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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Top 10 New Pokémon Cards
of 2010
#1 Pokémon Collector (HeartGold SoulSilver)
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 14, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.90
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#1 Pokémon Collector (HeartGold
. . . we come to our #1 card of the year for 2010. It
shouldn’t really be a surprise, but I do sense that some
readers are going to be disappointed.
Why? Simply because it isn’t a sexy glamour money card
like Luxray GL LV X . . .
you know, the type of card that goes for a ton on eBay
and has players calling for a ban. Instead,
CotY is a staple Supporter that you can buy
relatively cheaply, and even appears in a few theme
Pokémon Collector does a simple, but vital job – it
allows you to search your deck for Basic Pokémon. Cards
like this have existed in Pokémon for years now, with
slight variations, and with good reason – they are the
foundation for almost every deck in existence (some
highly specialised First Turn Win decks like
Donk don’t need them). If you can’t get your
Basic Pokémon out . . . then your deck is simply going
to fail.
Even compared to other cards of this type, Pokémon
Collector is pretty great. Sure, it doesn’t offer the
flexibility of Roseanne’s Research (which gave you the
option of Energy search), but what it does give you is
THREE Basic Pokémon in your hand with no drawback
whatsoever (unlike Holon Mentor, which needed a discard,
or Pokémon Fan Club which only got two Pokémon directly
to the Bench). That third Pokémon makes all the
difference: it gives you pretty much what you need to
set up and
the option of a tech Basic . . . say an
Uxie, a
Mesprit, an Unown Q,
or a Crobat G. You no longer
have to compromise (as you often did with Roseanne) by
grabbing an Uxie in place of
an attacking or evolving Basic and hoping to use it to
draw into some of the other Basics you need.
Like any set up card, Pokémon Collector becomes less
useful after the first few turns, though it can still
work with Pokémon Communication to search out Evolved
Pokémon and Level Xs. Nevertheless, for the sake of
getting consistently good starts, this is a card that
99.9% of decks should run 3-4 of.
I guarantee that Pokémon Collector has been responsible
for more game wins than every other card on the list put
together. That’s why it deserves to be #1.
Modified: 4.75 (yeah, I miss Roseanne’s Research too . .
. but this is a very good replacement)
Limited: 5 (Nothing better)
Combos with
Any of the 650+ Basics in the format.
Yeah! Beat that, Luxray!
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, everyone! Today our Top 10 Cards of
2010 countdown comes to an end, with a card that is
definitely deserving of our top spot. This Supporter
card from HeartGold and SoulSilver is so good that it
has found its way into nearly every deck commonly played
in Modified (and Limited, when people draw into it), and
often appears in copies of 3 or 4. Today's Card of the
Day (and #1 card of 2010) is Pokemon Collector.
Pokemon Collector has a straightforward, yet very
powerful effect: Once played, you can search your deck
for up to 3 Basic Pokemon, show them to your opponent,
and them put them into your hand, shuffling your deck
afterward. First of all, it's a 3-for-1, so you are
thinning your deck out wonderfully to allow you to draw
into the other cards you need. Second, this card is
excellent when played early game, as a well-timed
Pokemon Collector can help you fill your Bench to avoid
your opponent from getting an early game win. Third,
many commonly played support Pokemon such as Uxie, Azelf,
Mesprit, and various SPs are all Basics, meaning they
are relatively easy to search out using this card.
Pokemon Collector works well in the mid to late game as
well - if you are trying to recover your field position
and have all of the Evolution cards in hand, you can
easily search out your Basics and then set up again.
However, when you are set up this card can be a bit of a
dead draw, but that's a small price to pay considering
that you will want to draw into one within your first
few turns of the game.
Modified: 5/5 Pokemon Collector is run in nearly every
deck in the Modified format, with most decks running 3
or 4 copies. It is of utmost importance in Gyarados
builds, as they must get to their Regices and Magikarps
quickly. It is also very important for SP toolboxes to
get whatever they need as well, but this card really
functions well in any deck. The only downside I really
see about Pokemon Collector right now is its relatively
high price on the secondary market (I've seen it as high
as $10) but that has nothing to do with its playability.
Limited: 5/5 Chances are in Limited you will draw into a
few Evolution cards of which you don't have the Basics
for, and Pokemon Collector will get those for you
quickly (unless they're prized, of course). Plus, having
searchability in Limited is always great, and Pokemon
Collector is one of the best at what it does, especially
in HGSS.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Pokémon Collector
At last, here it is: the number #1 new card for 2010!
You may or may not be surprised to see this card in the
top slot, but here it is! The triple threat that made
the loss of Roseanne’s Research bearable.
Like most of the Supporters on this list (and indeed, in
the current format) this card has a simple effect with
plenty of complex ramifications. Collector grabs 3 Basic
Pokémon from your deck and puts them into your hand.
Every worthy deck in the history of the game has run
enough Basic Pokémon to make running this card
worthwhile, and particularly now with the number of
powerful Basic Pokémon who are either attackers (looks
at the SP crowd) or techs (looks the other way at the
pixies). Even the popular starters make this card better
since you can use a quick Collector to set up for a bad
start, grabbing the starter you wish you had last turn
and a couple of other useful items along the way!
Roseanne’s Research had only one problem: you would look
through your deck and find yourself spoilt for choice.
