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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Top 10 New Pokémon Cards
of 2010:
#6 Pokémon Communication
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 7, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.20
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#6 Pokémon Communication (HeartGold
Whisper it quietly but . . . Pokémon Communication is
basically a reprint. It’s Pokémon Trader from Base Set,
but with a different name, so it qualifies for our top
10 list.
And that’s a very good thing because this card
definitely deserves its slot here. The reason it is so
good is that it turns any Pokémon, or any search card
for that matter, into exactly the Pokémon that you need.
With Pokémon Communication, you can trade unwanted
starters and techs for evolutions, or you can use
Pokémon Collector to grab Basics and swap them for LV Xs
or Legend pieces. Either way, your deck will work faster
and be more efficient because you ran it.
Speed decks pretty much rely on this card, but any deck
(excepting Trainer Lock decks) can make great use of it.
If you find that you have written a list but are still a
couple of cards short of the required 60, this is just
about the best thing you can throw in. In fact, if you
have built a deck but somehow find that you are
struggling to get out your Pokémon fast enough, then I
would honestly recommend finding room for 2-3
Communication and testing that before trying anything
Since its release, Pokémon Communication has become
something of a semi-staple. It’s not a card that you
would be silly not to run, but it IS a card that you
can’t really go wrong with. I think things will stay
that way for as long as it remains in the format.
Modified: 4 (Unless your area is dominated by Trainer
lock . . . why not?)
Limited: 5 (You have one or two good Pokémon and a deck
full of semi-useless filler . . . this is perfect)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo viewers! I hope that all of you
have had a great week, and that you have a good weekend!
If you're going to Cities this weekend, good luck!
Anyway, if you are going to any Modified tournaments in
the next week, there is a fairly good chance that our #6
card on the Top 10 Cards of 2010 will be in your deck.
Today's Card of the Day is Pokemon Communication.
Pokemon Communication is a Trainer card from the
HeartGold and SoulSilver expansion that allows you to
shuffle a Pokemon card from your hand back into your
deck in order to select another Pokemon from your deck
and put that one into your hand, shuffling your deck
afterward. This card is effectively a functional reprint
of Pokemon Trader from Base Set, and this card is still
as useful now as it was then. Every deck will often have
Pokemon in their hands that they don't need, and wishes
that they could draw into that other crucial Stage 2,
Lv. X, or support Pokemon. Pokemon Communication allows
you to great what you need painlessly. Sure, unlike
Bebe's Search you have to put back a Pokemon
specifically, but this is also a Trainer, meaning that
it is not taking up your Supporter drop for the turn.
Additionally, being a Trainer means that it can be
blocked by Spiritomb AR/Vileplume UD, but this card is
generally so good (and those two are relatively uncommon
outside of Gengar variants) that you should probably
just run it anyway.
Modified: 4.5/5 It's not perfect because you are
restricted in what you must return to the deck and there
is some Trainer lock in the current metagame, but this
is seriously one of the best cards that we have
available to us right now. Nearly every deck I can think
of that doesn't Trainer lock runs this card, and for
good reason.
Limited: 5/5 It's a Trainer, which means you should
consider running it right off of the bat, and being able
to search your deck in Limited is huge. Plus, given that
it is Limited, your hand will likely have a few Pokemon
that you don't want or don't need to drop, so Pokemon
Communication is perfect here. Plus there is no Trainer
lock in Limited, so there's really no reason to not run
this card.
conical |
1/7/11: Pokemon Communication- #6 Card, 2010
#6 on the list is Pokemon Communication, a Trainer who
lets you search your deck for any Pokemon, provided you
have a Pokemon in your hand to replace the one you
searched out. It's good, because...well...it searches
out any Pokemon in your deck. And it's a Trainer. I'd
say that's a pretty good effect, wouldn't you? In fact,
I'd say that it's an effect that merits putting in a
couple of this card into any deck. Which is what most
winning decks have been doing, I believe.
At the moment, Bebe's Search is a superior card, given
the amount of Trainer lock being played. However,
against any deck that will allow you, effectively using
a Bebe's Search and a different supporter in one turn
can give any player a large advantage.
Modified: 4.25/5
Limited: 5/5
Combos With: Good decks
What cards will be in the top 5? Will there be any
surprises? Will Call of Legends print anything
worthwhile? Will there be any good movies in 2011? Find
out the answers to some of these questions next week!

