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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Houndoom #10/95
Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 31, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.60
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Call of Legends)
Hello and welcome to a new week of
Pojo’s CotD. It’s a
bit of a good new/bad news week to be honest . . . the
good news is, there is a new set to review! The bad news
is that most of it is made up of translations of
unplayable (but cool and collectible) JPN
promos, and a lot of reprints
from the most recent sets.
Take today’s card, for example. This is an alternative
art reprint of Houndoom
Undaunted which we reviewed as recently as last
September. Looking back on my previous effort, I was
massively over-generous due to my blatant love of the
After all, it’s a low HP Stage 1 that only gets an
attack boost (a very nice one, mind you) against the
type of Pokémon (Fighting) that will obliterate it next
turn. The second attack does decent damage with a bonus
discard from your opponent’s hand, which could be enough
to make a semi-competitive hardcore disruption deck with
cards like Cyrus’s Initiative and
Weavile UD but . . . to be honest; I would put it
in the fun/League/casual deck category rather than the
tournament viable one.
Never mind Houndoom . . . I
still love you. Maybe next time I’ll be rewarded with a
competitive card that features you. In the meantime, I
can enjoy seeing this in my binder.
Modified: 2.5 (I refuse to score a
Houndoom lower)
Limited: 3.5 (properly good . . . cheap attacks and
Special Dark Energy is in the set)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! I hope that those of you
that went to a Call of Legends prerelease this weekend
enjoyed yourselves. We are beginning to review certain
cards from the new set this week, and our first is going
to be Houndoom.
Houndoom is a Stage 1 Darkness-type Pokemon, and is a
reprint of Houndoom from Undaunted. Darkness Pokemon
haven't seen much play lately except for setup Pokemon
like Sableye SF and Spiritomb AR, but that may change
given Gengar Prime's new-found popularity with the
release of the Lost World Stadium card. Houndoom has 90
HP, which is just about average for a non-evolving Stage
1, and should be just enough for it to be able to take
more than one hit, unless it is being attacked for
Weakness. Weakness to Fighting means that Machamp and
Promo Toxicroak G will probably OHKO. Resistance to
Psychic is excellent against Gengar and Uxie Lv. X.
Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1 is totally payable,
Houndoom has two attacks: Fire Counterattack and Dark
Roar. Fire Counterattack starts off at 20 damage for
[D], but does 60 more damage if your opponent has a
Fighting type Pokemon in play. While 80 damage for a
single Energy is fairly good, most of the time your
opponent will simply switch into their Machamp and Take
Out/Champ Buster for the return KO. However, this attack
is excellent in Limited, as there are many Fighting
types in Call of Legends, and most of them have around
80 HP. Additionally, 80 damage will take out most of the
Pokemon in Call of Legends, barring the set's namesake
legendaries and Stage 2s.
The second attack, Dark Roar, does 50 damage for [DD]
and your opponent must discard a card from their hand.
With two Special Darkness Energy you're up to 70 damage
with hand disruption, which is pretty decent, especially
in Limited. However, the damage output is still a little
low, so you may still need an Expert Belt, PlusPower, or
Crobat G to secure the KO.
Modified: 2/5 I wouldn't say that Houndoom is good right
now, but I think that this card may eventually be useful
next format if Lost World/Lostgar really takes off as a
Tier 1 deck. The ability to deal decent damage to Gengar
Prime with Dark Roar (it's OHKO'd with two Special
Darkness Energy) may make this a relatively useful tech
against that deck, especially with the hand disruption.
However, as it stands right now, Houndoom's low HP
somewhat lets it down right now, so you may want to hold
off before using it.
Limited: 3.75/5 Both attacks are really good here,
although they are a bit Energy-intensive. However, with
all of the various Fighting types running about (Hitmonlee,
Tyrogue, and Hitmonchan come to mind), Fire
Counterattack is very viable, and Dark Roar's hand
disruption is great.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Houndoom (Call of Legends)
Hello Pojo readers! Welcome to a brand new week of Pojo
CotD reviews! We are now getting some cards from the
Call of Legends expansion, so we can stop flogging the
bottom end of the Triumphant release.
However, the first card for the week is a bit of a
letdown: reprints are all well and good, but reprinting
a card that was released only 2 sets ago doesn’t make
much sense and it stops the card being fun to review
because nothing has changed since last time.
