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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Phanpy #66
Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
July 19, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#66/95 (Call of Legends)
The next card in our look at the
alternative Basics from Call of Legends
actually gives us a bit of a dilemma
(unlike yesterday’s card). Should you
run this, or
the HGSS version in a
It’s a pretty relevant question as well.
Prime has always been at least a decent
card, which saw a reasonable amount of
play in the old format, but in HGSS-on,
it’s a real beast. With no SP Pokémon
around, and with Stage 2 decks slowed by
the nerf to
Rare Candy and the absence of draw (no
more Uxie!),
a tanking Stage 1 that can dish out
cheap damage is highly effective. If you
need any proof of this, consider that a
deck running
Donphan placed second at the
recent US National Championships.
The Phanpy
we are looking at today has very similar
stats to its HGSS counterpart: Water
Weakness (not terrible), Lighting
Resistance (great), and a retreat cost
of two (not so good but eh, what can you
do?). It does have 60 HP, which is 10
less than the other one, but on the plus
side, it does have a
which does quite a bit to address that
Ultra-Thick Skin states that if
Phanpy has
any Energy attached, it takes 10 less
damage from attacks. This makes it
extremely difficult for an opponent to
OHKO it in the first couple of turns
(which is a huge factor in this format),
but the real bonus is that the Body also
protects Phanpy
from your own attacks. That means that,
as long as you have
an Energy on it,
Phanpy is
protected from the recoil bench damage
from Donphan’s
Earthquake, and that’s a real plus as
when you eventually evolve it and send
it active, its ability to get out there
and tank isn’t going to be weakened.
So far, so good for this
Phanpy, but
then there is the one small issue of the
Rock Smash costs [F][C]
and does 20 damage with a coin flip for
10 more. That’s pretty lame, especially
when you compare it to the HGSS
Flail attack (one Colourless Energy for
10 times the number of damage counters
on Phanpy).
Usually, this won’t be a problem, as
attacking with
Phanpy is unlikely to be part of
your main strategy anyway. However,
there are times when that Flail attack
can be useful, notably against tech
Umbreon UD.
Because Umbreon
UD has an attack which makes it immune
to damage from Pokémon with Powers or
Bodies, it is a very good idea to have a
damage-dealing Pokémon without either in
any deck. If you are running (say)
with the CL Phanpy,
you risk getting locked for many, many
For that reason, and despite the fact
that this Phanpy
is a slightly better card than the other
one, I would recommend that you include
at least one copy of the HGSS
Phanpy in
your Donphan
line, unless you have some other tech to
deal with Umbreon.
Modified: 2.5 (solid Basic which has
great synergy with its evolution)
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo viewers! Today we continue our COTD
week with Phanpy from Call of Legends.
Phanpy is a Basic Fighting Pokemon. Donphan Prime and
Machamp Prime are probably the two most common
Fighting-types seen in the HGSS-on Modified environment
right now, as Donphan's good early game and Machamp's
excellent late-game can make the deck successful, even
though it is a bit slow to get off of the ground. Many
decks are also using Donphan Prime as a tech, due to its
cheap Earthquakes and overall sturdiness. Being the
pre-evolution of Donphan, Phanpy fits in perfectly. This
particular version has 60 HP, a Water Weakness, a
Lightning Resistance, and a Retreat Cost of 2. 60 HP is
decent for an evolving Basic, meaning it should be able
to take at least one hit early-game and it isn't likely
to be donked. Water Weakness isn't too bad at the
moment, but there are some Water decks increasing in
popularity, so it may be a problem in the future.
Lightning Resistance is great against Magnezone and
Zekrom, although both will still probably KO. It can,
however, stop early-game assaults from the likes of
Magnemite, Magneton, and even a lightly-damaged Zekrom's
Outrage. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 2 is pretty
unfortunate, but it's probably about what we'd expect
for a baby elephant-like Pokemon.
Phanpy has a Poke-BODY and a single attack.
Ultra-Thick Skin grants Phanpy damage reduction: if it
has an Energy attached, attacks do 10 less damage.
Damage reduction is always a nice touch, especially if
you go first and are able to attack a Fighting Energy
(or any other kind) to Phanpy to start the game. That
being said, I can't think of any noteworthy OHKOs that
the damage reduction prevents, but it still can be quite
useful, especially in conjunction with Phanpy's
excellent Lightning Resistance.
The Long Nose Pokemon's single attack, Rock Smash,
starts off at 20 damage for FC, but if you flip heads,
you'll add 10 more damage. Not a terrible attack, and
seeing as you'll likely be evolving quickly into Donphan
Prime, it will probably not be used most of the time.
Modified: 3/5 Which Phanpy should you use in your
Donphan deck? The HGSS version has 70 HP and a rather
forgettable Flail attack, while having the same bottom
stats as this one (Water Weakness, Lightning Resistance,
Retreat Cost of 2). While the HGSS version has a better
printed HP, Ultra-thick Skin can be a big help if you
find Phanpy taking many unboosted attacks. Both are good
for different reasons, so this is largely a matter of
personal preference.
Limited: 3.75/5 Phanpy is pretty good here,
especially if you're running Fighting. Although the
attack is a bit expensive, Ultra-thick Skin will allow
Phanpy to tank a bit, especially due to the various weak
attacks that one will often find in Limited. If you
happen to pull a Donphan or various other Fighting
Pokemon that are good in Call of Legends Limited (like
Hitmonlee), Phanpy is a fairly good choice.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Phanpy (Call of Legends)
We continue our theme week with Phanpy, which is
likely to see table time simply because Donphan Prime is
dominating the early game in the current format. While
Kingdra Prime and Yanmega Prime also have cheap, brutal
attacks and others like the Dragon Twins and Cinccino BW
can keep up in terms of speed, no other Poke'mon has
quite the same dramatic flare, that sense of "Prepare to
be crushed!"
Phanpy is an Fighting type evolving Basic with 60 HP,
Water weakness, Lightning resistance, a retreat cost of
2, a Poke-body and an attack.
The main points here are the HP and the Poke-body as
the other stats are no different to the regular Phanpy.
Ultra-Thick Skin seems a little superlative becuase the
effect of the Poke-body is to reduce incoming attack
damage by 10, prvoided Phanpy has an energy attached to
it. Not exactly mind-blowing, but definitely useful.
The HP on the other hand, sufferes from being 10
lower than its HGSS counterpart. Effectively, this means
that it takes the same amount of damage to OHKO either
version unless you lack Basic energy, in which case it
is easier to take out the CL version.
While the ability is useful for soaking small hits to
keep the HP up when you evolve to Donphan (and for
survivng the backlash from Earthquake), the lower HP may
well make this the lesser card.
The attack is nothing special, since it costs [f][c].
With Earthquake only costing [f], you won't be attaching
extra energy to Phanpy until you evolve.
I give the same advice I did yesterday: use this card
in conjunction with the otherversion from HGSS as there
will be situations where one or the other could be far
more useful and give you that extra turn you need.
Modified: 3.5 (Poke-bodies are pretty rare on
evolving Poke'mon, so this card is at least worth
playtesting. The fact that Donphan has been feared and
revered since its release is a big help)
Limited: 4 (the Donpahn in this set is pretty costly
but defensive options are always a plus and you usually
run whatever you can get your hands on so the score gets
bumped up)
Combos with: Donphan Prime