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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Energy Search
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
July 8, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Energy Search
Yep . . . good old Energy Search: since it was first
printed back in Fossil (the third TCG Set ever made), I
don’t believe this card has ever been out of the format.
Along with Potion, It’s a virtual staple of Theme Decks,
and like Potion, it appears is an awful lot of decks
built by new, younger players . . . until they ask an
experienced player for some deck help, and they tell
them to dump the useless Energy Search, that is.
Yep, every time this card appears in a
decklist, the response is
nearly always the same: why are you running this instead
of another copy of the Basic Energy? It is effectively
exactly the same thing, except that the Basic Energy can
be easily recovered from the discard (e.g. with
yesterday’s card), searched out (with Interviewer’s
Questions), and can’t be Trainer Locked (with
Vileplume UD).
That response is almost always the correct one, but it
is just possible that situations can arise where running
Energy Search is the better option. The first is in
those very rare (and not especially good) decks that
need as much variety of Basic Energy as possible
attached to a Pokémon to increase its attack power. The
only examples of this that I can think of both involve
Ho-Oh: the ex from Unseen Forces and the Secret Wonders
one. The second situation that comes to mind is that
out-and-out speed decks that require Energy fast can use
them and then immediately re-use them with Junk Arm,
thus getting two Energy cards from the deck instead of
the one that they would have got if they replaced Energy
Search with a Basic Energy. Some
Zekrom decks play a copy or two to try and
increase their chances of getting the Energy needed for
a first turn set up. On a related note, Energy search
also ‘thins’ the deck a little, which also helps speed
So, as it turns out, there
are a couple
of legitimate uses for Energy Search. Very obscure and
marginal ones maybe . . . but they are enough to rescue
the card from getting the lowest possible score.
Modified: 1.5 (It’s ironic that one of the most commonly
printed cards in the game has only ever had extremely
infrequent uses)
Limited: 2.5 (Nice if you run 2-3 different Types in
your deck . . . and the deck thinning is very helpful
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Energy Search (Black & White)
Hello again, folks. We end our week with one of the
oldest cards in the game. For the first time in 8 years,
we are reviewing Energy Search.
Today's card is an Item card, with all of the pros and
cons that brings. On the one hand you can play this card
as often as you like without any drawbacks (a huge
advantage that no other card in the game has) but the
drawbacks are that Item cards are very difficult to
search out, they aren't as powerful as their Supporter
cousins, they only have one use and they can be blocked
by Vileplume UD (as well as othercards that currently
aren't Modified-legal).
Basically, if you like to empty your hand to make way
for a large refill from your deck (courtesy of cards
like Professor Oak's New Theory, Professor Juniper and
Magnezone Prime) or you simply can't survive on only 1
Supporter per turn, you need lots of Item cards in your
The question today is whether or not Energy Search is
worth a spot in your Trainer list. To start with, the
effect is very simple. Simply play Energy Search from
your hand, and you can search your deck for a Basic
energy card to replace it with.
Since you don't end up with more or less cards in your
hand, Energy Search is neutral for both building up and
clearing out your hand. However, unlike Item cards,
Energy cards can only be played once per turn so playing
multiple Energy Search does not gain you an advantage
unless you are playing a deck with from-the-hand energy
On the subject of hand advantage, the main attraction of
Item cards that seacrh out other cards is that they add
to deck consistency. In the case of Energy Search,
however, that doesn't prove to be true. In the case of
decks that only run 1 kind of Basic energy, running
Energy Search in your deck gives you the same odds of
drawing the energy you need as simply adding an extra
energy to your deck. Seeing as how Energy Search is very
difficult to search out and there are no restrictions on
the number of Basic energy you can have in your deck
(provided you don't go over the 60 card limit), you
might as well just add the extra energy instead, giving
you more cards to discard when you retreat and/or attack
as well as an extra card for Feraligatr Prime or FanBoar
to use with their energy acceleration.
In decks with more than 1 Basic energy type, Energy
Search becomes better but not great. Cards that search
out any-and-all Poke'mon are much loved because
typically you have many different Poke'mon in your deck
(usually about 10-15 unique cards) but there is a lot
less variety in energy cards, especially as you can't
seacrh out Special energy.
