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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day


Mew Prime


Date Reviewed: July 28, 2011

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 3.50
Limited: 3.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK National

Mew Prime (Triumphant)

The thing I’ve always liked about Mew cards is that they are usually on-theme. Mew is (apparently) the Pokémon that contains the DNA of all other Pokémon species, In the video games this means that it can learn (more or less) every attack in the game. In the TCG it means that Mew often has some method of copying the attacks of other Pokémon (see Mew δ, Mew* δ, Mew SW, Mew ex . . . so many Mews).

Mew Prime carries on this tradition, courtesy of its See Off attack, which puts a Pokémon from your deck into the Lost Zone for a single Psychic Energy, and its Lost Link PokeBody, which allows it to copy the attacks of any Pokémon in the Lost Zone (as long as it meets the Energy cost).

Mew’s great strength is its ability to abuse Rainbow Energy and copy any single Energy attack in the game. Obviously, it works well with Gengar Prime/Lost World, letting you Hurl Pokémon into the Lost Zone without having to set up a Stage 2, but it can also be the basis of a more ‘toolbox’ approach to deckbuilding. Include Crobat Prime, and you can use the quadruple Poison attack without needing the Stage 2; put a copy of Muk UD in your deck and you have access to the highly disruptive Sludge Drag without the effort of getting out a Stage 1 with a horrible Retreat cost; want to hit hard without having to go to all the trouble of evolving Pokémon? Then why not See Off a copy of Jumpluff and turn your Mew into a Basic Pokémon that hits for up to 120 damage for a single Energy.

Of course, with only 60 HP, Mew is incredibly easy to OHKO, but this is balanced by the fact that it is very easy to swarm and recover (with Revive). Because you don’t need to run any full evolution lines, a Mew deck generally has plenty of space for consistency cards and stuff like Vileplume UD which makes life tough for your opponent by locking Trainers.

Mew is amazingly versatile and pretty fast in the context of the present format. The low HP makes it a somewhat risky play, and getting into a Prize exchange with an opponent is not the best strategy (this is where Vileplume lock can be helpful). The recent North American Nationals have shown that both the MewGar and Mew Toolbox approaches can be viable right now and, if more cards with copyable (is that a word?) attacks get released, then Mew is only going to become more useful in time.


Modified: 3.5 (the ultimate toolbox card)

Combos with . . .

Muk UD, Gengar Prime, Jumpluff HGSS, Rainbow Energy


Hello Pojo readers! Today we're continuing our reviews of various Primes that saw some success at Nats. Today's Card of the Day is Mew Prime, from Triumphant.

Mew is a Basic Psychic Pokemon. Psychic Pokemon aren't all of that common in our current metagame, with Reuniclus seeing play as a tech, and various other things seeing a scattered amount of play, such as Gengar Prime. Mew Prime, however, with its sheer versatility, can be used as a pretty nice combo piece in a number of decks. 60 HP is pretty low for a non-evolving Basic, meaning that Mew won't be able to stand up to many hits at all, even weaker ones. However, since Mew seems most of its play in decks with a more controlling build. Psychic Weakness isn't too bad right now, as Gengar isn't common anymore, there aren't many notable Psychic attackers, and the mirror match will rarely be that offensive in nature. No Resistance is unfortunate but unexpected, and a free Retreat Cost is amazing.

Mew has a Poke-BODY and a single attack. The Poke-BODY, Lost Link, allows Mew to use all attacks of Pokemon in the Lost Zone, but you still need the Energy in order to use the attack. The implications of this are twofold. First, Mew can be whatever you want it to be as long as you can put some Pokemon into the Lost Zone. Second, since you are still required to have the proper Energy requirements in order to use the attacks, it will generally work better if you remove your own Pokemon to the Lost Zone to set up such a combo. Absol Prime can work well in order to do this, as well as other combo enablers like Mime Jr. and Gengar Prime.

In addition to working well with Gengar, Absol, and Mime Jr., Mew can also help itself out as well. See Off, Mew's only attack, costs a single Psychic Energy and allows you to search your deck for a Pokemon and put it into the Lost Zone, shuffling your deck afterward. This adds to Mew's combo potential, allowing it to more efficiently do what you need it to do.

Modified: 3.5/5 Mew is a hard card to rate, simply because it can be whatever you want it to be. Since it has the capability of using any attack of a Pokemon in the Lost Zone, Mew has virtually limitless potential, and is just begging to be broken as an impressive combo piece. However, not all is great for Mew. 60 HP really lets it down, and most attackers in the Modified metagame will easily OHKO Mew, as well many support Pokemon. Thus, if you need Mew to do something in your deck, it would best be done with some amount of protection, recursion, or in the early game, because chances are it won't last that long.

