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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Liepard #67
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June 21, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.60
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#67/114 (Black and White)
I must admit to liking today’s card. For one thing,
Liepard is one of the
better-designed Pokémon from Generation V in my opinion.
For another, the card that he appears on is at least
interesting, even if it doesn’t end up being especially
It should be immediately obvious that
Liepard is not cut out to be
a main attacker. Low HP Stage 1s just can’t cut it in
that role unless they can do massive amounts of damage
very quickly (see Cinccino,
and even that’s debatable). Liepard
certainly isn’t helped by Fighting Weakness (there’s a
LOT of Donphan around right
now), and the Psychic Resistance, though nice, won’t be
all that useful until some decent Psychic attackers get
released (Mew and Gengar
Prime don’t count for obvious reasons). The Retreat cost
of one is ok, and seems to be pretty standard, even for
fast Pokémon, in the B&W block.
first attack, Taunt is as cheap as it gets these days
(not including the Babies). For one Colourless Energy,
you get to choose a Pokémon on the opponent’s Bench and
switch it with the Defending Pokémon. The fact that it’s
your choice makes Taunt a
decently disruptive attack: bring up something your
opponent won’t want active and either make them dig for
Switch or waste Energy retreating it. If they can’t,
then just KO it on the next turn. Although it doesn’t
look like much, Taunt can be very effective at dragging
out Pokémon like Tepig which
your opponent would rather build up on the Bench. Of
course, once Pokémon Catcher is released, this move
becomes obsolete – who would waste an attack doing what
you can do with a Trainer? For now though, it could have
its uses.
The same can be said for Sucker Punch. This too is a
reasonably priced attack, needing just two Energy of any
Colour. Yes, it only does a poor 30 damage, but if you
have any Dark Energy attached, that figure goes up to
60. If Special Dark Energy is involved, you can have
Liepard hitting for 70-80
damage. Even so, this isn’t going to be all that
effective against the majority of Pokémon in the format.
If a card like Gengar Prime
(or Chandelure
- coming in the next Japanese set) ever become
popular, then it’s possible that
Liepard will be a viable tech option against
those cards (Note: other Dark Types are available).
Putting aside my bias towards
Liepard, the card probably doesn’t do enough to
make the grade competitively. However, its attacks are
just about interesting enough to save it from becoming
automatic binder fodder, and raise it to the status of
obscure tech.
Modified (HGSS-on): 2.25 (Lots to like about
Liepard, but there are
better Pokémon out there)
Limited: 3.75 (Taunt is so good here, and Sucker Punch
is not bad either)

Otaku |
Kitty! =^w^= I mean… er…
Today we have something that is
starting to become a "staple" of the
Pokémon series, the new default evil
Stage 1. In the original generation, it
was Persian, making Giovanni look
like a bond villain (and Meowth
jealous). The second generation gave us
Darkness-Type Pokémon and Houndoom,
and I am half surprised they didn't
change Persian to a Darkness-Type
given how so many later, similar Pokémon
are part of that group. Team Aqua and
Magma always seemed to have Mightyena
as their faithful but evil Pokémon
partner, and Team Galactic had... wait,
what was their default non-Flying Type?
Anyway, I am told that Team
Plasma at least slightly favors today's
Liepard. Clearly this is
because it’s... it’s... itza pwetty
kitty yes you are yes you are!
Okay, seriously, the review:
enjoys the distinction of being a
Darkness-Type, able to tap the Special
Energy Darkness Energy card for
extra damage, little to no Resistance
(historically), and increasing Weakness
(usually on Psychic-Type Pokémon that
were Ghost-Type Pokémon in the video
games). As a Stage 1 Pokémon it needs to
find that sweet spot between (balanced)
Basic and Stage 2 Pokémon.