Energy Search also has competition in the form of Energy
Exchanger and Interviewer's Questions. While
Interviewer's Questions costs your Supporter use for the
turn with no guarantee of results it can grab multiple
energy (including Specials). Energy Exchanger is an Item
card that requires an energy card from your hand to
trade into the deck but it can also grab Special energy
so it has greater utility.
If Energy Search could be easily pulled out by other
commonly played cards (such as how Cyrus' Conspiracy
could grab Poke Turn and SP Radar) then it would be a
little closer to playable, but as it stands there isn't
enough need for Energy Search in the playable decks of
today. If your wanted a Rainbow deck (you run many types
of Basic energy in small quantities, only 2-3 of any
type) or if you only ran a couple of Basic energy in one
of those Turbo decks (where you spam Item cards to empty
your deck quickly and wipeout your opponent in a few
turns) then Energy Search would be useful. However, no
Rainbow or Turbo decks exist in the current Modified
format so Energy Search remains completely unloved as it
has done since it's release. At least the current format
is a little kinder to Energy Search since it doesn't
have to compete with cards Cyrus' Conspiracy, Roseanne's
Research and Lady Outing. Also, energy costs in this
format for both attack and retreat have increased, so
higher energy needs may give Energy Search a home later
in this format if a Rainbow or Turbo deck becomes
playable. For the moment, stick with Interviewer's
Questions and Energy Exchanger.
Modified: 3 (getting the energy you need exactly when
you need it is brilliant for almost every deck ever
made, but most players rely on draw power to get what
they need, due to the difficulty in searching out the
cards that can search for energy in the first place.
Added to this is the fact that Energy Search can be
easily replaced by a Basic energy card, so as always
Energy Search will appear to be useful but will lose out
to other cards in your build)
Limited: 4 (the argument for replacing Energy Search
with another energy still stands, but in this format
anything that shuffles your deck is worth running. Also,
most Limited decks run several energy types making
Energy Search an excellent pull, although in Black &
White there are enough Poke'mon of every type with a
fair few Colourless spread around to make running a
mono-energy deck a possibility for some players. Still,
for Rainbow players this is a must run)
Combos with: an as-yet unprinted, useful Supporter or
starter that grabs Energy Search from your deck along
with 2 other useful cards (say, an Evolution card and a
Supporter, or a Basic Poke'mon and a Stadium). I don't
see that happening however, so I'l just say that Turbo
and Rainbow decks of the future should playtest with
Energy Search. |

Otaku |
We end this week by
looking at
Energy Search, a
card we first reviewed
nearly eight years ago,
but which is actually
older having first
debuted back in the
Fossil expansion.
Fossil was
the third set of the
Energy Search
is a Trainer and in its
latest printing has been
reclassified as a
Trainer-Item, opening up
a few new (but currently
unimportant) uses.
Whatever this
card does, it will be
just a little more
potent since unlike most
cards in the game,
Trainer-Items have no
built in restriction
about how or when you
can play them, save it
being your turn and no
other in game effect can
be blocking them.
Energy Search
has a simple effect,
searching your deck for
a basic Energy card and
adding it to your hand.
This effect was
actually fairly good
when the card first came
out: Special Energy card
Double Colorless Energy
and the game was
dominated by the
infamous Haymaker decks.
Even the most
basic Haymaker deck was
built around two
different types of basic
Energy (and Pokémon).
Those Pokémon
needed a specific Energy
Type but their small
attacks only needed one
of that Energy, and
their big attacks never
needed more than two of
a specific type (though
some had a Colorless
Energy requirement on
top of the specific
Energy requirement).
As such it made
perfect sense for such
decks to run
Energy Search as a
variable copy of
whatever Basic Energy
cards the deck did run,
either improving
reliability or allowing
the daring players to
run even lower Energy
A few decks would
even run it when they
used only one basic
Energy type simply
because it made their
deck effectively one
card smaller (per copy).
