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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Top 10 New Pokémon Cards of 2010
#4 - Twins

HS Triumphant

Date Reviewed: Jan. 11, 2011

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 4.33
Limited: 4.75

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK National

#4 Twins (Triumphant)


Our #4 card comes complete with ultra-cute art and quite possibly the best effect text ever printed on a Supporter: search your deck for any two cards and put them in your hand.


I could ramble on about why that is such an amazingly useful thing to do, but I fear I would be stating the blatantly obvious. Simply, you use Twins to grab the cards you need, whatever they may be. All those things that are (generally) unsearchable like Stadiums and non-SP Trainers, become instantly accessible with Twins, along with every single other card in your deck.


Drawbacks? Of course there are drawbacks, otherwise this card would be completely and utterly broken. For a start, it’s a Supporter, so you are limited to one per turn (not much of a drawback, admittedly). Secondly, you have to be behind on Prizes to play it.


It’s really that second condition that restricts the use of Twins and makes it a balanced card. As a result, the decks that make best use of Twins (and therefore run multiple copies) are those which can reasonably expect to lose the first Prize or two. Set up decks, Trainer lock decks, and Regigigas (which likes to give up Prizes to heal and accelerate Energy) are all decks that can really benefit from running this card. Even in speed-based decks a single copy could be played, after all, no deck can absolutely guarantee that it won’t go behind. SP decks are especially good at abusing a single copy of Twins as they can search it out with Cyrus’s Conspiracy if they believe they will fall behind early. Cynthia’s Feelings is probably a more flexible option, but Twins is certainly worth testing.


But really, the natural home of Twins is the kind of deck that takes a few turns to set up behind sacrificial starters. Those kind of decks have really struggled since SP and the single-Energy attack decks began dominating the format. This card goes some way towards closing the gap, but it hasn’t so far proved to be quite enough to allow slower decks to compete equally. It may be that we need a rotation to allow this card to demonstrate its true worth.




Modified: 4 (very good in some decks now, may become staple in a slower format)

Limited: 4.25 (well worth giving up an early Prize for . . . you probably only have 2 cards in your deck that you want, right?)


Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we are continuing our Top 10 Cards of 2010 (HGSS-on) by reviewing a relatively new Supporter card that has seen play in many top decks, and has managed to make the #4 spot in our countdown. Today's Card of the Day is Twins from HS Triumphant.

Like mentioned before, Twins is a Supporter card, and it allows you to search your deck for any two cards and put them into your hand if you have more Prizes remaining than your opponent (that is, if you are losing). While this card is a dead draw if you are winning the game, chances are that when you are losing a crucial Twins drop will easily get you two cards that you need to even up the score. In this past weekend's City Championship that I attended, my opponent took an early prize. On my next turn, I top-decked my Twins, fetched a Gyarados and an Expert Belt, and proceeded to take all of my Prizes as my opponent couldn't recover. However, there is one thing to note when playing this card: like other cards like Luxury Ball, you shouldn't probably have more than two of these in your deck unless you are playing a very slow deck, as this will occasionally be a dead draw. Then again, it fetches any two cards you want with no drawback (you don't even have to show your opponent!), so what's not to like?

Modified: 5/5 This card is really good, most decks should probably run at least one copy. The ability to get any two cards you need with no drawback is simply astounding, and will allow you to easily make a comeback (provided that you don't draw it too late, that is).

Limited: 5/5 Twins is almost even better in Limited, where your deck is a lot more variable. Dropping this Supporter can easily get you that Stage 2 or Energy that you need to take the opponent down and even out the match.

Mad Mattezhion
 Professor Bathurst League Australia

Twins (HS Triumphant)
This is a truly beautiful card, though there is a fair bit of potential for it to be a dead draw which balances it out in play.
Twins allows you to search your deck for any 2 cards, provided you have more Prizes left than your opponent.
The last time there was a search card this good, it was Pidgeot FRLG, which had a Poke-power than allowed you to search for any one card each turn. Despite being a Stage 2, it saw plenty of play, and the same has been happening for Twins.
At first we thought that this card would be brilliant for recovery like Cynthia’s Feelings, but it turns out that Twins is better if it is used early in the game.
The main problem with Twins is intentionally falling behind in Prizes in order to use it. Unless you are behind Twins is a dead draw which is particularly annoying in light of the power of VileGar decks. So reliably killing knocking out one of your own Pokemon early on is the key to successfully using this card.
Typically, any deck that wants to use Twins will sacrifice their starter in order to fall behind, which probably rules out any deck that likes to use Sableye SF since the little Ghost specialises in donking the opponent. However, any deck that uses Spiritomb PA would be well advised to include a copy or 2 of Twins, as Spiritomb is suicidal with that Darkness Grace attack, letting your opponent get ahead by a prize while setting you up. Also, Regigigas decks love Twins as they knock out their own Pokemon for energy acceleration and can use Twins (or Black Belt) to get even, then surge ahead.
The ability to search for any 2 cards is awesome, which is why Furret SW was so popular until Claydol came out to give that insane draw power. Twins fills a void in this game with many cards being either unsearchable or very difficult to search out (most Trainers, Special Energy and Stadiums come to mind). Just don’t let that one sacrifice to your opponent turn into a losing streak!
Modified: 4 (it’s a dead draw early game until you lose a prize and it’s a dead draw late game when you are winning, but otherwise it is the supporter you will want to play)
Limited: 5 (double search for any card in Limited? Go for it! Just beware that taking the first knockout will probably cost you the game, so tread with care)
Combos with: Spiritomb PA, Regigigas Lv X


