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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Snorlax #33/95
Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 1, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 3.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Call of Legends)
Unlike yesterday, today’s Pokémon is at least a new
card. Snorlax come from the
JPN Lost Link mini-set of cards that have something to
do with the (up to now rarely seen) Lost Zone mechanic.
In fact, if you look at the picture, you can see the
Lost Zone right there.
What else does Snorlax offer
apart from novelty value then? Well the 100 HP is good
for an unevolving Basic, as
is the Colourless typing (use and abuse that Special
Energy!). The Fighting Weakness is somewhat less
impressive though, and the Retreat cost is horrific . .
. unsurprising, but still horrific.
first attack, Layabout costs [C][C][C].
I know you can use Double Colourless these days, but
that’ still a pretty slow attack on a Basic Pokémon. It
does no damage, but allows Snorlax
to remove all damage counters, with the condition that
it can’t be used again next turn. Presumably, this is to
stop Snorlax just tanking
forever. In this format of OHKOs,
however, it will only rarely save
Snorlax from a swift visit to the discard pile.
Despite having a Lost Zone mechanic (send an Energy
there to use the attack), Snorlax’s
second attack is just a boring, poor value, 80 damage
for four Energy. Losing the Energy permanently just
makes it even worse. On the bright side, it
is called
‘Clomp Clomp Clobber’, and who
wouldn’t want
to declare an attack with that name?
It’s a shame that it’s a bit rubbish then . . .
expensive and mediocre attacks, high retreat, and
Fighting Weakness on a Basic give you practically no
reason to use this in Modified.
Modified: 1.5 (slow, high energy, begs to be
Limited: 4 (legit card . . . high HP tank that will
eventually do some damage)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Snorlax (Call of Legends)
Hey guys and gals! Today we have everyone’s favourite
glutton, Snorlax!
I was raised watching the Muppet show and the various
movies, so like many other adults of today I still
secretly barrack for popular puppets like The Count,
Grover and Cookie Monster (though I can’t stand Elmo and
his group of puppets. If Jim Henson were still around
they most certainly would NOT be!). I’m also a big fan
of the Garfield comics (though I’ve never much liked any
of the animations: Garfield just doesn’t come across as
properly lazy when he is moving) and pretty much any
monster that can devour an entire streetscape has my
attention. Basically, I love a landfill with legs and
So I find it strange that I never really barracked
for Snorlax, even though it is known for throwing its
weight around with devastating results. Still, I’m
finding myself a little more appreciative now, with the
world forcing such icons as Cookie Monster to conform
and admit that “Cookies are a sometimes food” rather
than eating everything in sight, regardless of whether
or not it is actually food (surely kids can figure out
that only puppets are allowed to swallow a whole plate
of cookies and then wash it down with the plate, the
chair and a couble of old tyres?). Snorlax is fast
becoming the only true devourer left, with all of the
worries about obesity and related diseases having some
nasty effects on our favourite childhood characters.
Props to Pokémon for not bowing to public pressure and
making people accept responsibility for their own fears
rather than thinning Snorlax down to serve as a ‘good
Not that I condone unbalanced diets (vegetables are
my favourite food group, closely followed by fruit and
grains) but the watchdogs who try to force this down our
throats need to leave our cartoons and puppets alone!
Now that I have had my little rant, I’ll get to the
review. Snorlax is a non-evolving Basic of the
Colourless group with 100 HP, Fighting weakness, a
retreat cost of 3 and 2 attacks. The retreat cost is
lower than normal for a Snorlax but still above what you
want to pay with discarded energy and the HP is good
except for matchups against Fighting Pokémon. The real
problem with this card is the attacks, which I will now
Layabout is the first attack and has a decent effect,
but at too high a cost. For [c][c][c] you remove all
damage counters from Snorlax and can’t attack with
Layabout during your next turn. Obviously there is the
problem of using an attack to heal, since Snorlax is
relatively easy to OHKO despite the HP. Either Snorlax
gets taken out before using the attack, or gets taken
out the turn after using the attack. Also, the cost
means you have to burn at least 2 energy (a Double
Colourless Energy and another energy) to be able to use
it. Finally, you lose you attack for the turn. It could
be useful for tanking in Limited, but even then you
don’t get rid of Special Conditions and other effects so
Snorlax is never in the clear, as well as the fact that
you can only use Layabout every other turn. Plus in
Limited it is a bit much to expect that you can start
stalling after attaching 3 energy, by which point your
opponent can reasonably expect to be dealing decent
damage (you are both going to be setting up slowly
unless someone has freakishly good luck or the set has
great support like the HGSS base set) and get the 2HKO
on Snorlax.