Limited: 3/5 Mew is a bit harder to use in Triumphant Limited, simply because it's more difficult to use Mew in a combo. See Off can work well to remove a powerful or important Pokemon into the Lost Zone as somewhat of a search tool in Limited, but once again, look out for Mew's unfortunately low HP, which can ultimately be its downfall.

Mad Mattezhion

Mew Prime (HS Triumphant)
Greetings, Pojo viewers! Today we have one of the cutest legendary Poke'mon ever made, the fat cat itself, Mew!
Personally I've always preferred Mewtwo, maybe I just like ugly Poke'mon better. Still, Mew usually has something interesting happening, mostly because the video game version can learn practically any move you care to name. This particular Mew applies that skill by being able to copy moves from Poke'mon trapped in the Lost Zone, feeding on their misery to power itself up.
First, the stats. Mew Prime is a Psychic type non-evolving Basic with 60 HP, Psychic weakness, a retreat cost of 0, a Poke-body and an attack.
The main Problem with Mew is the HP, as Donphan Prime, the Dragon Twins, Pachirisu CL, Kingdra Prime, Yanmega Prime and Cinccino BW can all beat six shades of daylight out of the poor puddytat with only a single turn to power up (admittedly, Pachirisu will need a Pluspower and the dragons may need some damage counters). As such you can't risk attaching many energy to Mew, which places a severe limit on Mew's other abilities. The weakness isn't much of a problem now that all of the old Psychic techs (the pixies, Unown Q and Nidoqueen RR) have been rotated out with no Psychic archetype to replace them. Free retreat is awesome so if Mew becomes threatened then you can run away easily but in the end, Mew is extremely fragile.
The Poke-body is Lost Link, and the effect is to allow Mew Prime to copy attacks from any Poke'mon in either player's Lost Zone, provided that Mew has the necessary energy attached to use said attack. This is a problem, as you also have to pay other associated costs (such as discarding energy) and you are limited to attacks that costs 2 or less energy, due to the difficulty in keeping Mew in play long enough to attach more. Obviously, Rainbow Energy is your best friend as it allows you the greatest variety of attacks but you have to be very careful of lowering Mew's diminuitive HP any further than absolutely necessary.
The main problem with Lost Link, however, is getting suitable Poke'mon into the Lost Zone in the first place. Mime Jr TM can help with it's Sleepy Lost attack, while Gengar Prime is a natural partner with its Hurl Into Darkness adding considerable range to what Mew can accomplish. However, these are effects on the opponent's hand/deck so there is no guarantee that you will remove a Poke'mon with an attack that Mew can abuse. As such, Mew is sometimes seen as a single copy in a LostGar deck
If you are willing to sacrifice a few Poke'mon from your own deck (single copies of Evolution cards with single-energy attacks work best) then you can use Relicanth CL to draw cards while putting suitable Poke'mon from your own hand into the Lost Zone (usually hepled by Poke'mon Communication to make sure you sacrifice exactly what you need). Absol Prime is an alternative that allows an aggressive start provided you can supply the energy and sacrificial Poke'mon. Finally, Mew has its own attack, See Off, which allows you to search your deck for a Poke'mon and put it into the Lost Zone.
This approach is typicallycalled Mewbox. Generally, this includes a full set of Mew Prime and Relicanth CL with selected evolutions minus the lower stages. This means they can't be played in the regular way but the deck space you save allows you to run a large variety of cards that normally would never fit together so you will have the element of suprise (who would expect to be hit by spread, snipes and locks in the same deck?). Some possibly useful sacrificial cards include Crobat Prime, Zoroark BW, Liligant EP, Grumpig TM and Muk UD.
In the final analysis, Mew Prime can be incredibly versatile but it is also extremely fragile so unless you can stop your opponents from dealing 60 or more damage a turn or you will never be able to win the race for Prizes, and anyone playing a Lost World stadium will really crimp your style. Handle Mew with extreme care.
Modified: 4 (there are a couple of archetypes that can use Mew Prime effectively but the HP is a major concern against the likes of Donphan, Zekrom and Yanmega Prime. Also, the cards you are sacrificing to the Lost Zone could prove a liability if your opponent happens to have a Lost World stadium to claim the win after 6 Poke'mon go in, severely limiting your choice of attacks)
Limited: 2.5 (low HP and the inability to attack without sacrificing a card from your already diminshed deck are major downsides, but on the flip side you can search for your best cards and copy there attacks to take an early lead. Unless your opponent plays Twins, in which case you are totally stuffed)
Combos with: Gengar Prime, Crobat Prime, Liligant EP

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