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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Magnezone Lv. X
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
Mar. 4, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.25
Limited: See Below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: Magnezone
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Our last Magnezone this week
is the oldest one in the format – the LV X from Legends
Awakened which is currently enjoying its third season as
a modified legal card.
The 140 HP is decent (but won’t make any difference if
you are Levelling up the Prime). Psychic Resistance and
Metal Typing are great. The Fire Weakness isn’t too bad
either and may well be preferable to the Fighting
Weakness of the Lightning Type
Magnezones. Meanwhile, this card has the kind of
Retreat cost that is practically begging you to play
switching cards.
LV X has a decent Energy Trans-style Power which allows
you to move around Metal and Lightning Energy as often
as you like during your turn. Powers of this type are
always at least semi-useful as they allow for a kind of
pseudo-acceleration by attaching to the active attacker
Pokémon from one that was benched. In the
Magnezone/Regirock deck
though, it won’t often be needed as the Prime has a low
cost attack and Energy on the Field will typically be
sent to the Lost Zone to fuel it.
This card has a single attack, Cyber Shock, which costs
[M][L] (both of which it
discards), and does 80 damage plaus
auto Paralysis. Although Paralysis is by far the best
Status Condition, that isn’t really saying much at the
moment as Status Condition are so easily removed by Poke
Turn, Evolution, or Levelling Up. In a format dominated
by OHKOs you will almost
certainly be better off using the Prime’s attack to
one-shot a Pokémon, rather than Paralysing it and hoping
it is still there for another shot on your next turn.
Nevertheless, the attack does give you an alternative
way of taking a Prize form any Pokémon with 80 or less
HP without Lost Zoning your Energy. This, together with
the potential benefits of being able to change Weakness
from Fighting to Fire, means that the LV X is worth
considering in a Magnezone
deck, especially if you are expecting to face a lot of
Machamp and/or
Donphan decks. The main
drawback is that it would really like you to run a Metal
Energy or two when the Magnezone/Regirock
deck really prefers to use Lightning and Fighting. My
advice would be to playtest
the deck both with and without a copy of the LV X.
Modified (in a Magnezone
deck): 3 (not as essential as you might think, but can
offer some decent options)
conical |
3/4/11: Magnezone Lv. X(Legends Awakened)
A Prime and a Level X!? Surely not! Well, Gengar does
that too, so I guess it's cool...
Magnetic Trans is reminiscent of Base Venusaur's Energy
Trans, the one major difference being that it works with
Lightning and Metal energy, rather than Grass.
Certainly, this is a handy Power to have...if I could
give you a scenario where it would be handy. I'll be
honest, I don't really see how this gives Magnezone any
benefit, besides the HP. Yeah, you could move energy
attached to other Pokemon, or you could just
attach/Super Connectivity energy to the proper Pokemon
in the first place. True, you could avoid damaging one
of your Pokemon by using Super Connectivity on something
else, then moving it, but that seems like a lot of
effort than should be needed. It probably works better
when using Cyber Shock as well, but, well, hmm. I guess
it's OK.
Modified: 3.25/5
Limited: 1/5(no Magnezones in Legends Awakened!)
Combos With: Magnezone! |

Otaku |
So we end this week with the last card in our
review week, and no one should be surprised it is
Lv.X. While being
a Level Up card means you’ll have one less slot for the
Stage 2 Magnezone
you need in play to drop this, you’ll find it is worth
Lv.X is a Metal-Type with Fire Weakness x2 and Psychic
Resistance -20.
This is preferable to the Fighting Weakness and Metal
Resistance displayed by
Lv.46 and
Magnezone Prime, the two other great
Magnezone I’d
encourage you to run alongside this.
Leveling up won’t help the Prime’s HP score, but
Lv.46 will get an extra 20 HP and both will be able to
use Special Energy
Metal Energy
to soak damage.
You will inflict a painful four Energy Retreat cost on
whichever card you Level Up, so make sure you have some
options to Bench your Active as needed besides manually
Leveling up also gives you access to an extra Poké-Power
and attack.
Electric Trans allows you to move Lightning and/or Metal
Energy providing cards attached to your Pokémon around
as often as you like during your turn.
This can come in handy given that
Lv.46 can attach a
Lightning Energy
or Metal Energy
card from your discard to your Active Pokémon once per
turn at the cost of placing a damage counter on the
receiving Pokémon, plus it has an attack that can bounce
itself back to the Bench. The attack is pretty good as
well. Up front it
looks inexpensive as it requires (LM) to use, but you
have to discard a card providing Lightning and
providing Metal Energy.
Yes, I double checked: you can’t just discard a
single Rainbow
Energy for both.
Still, for inconveniencing yourself by attaching
then shedding two different types of Energy, you score
80 points of damage and automatic Paralysis.