Collector solves that by allowing you to grab an extra
Basic at the cost of losing the versatility Roseanne’s
enjoyed. And if you don’t need more than 2 Basics
anayway, just use the extra as fodder for Pokemon
*In my review of Pokemon Communication, I accidentally
typed that it went in a combo with itself, when I meant
that it went in a combo with Pokemon Collector*
An often overlooked aspect of this card is that it thins
your deck by 3 cards as well as being a powerful
multiple-search card. Cyrus’ Conspiracy is loved for the
same reason, as are all of the other Supporters which
allowed you to search out multiple cards in the history
of the game (Castaway, Twins, Scott, etc.).
Pretty much the only downside is that using multiple
Pokémon Collectors is pretty much redundant; unless you
have you hand shuffled away by Judge/Looker’s
Investigation or otherwise disrupted by cards like
Weavile UD and Cyrus’ Initiative.
Pokémon Collector is a staple card in every deck, and
you should be running at least 2, 3-4 if you don’t have
either Cyrus’ Conspiracy or Sableye SF to get you
Modified: 5 (every deck can use this card, and every
deck should)
Limited: 5 (multiple search is even better here,
especially when combined with Pokemon Communication)
Combos with: Pokemon Communication, Cyrus' Conspiracy,
Sableye SF |
conical |
1/14/11: Pokemon Collector(HGSS)-THE #1 Card, 2010
This is it. This is the best card released all year.
And what a card it is.
All of the cards thus far, from Junk Arm to Seeker,
are all great cards in their own way. However, most of
them benefit specific decks or styles of play. None of
them are really staples in every deck, save maybe
Pokemon Communication, but even then you're likely
running 2, maybe 3 maximum. The trend ends here with
Pokemon Collector, as this should clearly be in every
There's not much to review about the card itself.
It's a Supporter which lets you search for any 3 Basic
Pokemon in your deck and place them in your hand. It
most obviously benefits SP, since it's comprised of
nothing but basics, but really, given that every deck
has to use basics, it benefits everything.
There's not really much else to say about the card. It's
pretty clearly one of the best cards in the format,
given its ability to help setup any strategy. The only
legitimate excuse I can think of to not be running this
is the price; I believe it's still selling for about $8
each. If you have them, though, there is no reason not
to play at least 3, and frankly, you should be running
4. It truly is...the best card of 2010. Long live the
Modified: 5/5
Limited: 5/5
Combos With: Is there a card I can use to represent
everything? Because it combos with that.
And thus ends the Top 10 Cards of 2010. If you're
really curious to see what my actual order was, be sure
to check out the Top 10 article I did, even though it's
not terribly different than the official Top 10.
Criticism is much appreciated, unless you're rude about
it. :P

Otaku |
It’s time!
Today we look at the number one
card released in 2010 (that wasn’t a
reprint) and it is…
Pokémon Collector!
Not sure I entirely agree with
that choice, but it’s hard to argue that
it is anything but a great card and my
failure to grasp that quickly has lead
to many a failure at playtesting.
I explained what it would take in
my original review to make and nearly
Pokémon Collector.
I have to confess, I blew it:
most of those changes either had
happened, were happening, or were about
I was still stuck in the old “let your
first attack do it” style of play, and
supporting that with
Roseanne’s Research.
The big changes I missed that are
easy to explain are Special Energy
usage, coming into play Poké-Powers
usage, and some really general combos!
The first part is exemplified by
Double Colorless Energy (my original
number one pick for the list until I was
reminded “no reprints allowed”) has
affected the format; simply put it is a
heavily played card and you generally
want it ASAP.
Since neither
Pokémon Collector nor
Roseanne’s Research can grab it,
you’ll have to run something else to do
it, which ties into the next two points.
Uxie is the best example: it’s a
Basic that lets you draw until you have
seven cards in hand when you Bench it
from your hand.
It is such a potent effect that
searching and Benching (normally a
non-issue or even a slight advantage)
suddenly becomes a substandard way of
setting up.
Now you look at
Roseanne’s Research: if you get
Energy, it will reduce how much you get
to draw with
Uxie unless you play it right away.
If you play it right away, you
might draw into something that makes you
want to completely alter your set up.
If you just get Pokémon, then you
were better off with
Pokémon Collector!
The final generic, universal deck
combo is
Pokémon Communication: with it, you
can snag any other Pokémon cards you
It is a Trainer so you can use it
the same turn as the above Supporters,
and if you are getting a good draw of
Uxie and running at least three, you
probably can draw into this Trainer.
Now you’re a
Broken Time Space,
Rare Candy, or simply a turn wait
from being able to Evolve.
No waiting to Level Up, say into
Uxie Lv.X. X to further your set up
this same turn!
I feel this explanation skimmed over a
very important numbers aspect.
Clearly, one could still just use
Roseanne’s Research and enjoy its
versatility and settle for getting one
less Basic Pokémon.
After all, I’ve implied that
getting Basic Pokémon out of the deck is
relatively easy right now, and even
without your Supporter use it is
relative to every other card type.
It comes down to numbers, and the
fact that while the raw advantage is a
single card the effective advantage
multiplies: one more Basic Pokémon on
your Bench so you can draw one more card
Uxie and that card won’t be
that easily-searched-out Basic Pokémon!
At least I nailed this card for Limited
play, but then again it is pretty
It’s a non-Pokémon card.
It is a search card, and a potent
Supporter that searches out multiple
All this makes it a “must play”
card for the Limited format.