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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
- NDP 32 - Promo
Date Reviewed:
Mar. 2, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: promo
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Magnezone (NDP 32)
After Stormfront was
released, the one thing that the
Magnezone deck lacked was real attack power. Then
we got not one, but two promo
Magnezones that sought to address that problem.
The one we are reviewing today is probably the better of
the two, though there really isn’t very much in it.
Promo has a healthy 130 HP and that great
Metal typing, combined with a
+30 Fire Weakness and Psychic Resistance. It’s first
attack, Mirror Shot, is relatively cheap at 40 damage
for [M][C] and can be used to buy you some coin flip
protection (though bear in mind that if the opponent
switches out the Defending Pokémon, the effect goes
away). The big damage though comes from
from Magnet Slash. This
attack has the inconvenient cost of [L[[M][C][C]
(at least you can use Double Colourless) but it does do
100 damage for the price of discarding any attached
Lightning Energy.
100 damage does sound great, especially as you can use
DCE and Magnezone SF-6 to
power it up in a couple of turns. The problem is that it
does fall short of taking key OHKOs
against things like SP LV Xs and other Stage 2 Pokémon.
Because of this, you will want to use attack boosting
cards . . . most likely expert Belt.
Before Triumphant was released, this and the other
Magnezone Promo were your
only options if you wanted a real heavy hitter for a
Magnezone deck. Now though
we have Magnezone Prime
which is faster, can hit even harder,
and provides
The result? The promo
Magnezones are now virtually
obsolete and I wouldn’t be running them in any
competitive Magnezone deck.
Modified (in a Magnezone
deck): 1.75 (has nothing to offer except for damage
output . . . and you can do better elsewhere)

Otaku |
Today we are looking at a promo
Magnezone, specifically
Magnezone Lv.51, which is NDP 32.
To begin with, it is a Stage 2
Metal-Type Pokémon.
Since I haven’t gotten my general
guidelines articles done that keep
bouncing around the back of my head, I
feel the need to remind my readers of
the fundamentals concerning stats.
The format may favor the faster
Basics (and/or their Level X forms) but
being a Stage 2 is still quite potent:
Rare Candy,
Broken Time Space, and some great
draw/search power, Evolution has never
been easier or faster.
So the main concern is simply
that you’ll need to make more room in
your deck for it, making it less
appealing as a Bench sitter than the
other Stages.
Of course, for that baggage we
should gain access to some of the best
stats and effects in the game.
As for being a Metal-Type, that
doesn’t mean a whole lot for Type
Matching right now but it will allow
this card to utilize the Special Energy
form of
Metal Energy to soak damage, though
how much of an advantage that is depends
upon the rest of the card.
130 HP is on the happy side of “average”
for Stage 2 Pokémon, or at least those
worth playing.
Fire Weakness is probably the
least problematic Weakness appropriate
for the card, and thanks to a few
popular, often played Water decks you
probably won’t have to deal with it more
than one.
The fact that this is an older
card (for the Modified Format) means
that we even are fortunate that it uses
the now abandoned “adds damage” form of
This card takes an extra 30
points of damage from Fire Pokémon
attacking it, but unless you’re being
harassed by TecH that wasn’t expected to
attack or filler part of a line of
Evolution, it is still far better than
the former and current damage doubling
This is coupled with Psychic
Resistance -20.
I am always happy to see any
Resistance, and some matches it will be
very useful.
Unfortunately most matches it
won’t, even though most decks are
running Psychic Pokémon in a supporting
role and there are some serious Psychic
decks out there.
That’s the thing about
Resistance: it tends to be easy to play
around for most decks.
Psychic decks are especially good
at this since the most popular ones tend
to place damage counters, inflict
Special Conditions or similar effects,
or use an alternate win condition (Lost
We finish off the bottom stats
with a Retreat Cost of two.
This is low enough that you can
pay it if you really need to, but pricey
enough you’ll want to avoid it or
compensate somehow.
So we have good, solid foundation for
the card, so let us move onto the
Magnezone is bringing two attacks to
the battle.
Mirror Shot sadly requires (MC) so
you can’t just drop a
Double Colorless Energy to use it
right away, but if combined with a
discarding effect and yesterday’s CotD
you could.
It only does 40 points of damage,
and for a Stage 2 Pokémon with that
Energy cost, that will only work if the
effect of the attack is good.