The second attack is no better. Clomp Clomp Clobber
is a great name but the cost is [c][c][c][c] for 80
damage, with the additional penalty of sending an energy
attached to Snorlax to your Lost Zone. The damage is
enough to be reasonably sure of an OHKO on many Pokémon
and you will definitely get a 2HKO on any Pokémon in the
set, but the cost means that you will only get so many
shots before you can’t power the attack anymore, even if
Snorlax lives long enough to get the necessary energy
At least Snorlax is splashable due to its Colourless
grouping, but the attacks would have to each be [c] less
than they are just to make Snorlax good enough for
Limited play. The poor clod will never make it in
Modified play, even if we all love him.
Modified: 1.25 (Recently I have been giving higher
scores to cards because I rethought what an average card
actually is [might be playable in a fun deck] as well as
what I consider to be above and below average [above is
a possible-to-likely appearance in a Tournament deck,
below is a completely crap card] but I have to say that
this Snorlax is completely [censored])
Limited: 1.75 (due to being splashable and having themed
attack names that amuse me)
Combos with: an Air Mail package to Otaku, because he
recently had a birthday and I’m sorry to tell him that I
don’t want this card in my collection
conical |
2/1/11: Snorlax(Call of Legends)
At one point, Snorlax was one of my favorite Pokemon,
because all it did was sleep and eat, and hey, that
sounds pretty cool!
The TCG, however, has not been so kind to Snorlax(apart
from giving him a Lv. X), and this card is no exception.
Layabout needs 3 energy, and heals Snorlax fully. You
could use this, or you could use Togekiss UD who heals
everything for 1 less energy. Or you could try not
healing with an attack, which works too. Then there's
Chomp Chomp Clobber, an...oddly named attack which does
80 damage and places an energy in the Lost Zone, making
it difficult to power it up consistently even with DCE.
All in all, Snorlax isn't very good in Modified. It
might not be too bad in Limited, given that it's a basic
with 100 HP with healing, but the 4 retreat is
Limited: 2.5/5
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo viewers! Today we continue our
reviews of the new Call of Legends set by reviewing the
card that was chosen to be the prerelease foil. Today's
Card of the Day is Snorlax.
Snorlax is a Basic Colorless Pokemon. Being Colorless
is always good, as you can use any Energy type, meaning
they will have an easy time fitting into any deck.
Snorlax has 100 HP, which is great for a non-evolving
Basic, meaning it should be able to take at least a hit
before going down. Fighting Weakness is quite
unfortunate with Donphan and Machamp, as a single hit
from either of them will probably bring you down. No
Resistance is unfortunate. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 4
is terrible. Use Warp Point, Warp Energy, or Switch to
retreat instead.
Snorlax has two rather high-priced attacks, which are
much better in Limited than they are in Modified.
Layabout allows you to remove all damage counters from
Snorlax but can't be used next turn for three Colorless
Energy. Putting three Colorless Energy on Snorlax
probably isn't going to happen in Modified, as most of
the metagame's top threats will easily 2HKO Snorlax. In
Limited, however, this is a great stall tactic, unless
you are up against an opposing Hitmonlee or something
similar, allowing you to tank effectively while still
doing decent damage.
The hilariously named second attack, Clomp Clomp
Clobber, deals 80 damage for four Colorless Energy, with
one of the Energy being put into the Lost Zone. Again,
not really worth it in Modified, as Garchomp C Lv. X
basically outclasses the cost for the damage output.
This attack is a great source of steady damage in
Limited, though, especially because most Limited decks
run a high number of Energy, and most Pokemon you will
find in Limited will be OHKOed by this attack (barring a
few Stage 1s and Stage 2s).
Modified: 1.5/5 Layabout is good as far as stalling
moves go, but in the high-powered Modified metagame,
Snorlax probably won't survive to get the most out of
it. Additionally, Clomp Clomp Clobber is too slow to get
any real use in this format, especially because most
decks run a fairly low Energy count.
Limited: 4/5 Snorlax is a star in Limited. Although
the attacks are costly, Layabout is a fantastic recovery
move, and Clomp Clomp Clobber deals excellent damage
with a rather limited drawback for the format. However,
it is important to note that there are quite a few
powerful Fighting types in Call of Legends that will be
able to make quick work of Snorlax, namely Hitmonlee and
Donphan. Even still, if your opponent can't get these
out, you will do quite well with Snorlax.