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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Throw #61
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June 16, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.13
Limited: 3.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#61/114 (Black and White)
We finish the week by looking at the two
martial arts Pokémon from Black and
White. Having martial arts Pokémon is
cool I guess (though we’ve been down
this road before with
Hariyama and
the Hitmons),
I just wish they had come up with better
names. I mean, Judo is all about holds
and throws so the Judo Pokémon is called
. . . Throh.
Yep, moving on . . .
definitely has some things going for him
as a Pokémon card. He’s an
Basic (won’t take up much
with a more than respectable 100 HP.
Psychic Weakness is probably one of the
better ones to have right now. I racked
my brains to see if I could think of any
good psychic decks in HGSS-MD and all I
could come up with was
Muk UD/Vileplume
and some kind of Mew Prime toolbox that
didn’t just rely on Lost Zoning Pokémon
with Gengar
Prime. The Retreat cost of three is
horrible however you look at it, but
then Switch is fast becoming a staple
If you want a bit of minor disruption,
then Throh’s
first attack, Circle Throw, will provide
it for [F][C].
It does 30 damage
and forces your opponent to switch out
their active. Unfortunately, they get to
choose the Pokémon they switch out for,
so expect this to backfire sometimes as
your opponent takes the opportunity to
retreat their starter for free and bring
up a main attacker. On the other hand,
if your opponent has nothing ready to
go, it could cause them some
inconvenience. Storm Throw (anyone see a
theme here?) is a decent second attack,
doing 80 damage for the acceptable cost
of [F][F][C].
A nice bonus is that it hits through
Resistance which can come in handy when
facing playable cards like
Prime, Mandibuzz,
and Jumpluff.
is certainly not a bad card: it has
decent HP, fairly-costed
attacks, and even a reasonable damage
output. The trouble is that it’s not
quite enough to build a deck around
especially because it’s an
Basic and leaves you with nowhere to go
after that. Even as a tech, it’s
somewhat slow and needs more turns of
Energy attachment than you would like to
invest in it. Maybe I’m missing
something, but for me, this falls
somewhat short of competitive
Modified (HGSS-on): 2.25 (a real nearly
card: slightly cheaper attacks might
have made it more viable)
Limited: 3.75 (easy to set up, hits
pretty hard, and has good typing – very
good in this format)

Otaku |
is a Basic Fighting Pokémon, which makes
it easy to work into your deck and
should usually provide favorable type
matching: Fighting Weakness is quite
common and while Fighting Resistance is
usually one of the most common types of
Resistance, Resistance as a whole seems
to be becoming less and less common.
100 HP is great for a Basic
Pokémon, even one that can’t Evolve.
Psychic Weakness and no Resistance
aren’t so hot, and even with the
aforementioned great HP.
Fortunately Psychic Pokémon are
not often brute force attackers, so
besides some very common support that is
soon to rotate out (Uxie
Lv.X) you won’t have to worry as much.
Likewise Resistance is only a
matter of missed opportunity: plenty of
cards lack it so it isn’t really putting
Throh at a disadvantage.
The three
Energy needed to Retreat does
hurt, though: you’ll probably only want
to run this in a deck packing retreat
aids or simply where it can go down
has two attacks: Circle Throw and Storm
Circle Throw requires (FC) and
hits for 30, plus forces your opponent
to change out the Defending Pokémon.
Your opponent does get to choose,
so you its more irritating than
devastating, but against certain decks
or with the right support, it can pose a
problem for your opponent.
Storm Throw just brings some nice
damage at 80 points for (FFC) and
ignoring Resistance.
One hit of this will put the hurt
on most Pokémon, and two hits should KO
all but the biggest or those with
enhanced protection other than
Both attacks give you a solid
return for their Energy being invested,
even factoring in that a Basic Pokémon
that can’t Evolve needs to be quite
potent to compete with Evolutions.
So this card is pretty good, right?
Unfortunately, not really: I’d
say that right now it is less than the
sum of its parts.
The big problem comes in speed:
if you open with this right now, you
could attach a
Call Energy and not waste your first
As soon as the format rotates,
that option is gone.
