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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 28, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
virusyosh |
We end the week with a very odd card indeed.
Why is it odd? Because it’s a Stage 1 that you will want
to discard so that you can get the most out of its Basic
That’s because Marowak’s
only real chance of ever seeing play is in the
ridiculous Cubone tank deck
(yes, really). This deck works by discarding all your
Marowak (easy enough with
cards like Junk Arm and Regice
LA in the format) so that you can take advantage of
Cubone TM’s Lonely Bone
PokeBody. This reduces all damage done to
Cubone by 20 for each
Marowak in the discard pile,
meaning that with all four copies gone,
takes a whopping 80 less from each attack! Add in cards
like Defender and Buffer Piece for even more protection!
Sounds interesting, yes? Well, it would be, if it wasn’t
for the following . . .
1. Cubone has only 40 HP, so
Special Conditions and Crobat
G drops will KO him fast without the need to even
2. Dialga G LV X laughs at
the PokeBody.
3. Water Weakness means Gyarados
will hardly care about the damage reduction
The worst thing of all though is that even if your
opponent can’t KO Cubone
quickly, Cubone itself will
need to get very very lucky
to take any Prizes at all with its totally
flip-dependent attack.
It’s an interesting concept but don’t expect it to work
at all in real life.
Outside of this deck, Marowak
doesn’t have much to offer. Being a low HP Fighting type
with mostly unreliable attacks, it is far outshone by
Donphan Prime. Yeah, the
attacks aren’t over-priced and Bone Impact has a
semi-useful ability to kick Stadiums from the field, but
in a format filled with better options, and with
Gyarados a significant
presence in the metagame, there is honestly no reason to
use it.
Modified: 1.75 (not the worst card, but way short of
Limited: 3.25 (low cost attacks always welcome)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Marowak (HS Triumphant)
Marowak is both awesome and cursed. Despite having an
awesome original design and many different card artworks
that show Marowak at its most intimidating, this poor
over-worked mother just can’t catch a break and make it
into the ‘playable’ category. That and the whole
‘vengeful search/lonely vigilante’ back story given to
Marowak and Cubone means that you never get to see a
relaxed Marowak chilling on the beach. You always see it
in a dark, brooding mood that is somewhat off-putting to
new and old fans alike.
That’s enough rambling then. The vital statistics:
Marowak is a non-evolving Stage 1 of the Fighting group
with 90 HP, Water weakness, Lightning resistance, a
retreat cost of 1 and 2 attacks. The HP is less than
acceptable with the current trends in the game but it is
on the level with past Marowak cards. The weakness and
resistance mean that Magnezone and Luxray are less of a
problem while Gyarados should be avoided. But you won’t
play Marowak in a competitive game anyway.
Just a thought, it is strange that the TCG calls the
elements ‘Lightning’ and ‘Metal’ when the videogame and
anime call them ‘Electric’ and ‘Steel’. Also, so many
people use type (even the programmers, STAB translates
to Same Type Attack Bonus) to say what the element of
the Pokemon is, when the type is actually the little bit
of text under the picture that tells you what the
particular Pokemon is meant to emulate (Pikachu’s type
is Electric Mouse, for example). I’m not trying to
change that part of the language, but I thought it might
be worthwhile to explain my sudden change in writing
style. I decided use the word ‘group’ when more than one
element from the videogame is present in the equivalent
TCG element. If you don’t want to read this paragraph
since it has nothing to do with the review, then feel
free to skip over it. I probably should have put this
warning at the top, shouldn’t I?
Now that I’ve had a little laugh at your expense (and
possibly caused you to skip my reviews from now until
the end of the Internet) I’ll quit rambling and get to
the attacks.
Bonemerang is Marowak’s signature move and has done the
same thing since the TCG was created. You flip so many
coins (usually 2) and deal so much damage for each Heads
result. In this case, you pay [c][c] for 2 flips at 60
damage per Heads. Obviously, being flippy makes this an
unreliable (and therefore, bad) attack but the average
damage is 60 which is fair for the cost, and dealing 120
damage early in a Limited game is definitely a good
Bone Impact continues the theme. At the cost of [f][f],
you deal 20 damage. This is a terrible return for your
investment, but if you or your opponent have a Stadium
in play you must discard it and then deal an extra 60
damage. That is much better, but you know that the HP
alone bans Marowak from being an attacker in Modified so
better-than-average damage isn’t going to save Marowak
from the binder.
Marowak may not be tournament material, but the useful
resistance combined with the cheaper-than-usual attacks
means that it is a solid pick for Limited. The Cubone is
also pretty good in this set, with a Poke-body that
reduces attack damage by 20 for each Marowak in your
discard pile. So if you pull multiple Marowaks (which
isn’t a crazy occurrence since it is an uncommon) then
you have a good chance of keeping your reserve Cubone/s
alive while you try to build a replacement Marowak after
your first is taken down.
