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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Totodile #74
Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
July 18, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.20
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#74/95 (Call of Legends)
Hello and welcome to one of those theme
weeks on Pojo’s
CotD. (You
know . . . those things we do while we
are waiting for a new set to hit the
shops). This week, we are doing ‘Call of
Legends Basics that
are different to the regular
Remember Call of Legends? That was the
set that tempted us in with a handful of
good new cards (Pachirisu,
Lost World), some shiny collectibles
(Energy, Legendaries), and some nice
reprints (Smeargle,
They then bulked out the set with a ton
of unreleased Japanese Promos, and those
are the cards we shall be looking at
this week.
We kick off with
Totodile, the Basic component of
the Feraligatr
line. It has the same decent 60 HP as
the HGSS version, but in all other
respects, it is a much worse card . . .
For a start it has Lightning Weakness,
rather than Grass. This may only make a
marginal difference when a Pokémon has
only 60 HP, but it’s still worth
mentioning. The viable Grass attackers (Yanmega
and Jumpluff
I guess) would OHKO this easily
regardless, but having Lightning
Weakness makes
Totodile vulnerable to being
one-shot by
Zekrom’s Outrage with only a
single damage counter on
Zekrom, or
suffering a donk
at the hands of
Pachirisu. Just to add to the
misery, Totodile
CL has a retreat cost of two: one more
than its HGSS equivalent.
But it’s really in the attack department
that this Totodile
shows its inferiority. The HGSS version
is nothing special - 10 damage for one
Water Energy, or 20 for [W][C] – but
being able to do cheap quick damage is
better than nothing and may even save
you a PlusPower
or something later on.
Totodile CL
on the other hand has just the one
attack and it costs THREE ENERGY to use.
Wow. What were they thinking? If anyone
thinks it would ever be a good idea to
invest resources like that in an
evolving 60 HP Basic, they need their
head checking. It’s not as if you are
getting anything good in return:
30 damage,
plus a coin flip for each Water Energy,
doing 20 more for each heads? It will
never ever be worth the effort.
When it comes to choosing between
the HGSS one wins hands down: cheaper
attacks, better retreat cost, better
Weakness. The fact that the HGSS
Totodile is
nothing but a boringly standard evolving
Basic should give you some idea of how
bad today’s card is.
Modified: 1 (impossible not to give it
the lowest score when there are zero
reasons to use it over the other
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! I apologize for my
lengthy absence, as I was traveling around Europe with
very limited Internet access. I hope that those of you
that went to the US and Canadian National Championships
had a great time, and that those of you going to Worlds
are having a good time preparing. This week, because we
are basically done reviewing Black and White and
Emerging Powers is still quite a ways off, we will be
reviewing a few Basics from Call of Legends. Today,
we'll kick this COTD week off with Totodile.
Totodile is a Basic Water Pokemon. Water-types aren't so
common in Modified right now, mainly due to most of them
having an especially crippling Lightning Weakness, which
can be exploited by both Magnezone Prime and Zekrom, two
very common cards in the format. However, with the
release of Emerging Powers and Beartic, Water may end up
seeing an increase in popularity. This particular
Totodile has a bit of competition with its other print,
the Totodile from HGSS and the HS Trainer Kit. This
Totodile has 60 HP, which is decent for an evolving
Basic, a terrible Lightning Weakness, no Resistance, and
a rather large Retreat Cost of 2.
This Big Jaw Pokemon has a single attack, which is
rather expensive for a Basic. Aqua Tail starts at 30
damage for WCC, which allows you to flip a coin for each
Water Energy attached to Totodile, and the attack deals
20 more damage for each head. Therefore, if you have WWW
attached to Totodile, you have a chance of doing 90
damage! The problem of course is that getting three
Energy on an evolving Basic isn't very realistic, and
Totodile will most likely be KOed before you will be
able to use Aqua Tail even once. That being said, this
Totodile works rather well with its evolution (Feraligatr
Prime), but you're probably better off using the other
Totodile, if for no reason other than its Grass Weakness
and lower Retreat Cost.
Modified: 2/5 This Totodile isn't bad by any means, it's
just that the other Totodile has a better Weakness and
Retreat Cost. However, if you want to have the chance of
dealing a lot of damage with Totodile (I don't know when
you ever would), this would be the Totodile to use.
Limited: 2.5/5 Not so bad here, either. If you pull a
Feraligatr line or even just a Croconaw, Totodile should
be an automatic inclusion to your deck. That being said,
it can do a fair amount of damage for a Basic, and can
easily be a decent attacker if you can power it up
without it being Knocked Out.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Totodile (Call of Legends)
This week we are reviewing some evolving Basic Poke'mon
from the Call of Legends set. The vast majority of cards
from that set were reprints (including all of the
evolutions of this week's cards) but these cards were
different, sometimes in quite unexpected ways
The first for the week is Totodile, and since both of
the currelntly legal Feraligatr cards are being used in
Water decks (especially the Prime) you can expect to see
a Totodile on the table at some point.
This Totodile is almost the same as the other version,
differing only in the attacks, retreat cost and
weakness. This Totodile has the same HP and lack of
resistance, while also keeping the Water type (I hope
Delta Species with that semi-random typing mechanic make
a reppearance some day). The weakness is somewhat of a
nerf, as it makes an even easier KO for Zekrom BW,
Magnezone Prime and Pachirisu CL but it does have the
benefit of making life harder for Jumpluff HGSS.
However, at 60 HP, the weakness will rarely be a
consideration past the second turn. The retreat cost is
a bit steep, since if Totodile is still Active and
unevolved by the time you attach 2 energy, you are
probably in trouble.
The main reason I like this Totodile is the attack. Aqua
Tail costs [w][c][c] and deals 30 damage plus a coin
flip for each [w] energy attached to Totodile, dealing
an extra 20 damage per Heads.
While this is terrible for a starting attack (if you
can't retreat manually for 2 energy then attacking for 3
energy is a nightmare) it is great for an
in-case-of-zombie-apocolypse-break-glass weapon. With
the ability of Feraligatr Prime to use Rain Dance for
all of your [w] energy attachment needs, you can drop
this Totodile and a bunch of energy for a revenge hit
when your main attacker goes down.
While Alomomola BW is another Basic that does the same
job with more reliable damage (no flips) and much higher
HP, it can't evolve in to Feraligatr Prime. Also, if the
flips go your way you can deal greater damage for fewer
energy than Alomomola would require.
Based on the weakness and retreat cost I would run the
HGSS version alone if you are running the Prime as
a bench sitter without the other version, but if you are
also using the ordinary Feraligatr for the Spinning Tail
spread attack then I would use them both. So far it
seems to work nicely in my BlastGatr deck, I'll keep you
all posted.
Modified: 3.5 (a playable evolution is a great start,
and an attack you can occasionally use to recover from a
big hit is another plus. If Memory Berry gets reprinted
then it will only get better.
Limited: 2.5 (a fragile basic that can pack a punch, but
only if you run mostly Water Poke'mon.
Combos with: Feraligatr Prime