Liepard has a paltry 80 HP
(for a Stage 1) and as such is begging
to be taken out in one solid hit by most
decks. Fighting-Types don't even have to
strain because of its Fighting Weakness:
Donphan Prime doesn’t need
PlusPower and even guys like
Sawk are a major threat! At least
Resistance will annoy the few Psychic
decks that do attack for straight
damage. The single Energy needed to
retreat is easy to pay but given how
small this Pokémon is, it probably just
should have been allowed a free Retreat
has two attacks, and in short both are
good but not good enough. Taunt lets you
dictate which of your opponent's Pokémon
will be Active for one of any Energy.
Unfortunately, it does nothing else.
Your opponent will thus have an entire
turn to adjust for this, and some decks
won’t even have to burn any
non-renewable resources to remedy the
Sucker Punch makes me look like a
liar because it suffers for being
Double Colorless Energy compatible.
How can that be? Both attacks are even
Double Colorless Energy
compatible so surely that helps? Not
really in this case; while you can
indeed drop a Double Colorless Energy
and power both attacks, look at what
Sucker Punch does: 30 points of damage
and another 30 if there are any (even
just one) Energy card providing (D)
Energy attached.
I normally like having variable
attacks but with returns this low on a
body this small, it doesn’t work out
just to change up the damage.
It is almost like the card has
three attacks: Taunt and two straight
damage attacks doing 30 for (CC) and 60
for (DC), respectively.
Looking at it that way, you see
that sure enough,
Double Colorless Energy just buys
you a single turn advance on your
“weaker” attacks and is wasted on the
“third” attack, the only good attack.
There is one last inherent aspect of
this card that could save it: what does
it Evolve from? If Purrloin is
actually good in and of itself, a single
copy of
Liepard could be useful.
Unfortunately it isn’t.
Purrloin is a Darkness-Type Basic
Pokémon with 60 HP (a little low since
it only Evolves once), Fighting
Weakness, Psychic Resistance, a single
Energy Retreat cost, an attack that does
10 for (C), and lastly an attack that
does 20 for (CC).
In Limited, due to the raw power of
Bench manipulation, ability to function
without actual Darkness Energy,
lower average HP scores, greater
difficulty of prepping Pokémon, and
lower average damage output in general,
becomes playable. It still isn't a top
pick, but it becomes reasonably good.
Just remember that while it is apt to
get you a Prize by taunting up something
hiding on your opponent’s Bench, after
you KO that something,
Liepard is probably going down. In
fact, if you are trying to take out a
heavy hitter that your opponent
retreated to avoid giving up a Prize,
Liepard might go down before it can
follow up Taunt with Sucker Punch.
Unlimited: 1/5 - Completely
overshadowed in this format.
Modified (MD-On): 1.25/5 - Almost
completely overshadowed in this format.
Modified (HGSS-On): 1.75/5 -
Regularly outperformed by several
similar Pokémon in this format.
Limited: 3/5 - Solid pick but
mind the Weakness and low HP in general.
I like the basic idea behind the "Cruel
Pokémon", but the actual execution
results in something clearly too weak to
run in a constructed format but with
just enough potential to make you wish
it had been designed better.
virusyosh |
Greetings, Pojo viewers! Today we are continuing our
reviews of Black and White with a new Darkness-type
Pokemon, Liepard.
As stated before, Liepard is a Stage 1 Darkness-type
Pokemon. Darkness is not a commonly seen type in TCG
decks, although Tyranitar Prime and snipe decks with
Mandibuzz will likely see some play. It is also worth
mentioning that since Liepard is a Dark type, it gets
the benefits of Special Darkness Energy. 80 HP isn't
great for a final evolution, meaning Liepard will
probably be taken out in the middle and late game by
more powerful threats. Fighting Weakness is to be
expected for a Dark type, but is especially unfortunate
with the popularity of Donphan Prime, which easily OHKOs
with Earthquake due to Weakness. Psychic Resistance is a
nice addition, although there really aren't any notable
Psychic-types around in Modified right now. Finally, a
Retreat Cost of 1 rounds out the top and bottom stats of
the card, and is easily payable.
