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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lickilicky #38/102
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 27, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 3.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
is a Pokémon I have very mixed feelings about. See,
Lickitung is one of my very
favourite Pokémon (mainly because of the bonkers mini
game in Pokémon Stadium on the N64), and
Lickilicky is just . . . not
as appealing somehow. Oh well, I still owe him a fair
Stage 1 is never a good start, but at least
Lickilicky has a
borderline-playable 100 HP. The Fighting Weakness is
problematic: Donphan runs
over it for a single Energy and
Toxicroak G Promo and
Machamp make quick work of it too. The Retreat
cost is abysmal but hey, being Colourless, it doesn’t
matter what colour Energy you use, so why not throw in
some Warp Energy (if you think it’s worth it)?
The good news is that Lickilicky
has a quick cheap attack: Licking Shot (nice) does
10 damage to anything for one
Energy. Not horrible, but not terribly useful either,
considering Benching a Crobat
G will do the same thing without wasting an attack. On
the plus side, at least it has something to do while you
get the three Energy on it that it needs for Stick and
Stick and Absorb does 50 damage, removes two damage
counters from Lickilicky,
and prevent the Defending Pokémon from Retreating next
turn. That’s quite a lot to get from one attack and it
does seem quite good until you break it down . . .
For a start, 50 damage isn’t great for the cost: it will
take you a long time to KO anything substantial with
that. Next, the ability to heal 20 is only going to be
relevant if Lickilicky isn’t
OHKO’d next turn, which it
likely will be. Finally, that Retreat lock doesn’t work
too well in a format with PokeTurn
and Warp Energy (among other things). If you really want
a (pseudo) Retreat lock deck, may I suggest
Victreebel TM would be the
better choice?
One last thing . . . however subpar this thing is in
Modified, it is an absolute beast in Limited play. Its
attacks are fine for a low-damage format, it can snipe
the bench for cheap Prizes, and its tanking and healing
strategy is a real winner. Plus your opponent will have
no answer to the lock. So, before you moan about it
being unplayable set filler, remember that it’s ok to
have cards that are great to play at a
prerelease too.
Modified: 2 (just about sneaks into the ‘fun League
deck’ category)
Limited: 4.25 (without a Fighting counter, your opponent
will lose)
conical |
1/27/10: Lickilicky(Triumphant)
Uncommon Pokemon are not as important in Modified as
most rares, and even commons get more play than uncommon
Pokemon(obviously not uncommon Trainers). There's some
exceptions, like Sableye SF and Unown G, but in general
this is the case. However, uncommon Pokemon are pretty
good in Limited, since it's easier to find multiple
copies of an uncommon than a rare.
Lickilicky is a pretty good example of the above
statement. Nothing about Lickilicky suggests that it'll
do much good in Limited; Licking Shot is a nifty snipe
attack...that will do 30-40 damage if you're lucky, and
in most cases it won't do that. Stick and Absorb heals
and prevents retreating...neither of which will cause
much trouble for any deck worth its salt. However, it
does have 100 HP. And healing, which is incredibly
useful in Limited, where Pokemon generally don't OHKO
each other. It's still not the best colorless Pokemon
for Limited, given how good Kangaskhan is here, but it's
still pretty good.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Lickilicky (HS Triumphant)
We’re getting to the bottom of the barrel with the
Triumphant series, and that is after losing 2 weeks to
the Top 10 (not that I don’t like the Top 10, I hope to
do it again next year!).
Now we get to today’s review subject. Lickilicky is,
quite simply, a clown. In the clown Trinity, this guy is
definitely Scary Clown (Happy Clown is Mr Mime and Sad
Clown doesn’t have a Pokémon to call its own).
Lickitung was and remains cute. By ‘cute’ I mean
fascinatingly ugly (that is the original meaning, look
it up!) but it still makes Lickitung great for minigames
on Pokémon titles (go ye olde Pokémon Stadium on ye olde
Nintendo 64!). Lickilicky does not have any of that
Lickilicky doesn’t have much history either, having only
2 previous versions in the TCG. Neither of them were
much fun and neither was in any way playable. Sadly this
guy isn’t either, but at least it does well in Limited.
Now I read out the stats: Lickilicky is a non-evolving
Stage 1 of the Colourless group with 100 HP, Fighting
weakness, a retreat cost of 3 and 2 attacks. Obviously
Lickilicky isn’t going to do well against any of the
popular Fighting Pokémon since they all deal heavy
damage which is only made worse by the weakness, but
otherwise it will take a hit quite well. The retreat
cost means that unless you have a Switch Lickilicky is
going to stay Active, so don’t expect to be able to
The attacks aren’t up to scratch in Modified, but in
Limited they are quite effective, if a little energy
hungry (but that’s okay, because the Colourless
requirements make that easier to deal with).
First is Licking Shot (why not just say what they mean
and go with ‘Hock a Logie’ instead?) which is cheap at
first with a chance to deal more damage as more energy
are attached. The initial cost is [c] which is easy to
work with, and the text is that the attack does 10
damage per energy attached to Lickilicky to one of your
opponent’s Pokémon (don’t apply weakness and resistance
to benched Pokémon, so on and so forth). Double energy
will add 20 damage if you want to drop a DCE on
Lickilicky as the text does not say ‘card’ after
‘energy’ but it is still behind the current
energy-to-damage ratio that we see in today’s metagame.
It’s great in Limited though, because heavy sniping
allows you to hit threats that are being built on the
bench or take down the Pokémon that got away.
Stick and Absorb is an attack we have been seeing on a
few Pokémon of late, and so far it has always been over
costed. This rendition costs [c][c][c] and deals 50
damage, with the additional effects of stopping the
opponent’s Active from retreating during the next turn
(switching out with other effects is still allowed) as
well as healing Lickilicky to the amount of 20 HP.
In Modified, the damage alone says this attack is
terrible, but in Limited the ability to heal while
trapping a Pokémon in the Active slot is all good. The
damage is still a tad low, but considering that
Lickilicky doesn’t need to have any specific energy, it
is still a good pick at a pre-release.
Modified: 2 (below average power and quite ugly. I
usually like Nishida’s work, but Lickilicky can ruin any
Limited: 4 (splashable with good HP and effective
attacks. If you have energy to burn then Lickilicky is
your friend)
Combos with: Sushi. Lots and lots of sushi. Lickitung
should also be there at the eating contest minigame.
Gimme back my Pokémon Stadium and Nintendo 64! |