The attacks I just went over
suffer, because that “dead” turn drops
the average-damage-per-turn pretty low:
for an end investment of three Energy
(and Energy attachments)
Throh is hitting for under 40 points
of damage per turn on average.
Both the attacks are solid, it’s
just this build on
Throh doesn’t let it attack right
away nor survive long enough to offset
that dead turn.
Speeding it up with extra Energy
attachments seems overkill for what is
supposed to be space saver
Plus when
Pokémon Catcher finally hits the
west, Circle Throw becomes less
Throh desperately needed its first
attack to cost (CC) and his second to
cost (FCC).
Had that been the case, this
would have been the Fighting Pokémon to
splash into a mostly or even all
non-Fighting deck.
The second attack could have even
gotten away with hitting for a little
less damage, all because you could have
Double Colorless Energy to Circle
Throw first turn and followed with Storm
Throw on your second turn.
Alternatively, this pairing on a great
Stage 1 wouldn’t have been so bad
because first turn you’d have been stuck
as the Basic of the Evolution line
anyway: as long as at least one version
of a hypothetical Basic Pokémon to our
hypothetical Stage 1 had a decent
attack, then these two attacks would
have worked fairly well.
Quite well if this hypothetical
Stage 1 had better stats/damage output
Throh does.
That’s enough create-a-card though.
As is,
Throh is ill equipped for Unlimited,
a little to slow for either Modified
format, and a dream in Limited play
where a being a big basic with Bench
disruption and the ability to ignore
Resistance is amazing.
Only real reason not to run it is
you can’t afford to run enough
Fighting Energy.
Modified (MD-On): 2/5
Modified (HGSS-On): 2.5/5
Limited: 4/5
is quite close to being a good card, but
the niche he is aiming for isn’t
horseshoes or hand grenades, so close
doesn’t count.
A little too slow or a little too
weak (but not both) for most practical
uses, I wouldn’t trade all of yours away
yet (let alone use them as coasters, as
I’ve actually seen people do with their
“unplayable spares”).
He’s really just the right card
or two away from being useful.
Check out my auctions on eBay
Pojo is in no way responsible for
any transactions, and merely lets me
link to the auction in my reviews.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Throh (Black & White)
This is the big, red, judo loving tank from the Unova
region, imaginatively named Throh. This Poke'mon looks
like it received a severe beating with the ugly stick
but can it be a beatstick in return?
Throh is a Fighting type non-evolving Basic with 100 HP,
Psychic weakness, a retreat cost of 3 and two attacks.
That HP is respectable and the weakness probably won't
be a problem any time soon (the death of Gengar SF,
Nidoqueen RR and the pixies means that Psychic Weakness
is no longer a liability). The retreat cost is not
unexpected but it is still unpayable so Switch is a
must. Being a Basic is great because you can use Throh
aggressively to get the first hit in, but is speed
really a strong point for tanks?
The attacks say that it isn't. Circle Throw is the first
attack and deals 30 damage followed by a forced switch
of the Defending Poke'mon (your opponent chooses the
replacement). The cost is [f][c] so while the effect is
useful, you have to attach manually 2 energy before you
can attack, leaving you vulnerable to attacks on the
dead turn.
The same problem persists with the second attack, Storm
Throw. For [f][f][c] you deal 80 damage and ignore
resistance, which is great because you have a guaranteed
2HKO on everything in the format, with the exception of
Armourott. The downside is you have to spend 3 turns
attaching the necessary energy which gives your opponent
plently of time to deal the 100 damage necessary to
knock Throh out.
Throh has great stats and the attacks could be workable,
but only if you can get some energy accelration in place
(impossible in the current card pool). Throh doesn't
have the truly broken HP necessary to be a main attacker
and the lack of speed stops it being a fast
opener/closer. Whilever Donphan Prime is around to
compete, this card will come off second best.
Modified: 2 (it could fill the same niche as Alomomola
BW, but only if Fighting types get some energy
Limited: 3.25 (it's a big Basic which can ignore
resistance but it is energy hungry and you'll lose
against the dragon twins if you don't get the first hit
Combos with: energy acceleration