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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Sandile #63
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June 15, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 2.37
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#63/114 (Black and White)
A couple of weeks ago I went to the UK
Pokémon VG championship, mainly to hang
around and watch a few of the matches. I
was surprised to see how popular
was (I’m only a very casual player of
the video game). He seems to be fairly
popular in the TCG too . . . or at least
he is one of those Pokémon that people
like and want to make work. Personally,
I don’t think
Krookodile is really a top tier
competitive Pokémon, but he’s not a
million miles away, and there are
interesting decks you can build with
him. Let’s see if his Basic Stage gives
him any support.
One of the things I like about the
line is the was
the card designers have given the
attacks some kind of similarity
(disruption/lock) through all the
evolutions. Although
doesn’t have the attack locking
capabilities of his evolutions, he does
have the ability to stop the Defending
Pokémon retreating (and deal 10 damage)
with his Sand Tomb attack. This can be a
useful in some situations: if your
opponent’s active isn’t an attacker
(such as an early-game
Cleffa), you
could stop them retreating it for
something that would KO
Sandile. Of
course, they could always play a Switch
(assuming they had one), but even if
they did, making an opponent burn
resources to deal with a Basic is never
a bad thing. It’s a soft lock that deals
some damage and could help
survive long enough to evolve. That’s
about as much as you can ask from an
evolving Basic, and certainly a lot
better than
Sandile’s Bite attack, which is a
very weak 30 damage for [F][C][C]
Other good things about
Sandile are
the 70 HP and Lightning Resistance (ok,
Prime and Zekrom
will OHKO anyway, but it’s better than
nothing). The Water Weakness doesn’t
look like being too much of a disaster,
but the Retreat cost of two is on the
high side. Higher Retreat costs seem to
be common in BW, and it makes running
Switch in most a decks a good idea.
If you want to try and make a
deck, this is a pretty good place to
start: a disruptive Basic that has a
chance of surviving long enough to
Modified (HGSS-on): 2 (one of the better
evolving Basics you will see in HGSS-on)
Limited: 2.25 (the Retreat Lock can be
even more annoying, and the
Krook line
is pretty good in
this format)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! I hope that all of
you had good luck at Battle Roads if you attended, as I
know the one that I was head judge for was a blast.
Finally, now that Battle Roads are over and the HGSS-on
rotation is announced to be July 1, given that there are
no other major events between now and the rotation, I
will be reviewing cards specifically for HGSS-on
Modified. Anyway, today's Card of the Day is Sandile.
Sandile is a Basic Fighting Pokemon. Fighting Pokemon
aren't seeing too much play right now with the notable
exceptions of Donphan Prime and Machamp Prime, however
the type could easily see more play if Magnezone Prime
variants really take off in the new HGSS-on Modified.
Sandile may also see some play, given that Krookodile
has a great niche in being able to shut down many
popular Pokemon with only one attack, such as Magnezone
Prime, Emboar, Donphan Prime's Earthquake, and many
others. 70 HP is great for an evolving Basic, meaning it
should be able to take at least a hit or two early game.
Water Weakness isn't actually that bad in HGSS-on,
though will give you trouble if you run into Kingdra
Prime or a Rain Dance deck. Lightning Resistance is
theoretically good, however Magnezone Prime and Zekrom
will still easily OHKO Sandile, which is unfortunate.
Finally, a Retreat Cost of 2 is a little steep, so be
sure to use something like Switch to get the sand
crocodile out of the Active slot.
Sandile has two attacks: Sand Tomb and Bite. Sand
Tomb deals 10 damage for a single Fighting Energy, and
prevents the Defending Pokemon from retreating during
your opponent's next turn. While the new HGSS-on format
is slightly bulkier than the previous MD-on, stopping
the relatively common Babies (like Cleffa) can be nice
if your opponents need to get them out of the Active
Position. The attack can see a lot more use in Limited,
however, because you can trap the opposing Pokemon as a
stall tactic. Bite does an expensive 30 damage for a
Fighting and two Colorless, which probably isn't worth
powering up, even in Limited. If you're going to have
three Energy on a Sandile, it should probably be a
Krokorok or Krookodile.
Modified: 2/5 If you're going to be running
Krookodile in your Modified deck, Sandile is definitely
a passable Basic. 70 HP is pretty good, and Sand Tomb is
even pretty decent if your opponent is using something
like Cleffa to set up.
Limited: 2.5/5 Obviously use Sandile if you draft a
Krokorok and/or Krookodile, since it won't do much on
its own. However, if you're running Fighting and get a
Krokorok or Krookodile, go for it.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Sandile (Black & White)
Today we have the Basic stage of Krookodile, which is
making a splash in both the video games and the card
game. So this guy already has some table time, but what
is the likelihood of it getting replaced by a better
version in the future?
Seeing as Sandile has 70 HP and a decent first attack,
the probability is low.
Sandile is a Fighting type evolving Basic with 70 HP,
Water weakness, Lightning resistance, a retreat cost of
2 and two attacks.
The HP is on the beefy side for evolving Basics, hence
the relatively heavy retreat cost. The resistance is
useful but not as helpful now that Luxray GL is out of
the picture. True, both Zekrom and Magnezone Prime are
making appearances, but they don't have the cap of 60
damage that Luxray had to deal with, so resistance is
more of an annoyance than a genuine block. The Water
weakness is a problem as Mantine HGSS, Squirtle UL and
other Water Basic Poke'mon will easily get a T2 KO, but
if you evolve quickly then it won't matter.
Now the attacks. Sand Tomb is cheap at [f] for 10 damage
and preventing your opponent from retreating. While this
won't do much to most Poke'mon, it will annoy your
opponent and force them to use a Switch if they can't
evolve. This is effective against Baby Poke'mon and
other low HP Basics, as well as Fighting weak Poke'mon.
Bite is overpriced at [f][c][c] for 30 damage but since
you can use DCE (and the same applies to the rest of the
evolutionary line) it can be useful if both players have
a terrible start and you have a hand choked with energy.
You won't use Bite very often (if at all) but having an
option for greater damage is good, especially in
Sandile has a cheap attack that can result in a soft
lock, a resistance to a commonly played type and high HP
for an evolving Basic. The only thing missing is better
Fighting support.
Modified: 3.5 (better than the usual evolving fodder,
and Krookodile is good enough to at least try at the
start of this new format. Who knows what the future will
Limited: 3.5 (Fighting is a common weakness and it is
more difficult to drop a Switch or Super Scoop Up to
beat Sand Tomb, but Zekrom and Reshiram still laugh at
you if you can't evolve in time)
Combos with: Krookoroll BW, and Memory Berry if it ever
gets reprinted (remeber FlyTrap?)