Otaku |
Pokémon Communication
Pokémon Trader with modernized
wording: trade a Pokémon in hand for one
you need from the deck and shuffle
The end result is the same,
though: a great card, and number 6 on
our Top 10 Cards of 2010 countdown.
I am embarrassed to say that
despite how psyched I was to first see
this card, I neglected it for my own Top
10 list, mostly due to wanting to focus
on cool ideas as well as powerful cards.
So for “updates” it was this or
Junk Arm and I went with
Junk Arm.
In retrospect, I should have just
included both and bumped something else.
We have had a card that has a superior
effect to
Pokémon Communication for 11 sets
Bebe’s Search.
It has even been reprinted twice,
with the most recent from Rising Rivals.
Why wouldn’t I run a card that
let me trade any card from my hand, not
just Pokémon, for a Pokémon from my deck
instead of one that has to trade one
Pokémon for another?
Bebe’s Search is a Supporter, and
the entire point of
Pokémon Communication is that it is
a normal Trainer.
We got a taste of how good
Pokémon Trader was during the last
days of Wizards of the Coast running
Pokémon, as they included it in the
reprint set known as The Legendary
If you aren’t familiar with that
set, look it up or ask around: it’d take
a page to adequately explain its
Pokémon Trader allowed players to
focus most of their Supporter usage
(still “new” to the game at the time) on
draw power and then swap out for any
Pokémon they missed.
Jump back to now.
Pokémon Communication does the same:
enabling valuable Pokémon search without
expending your Supporter use.
You probably will still run some
search Supporters, but you can focus on
quantity instead of quality.
Pokémon Collector to snag any three
Basic Pokémon in your deck and then
start using
Pokémon Communication to get
It isn’t for every deck, but it’s
one of the best at getting a Pokémon
without burning your Supporter use for
the turn.
Like all Trainers, getting caught
by a Trainerlock strategy stinks, or the
inevitable lousy hand that renders it
dead (nothing to draw/search with and
nothing to trade).
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Pokémon Communication (HeartGold/SoulSilver)
This is a much better card than the one we reviewed
yesterday, and it isn’t difficult to see why.
Pokémon Communication is a truly awesome Trainer that
allows you to trade one Pokémon from your hand for a
Pokémon from your deck.
The cons:
Trainer lock is the biggest killer of Pokémon
Communication, which is why Vileplume/Gengar/Spiritomb
builds would be crazy to run this card since they will
never be able to use it. Also, any deck that uses
Spiritomb (but doesn’t use Vilplume UD) should only run
1 or 2 copies at most as it will be a dead draw early
Not having another Pokemon to trade is also a major
downer on this card, although if you have sufficient
draw (or a Pokemon Collector) you should be able to get
some fodder (unused starters, techs that aren’t useful
in the matchup, etc) to pay for using Pokemon
Losing a card from your hand can also pose problems, as
you will have one less card in your hand after playing
it (2 if you just put a Pokemon back in without getting
another out).
The pros:
Reducing your hand size is typically a good thing if you
like using Uxie LA or Magnezone Prime (or both) as it
nets you more cards.
The consistency of getting the exact Pokemon you need
makes running Pokemon Communication as an insurance
policy a must for decks that have a lot of one-of techs,
and it’s still a good idea even in decks that have
maxed-out lines to make sure you have the right stage of
Pokemon Communication is a Trainer, so multiple uses in
a turn are allowed.
There are no other cards that can be used multiple times
in a turn without coin flips to search for any Pokemon
you need. More than any other reason, this is what makes
Pokemon Communication awesome. Even if you use Junk Arm
to recycle Luxury Ball (an excellent use for Junk Arm
that I missed in both reviews, damned human
fallibility!) you can’t get Lv X cards, though you can
get Pokemon without having to pay a Pokemon back into
the deck.
Quite simply, Pokemon Communication has all of the
advantages of Bebe’s Search Luxury Ball, and more, with
some different downsides. I would suggest running them
together, to maximise effectiveness and your ability to
get around your opponent’s disruption.
Modified: 4.5 (Trainer lock hurts, but otherwise this
card is gold)
Limited: 5 (search is awesome in Limited, as always)
Combos with: Pokemon Communication, Luxury Ball and
Bebe’s Search