This wasn’t a
huge advantage but it
was something, and this
was an established
tactic from other, older
TCGs making it natural
to try in Pokémon.
Rainbow Energy
wasn’t released until
after Base Set 2
(a reprint set) in
Team Rocket (the
fourth unique set and
fifth overall of the
North American version
of the TCG).
Once we had a
Special Energy that
could meet any basic
Energy requirement, it
almost universally
Energy Search.
It is hard to evaluate
the effect of
Energy Search, hence
the history lesson. You
don’t get much out of it
but you haven’t put
anything into it other
than running it.
A weak effect,
but reliable and of
course multiple copies
stack, let’s examine if
there are any good
combos and exactly what
competition it does
Being such a weak effect
means that if
Energy Search has
any use in the Unlimited
Format, it would only be
in highly specialized
novelty decks or as
filler for someone with
a small card pool.
In Modified it
doesn’t fair much better
except as stated, it
currently faces less
It can’t fetch
Special Energy so
Energy Exchanger is
the superior choice for
many decks despite
needing to shuffle an
Energy card from your
hand into your deck.
You know the
saying, “You get what
you pay for.”
This is true in
terms of quantity of
Energy as well: if you
give up a Supporter use
you can get a better
Interviewer’s Questions
isn’t guaranteed, but if
you’re running a deck
that needs a lot of
Energy you’re probably
running a lot of Energy.
That in turn
makes it likely that if
you use
Interviewer’s Questions
you’ll almost certainly
hit the one Energy you
need and probably get
several more, plus once
Interviewer’s Questions
can grab Special Energy
This tells us the
niche for
Energy Search is a
deck that needs to
preserve its Supporter
usage for something else
and/or is better off
running a few extra
copies of
Energy Search than
relying on normal draw
power or just running
more Energy.
The best place I can
think of to use this
card is
The deck’s
infamous combo of using
Pachirisu (HS:
Call of Legends
18/95) and its Poké-Body
(Self Generation) to
attach to
Lightning Energy to
itself from your hand,
then playing
Shaymin (HS:
Unleashed 8/95) and
its Poké-Body
Celebration Wind to move
that Energy to a waiting
Zekrom (Black &
White 47/114 and
You then drop one
last Energy card onto
Zekrom and attack
for 120 damage with
Bolt Strike, ideally
first turn of the game!
Energy Search can
help because this is a
combo intensive deck and
if I open up with an
Energy Search in
hand as opposed to an
Lightning Energy I
need, I play
Energy Search to
shrink my deck by a
I still have the
Energy card I needed in
hand and now my deck is
smaller: if I have to
use actual draw power
any time during the
match, I’ve increased
the odds of getting the
specific card I need for
my critical combo.
Additionally, if
this is a build running
some Pokémon (and basic
Energy) off-Type, unlike
Rainbow Energy,
Energy Search is
ultimately compatible
with Self Generation.
In Limited play this
card is a must run, but
it can be easy to
Here you don’t
have the traditional
draw and search power of
the rest of the Pokémon
Searching your
deck becomes a potent
effect since it allows
you to see exactly what
cards are in your Prizes
and unlike the
constructed formats, you
probably aren’t going to
have more than one or
two cards that can do
just that.
I said in many
other trading card games
it becomes critical to
thin your deck as much
as possible, and in
Limited even if you are
running a mono-Type deck
it holds true.
If you are
running a multi-Type
deck it just gets more
and more useful, making
sure you have the right
Energy type when you
need it.
Whether it is an
evenly split amount of
Energy or just a few
included for some rare
cost, you have a better
chance of getting it to
your hand.
In the end this
turns it into a must run
for Limited play.
Combos with:
I was surprised I scored
this as highly as I did
for Modified, but that
is an aggregate score
reflecting its use in a
specific but popular
deck while still being
functional in general.
Energy Search mostly
exists as a filler card,
something a new player
uses before they get the
more potent and commonly
used cards.
Still there is a
place where all those
small advantages it
grants can still be
useful in Modified play,
compounded by the lack
of reliable, multi-card
Energy search options.
Of course I am still
selling my former
possessions on eBay
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