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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Watchog #79
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June 27, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#79/114 (Black and White)
Hello, and welcome to a week of
Colourless reviews on
CotD. And by
that I mean that we are reviewing
Colourless Pokémon: hopefully the
reviews themselves won’t be colourless.
We kick off with
Watchog, which is the Generation
V Bibarel,
only a bit more mean-looking. It’s a 90
HP Stage 1 with Fighting Weakness and a
(good for BW) Retreat cost of one, so
you know it will have to do something
very special to avoid the binder.
Unfortunately, as far as Modified is
concerned, it doesn’t.
Watchog has
two attacks, which both cost two Energy
of any colour (easy enough to pay for, I
guess). The first, Confuse Ray, inflicts
Confusion (well duh) – a Status
Condition that hasn’t been any good
since they changed the ruling years ago
and allowed Confused Pokémon to Retreat
without penalty. The second attack,
Hyper Fang, does a straight 60 damage,
which would at least be reasonable for
the cost if it wasn’t for the fact that
it is a ‘tails fails’ attack.
No use in Modified then, but I think
this card is underrated and fun in the
Limited format. Confusion will make the
defending Pokémon’s attacks a risky
proposition and you can hopefully watch
them self-damage while you wait to get
the flip you need for the KO.
Modified (HGSS-on): 1.25 (an auto Status
Condition, but not much else)
Limited: 2.5 (annoy your opponent and
win by hax!)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Watchog (Black & White)
Hello Pojo readers, we welcome another week with the
latest version of the 'ubiquitous rodent', Watchog.
In every generation of games, there is a Stage 1 line
that resmebles a toothy little pest which is
ridiculously common and usually winds up becoming a HM
slave in the video games. Gen I had Rattata and Raticate
(rats), Gen II followed with Sentret and Furret
(squirrel/meerkat crosses), Gen III introduced Zigzagoon
and Linoone (a hedgehog and a weasel) and Gen IV gaves
us Bidoof and Bibarel (a guinea pig and a beaver). Now
we have Patrat and Watchog making their debut in Gen V
(chipmunks), so will they impress us as much as their
Strangely enough, Watchog does have a reputation to
uphold. Furret SW was well loved until Glaydol GE stole
it's thunder and Bibarel SF was a beast at the
prerelease with stats that almost made it worth playing
competitively. Sadly, this card won't make the grade so
it is up to a future release to win Watchog some fans.
Watchog is a Colourless type none-evolving Stage 1 with
90 HP, Fighting weakness, a retreat cost of 1 and two
Donphan Prime just loves the feel of squished rodents
under its feet so the weakness is obviously a problem,
but the HP won't last long even against backup attackers
of different types. At least the retreat cost is as
cheap as it gets in B&W, a single energy to move out of
the Active slot. The type is also good as Watchog is
easy to splash, assuming that you actually want to use
The first attack is Confuse Ray. For a cost of [c][c]
you cause auto-Confusion and... absolutely nothing else.
Considering that Confusion is just as flippy as Sleep
and is almost as easy to remove, this is a terrible
attack, made even worse by the lack of damage or other
effects. Never, ever wats energy on this trash.
Hyper Fang is the second attack, and it also costs
[c][c] to use, so both attacks can be powered by a
single Double Colourless Energy. Why you would want to
is beyond me though, as Hyper Fang deals a mere vanilla
60 damage. Unless you flip Tails, in which case you do
absolutely nothing and have completely wasted an attack
that would be at least a 2HKO on any important target
Watchog is the complete opposite to the Dragon Twins.
Reshiram and Zekrom represent the completely broken end
of the spectrum while Watchog is the poster-Poke'mon for
underpowered binder fodder. Even in Unlimited, both
attacks have at least an even chance of doing absoutely
nothing to your opponent, so Watchog should be avoided
if at all possible.
Modified: 1 (I don't often give the bottom score, but
Watchog has certainly earned it with those completely
underpowered attacks)
Limited: 1.5 (between the Dragon Twins and all of the
setup Trainers you can pull in B&W, Watchog's
splashability and cheap cost aren't as big an advantage
as they should be. The attacks still suck in this
format, with Switch and Full Heal keeping Confuse Ray
from being even semi-useful while Hyper Fang remains
completely underpowered)
Combos with: my undying scorn

Otaku |
is a devastating quasi-pun. That sadly
might be its greatest strength: inducing
Flinch in the other player.
(as a TCG card) is a Stage 1 Colorless
Pokémon. Colorless is an odd type
because it combines some diverse types.
The "Normal"
Type of the video games exists as a
"placeholder": if it isn't anything
else, it ends up a Normal-Type. This is
often most obvious when looking at some
of the first generation Pokémon that
later gained a type because of the
addition of Dark- and Steel-Types
(again, using video game and not
TCG terminology). Colorless-Type Pokémon
also include Flying-Type Pokémon (from
the video games), which isn't too bad
since they really are just one step
removed from Normal-Type Pokémon in most
cases, and can adequately be represented
by merely altering their bottom stats.
Dragon-Type Pokémon are the final video
game type included in Colorless, and it
is the one that causes the most
problems. Especially in the original
generation, this type had great
Weakness/Resistance match-ups and really
was their own type compared to
or Flying Pokémon, with the caveat that
there was only one "true" Dragon
Evolution line, and it ended with a
Dragon/Flying hybrid (Dragonite).
