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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Ho-Oh - SL5
Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 3, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 2.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Ho-Oh (Call of Legends)
So far this week, we’ve reviewed a reprint and a couple
of new cards that were originally from the Japanese Lost
Link set. Today we review the third type of card that
has gone into making up the numbers in the Call of
Legends set.
These cards are translations of highly collectible, rare
(and expensive) Japanese shiny cards featuring
various Legendary Pokémon.
Sounds great, right?
Well, it’s good news for collectors (unless the value of
their Japanese versions falls, of course), but not so
good for players. See Japan tends to make its ultra rare
promo cards very prettyful
but utterly useless when it comes to playing the TCG
(see also Raichu and
Espeon Prime). This is
basically a good thing for them: if they made that type
of card playable, the price would rise to levels that
would make Luxray GL LV X
look like a budget card. As it is, they provide
something nice for Collectors while players don’t have
rubbish cards bulking out their sets.
Weirdly, in Call of Legends they decided to print these
cards twice: once as a normal holo
rare, and again with different art and card design as a
series of shiny card with set numbers SL01-SL11. From a
playing point of view though, they are identical . . .
same attacks, same HP . . . you get the idea.
But like I said earlier, these cards are a very long way
from playable. Take Ho-Oh for example. Nice HP,
predictable Weakness and Resistance, and a shocking
Retreat cost are not a good start. However, it’s the
attacks that really demonstrate how this card was never
meant for competitive play. Combustion costs
three Energy for vanilla 50 damage,
while Scorching Wing demands a ridiculous five energy to
do 100 AND may discard three Fire Energy on a coin flip.
I don’t honestly think any analysis is necessary . . .
any player will know just how good those attacks are.
When it comes to rating these cards, it’s obvious they
will score poorly. In some ways this is very unfair as
they were only ever meant to be collectibles and there’s
no denying that they look nice in a binder. The shiny
versions at least will be quite rare and collectors will
love them. If you are only interested in competitive
cards, then I’m sure you will be able to do some good
trades with any you pull.
Modified: 1 (it was never meant to be played)
Limited: 1 (don’t play it in
prerelease either, put it straight in the binder
and keep it in good condition)
conical |
2/3/11: Ho-Oh(Call of Legends)
It's a shiny Ho-Oh! How cool! Also pretty bad to use,
This will be pretty brief. Combustion really doesn't do
enough damage for the energy necessary; Arcanine HGSS
and Typhlosion HGSS/CL both do the same damage for less
energy, and neither of them are terribly playable. Then
there's Scorching Wing, which does 100 damage, which,
even with the RRRCC energy cost, isn't awful, in the
sense that Steelix Prime has a similar attack. Of
course, Steelix has high HP, energy acceleration, is
Metal-type, and doesn't have a major downside like
discarding all energy on a coin flip. It's not horrible
in Limited, because of its Fighting resistance, but it's
certainly not playable in Modified.
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 2.5/5

Otaku |
is a really annoying way of spelling it.
I liked
Ho-oh better.
I wonder how that works with
certain effects since it is spelled
Ho-oh on earlier versions.
Still, it probably won’t affect
most current cards so I’ll move on.
It is a Fire Pokémon, and I am
not seeing a lot of combos geared
specifically for them in the current
Modified, let alone ones that see
regular play.
The good news is that this is a
Basic Pokémon with 100 HP and Fighting
Unfortunately it has Water
Weakness, which is both expected and
appropriate, but quite bad in the
current format:
Gyarados decks will need just two
Magikarp in the discard to go for
the OHKO, instead of needing all three
and a
The three Energy needed to
retreat also hurts, since it is too
expensive to bother paying or lowering,
and simply needs to be bypassed with
cards like
Switch or
Warp Point.
has two attacks.
The first is Combustion which
needs (RCC) and hits for 50.
The second is Scorching Wing
which needs a massive (RRRCC) and hits
for 100 points of damage, but also
requires a coin toss and if it comes up
as “tails” all attached Fire Energy gets
There are two basic aspects of
synergy between the attacks I want to
highlight because many of my more recent
reviews seemed to lack them: both
attacks can use
Double Colorless Energy reasonably
well and were expected to do so, and the
first attack was clearly designed as an
opener and then fallback attack to keep
the discard aspect of the second attack
from completely denying you an attack.
Double Colorless Energy means even
if you are forced to discard all your
Fire Energy by Scorching Wing, you’d
just be a single Fire Energy attachment
away from being able to use Combustion.
That is the good of the attacks, the bad
is short, simple, but also important.
