Speed Shot is a
30 damage snipe attack that provides only average value
for [L][C], while Crush Volt gives you a reasonable
return of 80 damage for [L][C][C] and a discard. Neither
of these attacks is terrible, but at the same time, they
won’t induce fear in an opponent either.
Although this Magnezone has
a nice Power and its attacks are pretty decent, I would
probably not include it in a
Magnezone deck. Pokémon provides plenty of draw
and search to help you get Pokémon out anyway, and I
would rather save the space for more consistent lines of
some of the Pokémon that we will be discussing later in
the week.
Modified (in a Magnezone
deck): 2.5 (it’s ok, but I
think you can use the space better)
virusyosh |
Welcome back Pojo readers! Since we have a bit of
time until the release of Black and White and we have
reviewed most of the new and interesting cards from Call
of Legends, we're going to be having a few theme weeks.
This week's theme revolves around Magnezone, as the deck
has been seeing more play lately, and each of the
Magnezones are fairly good. Today's Card of the Day is
Magnezone from Stormfront #5 - the Metal one.
Magnezone is a Stage 2 Metal Pokemon. Metal Pokemon have
been up and coming recently, as Steelix Prime, Scizor
Prime, and (of course) Magnezone have been seeing more
play recently. 120 HP is rather average for a Stage 2,
although it can benefit from the attachment of Special
Metal Energy. A Fire Weakness of +30 is excellent,
although chances are Charizard and Blaziken FB will
still OHKO (Blaziken needs help, though). Psychic
Resistance is also great against Gengar and Uxie Lv. X,
if your opponent happens to be attacking with it.
Finally, a Retreat Cost of 2 is a bit large, so you'll
want to get Magnezone out of the Active slot with
something Warp Energy, Warp Point, or Super Scoop Up.
Magnezone has a Poke-Power and two attacks. The
Poke-Power, Magnetic Search, allows you to search your
deck for any Lightning or Metal Pokemon once per turn,
shuffling your deck afterward. This works great in a
Magnezone deck, as you can easily bring out more
Magnezones as well as any Lightning/Metal techs that you
may have (Scizor Prime, Entei/Raikou LEGEND, Manectric
PT, the list goes on). A slight drawback is that it can
only get those types of Pokemon, but chances are you can
easily search out your non-Lightning, non-Metal Pokemon
with other search cards like Pokemon Collector, Pokemon
Communication, and Bebe's Search. It also can't be used
when Magnezone is affected by a Special Condition,
although odds are this clause won't come up very often
in Modified. In Limited, this type of searchability is
amazing, and can easily thin your deck and get you the
Pokemon that you need.
Magnezone also has two attacks, Speed Shot and Crush
Volt. Speed Shot costs [LC] and allows you to deal 30
damage to one of your opponent's Pokemon, ignoring
Weakness, Resistance, Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies, or any
other effects on that Pokemon. This attack can work
nicely to pick off your opponent's damaged Benched
Pokemon or to get through annoying evasion effects, but
outside of that, 30 damage isn't that much and you will
probably want to be using Crush Volt more often.
Speaking of Crush Volt, it costs [LCC] and does 80
damage, discarding one Energy attached to Magnezone.
This works as a great attack in the Magnezone deck, as
it deals a decent amount of damage and the one Energy
discard can be easily replenished with the likes of
Conductive Quarry, Magnezone SF #6's Super Connectivity,
or simply your Energy drop for the turn. It can also use
Double Colorless Energy, which a few of the other
Magnezones can use as well.
Modified: 3.5/5 Magnetic Search is powerful in the
Magnezone deck, and both attacks are decent for what the
deck is trying to accomplish, however this Magnezone
faces stiff competition in Modified. Magnezone Prime is
an amazing draw engine with a powerful attack, Magnezone
SF #6 has Super Connectivity, and the Lv. X allows for
Energy movement and can do 80 damage plus auto-Paralysis
each turn. If this Magnezone is used, it is generally a
one-of, but even still, it's definitely worth
consideration if you are building the deck.
Limited: 4/5 Magnetic Search is ridiculous in Limited,
and both of the attacks are good as well. If you can get
it out, you should win.
Combos With: Magnezone SF #6
conical |
2/28/11: Magnezone(Stormfront 5)
Today's card is once again from the Call of Legends set,
it being the recent set.
…What's that? We're doing Magnezone Week? Fine by me!
The first Magnezone is the Metal-type version from
Stormfront. The set alone should indicate the pedigree
for this card; Stormfront is most definitely the most
impactful single set in the format, and neither
Magnezone does it any shame. Today's version has the
Magnetic Search Poke-Power, which lets you search out,
among other things, more Magnezone. Given that it's a
Stage 2, it wouldn't be as useful when teched into a
different Lightning deck, but it's undoubtedly useful
within the Magnezone archetype. Its attacks aren't bad
either; Speed Shot is situational, but still has its
uses when used in combination with the Lightning-type
Magnezone SF's Gyro Ball, and Crush Volt, until
Magnezone Prime's arrival, was one of the most damaging
attacks a Magnezone player could use. Today, you'd
probably use the Prime for raw damage, and use this to
search the rest of your deck, and maybe snipe with Speed
Shot, but this still has its uses.
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 3/5
Combos With: Would other Magnezones be too much of a cop
out for Magnezone Week?