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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Bouffalant #90
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
July 5, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.37
Limited: 2.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#90/114 (Black and White)
Hello and welcome to a slightly shorter than usual week
here on Pojo’s
CotD. I hope that American
readers enjoyed their 4th July Holiday and
are all ready for their
National Championships which start this week. Good luck
to everyone who attends!
We kick off today with one of the two
Bouffalant cards in the
Black and White set. Who says that they don’t give
Pokémon good names anymore?
(Probably someone who has just seen
Throh and Sawk).
I know a lot of people refer to this Pokémon as ‘Afro
Bull’, but really, ‘Bouffalant’
is just as good.
This version of the unevolving
Basic has 90 HP (decent, I guess), Weakness to Fighting
(not brilliant, thanks to Donphan)
and a Retreat cost of two which you wouldn’t really want
to pay with Energy unless you were desperate. That’s a
pretty mediocre start, and the attacks don’t do much to
The first, Horn Attack is straight 20 damage for two
Energy of any Colour. That’s poor value and usually
insignificant, even if you can power it up in one turn
by wasting a Double Colourless Energy. Double Stomp is
scarcely any better: for an additional one Energy cost,
you do 30 damage and get to
flip two coins, doing a further 20 for each heads. Even
at maximum, 70 for 3 is somewhat short of being good
while the average 50 for 3 is bad and the worst case
scenario of 30 points of damage for all that investment
is positively shocking. A gamble that offers you that
little reward is simply not one worth taking.
Just stick this one in the binder and concentrate your
attention on tomorrow’s card.
Modified: 1.25 (just a random filler Basic from a
Japanese starter deck)
Limited: 2 (just because it’s Colourless)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Bouffalant 90/114 (Black & White)
Greetings and salutations, Pojo readers. I hope those of
you in the US enjoyed the long weekend, and I hope the
rest of you enjoyed your weekend no matter what the
length was. On to the review.
We start the week with Bouffalant, which looks like
Tauros with a serious case of knotted mane. Supposedly
the hair acts like a massive shock absorber, but it also
seems to absorb jokes, puns and sarcasm at an astounding
rate. Nonetheless, Bouffalant has been attracting some
attention as an easy-to-splash revenge attacker.
Unfortunately for you, that is tomorrow's CotD.
Today's card is the Uncommon version, which has very
little to reccomend it aside from being big and
Colourless. Bouffalant is a Colourless type non-evolving
Basic with 90 HP, Fighting weakness, a retreat cost of 2
and two attacks.
With Donphan remaining popular the weakness is a
problem. The HP is on par but not brilliant, and the
retreat cost is the same. So far it's disappointing but
not yet dead.
The first attack, Horn Attack, is as lousy as every
other Horn Attack I have ever seen printed. For [c][c]
you deal 20 damage with no bonus effects to give you
your money's worth. Sadly, Double Stomp continues in
this vein by costing an extra energy to deal 30 base
damage with two coin flips to add 20 damage per Heads. A
maximum of 70 damage is inadequate and an average of 50
damage is terrible for 3 energy.
Both of these attacks suck the card down into the
oblivion of the shoebox. Rest in Peace, Bouffalant.
Modified: 1.5 (never play this card if you wish to win)
Limited: 2 (Bouffalant is splashable but the Dragon
Twins, Alomomola, Gurdurr and Cinccino wipe the floor
with this card)
Combos with: the shoebox

Otaku |
Just a reminder, there are two
Bouffalant in this set, and without
going into details I promise you that
whether or not this one is good or bad,
tomorrow’s is the better version!
is a Colorless Basic Pokémon. Being
Colorless isn’t much of a bonus right
In fact we do have one
established deck built around a
Colorless Resistant Pokémon (Gengar)
that managed to keep its key components
through the rotation.
Of course, it is still a bit
early to tell if that deck is a real
What I can tell you is that I
haven’t heard a peep about any of the
Colorless Weak Pokémon anchoring a good
deck or proving useful in a supporting
Since there just isn’t any actual
support for Colorless Pokémon right now
that means as a type, Colorless is
actually a bit weak, though probably not
enough to be noticeable.
doesn't Evolve: it is on its own and
will need stat and/or effects priced
accordingly and meeting a certain
threshold of usefulness.
The 90 HP is good, though it can
be easy to think otherwise when
comparing it to heavies like
Zekrom and
Reshiram, also from the same set. As
a reference, Basic Pokémon that do
Evolve need at least 50 HP to avoid
being considered deficient in that area,
and even 60 is pretty common now.
The Fighting Weakness is
unfortunate but appropriate, though
having a Basic Pokémon taken out by a
OHKO isn't as bad (fewer cards invested)
and it is still going to take 50 points
of damage before Weakness to do it. In
short it means
Donphan Prime gets to save its
copies of
PlusPower and
Machamp Prime won’t need to use its
second, more expensive attack.
No Resistance is a disappointment
as always, but probably won't hurt the
card seeing as how it is so common. The
two Energy needed to Retreat is fair
given the cards size.
Looking ahead this is a card
you're going to want to drop, attack
with, then get out of your way.
So while fair, it is still going
to hurt.
So what are the attacks?
The opening move is poor: (CC)
can be paid with a single Energy
attachment through Double Colorless
Energy, but the return is just 20
points of damage. That's only good
enough for a filler attack on something
that Evolves or has something else that
is exceptional about it.
The second attack is a little
better: for (CCC) you hit for base 30,
but get two coin flips worth an extra 20
points of damage a pop. So you're
looking at a 30/50/70 split: one in four
possible results are for 30 points, one
in four are for 70 points, and the
remaining two possible results are worth
50 points, making it the most likely
outcome as well as the average.
As the "big" attack for the card,
it should have easily clocked in at 60
or 70 damage flat for (CCC) without
causing balance issues.
So in short, neither attack is
horrible but they are far from “good”.
The main redeeming features are
the ability to use any Energy and to use
Double Colorless Energy reasonably
It all comes down to this Pokémon being
unable to Evolve: it has to justify
itself completely. It doesn't. Even if
the other
Bouffalant didn't exist, this
still wouldn't be good enough to justify
running it. You don't run it in Modified
because there are better candidates. You
don't run it in Unlimited because there
are better candidates. You will however
find it worth running in Limited play
for the standard reasons: lower average
HP, lower average damage output, the
ability to use any Energy, and the
simple fact that the difficulty in
running Evolutions in this format makes
Basic Pokémon that much more powerful by
comparison. In fact, the flexibility it
has and the fact that its damage returns
are no longer sub-par makes it into a
must run unless you are just
really lucky and get a whole deck's
worth of better cards to run. I've
actually had this happen with similar
cards, or else I'd ignore it completely.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 1.75/5
Limited: 4.5/5
A filler card that is almost pure
vanilla and lacks anything of substance
to justify running it over many other
candidates, except in Limited play where
most other candidates are the filler
transitory Evolution Stages. The smaller
the card pool the more valuable it
becomes, but even in this brand new
format most similar cards outshine it,
especially tomorrow’s
Of course I am still selling my former
possessions on eBay
Pojo.com is not responsible for
any transactions.