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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lunatone #25/102
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 18, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.81
Limited: 2.65
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hello and welcome to a new week of
Pojo’s CotD. Doing
the top 10 was so stressful that we needed to take
Monday off. That’s my story anyway.
First up for review this week is
Lunatone from Triumphant. It’s an
unevolving Fighting-type
Basic with just 60 HP. On the plus side, Grass Weakness
is rarely a problem, and the Retreat cost of one is
acceptable without being brilliant.
has no Powers or Bodies, just two semi-useless attacks.
Oh well . . . at least they’re cheap, I suppose. Lunar
Blast does 20 for a single Fighting Energy. Not bad
value-wise, but not likely to scare your opponent
either. Lunatone’s second
effort, Selfdestruct, adds a
Colourless Energy to the cost and does 60 damage to
itself and the defending Pokémon, and 10 to everything
on the Bench. I suppose, you can imagine situations
where this could
possibly be useful . . . say against an active
Luxray GL LV X to take the
last Prize (and you could always use something like
Defender to ensure Lunatone
survives for that turn), but that’s ridiculously
situational, and there better ways of doing it.
The only reason to play Lunatone
at all would be for the combo with
Solrock TM whose Heal Block PokeBody shuts off
healing effects (to the delight of spread decks) if
there is a Lunatone in play.
However, if you were thinking of using this, you would
definitely go for Lunatone
SV whose Marvel Eyes PokeBody protects both parts of the
combo from taking damage from LV X Pokémon (practically
speaking, this means they won’t get sniped by
Garchomp C).
When Lunatone SV gets
rotated out, and
if spread decks with Heal Block ever become viable .
. . then today’s card will see play (assuming we don’t
get a better one in the meantime). Not because it offers
anything very good, but because
Solrock needs a Lunatone
in play. Until that happens though, this card stays in
the binder.
Modified: 1.25 (play the vaguely useful
Lunatone instead)
Limited: 2.5 (cheap attacks on a Basic make this
somewhat decent)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! I hope that you all had a
good weekend. Since our Top 10 countdown is over, we
will now return to reviewing cards from the HS
Triumphant expansion. Today's Card of the Day is a rare
card that may see some play when paired with something
else. Today's Card of the Day is Lunatone.
Lunatone is a Basic Fighting Pokemon. Fighting types
have been seeing a lot more play recently with the
release of Machamp Prime, as well as other common heavy
hitters like Machamp SF and Donphan Prime. 60 HP is
terrible for a non-evolving Basic, which means that
Lunatone needs to be doing something extraordinary in
order to see a deck slot. Grass Weakness isn't too big
of a deal, as Jumpluff is rarely seen nowadays and no
other Grass types are commonly played. No Resistance is
unfortunate, and a Retreat Cost of 1 is average, and
payable if necessary.
Lunatone has two attacks. The first, Lunar Blast, does a
vanilla 20 damage for [F]. Not bad by any means,
especially early game, but attacks like this don't tend
to win games (unless you are getting a donk). The second
attack, Selfdestruct, is very similar to its in-game
counterpart: it does a decent amount of damage (60, in
this case) and 10 to each of your opponent's Benched
Pokemon, however it KOs Lunatone in the process. Attacks
like this have never really been good (especially now
that the old Defender trick doesn't work), and 60 damage
is unfortunately not a lot in this metagame, Therefore,
neither attack is really worth using in Modified.
So, where would you use Lunatone? It could work well in
a deck with Solrock TM in order for Heal Block to be in
effect, but Lunatone SV is generally a better choice for
Modified: 1/5 Lunatone isn't totally useless here,
although Lunatone SV is almost always a better choice
(when paired with Solrock TM), but this Lunatone won't
be doing a whole lot on its own.
Limited: 2/5 Lunatone can be really good with Solrock
here, and Lunar Blast can actually be quite good. I'm
not so sure about Selfdestruct, though.
Combos With: Solrock TM
conical |
1/18/11: Lunatone(Triumphant)
And we return with our regularly scheduled Card of the
Day reviews. That's right, no more Top 10 lists...until
next year!
Back to Triumphant cards, we start with Lunatone. Its
buddy, Solrock, has already been reviewed. Given that
Solrock's Body only activates when Lunatone is also in
play, using Solrock inevitably means that you will
likely play one of the Lunatones in the format.
That said, this Lunatone is somewhat interesting, if
only because it seems like they tried to make an
attacking Lunatone. Both its attacks are cheap, and
while other Pokemon have better energy efficiency, F for
20 is still good damage in Limited if nothing else.
