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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Zangoose #39/95
Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 9, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 2.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Call of Legends)
Today’s card sort of forms a pair with
yesterday’s. Not in any
useful deck synergy way, but because they are mortal
enemies . . . like the mongoose and the snake in nature.
Given that the mongoose is famous for its ability to
kill deadly poisonous snakes, it’s a bit ironic that
this Zangoose is not really
as good as the Seviper. It’s
not completely terrible though. 80 HP is still decent
for a Basic, though the Fighting Weakness is a huge
liability. It does have cheap-ish
attacks too (with the ability to use Double Colourless
Energy) . . . the trouble is that they don’t quite do
enough . . .
first attack is Swords Dance which, for a single
Colourless Energy doubles the base damage of its other
attack on your next turn. In the video games Swords
Dance is an awesome move which gives a permanent boost
and sets up a Pokémon to sweep. In the TCG though, it’s
not really practical to use an attack that doesn’t hurt
your opponent on every other turn.
The other attack in question is Lost Claw. This costs a
quite expensive [C][C][C] and
only does a base damage of 30, which is awful. This
pretty much
forces you to spend a turn powering it up with
Swords Dance. It does have the neat bonus disruption
effect of sending a random card from your opponent’s
hand to the Lost Zone, but unless you get supremely
lucky, that will in no way justify the time and Energy
you had to put in to getting the attack off. To be
realistic, it is highly likely that
Zangoose wouldn’t get to use it at all, as it
isn’t exactly a tough to KO while it is using Swords
If I were battling Sevipers
(or anything else for that matter) with a
Zangoose, I would want the
PL version over this one every time. It’s actually an
under-rated little tech that can really annoy decks that
use high-retreat bench sitters like
Vileplume UD.
Modified: 1.5 (much too slow)
Limited: 2.5 (Being Colourless is great, so you would
probably play it, but even here it’s not exactly a speed
conical |
2/9/11: Zangoose(Call of Legends)
Zangoose seems to be a Lost Zone-themed variant of
Jungle Scyther, in that one of its attacks powers up the
other next turn. Unlike Scyther, Zangoose has a retreat
cost of 2, which makes it considerably less useful,
along with that Lost Claw takes a turn to power up, and
even then it's not that powerful(though it one-shots
Garchomp C!). It is better in Limited, and if you ever
get to lay down Lost World in a Limited match, it'll
probably be because of a combination of this card, Mime
Jr., and your opponent being overly reckless with
Relicanth CL. Also, heavy amounts of luck, as one would
Modified: 2.25/5
Limited: 3.25/5
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today's Card of the Day
is a Pokemon that feuds with the Pokemon of yesterday's
Card of the Day. Today's COTD is Zangoose.
Zangoose is a Basic Colorless Pokemon. Colorless Pokemon
are good because they can use any type of Energy for
their Energy requirements, making them easily splashable
in any deck. 80 HP is fairly average for a non-evolving
Basic, and is a rather unfortunate number, as Garchomp C
Lv. X can easily OHKO with Dragon Rush. Fighting
Weakness means that Donphan and Machamp will hurt, no
Resistance is unfortunate, as is a Retreat Cost of 2,
which is not so bad, but you still probably don't want
to pay it.
Zangoose's two attacks remind me a lot of
Jungle/Platinum Scyther, and for good reason. For a
single Colorless Energy, Swords Dance doubles Lost
Claw's base damage during your next turn. Much like
Jungle Scyther, this attack can be used, and then a
Double Colorless Energy can be attached on the following
turn for 60 damage. However, in today's Modified format,
attacks like Lost Claw that only deal a base 30 damage
for three Energy are too expensive, no matter what their
secondary effect is. Lost Claw's secondary effect is
fairly good, as you take a card at random from you
opponent's hand and put it into the Lost Zone. This
effect can be decent in Limited, but in Modified, you're
probably better off using Gengar Prime for this sort of
Modified: 1/5 Zangoose is unfortunately too slow and has
too little HP to be of much use here.
Limited: 2.75/5 In Limited, Zangoose is fairly nice, as
it has decent HP, Colorless Energy requirements, and
hand disruption. However, Lost Claw is also rather
expensive, and Fighting types are fairly abundant in
Call of Legends, meaning that Zangoose will likely be
OKHO'd by the likes of Donphan and Hitmonlee.