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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Gurdurr #60
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June xx, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.00
Limited: 2.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#60/114 (Black and White)
You know what’s harder than reviewing an evolving Stage
1? Reviewing an evolving Stage 1 when the Stage 2 hasn’t
even been printed yet, that’s what. It makes it almost
impossible to see what synergy this card can have with
its evolution, though I suspect that the answer will
turn out to be ‘not much’.
has a respectable 80 HP, a slightly heavy Retreat cost
of two, and a Psychic Weakness which doesn’t look like
being too much of a liability right now (pending future
releases of course). Gurdurr’s
first attack, Bulk Up, is nice enough for what it is: a
single Energy to do 20 damage
and increase the damage it does next turn by a further
20. Note that the damage boost is not transferable: if
Gurdurr switches out or
evolves, it is lost. Pound is much less interesting:
Effect-free damage of 60 at the steep cost of [F][F][C]
means that it will take another two turns of Energy
attachment before Bulk Up can impact upon the damage
If Conkledurr turns out to
be a good card, then at least it won’t be embarrassed by
its Stage 1. If it does have to be active, at least it
can do some
damage and have a chance of surviving. On the other
hand, Gurdurr is not really
a playable card in its own right, and I don’t see any
way that it could support an evolution aside from just
being there to evolve.
Modified (HGSS-on):1 (no reason to play it without the
Stage 2. If we get a decent
Conkledurr, it will obviously be needed)
Limited: 2.25 (Cheap damage, and Fighting counters a lot
of useful Pokémon in the set)

Otaku |
Well, Gurdurr
certainly feels like a
Stage 1 waiting for a
Stage 2. Does it Evolve
in the video games? Oh,
it does!
As such, when its
Evolved form (Conkledurr)
gets a card, it will
hopefully be enhanced.
Even taking into account
it is actually a
transitory Stage1, this
card doesn't feel as
good as it could have
been. Being a Stage 1
Fighting Pokémon that
can Evolve once more, 80
HP is low. Fighting has
some support, but the
main thing I can think
of is Machamp
Prime and its Fighting
Tag Poke-Power, which
actually is worried
about Fighting Energy
more than Fighting
Pokémon. Psychic
Weakness is really bad
right now since it
allows an Uxie
Lv.X to score a OHKO for
just a Double
Colorless Energy, a
Pokémon run to aid in
set-up and not as a main
attacker. Next format it
gets a little better,
since Psychic Pokémon
tend to focus on
something other than
damage, like damage
counter placement,
Special Conditions,
sitting on the Bench to
use a non-attack based
effect, etc. No
Resistance is common but
disappointing, as is the
two Energy Retreat Cost.
The latter will actually
matter more, since
Resistance is usually
just a nice perk but
getting stuck
prematurely upfront and
being unable to Retreat
is an easy way to give
up a Prize.
Gurdurr has two
attacks. Bulk Up is
good: for (C) you do a
quick 20 points of
damage, and on its next
attack, Gurdurr
does an extra 20 points
of damage with its
attacks, and its even
when it matters most:
before Weakness and
Resistance! This means
Gurdurr, with a
single Energy, can hit
for 20 and then 40, 40,
40... Fighting Weakness
is relatively common,
giving you a decent
chance of hitting for
40, then 80, 80, 80,
etc! Unfortunately the
next attack is Pound for
(FFC). It does 60 points
of damage, which isn’t
horrible for a Stage 1,
but the Energy
requirement clearly
Double Colorless Energy
a waste and more
importantly, this card
really just doesn’t have
the HP to have even one
attack that isn’t
blatantly good.
Gurdurr Evolves
from Timburr, and
we have two options,
both from the Black &
White set: card
numbers 58/114 and
59/114. 58/114 has 60 HP
and for (FF) does 30.
Even though it is a
Pokémon that will
(eventually) be able to
Evolve all the way into
a Stage 2, that is still
a poor attack because it
is the only attack; you
have to just sit there
like a lump until you
get two Fighting Energy
on it. The only thing it
has better than 59/114
is a single Energy
Retreat Cost. 59/114 has
70 HP, and that 10 extra
HP is already worth
requiring an extra
Energy (so two Energy
total) to retreat. It
also has two attacks,
one which does 10 for
(C) and the other which
does 20 for (FC). The
second attack is a
little overpriced, but
at least you have
something you can do for
one Energy other than
"pass". The better HP
and slightly better
attack are more
important than the
Retreat Costs. Neither
version is good enough
to bolster
Gurdurr use.
In Unlimited or either
Modified, we have much
better Stage 1
Fighting-Type Pokémon.
Unless Conkledurr
is even better than the
Stage 2 Fighting Pokémon
we currently have, there
will still be no reason
to run Gurdurr in
these formats. For
Limited play, the HP is
low but the two attacks
(and great HP on the one
Timburr) make it
a good, solid pick as
long as you can afford
to run a decent amount
of Fighting Energy.
Plus even if they aren't
the greatest, there are
two versions of the
Basic Stage and that is
a tremendous help in
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified (MD-On):
Modified (HGSS-On):
Limited: 3/5
It is hard when you are
waiting for the final
part of an Evolution
line, and even harder
when what you have is
sub-par like Gurdurr.
It was close to being
interesting, but a
little too Energy hungry
and a little too small.
Check out my auctions on
Pojo is in no way
responsible for any
transactions, and merely
lets me link to the
auction in my reviews.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Gurdurr (Black & White)
Hello guys, here's another backdated review. This is one
of the better cards I saw at the prerelease, but the
jury is still out on its usefullness.
Gurdurr is a Fighting type evolving Stage 1 with 80 HP,
Psychic weakness, a retreat cost of 2 and two attacks.
The HP is lower than I would like, but I'll put up with
it if the Conkledurr they print is worth using. The
other stats are par for the course with the exception of
the retreat cost. Sure, quibbling over an extra energy
when I plan to use Switch anyway is petty, but a retreat
cost of 2 belongs to Poke'mon with 90 HP or more so I
say it is too high.
The attacks are what keep this card from being a
complete waste (at least for now). While Pound is
terrible at [f][f][c] for a vanilla 60 damage (what? No
DCE?), Bulk Up is much more promising. At a cost of [c]
for 20 damage it is both cheap and painful, and the
bonus effect is okay as well. Bulk Up adds 20 more
damage to Gurdurr's next attack, which is wasted if you
evolve next turn but otherwise allows you to chain
attacks dealing 40 damage for [c]. This isn't enough to
balance out the low HP but it is worth having.
We really can't give a proper forecast for Gurdurr's
playability because we don't know how good the
Conkledurr will be or if a better Gurdurr will be
printed, but based on the HP you will want to use Rare
Candy rather than evolve manually.
Modified: 2.5 (it offers more than most evolving Stage 1
Poke'mon due to Bulk Up, and I just love the way it
looks like it is suffering from 'roid rage while it
swings a steel beam around. Go Gurdurr!)
Limited: 4 (an easily teched Fighting type that hits 40
damage with a single energy is brilliant, at least up
until Zekrom and Reshiram start doing their thing. At
least you hit Zekrom for weakness)
Combos with: Anger management workshops and a detox
program. Otherwise poor Gurdurr is headed for a heart
attack. |