Selfdestruct is a classic self-KO attack that generally
belong to bad Pokemon, such as Forretress LA. The only
advantage Lunatone's version has over other Selfdestruct/Explosion
variants is that it only takes two energy to use it,
meaning that at least it doesn't waste as many energy
drops. It does 10 damage to both players' bench, which
is hardly inconsequential given Solrock's Body. Of
course, if the Selfdestructing Lunatone was the only
Lunatone on the Solrock player's field, then Solrock's
Body doesn't activate.
There is one other Lunatone in the format, and by all
accounts, it's the superior choice; Lunatone SV prevents
all effects of attacks from Lv. Xes, and has a nifty
spread attack that works well with Solrock TRI's Heal
Block. It also has free retreat, unlike this Lunatone.
The only advantages Lunatone has is that it's
Fighting-type, and therefore can one-shot Luxrays with
Selfdestruct if need be, and its Grass weakness is
significantly better than Lunatone SV's Psychic
weakness, given Gengar's presence in the metagame. It
also makes a handy attacker in Limited with Lunar Blast.
60 HP is still pretty low, though.
Modified: 2.25/5
Limited: 2.75/5
Combos With: Solrock Triumphant
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Lunatone (HS Triumphant)
Here we have the eternal celestial partner of Solrock,
but unfortunately this card is nowhere near as good as
either the Solrock in this set or previous versions of
Let’s justify that opinion, shall we? Lunatone is a
Basic Fighting type with 60 HP, Grass weakness, a
retreat cost of 1 and 2 attacks.
So far, not too bad, but it isn’t a tech or starter with
the lack or a Poke-power or Poke-body, and it sure isn’t
going to survive a hit even with that obscure weakness,
since 60 damage seems to be standard for the opening
salvo in the current metagame (even weak attackers
usually take advantage of Crobat G and Pluspower to
start with more damage).
Okay, so are the attacks worth using? In a word, no.
Lunar Blast starts us off, costing [f] for 30 vanilla
damage. This is a good return for your investment but it
definitely isn’t high enough to compete with the
steroid-loving attackers of today.
Selfdestruct has appeared on many cards throughout the
history of the Pokemon TCG and the only thing that
changes is the energy-cost-to-damage ratio. This is a
better offering than most Selfdestruct attacks I have
seen, costing only [f][c] to deal 60 damage. Of course,
there are the ever-present downsides of dealing 10
damage to every benched Pokemon and having Lunatone deal
60 damage to itself.
Just a quick detour for the newbies and my own sense of
nostalgia, all attacks that are titled ‘Selfdestruct’
deal a large (and always equal) amount of damage to each
player’s Active Pokemon as well as dealing 10 damage to
all benched Pokemon on both sides (barring damage
boosts/reductions). Other attacks with similar effects
but different costs always have different names. For
example, Electrode G has an attack that deals 80 to the
Defending Pokemon, 20 to each player’s benched Pokemon
and 100 damage to itself. Because it isn’t the same
ratio of damage as Selfdestruct, it is called Reckless
Bomb instead. Do you follow me? It is the same on every
other card in the history of the game; either it is
Selfdestruct with the above rules, or it is a similar
attack with different spread and/or unequal damage to
each player’s Active Pokemon.
Okay, back to the review. This version of Selfdestruct
is very cheap for the amount of damage, but the problem
is that the damage isn’t enough to score a guaranteed KO
on the variety of Pokemon you are likely to see in the
Active position at the start of the game, especially as
you have to attach 2 energy which gives your opponent a
chance to set up (don’t even think of trying this attack
late game!). The other downsides are needing to
sacrifice a replacement Pokemon to your opponent’s
return hit (which will have already been weakened by
Selfdestruct), the self-damage to your other benched
Pokemon, and the loss of a prize. The loss of a prize
can be turned to your advantage with Twins or Black
Belt, as can the damage with Machamp Prime, but having
to sacrifice a second Pokemon can really put you behind.
Also, you can’t use Selfdestruct if you don’t have a
decent setup on your bench, as your opponent can quickly
reduce your options with Seeker and take out your
suddenly lonely Active Pokemon for the win.
Despite these downsides, Lunatone could have had a place
in Donphan/Machamp Prime decks if the cost was only [f]
as a quick way to guarantee being able to use of Twins
and a back-up to set up the damage that makes Machamp
Prime so formidable if Donphan isn’t in your hand to be
played. Some players still might use Lunatone as a
starter in play testing, but I don’t expect it will make
the cut at the tournament level.
Lunatone is a nightmare in Limited with the cheap
attacks and splashability, as well as the synergy with
Twins, but it fails in Modified. So close, yet so far.
Modified: 2.75 (you might see it, but don’t fear it,
especially if you have resistance)
Limited: 3.5 (it’s dangerous to willingly sacrifice your
own Pokemon, but if you have multiple Twins in your
deck/hand it is worth it. Or just stick with Lunar
Combos with: Machamp Prime, Twins |