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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Klang #75
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June 23, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.67
Limited: 2.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Klang #75/114 (Black and White)
After yesterday’s very playable card,
today’s seems like a bit of an
anticlimax, but that’s partly because we
are back with the least interesting of
all the Pokémon: the evolving Stage 1.
As we all know, evolving Stage 1s have
just the one job: to allow you to evolve
to the Stage 2 when you either don’t
have, or can’t use, Rare Candy (if you
are Trainer locked). On top of that,
it’s a nice bonus if they can do
something to help if they find
themselves in the active position, or at
least have some way of surviving.
I suppose, when all’s said and done,
Klang does have those nice bonuses. Ok,
so the 80 HP isn’t going to impress
anyone, but Metal typing means that it
can use Special Metal Energy to improve
its durability. The downside is the
Weakness to Fire, which looks like being
the most popular type of the neat
future, but even here it gets a helping
hand from its Bind attack: for one Metal
Energy you do 10 damage and get a coin
flip for Paralysis (the best of all the
special conditions). A lucky flip could
make all the difference between an
active Klang surviving or going to the
discard pile. If you a really desperate,
you can even attack with it: Gear Grind
costs a steep [M][C][C], but at least
you have the option to use Double
Colourless Energy. For that price you
get to flip two coins and do 60 damage
for each heads. Yes, it’s a bad attack:
flippy and even at best it will stuggle
to KO anything major, but it’s better
than nothing.
Of course, Klang’s playability is
completely determined by how good its
evolution is (and we shall have to wait
until tomorrow before looking at that
card). Even so, as evolving Stage 1s go,
Klang isn’t too horrible: all it needs
is a playable Stage 2 . . .
Modified (HGSS-on): 2 (not bad for what
it is)
Limited: 2.5 (could stall for a bit with
Bind, and get you a KO if you are lucky)
virusyosh |
Hello, Pojo readers! Today we're continuing our Black
and White COTD reviews with a new Stage 1 from the Unova
region. Today's Card of the Day is Klang.
Klang is a Stage 1 Metal-type Pokemon. Metal-types are
very rare nowadays in HGSS-on Modified, with Steelix
Prime occasionally seeing play; however with the
emergence of Reshiram and Emboar, being a Metal-type is
a bit of a liability due to their crippling Fire
Weakness. Klang has 80 HP, which is altogether average
for an evolving Stage 1, but also keep in mind that
damage can be reduced with Special Metal Energy. The
Gear Pokemon also has that terrible Fire Weakness as
stated before, a very nice Psychic Resistance (although
Psychic is also an uncommon type at the moment), and a
rather large Retreat Cost of two. Be sure to use
something like Switch to get Klang out of the Active
slot, if necessary.
Klang's two attacks, Bind and Gear Grind, are about what
you'd expect for an average, run-of-the-mill Stage 1.
Bind does a rather pathetic 10 damage and can Paralyze
for [M], nothing terribly interesting or useful. Gear
Grind is also a rather standard flip attack for [MCC],
allowing you to flip two coins, dealing 60 damage times
the number of heads. Your possible outcomes of this
attack are 0 damage (very bad), 60 damage (average at
best) or 120 damage (slightly above average). Even
still, if you want to be dealing 120 damage for three
Energy, use Reshiram or Zekrom instead.
Modified: 1/5 I can't see Klang being used here, for any
reason. It's just doesn't do anything well enough to be
used here. Being Weak to Fire is also quite bad.
Limited: 2/5 Metal-types are very rare in Limited, so
the chances of you using it as a main attacking type are
quite low. Therefore, Klang probably isn't worth using
unless you get a Klinklang, and even then, I don't see
it being that effective.

Otaku |
is a Stage 1 Pokémon that Evolves from
Klink and into
So will this be a filler review,
or is there something worth looking at?
Let’s find out!
is a transitional Stage 1 Pokémon, as I
just stated, so it will need to be about
as good as an unevolving Basic Pokémon
or just a hair weaker than an unevolving
Stage 1 to be competitive without
overshadowing those. It is a Metal-Type,
like the rest of the line.
This is good: in a well balanced
metagame you’ll still have a slight edge
just because you can utilize the Special
Energy version of
Metal Energy to soak damage.
Metal Weakness/Resistance isn’t
too common in the HeartGold &
SoulSilver block and is absent in
what little we’ve seen of the Black &
White cards.
The game could be returning to
the old standard: when first introduced
in the Neo sets, there were no
Pokémon with Darkness or Metal Weakness
or Resistance.
