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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Sawk #62
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June 17, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 3.10
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#62/114 (Black and White)
Time for our second martial arts Pokémon of the week.
This is the Karate Pokémon, and Karate being based on
strikes they saw fit to name it ‘Sawk’.
What is this? I don’t even . . .
Anyway, while yesterday’s Throh
was a decent unevolving
Basic, this Sawk is worse in
just about every department, with the exception of its
much better Retreat cost. That aside
it has lower HP and definitely inferior attacks.
At least Low Sweep is cheap. One Fighting Energy for
vanilla 20 damage. Won’t even KO a waking
Cleffa without
PlusPower (you would use
Tyrogue for that anyway).
Double the amount of Energy on this card and you get
precisely double the attack:
Beatdown is an effect-free
40 damage for two Fighting Energy. I doubt that an
attack like that has been worth a second look since Base
Ok, the HP is still solid, and you do have that single
Energy attack which Basic Pokémon really need to be
playable, but the very low damage cap really sucks and
makes this Pokémon one that you will certainly not want
to play.
Modified (HGSS-on): 1.25 (avoid the lowest score because
the HP is decent)
Limited: 1.75 (even here, the low damage makes it not
worth playing unless you really have nothing better)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo viewers! I hope that all of you
have had good weeks. Today we end our COTD week by
reviewing a new Basic from Black and White. Today's Card
of the Day is Sawk.
Sawk is a Basic Fighting Pokémon. Fighting types are
becoming fairly common in Modified with the emergence of
Magnezone as a dominant deck, with people using Donphan
and Machamp as counters. 90 HP is good for a
non-evolving Basic, meaning that Sawk should survive at
least one hit, especially in Limited. Psychic Weakness
is to be expected, but isn't a huge problem at the
moment. Unfortunately, Sawk also has no Resistance, and
a Retreat Coat of one is decent.
Sawk's two attacks, Low Sweep and Beatdown, deal 20
and 40 damage for one or two Fighting Energy,
respectively. While these vanilla attacks won't get you
far in Modified, Sawk is a master of cheap attacks with
high damage output in Limited, so Sawk is best used in
this format.
Modified: 1.5/5 Sawk is purely vanilla, and doesn't
evolve or have any special abilities in a format where
you need these things. It is a nice throwback to Base
Set Hitmonchan, though.
Limited: 3.5/5 Sawk is a star here. 20 damage for a
single Energy is decent, but 40 for 2 in this format is
amazing. Sawk makes an excellent early-game beater, and
with 90 HP, should be able to take a hit as well.

Otaku |
Today we look at
Sawk, who seems to be the
successor of Base Set
Hitmonchan and rival to set-mate
Throh. The comparison is quite
natural: Sawk
is also a Basic Fighting Pokémon that
doesn't Evolve as are Throh and
Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan
does have a "pre-Evolution" in the form
of Tyrogue, but didn't when first
released: what you saw was what you got.
one-ups Base Set Hitmonchan by
having 20 more HP, clocking in at an
impressive 90. Throh has them
both beat with 100 HP, though. All three
cards are weak to Psychic Pokémon,
taking double damage from them. None of
them have any Resistance, which irks me
but is so common it doesn’t really put
them at a disadvantage. Finishing off
the stats,
Sawk again scores the
advantage by having a single Energy
Retreat Cost compared to Hitmonchan
needing two Energy, and this time
Throh fares worse needing three
Energy to Retreat.
Moving on, we see all have two attacks
and nothing else.
and Hitmonchan tie, each being
able to do 20 points of damage for (F).
Throh, as one would expect given
my review yesterday, falls short because
his first attack is just too expensive,
requiring another Energy and thus
another turn. That means
(and Hitmonchan for that matter)
can attack twice by the time Throh
attacks once, unless your deck has
Energy acceleration, a Technical
Machine, etc. Plus even if a deck does
have those things, they’d still enhance
as well. For the second
attack, Sawk
does a solid 40 points of damage for
(FF). Both Base Set Hitmonchan
and Throh need a Colorless Energy
on top of that for their big attacks.
Base Set Hitmonchan shows his age
again since he only swings for 40
points of damage, even with all that
Energy attached. Throh can do a
massive 80 points of damage and ignore
Weakness, but again we had to invest
another Energy in order to do that. It
is pretty clear that the old Base Set
Hitmonchan has been outclassed by
and since that Hitmonchan was
re-released in Platinum; I felt
it worth drawing the comparison. What
about Throh?
I wasted far, far too much time
carefully crafting a long argument
before realizing it shouldn't be needed.
Anyone who disagrees values the limited
Bench disruption or big damage/ability
to ignore Resistance of Throh far
more than I do. I can see it being
useful, but not more useful than quick,
cheap damage on a solid body. In either
case, I would point out that
Sudowoodo, who will still be legal
after the rotation, has them both beat.
It is another big Fighting Pokémon,
whose first attack does 20 damage per
Energy attached, allowing that first
attack to match both attacks of
Unless you can build a deck that can
keep a big, basic Fighting Pokémon alive
and can't afford to have it change out
to something else for big attacks,
beats Throh, and Sudowoodo
beats them both for Modified (unless its
Water Weakness becomes an issue).
You might toy with
Sawk for Unlimited play: even though
must have something providing
Fighting Energy on it for both attacks,
that (FF) isn’t extremely hard to meet
in a multicolor deck.
If Neo Discovery
Tyrogue is just too flip dependant,
Sawk might be the Pokémon for the
job as your opponent has to deal with
its solid stats and quick damage.
is great for Limited play as long as you
can afford to run Fighting Energy:
you wouldn't need a lot but since it
can't use any other type even a single
would need you to run about five or risk
it being dead weight too often. Note
that if you are running multiple copies
of it or just several Fighting-Type
Pokémon and need to make Fighting
Energy your primary or at least
major secondary Energy type, then that
not only doesn't matter but it ends up
being Energy efficient.
Modified (MD-On): 2.75/5
Modified (HGSS-On): 3/5
Limited: 4/5
is largely re-inventing the wheel for
TPC, but they did a solid job, giving us
an improved Base Set
Hitmonchan for a new era that should
be solid but not easy to abuse.
Check out my auctions on eBay
Pojo is in no way responsible for
any transactions, and merely lets me
link to the auction in my reviews.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Sawk (Black & White)
Here is the rock punching counterpart of Throh. Today's
card is Sawk.
Sawk is a Fighting type non-evolving Basic with 90 HP,
Psychic weakness, a retreat cost of 1 and two attacks.
The HP is good enough to survive a single hit from most
of the 1-and-2-energy attacks currently available and
the weakness shouldn't matter much with a serious lack
of Psychic power in the HGSS-on format. The retreat cost
is cheap compared to most of its set mates so Sawk can
be easily played early in a game.
The problem is that Sawk has absolutely no flair in its
attacks to make it worth playing. Low Sweep deals 20
damage for [f] while Beatdown deals 40 damage for
[f][f], which shows a complete lack of imagination and
isn't very powerful for the investment.
Effect-free damage is great when the numbers work out
(hence the popularity of Donphan Prime, Zekrom and
Reshiram) but Sawk doesn't give you a lot for your
energy, so it is going to sit at the bottom of your
collection until dry rot sets in.
Modified: 1 (attacks that don't do anything except hit
hard are fine by me, but Sawk has the power equivalent
of a pair of bunny slippers)
Limited: 2.5 (needing specific energy is a problem, but
Sawk can bring the hurt in a mono Fighting deck in
Limited) |