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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Luvdisc #39/102
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 26, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.33
Limited: 2.10
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Short review today, I’m afraid. It’s tough to say much
at all about this card: it’s just so . . . pointless.
Low HP (60), Weakness to Lightning (I would say ‘easy
kill for the Basic Luxray
GL’, but they shouldn’t even be in the same room
together, never mind the same match), and not even the
benefit of free Retreat . . . bleh.
A one-Energy attack (Rendevous
Draw) with an effect that makes both you and your
opponent draw the top card of their deck . . . ugh. A
minute advantage for you and an unlooked for bonus for
the person you are playing. Why would you ever use it?
Aerodactyl GL will draw you
TWO cards for the same cost while your opponent gets
nothing . . . do you ever see anyone using
that Pokémon
in competitive play? Exactly.
Distorted Wave . . . an attack that costs one Water
Energy and does 30 damage?
Ok, not too bad . . . wait . . . you have to remove a
damage counter from the Defending Pokémon before doing
the 30? So it’s only doing the 30 to anything that’s
undamaged? Why? What’s the point? So you can OHKO one of
those never-played 30 HP Baby Pokémon, or a
Hoppip I guess.
Why take the ok-ish
abilities of the card (draw, cheap 30 damage) and
nerf them like this? They
weren’t even very good in the first place.
Modified: 1 (Again . . . why?)
Limited: 1.75 (ok, it’s draw, but it’s about the worst
draw possible)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Luvdisc (HS Triumphant)
I believe this Pokémon was made purely for appealing to
hopeless romantics in Valentine’s Day promotions, and I
know it only exists to be mocked.
The stats are laughable, as a 60 HP Non-evolving Basic
with no useful attacks will never be anything but binder
bait. Every Luvdisc ever printed has fit that profile,
and the vast majority of them have been rare cards.
Thankfully, this one is not, so it isn’t taking a space
from a more deserving card.
Luvdisc is from the Water element with the above stats
as well as a retreat cost of 1 and 2 attacks.
The first attack is Rendezvous Draw (rendezvous is a
word that often appears printed on Luvdisc cards and
printed absolutely nowhere else in the game) and has an
effect in keeping with the card. For the cost of [c],
each player reveals the top card of their deck and puts
it into their hand. Luvdisc is a nice Pokémon that
brings people together, so this otherwise terrible
attack is excusable here.
Distorted Wave continues the loving by dealing 30 damage
for [w], but only after removing a damage counter from
the Defending Pokémon to soften the blow.
Simply put, this card might make it into your 40 card
deck at the pre-release, but you’ll never play it
anywhere else.
Modified: 2 (below average, and such an easy target. But
since Pokémon is a children’s game, we just have to
accept that cards like Luvdisc will be printed)
Limited: 3 (a little bit useful, so it reaches the high
level of ‘average’)
Combos with: Valentine’s Day. Just don’t try to give
this card as a gift unless you also have a paper
shredder in your gift basket.
conical |
1/26/11: Luvdisc(Triumphant)
If there's any indication here that we're scraping the
barrel when it comes to cards to review, it's not all of
the Stage 1s and Basics we've reviewed. It's that today,
we look at the new Luvdisc.
Well, let's see here, the HP isn't good, the Lightning
weakness is...bad, and despite all of the negative
factors with this card, it wasn't enough to merit free
retreat. I'm nitpicking, and retreat of one isn't bad,
per se, but could they give Luvdisc any boost?
The first attack, Rendezvous Draw, lets both players
draw a card. Drawing a single card is pretty useless for
an attack, except in Limited, but letting your opponent
draw a card as well, makes the attack beneficial for
your opponent as well. The good thing, though, is that
its other attack, Distorted Wave, deals 30 damage for 1
energy, which is solid damage for a basic in limited.
...Except, of course, it has a drawback, where Luvdisc
actually heals the Defending Pokemon prior to attacking.
Which means that even that attack is fairly useless.
In conclusion, Luvdisc fans will have to wait until the
next Luvdisc printed to see if it's any good. Then
again, Luvdisc has no fans, to my knowledge.
Modified: 1/5
Limited: 1.5/5
Combos With: Are Base Gastly jokes still relevant? I'm
not sure. |
virusyosh |
Hello again, everybody! Today's Card of the Day is
Luvdisc from HS Triumphant.
Luvdisc is a Basic Water Pokemon. Aside from Gyarados
and Kingdra, most Water types aren't commonly used in
today's Modified metagame due to the omnipresence of
Luxray GL Lv. X, as most Water Pokemon have a Lightning
Weakness. This means that in order for a Water Pokemon
to see a decent amount of play in the metagame, it
either must be able to hit fast, be a really good
support option, or not be Lightning Weak. For starters,
Luvdisc is a non-evolving Basic with 60 HP, which is
abysmal due to the amount of heavy hitters in the
format. Most decks can effortlessly hit for 60 damage if
not more, so that means that Luvdisc must have some
really good support or attacks to be playable. Lightning
Weakness is unfortunate, as Luxray GL Lv. X can easily
KO you with minimal investment, as can Magnezone. No
Resistance is unfortunate, and a Retreat Cost of 1 is
payable, although it will probably be better to use
something like Switch, Warp Point, or Warp Energy.
Luvdisc has two attacks, both priced at a single Energy.
Rendezvous Draw allows both you and your opponent to
reveal the top card of your deck and draw it. As far as
draw power goes, there are many better options to use
that don't give your opponent card advantage: Uxie and
its Lv. X are commonly used, and even things like
Noctowl HGSS or even Delibird HGSS for dedicated Water
builds would be better.
Distorted Wave deals 30 damage for a single Water, which
looks good until you realize that the attack also
removes a damage counter from the Defending Pokemon
before dealing damage, severely hampering this attack's
usefulness. The one place where this could be effective
would be to knock out your opponent's Pokemon with 30 HP
(Unown Q, Magikarp, Hoppip, and babies), although there
are generally better options for that as well.
Modified: 1/5 There are too many other cards in this
format that do the things that Luvdisc does better.
Limited: 2/5 I'm not very high on Luvdisc here, either.
Giving your opponent card advantage in Limited is bad,
although Distorted Wave may have limited usefulness. I'd
only recommend it if you were compelled to run Water and
needed an extra Basic or two.