Unfortunately it isn’t: it just
forces a coin flip if the Defending
Pokémon tries to attack
Magnezone next turn.
This isn’t useless but it is far
too easy to clear such an effect:
Evolving, Leveling Up, or changing out
the Defending Pokémon.
The second attack requires a
significant Energy investment of (LMCC)
and forces you to discard all Energy
providing (L) attached to
So you’ll always have to discard
at least one Energy card with the
In that situation, the attack is
barely adequate: it will allow you to
keep up a constant 100 damage per turn
assault on your opponent but cost you
your Energy attachment each turn.
There is a slight bonus in that
it can use
Double Colorless Energy so it will
only require three initial Energy
attachments to function.
Of course, since this card
already needs two different Energy
types, we have a definite problem.
You can’t use
Rainbow Energy to ease the cost
unless you want to discard it right
Double Colorless Energy will make
for a very Energy heavy deck since
you’ll need to work in two basic Energy
types and probably Special Energy
Metal Energy as well.
These little things drop its
So for Modified, I’d say skip this card.
Even with what we’ve already
covered, you’ve got better options for
reliable damage.
Not quite as big, but with better
supplemental card effects.
If you do run this version, it
Magnezone Lv.46 so that you can
speed up Energy attachments while
feeding off its discards.
If the other
Magnezone didn’t exist, it just
isn’t potent enough to be of real use as
the focus of a deck.
The only thing that would ensure
it would see play (though still not a
lot) is if
Magnezone Lv.46 were to be the only
other Modified Legal
Magnezone, since then you’d run a
single copy of this one just to give a
brute force option to the Evolution
Granted, I’d still look for an
entirely different dance partner or deck
For Limited play… this is a promo!
If it theoretically was released
within a set that had your expected
Magnemite and Uncommon
Magneton, it’d probably be a good
choice. The set would have to be quite
high in Fire Pokémon (making the
Weakness fatal) or severely lacking in
other Pokémon that could utilize the
Metal Energy and
Lightning Energy (needed to fuel
such a deck) to negate the fundamental
Magnezone would enjoy: lower average
HP scores and damage outputs turn
average HP and attacks into great ones.
N/A, theoretical 3.25/5
Check out my eBay sales
here! Just a reminder, Pojo is in no
way responsible for any transactions and
is merely kind enough to let me link to
my auctions in the reviews. ;)
virusyosh |
Welcome back to Magnezone Week, everyone! Today we
are looking at one of the promo Magnezones, numbered DP
Like our COTD on Monday, this particular Magnezone is a
Stage 2 Metal Pokemon. Metal is a fairly good type to be
right now, as Fire isn't very popular outside of the
random Charizard deck or Blaziken tech, and this
Magnezone can be searched out with Magnezone SF #5's
Magnetic Search. Additionally, this Magnezone's +30 Fire
Weakness is also nice, meaning that weaker Fire moves
won't hurt quite as bad. 130 HP is especially good in
this regard, as it takes a well set-up Charizard to OHKO
you, or a Blaziken FB Lv. X with an Expert Belt.
Additionally, having high HP and Metal typing means that
Magnezone can take advantage of Special Metal Energy as
well. Psychic Resistance is great against Gengar and the
pixie trio, and a Retreat Cost of 2 is decent, but you
should still probably use Warp Point or Warp Energy.
The other Magnezones we have reviewed thus far have all
had abilities to make them useful in the Magnezone deck,
but this particular variation is just an attacker.
Mirror Shot costs [MC], dealing 40 damage and gives a
Smokescreen-like effect on the Defending Pokemon during
your opponent's next turn. This is decent as a stalling
move, or if you need to get that final few points of
damage in. However, for the big hit, you will probably
be using Magnet Slash, which deals 100 damage for
[LMCC], discarding all of the Lightning Energy attached.
This Magnezone really benefits from Double Colorless
Energy on top of the synergy with Conductive Quarry and
Magnezone SF #6's Super Connectivity, as discarding one
Energy card is the most optimal in order to most
reliably do a lot of damage.
Modified: 2.75/5 Of all of the Magnezones in Modified, I
think this one is probably the least useful, but it is
by no means bad. As a straight attacker it is definitely
good, but the other Magnezones we have reviewed (and
will review) generally have better support options to
help the rest of the deck. Even still, this Magnezone is
a potent attacker that shouldn't be underestimated.
Limited: N/A
Combos With: Magnezone SF #6