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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Cyndaquil #55
Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
July 20, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.33
Limited: 1.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#55/95 (Call of Legends)
Another alternative Basic for a playable
evolution line today.
Prime (partnered with
Reshiram and
proved its worth as a top deck in the
recent US National Championships where
13 managed to top cut despite the fact
that it wasn’t a particularly popular
deck choice. Those that did play the
deck mostly did well.
So, would you use this
Cyndaquil in
the deck? After all, it has a slightly
better attack than the standard vanilla
efforts offered by the HGSS version.
Fireworks does
20 damage for a single Fire Energy and
can discard that Energy on a coin flip:
nothing spectacular, but the discard has
some synergy with
Typhlosion’s Energy accelerating
Afterburner Power.
Even so, you would have to be mental to
use this Cyndaquil.
Why? Because it only has 40 HP, that’s
why. 40 HP is
terrible in the current format. 40
HP is getting
donked by a
Tyrogue with a
40 HP is getting one-shot sniped by
Prime’s Linear Attack before you get a
chance to evolve. I repeat, just in case
anyone is still thinking of using
this card,
40 HP is terrible in this format.
The HGSS one?
Yeah, it’s boring and predictable and
doesn’t have a whole lot to offer, but
what it does have is 60 HP, which is
fantastic. It won’t be
donked and
even Yanmega
variants running
Kingdra Prime will need 2 Spray
Splashes to OHKO it with a Linear
Attack, and barring a god start for them
and a poor one for you, that shouldn’t
be happening before you get a chance to
More than anything else, the first thing
an evolving Basic has to do is stick
around long enough to evolve.
Cyndaquil CL
fails miserably at this.
Modified: 1 (if this was the only
Cyndaquil in
the format, it would be hard to justify
playing Typhlosion)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo! Today we continue our reviews of
Call of Legends Basics by reviewing the latest version
of one of the Johto starter Pokemon that may see some
play in our HS-on Modified metagame. Today's Card of the
Day is the Fire Mouse Pokemon, Cyndaquil.
Cyndaquil, as I'm sure most of you already know, is a
Basic Fire Pokemon. Fire Pokemon are relatively common
in Modified right now, with Reshiram, Typhlosion, and
Emboar are fairly common and in many different deck
archetypes. Reshiram/Typhlosion has recently seen some
success at recent major tournaments, like the US and
Canadian National Championships. Since Cyndaquil is the
lowest evolutionary stage of Typhlosion, there might be
a chance that this Cyndaquil can see play in viable
tournament decks.
As for Cyndaquil's top and bottom stats, 40 HP isn't
great for a Basic of any kind, as there is a possibility
that Cyndaquil will be able to be donked (Tyrogue +
PlusPower immediately comes to mind). To make matters
worse, Yanmega Prime as been very popular lately, and
its Linear Attack can OHKO Cyndaquil for free. Water
Weakness isn't too bad right now due to Water not being
a common type, but it's still important to note that
Cyndaquil could be OHKOed by the likes of even some weak
Water Pokemon due to its low HP. Finally, Cyndaquil has
no Resistance, and a decent Retreat Cost of 1.
Cyndaquil only has one attack, Fireworks, which deals
20 damage for the low cost of R, but if you flip tails,
you have to discard an Energy attached to Cyndaquil. The
Energy discard isn't that big of a deal if you run
something like Energy Retrieval or Fisherman in your
deck (and many Fire decks do right now), and combined
with a PlusPower, this attack can easily knock out a
Cleffa or Tyrogue, provided they aren't asleep.
Modified: 2/5 While this Cyndaquil has utility for
being able to Knock Out the now very common Baby Pokemon
with a boost or Fire-Weak Basics such as Hoppip, Sunkern,
and Caterpie. However, I still think that the HGSS
Cyndaquil is a better choice for your deck with
Typhlosion, due to the fact that it has a significantly
higher 60 HP, preventing it from unfortunate donks or
many snipers.
Limited: 2.5/5 Cyndaquil's not so bad here. Fireworks
does decent damage, but again, the HP lets it down. Even
still, 20 damage for a single Energy is pretty good, and
if you're running Fire, there's little reason not to run
it. If you get a Quilava (and Typhlosion), even better.

Otaku |
Welcome to a wonderful Wednesday!
I hope your day goes well.
Today we look at
Cyndaquil (Call
of Legends 55/95).
This Basic Fire Pokémon Evolves into
Quilava and
then Typhlosion,
unless you use
Rare Candy to go straight to
Prime is a card I have heard at least a few seasoned
players praise as ultimately being the strongest fire
deck, favoring its efficiency to
Emboar and
its raw power.
This just means that it is well worth analyzing this
and see if it is worth using over the other version (HearGold/SoulSilver
This version of
Cyndaquil is small, especially by modern standards:
just 40 HP! That
might barely have been considered “average” for a Basic
that eventually Evolves into a Stage 2 only in the
earliest days of the game.
I’d say “well at least this means its Water
Weakness is irrelevant”… except that isn’t true.