Houndoom has the rare distinction of being better than
the Prime release, as it actually has useful attacks
with comparable HP (though the HP count is still too low
to justify use as a main attacker, especially with the
Fighting weakness). It has some use in decks that like
to play Dark energy and have serious problems against
decks that like to run cards such as Donphan Prime, the
Machamp twins and Relicanth SV.
Houndoom is an evolving Stage 1 of the Dark element with
90 HP, Fighting weakness, Psychic resistance, a retreat
cost of 1 and 2 attacks. Obviously, the attacks have to
be great to warrant a slot because Houndoom, despite
being awesome in every respect, is not going to survive
a serious hit. On the plus side, the Psychic resistance
means that the pixie trio, Gengar SF and any Unowns will
have trouble dealing any considerable damage (there are
plenty of other Psychic techs and attackers I could add
to the list but they are either rarely played nowadays [Gardevoir
PL] or deal indirect damage [Craobat G, etc]).
Fortunately, the attacks are both worth using in a
support role to the main attacker. Fire Revenge is the
first offering and deals 20 damage for [d]. This isn’t a
great return for your investment even with Special Dark
energy but there is a bonus: if your opponent has a
Fighting element Pokemon in play (not necessarily in the
Active slot) then the attack deals an extra 60 damage.
With Special Dark energy, Expert Belt, Pluspower and/or
some Crobat G drops you can reach the necessary level of
damage to take out Donphan Prime and Machamp SF in one
hit (Machamp Prime is harder to take out unless you get
really lucky draws, and you can forget about an OHKO if
you target has Expert Belt themselves).
This is a huge advantage to a Fighting-weak deck, but
you will need a lot of draw power to get the extra
resources for the OHKO, or you are going to have to
accept that Houndoom will be wiped out by the return hit
ad hope to finish the job with your next Pokemon.
Dark Roar is the second attack, and while it is nowhere
near as hyped as the first attack it is what makes
Houndoom a viable combo with Weavile UD. For the
investment of [d][d] you get 50 damage and your opponent
has to choose one of the cards form their hand to
discard. Normally this wouldn’t be all that big a deal
(it would even help a Gyarados deck or one of the
energy-attached-from-the-discard decks out there) but
with the widespread popularity of Judge and the help of
Weavile UD’s Poke-power, you can severely reduce your
opponent’s hand size to the point where forcing another
discard or any sort from the hand really hurts.
Houndoom is good card that performs its role admirably,
and it has received a slight boost from the release of
Seeker (which made Weavile more playable) but the fact
remains that Houdoom has been released into a format
with a number of brilliant Fighting attackers that will
make mincemeat out of the demon dog. Again I say that
the return of Claydol (or other brilliant, must-have
Fighting element tech) and a strong mono Dark deck would
make this Houndoom into a beast, but until then it will
have to sit in the binder 90% of the time.
Just a though on the reprint, maybe Call of Legends will
still be legal after the HGSS cards rotate out? The
future game may be much kinder to Houndoom.
Modified: 3.5 (it’s good, but the metagame is not kind
to this card. At least the stats allow this card to be
easily manoeuvrable or it would definitely never see
Limited: 3 (cheap attacks but it isn’t splashable, and I
don’t know how well it will do against an opposing
Active Fighting Pokemon)
Combos with: Judge, Weavile UD, Cyrus’ Initiative
conical |
1/30/11: Houndoom(Call of Legends)
Time to start reviewing Call of Legends cards.
Today is Houndoom, which might look similar to a
Houndoom released in a set 5 months ago. This is because
it is that same card, and yeah, there's a lot of
reprints this set, and some or most of them make little
or no sense. But anyway, Houndoom still has that Fire
Counterattack...attack, which is pretty good against
fighting decks. Honestly, while some of the reprinted
cards merit some new discussion, Houndoom does not.
Nothing in the metagame has changed enough that it sheds
new light on Houndoom.
So let's talk about the art instead. One common theme
with many of the reprinted cards is that much of the new
art is still by the same artist, and Houndoom is no
exception. In the original Undaunted print, Houndoom is
inside a cave, possibly barking or threatening an
intruder in some way. In the CL print, Houndoom is
charging into what is likely the same cave. The two
pictures could possibly tell a story of a Houndoom
defending its turf against an unknown foe, but it's far
more likely that I'm over-analyzing this.
Modified: 2.75/5
Limited: 4/5(Fighting is very popular this set)