Modified: 3 (below average HP with above average damage
make an average Pokemon that is nothing but pretty
binder fodder after it is done fighting at the
Limited: 3.5 (if you have multiple copies or one of the
Machamps from this set in your deck then it is a must
run, especially with the first attack being splashable)
Combos with: The pre-release. Then you’ll never
use it again. It’s pretty though, props to kawayoo
[sic]. I’ve also likes the past work done by this person
on many of the Lv X cards. Diamond and Pearl releases
wouldn’t have been the same without kawayoo.
conical |
1/28/10: Marowak(Triumphant)
I'll be honest: I like this Marowak. Quite a bit.
It doesn't do anything fancy; its first attack likely
does 60 damage, which is nice, but it is flippy. Bone
Impact is rather bad; at FF, it does 10 damage more than
Glalie AR's attack, which does the same thing for 2 of
any energy. No Powers, no Bodies, nothing fancy, which
helps against Umbreon UD, but otherwise it doesn't help
Marowak's case. However, look at Bonemerang again. Its
attack cost is CC, which means that it can be powered up
with a single DCE. Additionally, its fighting typing
means that it hits Luxray GL for weakness. Surely,
something that has a 75% of one-shotting a popular
Pokemon should be used, right? Right?
Or not. Unfortunately, Double Colorless Energy, the card
that makes this so techable, also made Garchomp C a far
superior attacker to Luxray. Even if this saw play, SP
is so versatile that it could either tech in Quagsire GL
or just replace the Luxray altogether for something like
Blaziken FB. It's sad, but such is the way of the
metagame. Nevertheless, it remains a viable answer to
any lightning deck. With any luck, it'll be less
versatile than SP.
Modified: 2.75/5
Limited: 3.75/5 |

Otaku |
Marowak, it has been so long since
you had a strong card.
Granted, it was pretty sweet your
Dark cousin got some face time as a
member of the Team Rock (Returns)
version of the
Four Corners
deck, but if I remember it, it has to
have been several seasons ago!
To begin with, it is a Fighting Pokémon,
which is neither a significant advantage
nor disadvantage right now: some strong
Fighting decks, common enough Weakness
as always, but nothing that can be added
to just any Fighting deck to boost it.
Being a Stage 1 is unfortunately
still weaker than it should be: format
still has a bunch of brutal Basics and
Evolution acceleration still favors
Stage 2 Pokémon over Stage 1, even if
both can technically use it.
The HP is the first real concern though:
it is just 90.
It just needs to be a bit higher
given the modern level of damage decks
are capable of dishing out each turn.
That slight 10 HP different
crosses a threshold, and seems to force
most decks to work too hard for a OHKO,
or simply be unable to execute one.
Still, 90 HP isn’t crippling if
the rest of the card is stellar.
The Weakness is the next
disappointment: it is Water weak at the
damage doubling level.
Gyarados from Stormfront is a strong
deck that is also popular.
Given that
Marowak often gets a Grass Weakness,
it ends up being another small letdown.
We do get a Resistance though,
and it is even to a popular type:
Lightning Resistance -20.
Lightning-Types tend to be
Fighting weak anyway, so they really
should struggle against
Marowak unless it has no useful
We round out the bottom stats
with a solid single Energy Retreat Cost.
This is low enough you can use
something like
to eliminate it, or just pay the single
Energy needed; it isn’t enough to
cripple most set-ups after all.
So while the attributes were a bit
mixed, I’d say they were a solid start
overall; the card just needs a good Poké-Body,
Poké-Power, and/or attack(s) and we can
still have a real winner here.
The first attack is promising:
Bonemerang returns (pardon the pun) and
it’s been appropriately updated for
modern standards.
You only need to pay (CC),
allowing you to power this attack with a
Double Colorless Energy.
This is very important for the
current format, as it allows you to use
some Evolution acceleration (probably
Broken Time Space) to drop this
second/third turn of the game and hit in
one shot.
Your reward for this is risky,
but with an appropriate reward.
You flip two coins, and for each
“heads” you score 60 points of damage.
A quarter of the time
(approximately) you’ll whiff, and that
is why this isn’t an attack you can rely
on to sustain a deck.
About half the time you’ll score
60 points of damage and that is pretty
good for (CC), even if
Donphan Prime can do it (with a
drawback) for just (F).
That remaining quarter of the
time you’ll get 120 points of damage.
Well, if you flip the anticipated
even spread of results: if you are quite
lucky (or a dirty cheat) you can enjoy
phenomenal returns on this card.
If you’re one of those players
people think are cursed, you’ll
constantly be hitting for nothing.
Still, working with the hopeful
average results you’ll still average a
good return.
Sadly, I believe the card drops the ball
with the second attack.
We have a chancy but hard hitting
attack, so the next attack needs to be
More importantly, it needs to
build on using
Double Colorless Energy: if it
doesn’t, then you either lose any speed
boost or have to just focus on
TPC gave it Bone Impact for (FF).
Double Rainbow Energy were still
legal, this might have barely worked.
Powered up normally, Bone Impact
does a flat 60 points of damage unless
there is a Stadium in play; if there is
then the attack does another 20 points
of damage to the Defending Pokémon.
Double Rainbow Energy we’d have
0/50/110 from Bonemerang and 50/70 from
Bone Impact.