What this means for the TCG is it is
hard to do anything with video game
Normal-, Flying-, or Dragon-Type Pokémon
because it affects the other two,
dissimilar Pokémon-Types most of the
time. Maybe I missed it, but I see no
Colorless Support (or conversely,
counter-Colorless cards) for the current
or next Modified format. Like so many
things, this can be good and it can be
bad: sometimes you really need something
"neutral" to buffer your deck. There are
cards that are Colorless Weak or
Resistant (unlike when the game began)
and as a rule it only matters when a
good Weak/Resistant card rises to
prominence because as a whole it ends up
being so rare as to be inconsequential.
Right now there are a few cards that
matter, but almost all rotate out. It
remains to be seen if anything new will
rise to prominence.
90 HP is poor for a Stage 1, especially
that doesn't Evolve again. This used to
be "just okay" but even with the damage
creep dialing back, the most prominent
decks (which aren't even the best for
raw power) can often score a OHKO, and
those that do specialize in the tactic
can do so reliably. Many such decks are
Fighting-Type, which makes the Weakness
matter, but not in the extreme: they
just go from a probable OHKO to an
all-but guaranteed OHKO. The lack of
Resistance is disappointing but so
common it doesn't detract from the card.
Given the slightly low HP, a free
Retreat Cost would have been good
compensation, but a single Energy
Retreat Cost like
has is still good; you won't have a hard
time paying for it or recovering from
has two attacks, and both cost (CC),
which would be brilliant, if the actual
effects weren't so poor. It really is
potent to be able to choose from two
different attacks with a single
Double Colorless Energy attachment.
The problem is that each attack doesn't
do enough. Even in an Emboar deck
where Inferno Fandango would let you
power it in one turn without burning a
Special Energy, the attacks are just
overpriced. When you have to use a
Special Energy (re: Double Colorless
Energy) or two manual Energy
attachments, it's even worse. Confuse
Ray needs to do some damage, because
automatic Confusion is so weak it might
not even be worth (C). Perhaps TPC
should consider revising the effects of
the Special Conditions, as they did
years ago, because as a whole they are
still ineffective. For a Stage 1 Pokémon
that can't Evolve into anything else,
this attack should easily do 30 damage
with with the Confusion as a bonus.
Hyperfang is actually pretty close to
playable. While it is a "tails fails"
attack, you're hitting for 60 damage. If
you rush Watchog
to the field (and you easily can) so
that it hits on your second turn
reliably, you'd enjoy a flip to KO many
Basic Pokémon, and with a boost almost
all Basic Pokémon (exclusions being the
quite beefy ones, like Reshiram)
and some of the smaller Stage 1 Pokémon.
If the attack did 20 more damage this
would have seen some play, or perhaps if
it was a "flip two coins, if at least
one is heads..." kind of thing so that
it was better odds, making it worth
dropping PlusPower.
There are already two Patrat I am
aware of to Evolve
from: Black & White 77/114 and
Black & White 78/114. The former has
50 HP and two attacks, the latter 60 HP
and one attack. Both are Fighting Weak,
lack Resistance, and have single Energy
Retreat Costs. 77/114 can do 10 for (C)
or 20 for (CC). 78/114 can do 30 damage
for (C), but requires a coin toss and if
it is tails, it does nothing instead.
I've mentioned before, when you're
playing something meant to Evolve, you
usually favor attacks that protect it or
help set-up, because you hopefully
attack once or never with it. Neither
card has that, so when that fails you
take whatever hits hard and fast. Even
if it is unreliable, you won't be using
it unless you're already desperate or
just want the chance to mess with your
opponent. 78/114 was already favored for
having 10 more HP, and the slightly
better (even if unreliable) damage
return (averaging 15 points for one
Energy) means that even if it is
unreliable, that 30 gives you a better
shot and making your opponent hesitate
to send something important up unless it
can get a OHKO. Small advantages, but
advantages none the less.
I can't see using this in Modified
unless you're low on cards. Even if you
want to go for a OHKO style deck, you
have better options like Donphan
Prime, Cinccino, and of course
Zekrom when it is properly
supported. Neither can I see a place for
it in Unlimited: "Baby" Pokémon will
already for a flip, Confusion is almost
totally worthless, and you not only have
the above options but also more
classical FTKO Pokémon like Erika's
Jigglypuff and Neo Discovery
The only place to really use this is in
a Limited format setting. Two Common
versions of the Basic Pokémon make it
easier to pull a workable line, and
itself is just an Uncommon, again making
it easier to pull. Since so many higher
HP cards are Evolutions and people just
don't pull a full line or enough support
to justify including them in a deck,
average HP scores and damage output are
lower, making 90 HP fairly good. It also
means many times Hyperfang will be a
flip for a OHKO. Even when it isn't, in
this format it is unlikely your opponent
will have an answer for Confusion, and
thus Confuse Ray becomes a good solid
attack. On top of all that, it of course
has all Colorless, low Energy cost
attacks making it fast and easy to run
in any probable deck you'd be able to
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified (MD-On): 1.5/5
Modified (HGSS-On): 1.75/5
Limited: 3.75/5
A Pokémon only for Limited, where the
stats and attacks are worth the
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