The Special Condition might be easy to shake, but
the damage isn’t.
This also conveniently can load the discard for (or
alternatively be fed from the discard with)
With the proper deck you can rush to the Lv.X to open
fairly aggressively then use the Prime to end
aggressively. You
could also use Gyro Ball, the attack on Lv.46, instead
and combine it with
from Arceus to spread some damage around while
locking down Trainers.
Constantly promoting
Spiritomb may
provide some easy
for your opponent, but you can turn that to your
Besides cards like
Twins or
Black Belt
for surprise comebacks, you can use Lv.46’s Poké-Power
to load Energy onto
(and the damage counters that go along with the effect)
then the Level X’s Poké-Power to move that Energy
Spiritomb was
likely a OHKO for the opponent anyway, so it still
serves its purpose and you avoid hurting any
You won’t get the Trainer denial aspect but you
can also use
Pachirisu from Call of Legends in a similar
manner: dropping it into play will trigger its
Self-Generation Poké-Power, allowing you to attach two
Lightning Energy
cards from your hand to it.
You can then use Electric Trans to move it around
(or simply remove it directly for the effect of
Prime’s Lost Burn attack).
With all that being said, I don’t know if
Lv.X is a “must run” for the deck.
It certainly is nice to have but running it means
one less
Magnezone Lv.46 or
Prime. This
lowers its performance (and thus score) in Modified.
If you are fortunate enough to be participating in a
Limited event using Legends Awakened packs, note
that there is no normal
Magnezone in
this set, so this card can’t be played.
If you’re pulling packs from both Legends
Awakened and a set that has a full
line, skip it.
There are a lot of great things it could give you, but
unless you’re getting at least a 3-3-2
line behind it, you’ll be lucky if one round you get the
Level X into play.
Plus it needs to specific Energy types and
discards those cards to attack, which is very unfriendly
for Limited play even though
Lv.X would have access to the underlying
I am still selling my former collectables on eBay. You
can take a look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is in no way responsible
for any transactions and was merely kind enough to let
me mention the auctions here. ;)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, everyone! Today we end Magnezone Week
with the Level-Up card to all of the previous cards this
week, and this particular iteration will likely see play
in nearly every Magnezone deck because of its utility.
Today's Card of the Day is Magnezone Lv. X from Legends
Magnezone Lv. X, as its name implies, is a Level-Up
Pokemon, and you will level it up from your Stage 2
Magnezone, effectively making it a "Stage 3". Metal
typing and 140 HP are great, meaning that Magnezone can
tank with Special Metal Energy, as well as take a few
hits otherwise. Fire Weakness is to be expected for a
Metal-type, so make sure to steer clear of Fire types
like Charizard AR and Blaziken FB Lv. X. Psychic
Resistance is also great against the likes of Gengar.
Finally, a Retreat Cost of 4 is terrible, so be sure to
get Magnezone to the Bench with something like Warp
Point or Warp Energy.
Magnezone Lv. X has a Poke-Power and an attack (in
addition to whatever else the Magnezone underneath it
has). The Poke-Power, Electric Trans, allows you to move
any Lightning or Metal Energy from one of your Pokemon
to another as many times as you want during your turn.
This works very well to power up expensive attacks on
various Magnezones like Gyro Ball, Crush Volt, and
Magnet Slash, and can also be used to fuel Magnezone
Prime's Lost Burn if you remove the Energy from it. Add
Pachirisu CL for even more fun.
Magnezone Lv. X's attack, Cyber Shock does 80 damage and
automatically Paralyzes for the low cost of LM,
discarding one Lightning and one Metal attached to
Magnezone. This attack is amazing for its cost, and can
easily be replenished through the use of Electric Trans,
Magnezone SF #6's Super Connectivity, Conductive Quarry,
and Pachirisu CL's Self Generation (with Electric
Trans). The auto-Paralysis is fantastic, but look out
for Super Scoop Up/Poke Turn to ruin your fun. Then
again, if your opponent doesn't have any of these
options available to them, they will be in big trouble.
Modified: 4/5 Magnezone Lv. X makes a strong deck even
more powerful, with Electric Trans and Cyber Shock
working perfectly with what the rest of the deck is
trying to accomplish. However, the deck is kind of slow
by today's Modified standards, so be sure to figure out
ways to either speed yourself up or slow the opponent
down. Pachirisu, Mesprit LA, and lots of search are good
Limited: 1/5 Due to the way the DP era sets were
released, there are no Magnemites, Magnetons, or
Magnezones in Legends Awakened, meaning this card is
useless in Limited.
Combos With: Magnezone (any of them, but SF #6 in
particular), Pachirisu CL, Conductive Quarry