That’d be serviceable, and an
interesting deck could be built around
powering up quick and perhaps exploiting
Stadiums with beneficial, once-per-turn
effects as you play them, use them, and
then discard them to power up Bone
Indeed, this could still be the
case if you think it is worth taking the
time to manually attach two Fighting
Energy or run a card like
Leafeon Lv.X to get an extra
I don’t want to waste too much time on
what could have been, but am I the only
one who things the easy solution would
have just been to give it even a
vanilla, flat damage attack for (FCC) or
(FFCC) to build to while you’re risking
That can be instead of or with
the less simplistic but equally obvious
tweaks like giving it a Poké-Body/Power
or better stats or more creative
attacks, etc.
There are two places to play this card.
The first is Limited.
This should come as no surprise.
Since you have to run what you
have, there are fewer Evolutions, let
alone well developed Evolution lines or
decks capable of getting them out
quickly and/or reliably.
Therefore the average HP and
damage yield are also much lower.
You won’t have
Double Colorless Energy but you’ll
have the option of splashing this into
any deck (since neither it nor this
Cubone need Fighting Energy) and if
you do run it with
Fighting Energy you can use Bone
Impact when you need a reliable 60.
You might even risk running
Indigo Plateau as it is unlikely to
help your opponent and if need be, can
just sit in play to make your opponent
think you managed to pull a
complete Pokémon
Then discard it with Bone Impact
for extra damage.
So what is the second use?
It isn’t going to get a boost
from the other Modified Legal
Marowak: it suffers almost the exact
same problem of two unreliable but
relatively strong attacks and so-so
The HS – Triumphant
Cubone actually has some odd, mostly
League/fun decks built around it.
It has a Poké-Body that reduces
the damage it takes (after
Weakness/Resistance, sadly) by 20 points
for each
Marowak in your discard pile.
It couldn’t shine in Limited
because there was almost no chance you’d
pull the necessary
Alph Lithograph Four, and
Junk Arm you’d need to get
Marowak into the discard without it
being KO’d, let alone pull those cards
in significant enough numbers for it to
be more than a rare trick.
When you’re just trying to have
fun, though,
Cubone can deliver because of its
interesting, theme appropriate Poké-Body
and Bone Rush attack that can use a
Double Colorless Energy to power up
in one turn.
It isn’t very strong, at it is a
“flip until tails” attack that just hits
for 20 points of damage per “heads”, but
when you’re a wall that is enough.
It is even enough to make Bone
Rush a slight bonus for Limited play: no
one will want to be too daring if you
have one of it sitting on the Bench with
one Energy.
Hey, I am still selling stuff on eBay.
Right now I am focusing on
Transformers action figures.
here to see my current auctions!
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo! Today we end our COTD week with a
review of Marowak from the HS Triumphant expansion.
Also, if you happen to be going to any Call of Legends
prereleases this weekend, good luck to you!
Marowak is a Stage 1 Fighting Pokemon. Aside from
Machamp and Promo Toxicroak G, Fighting types aren't
that commonly seen, mostly due to the presence of Gengar
in the Modified metagame. 90 HP for a fully-evolved
Stage 1 is just about average, which is decent as your
SP-playing opponents will have to Flash Bite first in
order to KO Marowak with Dragon Rush. Water Weakness is
unfortunate, meaning that Gyarados will easily KO you,
as will Kingdra. Lightning Resistance is great against
Luxray GL Lv. X, and the slightly more uncommon
Magnezone. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1 is totally
payable, but you could still retreat with Switch, Warp
Point, Warp Energy, or by attaching Unown Q.
As is the standard for the HS set of expansions, Marowak
has two attacks. The first, Bonemerang, allows you to
flip two coins and does 60 damage times the number of
heads for [CC]. Flip attacks in general don't tend to be
too good in Modified, as you want as much consistent
damage as possible. In Limited, however, this attack
could be decent, as you are averaging 60 damage for two
Colorless Energy (although sometimes you will deal 120,
or no damage), meaning that it could fit pretty well
into a deck that needs an extra Pokemon evolution or
two. In general though, flip attacks aren't terribly
good, and should only be used if you're feeling really
lucky or in a situation where you can't do much else.
The second attack, Bone Impact, starts at a terrible 20
damage for [FF] but if there is a Stadium in play, you
can deal 60 more damage and discard the Stadium. 80
damage for two Energy is nice, but having to discard
Stadiums in this way is terribly unsustainable. If
you're looking for a way to deal low amounts of Energy
with a Fighting type, stick with Donphan Prime. In
Limited, I guess this could be useful if you draft a ton
of Indigo Plateau, but even still, not that great.
Modified: 1/5 Marowak doesn't have enough going for it
to really make a splash in Modified, as its attacks are
too flippy or situational.
Limited: 2.5/5 As said above, Bonemerang could be useful
in a Fighting deck that needs another evolution line,
and Bone Impact could be useful if you want to run a few
Indigo Plateau as well. Outside from that, however, I
wouldn't recommend it unless you really need another
evolution line.