Welcome to number four as we count down the Top 10 new cards from 2010!  Today is Twins, and it is a little funny because it was first reviewed on 11/01 last year and now it’s being reviewed again on 01/11 of this year.


Besides the normal Supporter text, Twins states “You may use this card only if you have more Prize cards left than your opponent.  Search your deck for any 2 cards and put them into your hand.  Shuffle your afterward.”  Pretty potent effect, when you can use it.  When the card was new I heard some players question whether or not it is wise to run a card that you can only use when you are “behind”.  Pokémon may technically measure who is winning according to how many Prizes you have left to claim in a game, but players should quickly learn that is only an accurate measurement of who is winning if time is called.  What cards are in each player’s hand, what is on the field, what is in each deck, what is in each discard pile, even what cards are in each player’s Lost Zone all factor into who is truly winning and who is losing.  We’ve already seen how potent the “come from behind” cards can be: Scramble Energy was a staple in the formats it was allowed in, while past Trainers and Supporters like Pow! Hand Extension and Rocket’s Admin were nearly staples with many prominent decks intentionally getting behind during the first few turns so they could use those cards to cripple the opponent’s set-up before moving in for the kill.


When it comes to running a card like Twins, you usually just bait your opponent into taking the first Prize or run cards that will actually force your opponent to take Prizes.  An example of the first is usually running a great opener, like yesterday’s Smeargle: better to allow your opponent a shot at Twins than to give them access to two Supporter cards a turn.  In the case of the latter, there are a few Poké-Powers I can think of (Regigigas Lv.X, Electrode Prime) that will force your opponent to take a Prize, give you something in exchange for that Prize, all while enabling you to activate this little beauty.  I’ve already heard a few tricks tossed around for abusing this card.  The first is simple: grab a second copy off the first.  Don’t do this if you know you’re going to catch up or pull ahead in Prizes; otherwise you might as well prep to enjoy another two cherry-picked cards.  Then there are cards that let you duplicate Supporter effects.  Jirachi from Rising Rivals, for example, would still require your opponent get a Prize ahead, but once they did you’d enjoy pulling the four exact cards you wanted from your deck in a single turn!  I’ve built it up quite a bit so I will point out that the naysayer players weren’t entirely off: there will be plenty of times you will be ahead, and this will be a dead draw.  Even in a controlled situation, remaining behind in Prizes intentionally is a risky strategy, and gets riskier the lower the Prize count gets.  Still, it’s a potent and popular card that many decks run and a few specific decks should run.  One last, fairly simple combo to remember is simply running Vs Seeker.  Have the option of multiple uses while running a single copy.


For Limited play, this is a potent search cards.  Draw and search cards are at a premium in this format, so even one you might never get a chance to use is well worth it.  If you absolutely cannot fit it in because you have some dream deck otherwise, you can skip it.  That’s a pretty unlikely scenario.  You also are less able to chance intentionally giving up a Pokémon to enable playing Twins safely, due to the lower Prize count.  Together those are still only worth losing a half a point in my book.




Modified: 4/5 

Limited: 4.5/5


1/11/11: Twins(Triumphant)-#4 Card, 2010

When the Japanese equivalent of Triumphant leaked, there was a splash of hype directed at some of the Pokemon, but the main focus was the Supporters, most notably the number 4 card, Twins.

The basics of the card have already been detailed; grabbing any two cards from your deck, provided you're behind on prizes. Twins has been put to use in pretty much any deck that takes few turns to set up. It is put to good use particularly in Regigigas, which can control the prize margin at will thanks to Sacrifice. It's definitely a staple in any tanking deck, or anything without aggro.

Modified: 4.5/5
Limited: 5/5
Combos With: Regigigas Lv. X

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