Then again, it could just be a
slight fluke, or even an intentional
attempt at making it easier on newer
players picking up these early Black
& White cards.
Of course the pending metagame
looks to be unfriendly to Metal Pokémon,
Prime decks prove as strong and stable
as its proponent’s hope.
Klang has the traditional Fire
Weakness that has often plagued
Metal-Type Pokémon.
This is bad since one way or
another; we’ll have a good Fire deck
next format, and possibly several!
The aforementioned
Prime deck would have almost all its
match-ups hitting
Klang for double damage or taking 20
less from Resistance.
Speaking of Resistance,
Klang itself enjoys Psychic
Resistance -20. I am happy to see any
Resistance, of course, since it seems
like it is ignored most of the time by
the actual card designers.
This or next format, Psychic
Resistance is unlikely to become
critical due to the best Psychic Pokémon
not focusing on straight damage: Special
Conditions, Damage Counter placement,
alternate win conditions, even sitting
on the Bench and being used solely for
an Ability, but very few Psychic Pokémon
focus on straight-up damaging attacks to
win the game.
Klang also suffers in the HP
department: only 80!
This is poor for a Stage 1, even
if it can Evolve, with small comfort
coming from the fact that across the
board, Stage 1 Pokémon seem to get
similarly small boosts over the Basic
they Evolve from, with obvious notable
exceptions like
Magikarp Evolving into
Even without Weakness and through
Resistance, main attackers in decks will
be able to go for a OHKO, unless you
have a few of those Special Energy
versions of
Metal Energy attached.
Adding insult to injury, the
Retreat Cost is two: often Retreat Cost
will follow HP, with a low HP score
getting a low Retreat Cost and a high HP
score getting an inflated Retreat Cost.
Two is low enough that you’ll
often be able to pay it, but it really
sets you back: pack
Switch if you’re running this guy.
So what does
Klang actually do?
Perform two attacks that are…
actually quite solid.
For (M) it can use Bind, which
only does 10 points of damage but gives
it a chance of inflicting Paralysis with
a successful coin toss.
This is hardly a move to build a
deck around, but for a transitional
Pokémon Stage (e.g. something you’re
playing just to reach the end of the
Evolutionary line) it improves chances
for survival, and that is what matters.
Your opponent will probably be
able to Evolve and/or change out their
Active, but forcing them to use a
Switch prematurely or to commit to
Evolving before a set-up is complete can
prove fatal later in the game.
Next we get Gear Grind and
apparently despite all the cards that
seem contrary, TPC does understand the
important of risk/reward and being able
to speed to attack with
Double Colorless Energy.
Gear Grind gives you two coin
tosses for the price of (MCC).
You do 60 points of damage for
each “heads”, and that means one out of
four times you’d expect to whiff and do
no damage, one out of four times you’ll
score a sweet 120 damage, and half the
time you’ll clock in with that average
60 points of damage.
60 points of damage for three
Energy is nothing special, and obviously
zero for that is awful, but the trade
off for the threat of a 120 point whack
is worth it.
The threat that on your second
turn the
Klink you opened with and dropped a
Metal Energy on your first turn can
Evolve into
Klang and with a
Double Colorless Energy now has a
75% of KOing anything with 60 or less HP
and a 25% chance of OHKOing anything
with 120 or less HP.
Certainly nothing you’d build a
deck around, but a nice benefit if the
rest of the line is decent.
So is it?
We already have two versions of
Klink, the Basic from which
Klang Evolves.
One is from the Black & White
set, the other is one of the recent
McDonald’s promo cards.
Both are Basic Metal-Type Pokémon
with Fire Weakness and Psychic
The promo version only has 50 HP
but with a single Energy Retreat Cost,
while Black & White version has
60 HP but a very bad (for a Basic
Pokémon) two Energy Retreat Cost.
A little extra HP always helps,
but that inflated Retreat Cost might get
it stuck up front, decreasing its
chances of survival: this comes down to
the attacks.
The 60 HP version from the
Black & White set has a single
attack, Bind, which is priced and works
the same as the Bind on
This means if you are lucky,
you’ll avoid damage and frustrate your
opponent’s set-up, but it isn’t
guaranteed, plus their own deck and
actions can make it so that all you get
out of the attack is 10 points of
The promo version has two
The first attack is what is
important: for (M) you do 10 points of
damage and get to flip a coin.
If you get “heads” you attach an
Energy from your discard pile to
No restrictions on what you grab:
as long as the Energy can be attached to
Klink in the first place, it is
This means Special Energy
Metal Energy or
Double Colorless Energy are actual
The downside is it is still a
flip, and if you’re building up to
attack with it you’ll still be depending
on coin flips and needing to discard an
Energy first or second turn to really be
of use!
