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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dragonair #32/102
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 19, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.67
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
How do you know when there is a new set
just around the corner?
When you end up
reviewing evolving Stage 1s, that’s
With certain, very rare, exceptions like
Virbrava RR,
Stage 1s are just something you use to
get from the Basic to the Stage 2. Sure,
you’ll pick the best option, but even
so, it’s the Stage 2 card that you will
be focused on.
This Dragonite
does a pretty god job of showing why
that is the case. Its 80 HP is fairly
typical and makes it vulnerable to
OHKOs if it
ever appears in the active slot. Even on
the Bench, it’s not safe from the
Garchomp C LV X. It’s only
damaging attack, Slam, isn’t something
you will ever want to use . . . three
Energy to flip two coins and do 40 for
each heads? That makes it both
unreliable AND underpowered. The first
attack is more interesting though:
Search and Invite costs two Energy of
any Colour and enables you to grab two
Pokémon from your deck. There’s no
restriction on the type of Pokémon
either – it could be Basics, Evolutions,
LV X, or even both halves of a Legend.
This does sound useful and, if you ever
had to use it, it would be. The trouble
is that it is nowhere near enough to
make Dragonair
playable by itself as the Pokémon TCG is
full of search options that don’t
require a two Energy attack from a weak
Stage 1. It’s by no means a bad choice
to use in a
Dragonite deck but the only legal
we have are pretty awful, meaning that
this card will see no play at all unless
that situation changes.
With a good
Dragonite and a much slower
format (like the one that its ancient
cousin Dark
Dragonair was playable in), this
card could be a decent Stage 1 to help
with set up. For now, though, it’s next
to useless.
Modified: 1.5 (better-than-average
evolving Stage 1, but that doesn’t say
Limited: 3.5 (Colourless attacks and
search ability are very good in limited)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Dragonair (HS Triumphant)
Like yesterday’s card, this is a good pick in Limited
and only just misses out on being a decent card in
Modified. Unlike yesterday’s card, there is still hope
for Dragonair.
Dragonair is an extremely rare contradiction in Pokemon:
sometimes it is more effective than its evolution. The
Dark Dragonair was far more popular than Dark Dragonite
because of its awesome power, and back in the days of
Red and Blue some players would avoid Dragonite because
the dual-Flying type brought in a weakness to Rock and
Lightning that Dragonair didn’t suffer from. The only
other example of this in Pokemon is Scyther, because it
is faster than its evolution Scizor with comparable
power (and it also has a different element/type, just
like Dragonair/Dragonite).
That is again the case today, because the Dragonite in
this set is terrible. But Dragonair is good, and if a
playable Dragonite comes in one of the next few sets
this baby will hit the tables like a hurricane! Pun
intended (Dragonair is a weather Pokemon, unlike
Dragonite which is friendly and intelligent but has
nothing to do with the weather, yet another reason for
not evolving)
The vital statistics: Dragonair is a Stage 1 Colourless
with 80 HP, Colourless weakness (a Dragon’s curse), a
retreat cost of 1, 2 attacks and barely any colour on
the card at all (but that isn’t a criticism, Mitsuhiro
Arita did an excellent job on this Dragonair).
Basically, the sats are about right for an evolving
Stage 1. The HP is too low to keep Dragonair in play for
long and the weakness is terrible since a lot of
Colourless techs have made their mark, but Dragonair
will usually live long enough to become Dragonite, and
to use it’s attack.
No, you read that correctly. This is one of those
incredibly rare evolving-Stage-1 Pokemon you won’t want
to skip with Rare Candy (unless you really need
Dragonite). Dragonair has 2 attacks, and 1 of them is
worth using as it can both be paid for with a Double
Colourless Energy.
Slam is the second attack, which is rubbish so I’ll get
it out of the way. The cost is [c][c][c] and the payoff
is 2 flips; each Heads will net you 40 damage. Since the
odds of each coin coming up Heads cause this attack to
average 40 damage, you know it sucks. If the cost of the
attack was one [c] less then it would occasionally be
worth the gamble, but you’ll never use it in Modified
Search and Invite is the real draw here, with the cost
of [c][c] allowing you to search your deck for any 2
Pokemon, show them to your opponent and put them into
your hand. Obviously this is awesome, and can let you
grab anything you need from extra Basics to a full
Pokemon Legend. However, there is the downside of having
to use your attack, which means you can’t play them
until next turn. This gives your opponent a chance to
shuffle away your hand or disrupt you some other way,
and since they know exactly what you pulled they will
certainly be trying.
In Modified, this card would be a must in any deck
running Dragonite but no such decks exist. In other
decks that like to use run multiple DCE, Dragonite might
be worth it but generally losing a Special energy and an
attack isn’t viable, especially since you will probably
have to burn another card to search out Dragonair in the
first place. Anyone who wants to play multiple Legend
cards in a deck should give Dragonair a whirl, but
otherwise this card is just waiting for a good Dragonite
to make an appearance.
Modified: 3 (it is clunky support and susceptible to
disruption, but it could get really popular really quick
if a good Dragonite comes)
Limited: 5 (run this! RUN THIS NOW!)
Combos with: Nidoran girl TM (in Limited), a new
conical |
1/19/11: Dragonair(Triumphant)
You know what we haven't reviewed for a while? An
evolving Stage 1! In all seriousness, I do enjoy these
sorts of reviews, because it's more a matter of
determining if today's Dragonair is better than any
other Dragonairs. They also come up more often in
Limited play, and who doesn't like Limited play?
As you likely know, Dragonair evolves into Dragonite.
There are no really playable Dragonites in the format.
No matter; there could be one in the future. At any
rate, this Dragonair has an excellent attack in Search
and Invite, which searches out any 2 Pokemon in your
deck. Given the wording, this could mean searching for
the final Dragonite, plus a support Pokemon like an Uxie
or something similar, or it could even search for both
halves of a Legend. Given that Bronzong TRI already does
that, and no one uses it, though, there's no real reason
to use Dragonair as an engine for your deck either.
That shouldn't really get Dragonair down, however, as
it's clearly the best Dragonair in the format. The only
other Dragonair is Dragonair LA, which has two attacks;
one of which causes paralysis on a flip, and a flippy
attack for weak damage. Dragonair TRI's second attack is
equally flippy, but I'd rather have the searching attack
than a chance for paralysis, not to mention it has 10
more HP.
And in Limited? In Limited, this card is incredible. If
can pull a couple of this, plus a competent enough
evolutionary line of anything, you should be pretty much
set. Search and Invite is, well, Pokemon search, which
is always awesome in this format.
Modified: 3.5/5(If only there was a good Dragonite to
use this with...)
Limited: 4.25/5 |