(HeartGold/SoulSilver 17/123, HGSS Promos
HGSS12, and Call
of Legends 24/95) was a very popular opener at
Nationals, but again but between the frustration with
coin flips and pending release of
Pokémon Catcher,
Manaphy (HS:
Unleashed 3/95) is looking like a probably and
popular replacement.
If that is the case, any deck that runs it just
needs a Water
Energy or
Rainbow Energy to OHKO this
and that definitely matters!
No Resistance is as vexing as ever but probably
wouldn’t confer enough protection to matter.
The single Energy Retreat Cost is expected of
Basic Pokémon and useful since it is easy to pay but
even knowing
Typhlosion Prime would allow you to recycle
Fire Energy,
this card needed a free Retreat Cost.
That little change might have made it worth
running what amounts to donk bait.
This Cyndaquil
has a single attack, and with the stats it had better be
a great attack to justify running it over the other
version. Sadly,
it isn’t: Fireworks does do a nice 20 points of damage
for a just (R), and the downside of discarding a (R)
Energy from
Cyndaquil might be somewhat mitigated since we are
talking about running it with
Prime. This
Cyndaquil is
being played to Evolve, not to attack.
Any effects from Pokémon meant only to Evolve are
best when they protect it or aid in set-up: both such
effects would (hypothetically) help it Evolve faster and
that is the point.
If the card just does damage, then it needs to
hit hard. It
doesn’t have to be super reliable since you aren’t
supposed to be relying on it, and you mostly need it for
the fear factor: you want your opponent to be nervous
about sending anything up to KO
Cyndaquil in
two hits because you might OHKO it back.
20 points of damage in one shot is not enough
going to cut it.
Stick with the other
Cyndaquil (HearGold/SoulSilver
61/123). The
attacks aren’t much better but at least it has two: the
first does 10 points of damage for (C) and the second
does 20 for (RC).
Much more relevant is the 60 HP: still low enough to
risk a OHKO, but at least it won’t be an
easy OHKO.
If you’re trying a
deck in Unlimited (and at least a few might be worth
it), then there are two choices better than either of
them. Consider Mysterious Treasures 79/123 which
enjoys 60 HP, a free attack for 10 points of damage, and
was printed during the period where Weakness wasn’t
automatically damage doubling.
In fact, it enjoys the least damaging form of
Weakness: Water just does an extra 10 points of damage!
The other candidate would be
Cyndaquil (EX:
Hidden Legends 59/101).
Only 50 HP and the traditional Water Weakness,
but for (CC) it can do Rage for 10 points of damage plus
another 10 per damage counter on
Cyndaquil and
more importantly, a
Typhlosion if
you use an effect like
Memory Berry
to allow said
Typhlosion Evolved from this
Cyndaquil to
Rage. All these
versions have no Resistance and a single Energy Retreat
In Limited play, today’s
still isn’t a good pick.
Only run it if you pulled an Evolution for it.
You just can’t afford something this small and
Energy hungry.
Yes I often point out lower damage yields and average HP
scores, but the only lower printed HP score on an actual
Pokémon (not a Trainer pretending to be a Pokémon, like
the old Clefairy
Doll) is 30 HP.
Since it
has to discard a card providing (R) Energy on tails,
it is a last resort choice as filler for a deck already
using Fire Energy
cards: that’s still too expensive here!
1/5 – Few other
Cyndaquil are worse off than this version.
1/5 – There is only one other option here, but its
plainly better.
1/5 – Unless you pull its Evolutions, don’t bother with
Ouch. I try to
look on the positive side of cards, but to give you an
idea; this is a nerfed version of one of the two
Specifically Neo Genesis 57/111, which had
50 HP, could discard any Energy type when Fireworks
required it, and had a then fairly priced version of
Quick Attack that required (CC) and did 10 points of
damage plus an extra 20 on a “heads”.
The best use for this card is to induce Confusion
in players like me who overanalyze things. ;)
Of course I am still selling my soon-to-be-former
possessions on eBay
here. Pojo.com is not responsible for any
Mad Mattezhion |
Cyndaquil (Call of Legends)
Hey guys, we continue with another Johto starter,
Cyndaquil. Sadly, this card really missed the boat
because of one terrible stat.
Cyndaquil has the upside of being a Fire type that
benefits from all of the [r] energy support we have
right now and both the attack and retreat are relatively
cheap (an [r] energy with a flip to discard for 20
damage and a single energy to get to the bench). The
weakness is nothing unexpected but Magnezone Prime and
Zekrom BW are keeping the Water presence down.
Evolving into Typhlosion Prime is a definite plus, and
would make this card quite sought after, if not for the
absolutely terrible HP.
40 HP is nowhere near enough for any current Poke'mon as
some common, cheap sniping attacks can reach high enough
to score an OHKO (Yanmega Prime's Linear Attack and
Mandibuzz BW's Blindside come to mind). Many other cheap
snipers can also get close to scoring a KO and will do
so if you don't evolve immediately. You don't even want
to think about having this Cyndaquil in the Active slot.
Modified: 1.5 (bump that HP up to 60 and this card would
be serviceable)
Limited: 2 (Typhlosion is awesome and Quilava is okay
but you still don't want to run Cyndaquil as your
Combos with: a HP booster