If your deck already has a reason
to be discarding Energy that early, I’d
go with the promo; otherwise I’d take
the 60 HP version from the set.
As for
Klinklang itself, we are reviewing
it tomorrow.
I will point out only what
directly matters to reviewing
Klang: it looks to be a useful card
waiting for the right deck; it should be
good for Limited play and might even
work for Unlimited, and also has Gear
Klinklang uses Gear Grind it still
only costs (MCC) and gives you two coin
tosses, but it does 80 points of damage
for each “heads”.
That means if you are running
Klinklang for its Ability,
Klink can either rush into
Klinklang (via
Rare Candy) or properly Evolve into
Klang first and still intimidate the
opponent with nasty OHKO possibilities.
I must stress again, not reliable
enough for a deck to be built around
just the attacks, but a nice way of
fleshing out the card if the rest is
2/5 – Weighted score: only for use with
You’re still going to want to
Rare Candy if possible, but if
Trainer denial or bad luck forces you to
use it, some lucky “heads” could make it
a happy turn of events.
Modified (MD-On):
2.5/5 – Weighted score: only for use
You’re still going to want to
Rare Candy if possible, but if
Trainer denial or bad luck forces you to
use it, some lucky “heads” could make it
a happy turn of events.
Modified (HGSS-On):
3/5 - Weighted score: only for use with
You’re still going to want to
Rare Candy if possible, but if
Trainer denial or bad luck forces you to
use it, some lucky “heads” could make it
a happy turn of events.
3.25/5 – The low HP combined with the
risk of Gear Grind whiffing really lower
the score.
On the other hand, this is its
own score: pulling
Klinklang helps quite a bit!
Another Stage 1 that Evolves into a
Stage 2, and has overlapping, reasonably
useful attacks.
I hope this trend continues for a
bit as it can give a certain amount of
stability to an otherwise weaker deck
strategy. It isn’t as good as just
giving a solid-but-not-spectacular
Ability or attack to a Stage 1 with
similar stats.
Doing that would make it worth
playing even on its own.
It is most definitely better than
having a Stage 1 so weak and sad that
you’re only running it in case your
Rare Candy is blocked by Trainer
Whether you actually read my review or
skipped straight to the bottom, please
take a moment to check out my
eBay auctions.
Just remember that Pojo.com is
not responsible for any transactions.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Klang (Black & White)
Today we have the middle stage of the Gear Poke'mon.
Introducing Klang!
The name is a lot of fun to shout, but the stats are a
bit sub-par. Klang is a Metal type evolving Stage 1 with
80 HP, Fire weakness, Psychic resistance, a retreat cost
of 2 and two attacks.
Being able to use Special Metal energy is a plus
although personally I wouldn't use more than 1 on
Klang. The Fire weakness is painful but expected while
the HP is a letdown (I was expecting 90 considering the
HP of Klinklang). The retreat cost is too heavy for such
a low HP Poke'mon, so go out fighting or use Switch. Or
skip all of these problems with Rare Candy.
The first of the 2 attacks is Bind, which is always
encouraging on an evolving Poke'mon. The cost is [m] for
10 damage and a coin flip to cause Paralysis. Although
you will only succeed at stalling your opponent half of
the time (and your opponent can lenghten those odds with
Full Heal, Switch, Super Scoop Up and Life Herb), any
stall tactic that gives you another chance to evolve is
Gear Grind is less impressive but still worthwhile in a
miniscule number of situations. For [m][c][c] you flip 2
coins, dealing 60 damage per Heads. Since you can jump
from using Bind to this attack in a single turn with
DCE, you Can power this attack in an emergency if you
have absolutely no other options, and take a gamble on
dealing 120 damage (which will be enough to OHKO a lot
of Poke'mon and will severely damage all main
attackers). However, the flip-based nature of this
attack means that if you have more reliable attacks
available, you will most certainly want to use them.
In the final analysis, an evolving Poke'mon with a cheap
stalling attack and an in-case-of-emergency-break-glass
attack is a damned sight better than most evolving Stage
1 Poke'mon we see.
Modified: 3 (Klang is a good choice for evolving if you
ignore the HP, but Klinklang is a niche tech)
Limited: 2 (The raw power of Reshiram coupled with the
scarcity of Metal Poke'mon in Black & White make this a
lousy pull, especially if you don't have Klinklang)
Combos with: Klinklang BW |