Due to Liepard's low HP and rather crippling
Weakness, it had better have some very good attacks or
abilities. Unfortunately, Liepard has no abilities, but
only two attacks. Taunt costs a single Colorless Energy,
and forces your opponent to switch their Active Pokemon
(acting like a Gust of Wind or Bright Look). This is
great, however these effects are often better off when
you don't have to use an attack to get them, potentially
setting yourself up for a Prize in the same turn. The
second attack, Sucker Punch, starts off at a decent 30
damage for two Colorless Energy (or a Double Colorless),
but if Liepard has a Darkness Energy attached, it does
30 more. This works well with two Special Darkness
Energies, as Sucker Punch will then be dealing a very
respectable 80 damage for two Energy (there is only one
+30 boost for any amount of Darkness Energy), however
Liepard's HP really lets it down in Modified for it to
be of much use in the format. In Limited, however,
Liepard's Colorless Energy requirements, disruption, and
decent damage output make it a decent choice.
Modified: 1.5/5 Low HP and a terrible Weakness really
offset what could be a decent card. Then again, with the
sudden influx of decent/good/interesting Darkness
Pokemon available to us in Black and White, Liepard
already had a lot of competition to begin with.
Limited: 3.5/5 As stated above, Colorless Energy
requirements are amazing in Limited, as is Taunt, since
your opponent won't be able to recover from it quite as
easily. Sucker Punch can even work here as well,
although with the lack of Special Darkness Energy,
you'll still be doing only 60 damage a turn. Then again,
60 damage per turn is actually pretty good in Limited.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Liepard (Black and White)
Today's card is some kind of leopard, which as Otaku has
said fits in as this generation's 'Evil Companion
Animal'. I must say the kitty remarks caused me to cry
tears of laughter, much like this card will cause tears
of laughter for any opponents you face. It seems like
Persian and Delcatty are the only cats to get any
respect, I've never seen a good Glameow/Purugly card set
released. At least Houndoom and Mightyena have been
printed with interesting/usable attacks in recent years.
Now for the statistics: Liepard is a Dark type
non-evolving Stage 1 with 80 HP, Fighting weakness,
Psychic resistance, a retreat cost of 1 and two attacks.
It's a good thing that both the card art and Liepard in
general are so compelling to look at, because those
stats are just plain ugly. The HP is far too low for any
sustained attacking and the weakness means that Donphan
and company won't have to break a sweat to knock Liepard
out. The retreat is at least cheap enough but you
probably won't live long enough to retreat after
Liepard lacks any Abilities so the attacks had better be
awesome if it wants any table time. Sadly they aren't
awesome but at least they are cheap.
Taunt is a fun move that costs [c] and allows you to
pick one of your opponent's benched Poke'mon which you
then switch with the Defending Poke'mon. We have spent
years telling you how awesome that kind of bench
manipulation can be... but only when it isn't an attack.
Attacking ends your turn, forcing you to wait another
turn to KO the target you dragged up if your opponent
doesn't bench it again before you get the chance.
Taunt is fun in prereleases but it just won't work out
in a competitive environment. Neither will Sucker Punch,
but at least the name is attractive (Sucker Punch is one
of my favourite viedogame moves). For [c][c] you deal 30
damage, but if at least one of those energy is a [d]
energy (Special or Basic) then you deal 60 damage (along
with any damage bonuses from Special Dark energy). This
is awesome as you can deal 80 damage for 2 energy with
no drawback other than having to get the Special energy
out of you deck, but the problem of Liepard's abysmal HP
remains. Dealing 80 damage quickly is brilliant as it is
an almost guaranteed 2HKO on any Poke'mon you face, but
only if you survive long enough for that second shot,
and Liepard can't take even a moderate hit.
Liepard will sit in the binder as a fine example of how
to be pretty and inventive but I never expect to see it
played aginst me. If you pulled this at a prerelease
like I did, have fun!
Modified: 2 (not every card can be playable, but Liepard
gets props for trying and being worth having a quick
look at before the HP and weakness drag it down)
Limited: 3 (there are no Special Dark energy here but
Taunt becomes a lot more useful due to lack of
competition and The Colourless energy requirements make
it easy to play)
Combos with: the binder to keep the pretty kitty safe |