They don’t do enough for the
energy going into them, and if you open
Ho-Oh you either have to lose a
turn, be able to set up an Energy
acceleration combo and use it instantly,
or use
Call Energy which then means
Double Colorless Energy is a waste
and you’ll have to wait yet another turn
for the real attacks.
Both attacks really needed
another beneficial effect, or more
Ho-Oh does not Evolve and lacks a
Level X form.
It must be “good enough” on its
own or with a Bench sitter, but the only
real “enhancers” I see would slow it
down to the point you might as well find
a good Stage 1 Fire Pokémon (or Basic
with a Level-Up available) and use that
Donphan Prime and
Gyarados from Stormfront really
raised the bar, and
Ho-Oh doesn’t even come close.
Combustion could have been priced
at (CC) and still probably worked out,
and even dropping the damage to just 40
while costing only (CC) would have
helped this card.
Scorching Wind is the real
disappointment though.
Three specific Energy
requirements alone are usually good for
70 to 90 points of damage, so being an a
Basic that can’t Evolve, requiring
another two of any Energy, and
discarding all Fire Energy
attached to the card on a coin flip is
worth only another 10 to 30 points of
It really needed to hit for at
least another 20 points of base damage,
and perhaps had a beneficial effect
tacked onto the coin toss.
It could have been something
extra on heads, or even something extra
on tails to compensate for the massive
discard, like “…discard all Fire Energy
attached to Ho-Oh.
For each Fire Energy discarded
this way, place a damage counter on each
non-Fire Pokémon in play.”
At least it can shine in Limited play.
If you are a regular reader, you
know the routine: decks are built from
what you can pull, thus decks will
usually lack well developed Pokémon
lines and the support structure to get
specific cards out quickly.
Because of this, the average HP
is lower than in constructed play, as is
the average damage done each turn.
The full implication of this is
sometimes missed: not only does this
result in lower standards that
Ho-Oh can reach easily reach, maybe
even surpass, but a lot of “better”
cards in the set (with respect to
constructed formats) suddenly become
poor pulls.
a Basic becomes that much more
Ho-Oh enjoys having a lot of
Colorless Energy requirements to balance
out its need for so much Fire Energy.
Fortunately only Scorching Wind
is Fire Energy intensive so if you want
to splash it, you still get a big Basic
Fire Pokémon with good stats and the
capacity to hit for a solid 50 points of
The set composition will make
that Fighting Resistance useful and the
Water Weakness less bad than in
There are some good Water Pokémon
in the set (for Limited play) but enough
good Fire Pokémon and Fire Weak Pokémon
to offset it.
Yup, still selling collectibles on eBay;
here to see what I’ve got up for
bids right now!
virusyosh |
Happy Thursday, everyone! We continue our COTD week
this week by reviewing more cards from the new Call of
Legends expansion. Today's Card of the Day is one of the
elusive new shiny Legendary Pokemon from the set
(although you can get it as a non-shiny form as well).
Today's Card of the Day is Ho-Oh.
Ho-Oh is a Basic Fire Pokemon. Fire Pokemon aren't that
common in today's Modified metagame, with the relative
popularity of Gyarados and Kingdra. However, in the
future, Fire may become more playable, as Charizard may
have what it takes to be a great deck next format,
depending on what the rotation is. 100 HP is good for a
non-evolving Basic, as Ho-Oh should be able to take a
few hits at this value. Water Weakness is unfortunate,
as Gyarados will OHKO in most circumstances, as will
Kingdra LA. Fighting Resistance is great against Donphan
and Machamp. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 3 is terrible,
so make sure to switch using Switch, Warp Point, or Warp
Ho-Oh's two attacks, Combustion and Scorching Wing, are
both rather expensive for their damage output.
Combustion deals a vanilla 50 damage for [RCC], which is
rather underpowered considering that Charizard can
fairly easily do 50-80 damage for just [R]. In Limited
this attack is fairly solid, as a straight 50 damage
will still be a problem for your opponent, although the
damage output could still afford to be a bit higher for
the cost. Scorching Wing, on the other hand, deals a
fairly huge 100 damage for the gigantic cost of [RRRCC],
discarding all Fire Energy on a tails flip. 100 damage
for 5 is still expensive, and the discard makes this
attack relatively unusable, even in Limited.
Modified: 1/5 Ho-Oh's attacks are too expensive to be of
any good use here.
Limited: 2/5 Combustion is decent, but Scorching Wing is
seriously not worth using, because discarding a minimum
of 3 energy is still somewhat difficult in Limited. Even
still, Ho-Oh is a big HP basic with a good Resistance
and decent attacks that could probably be used in