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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Stoutland #83
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June 29, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#83/114 (Black and White)
Today we look at the big dog of Black and White (but
only in a literal sense): Stoutland.
It’s a Colourless Stage 2 with a pretty good 140 HP:
even with the Fighting Weakness,
Donphan needs a PlusPower
to one shot it. The Retreat cost of three is appalling
though. Usually I would just say ‘oh well, either play
Switch or leave it active until it gets knocked out’.
With Stoutland, however,
those are just not good options, as we shall see.
first attack, Odor Sleuth,
costs two Energy of any Colour and has an interesting
effect: flip three coins and for each heads, put a card
from your discard pile into your hand. There are two
obvious downsides here: first of all, it’s
flippy and therefore
unreliable. Secondly, most cards can be salvaged from
the discard pile without having to go to all the effort
of getting out a Stage 2 and wasting an attack. Energy
Retrieval or Fisherman will recover Basic Energy and
Junk Arm is a great way to recycle Trainers. This means
that Stoutland is only good
for getting back Special Energy and Supporters, neither
of which you will be able to use until your next turn
anyway (assuming your opponent doesn’t play Judge, which
they may well do if they see you use this attack
successfully). Yes, there will be times when getting a
DCE or a Seeker from the discard would be great, but
really Odor Sleuth is so
situational, and takes so many resources to pull off
that it really isn’t a good idea: just run more
consistent quantities of needed cards instead.
Still, Odor Sleuth is much
better than Giga Impact,
Stoutland’s second attack. For four Colourless
Energy, you do 90 damage . . . which is a little
sub par in terms of cost to
say the least. But I haven’t even got to the worst part
yet . . .if
Stoutland uses Giga Impact
it can’t use any attack on your next turn. Why the card
designers felt the need to give such a crippling
drawback to such a mediocre attack, I’ll never know.
In any case, now we can see why
Stoutland’s retreat cost is such a problem. If
you wanted to send it up to recover some cards and
retreat for an attacker next turn, it will cost a
massive three Energy, or a
Switch every time you do it. Same goes for Giga Impact:
want to bring something else up to attack rather than
just sit there and pass on your next turn? Yeah, that’s
going to cost you as well. You could play
Dodrio UD to help with the
Retreat, but even then you will still need to spare
another Energy.
does have a unique and potentially useful attack, but it
seems as if the designers have done everything possible
to discourage us from using it.
Modified (HGSS-on): 1.75 (good HP and
Odor Sleuth is interesting,
but too many downsides)
Limited: 2.75 (Odor Sleuth
is better here, and Colourless is always good, but it’s
not a great reward for getting out a Stage 2)

Otaku |
is a Stage 2 Colorless Pokémon. I am
unaware of any real Colorless "support"
at the moment, and to an extent that
makes sense as Colorless Pokémon are
mostly about supporting other cards,
often having all Colorless Energy
requirements and thus able to work with
almost anything, so no penalty for that.
Technically since the rotation doesn’t
officially occur for a few more days,
there is a bit of Colorless
Weakness/Resistance floating around, but
next format we still lack a
strong-but-Colorless-Weak Pokémon, while
maintaining at least one notable
Colorless Resistant line (Gengar).
Stage 2 Pokémon have faired
rather poor in the current format,
because Broken Time Space can
only pick up so much slack now that
Rare Candy functions as an over
glorified Pokémon Breeder. Next
format, all the Stages appear to be on
even footing again. Still
is going to eat up a lot of your deck's
space, resources, and will take time to
set up fully;
it will need to deliver
some great stats and effects, or at
least "reasonably good" in both those
areas to be worth it.
140 HP is high for the almost-gone MD-On
format, but as we've been seeing, HP
scores are the one thing remaining
steady or perhaps still slowing
inflating with the newest cards. Pokémon
now regularly clocking in at scores that
used to be reserved for higher Stages of
Evolution or for "specialty" cards like
Pokémon ex, Pokémon LEGEND, and Level-Up
Next format it looks to be about
"average" for a Stage 2 Pokémon. The
Fighting Weakness means that a Pokémon
like Donphan Prime can still go
for a quick OHKO (once it hits play),
but it will need a little help (like
PlusPower) to do it. No Resistance
is disappointing but so common it
shouldn't detract from the card, and the
three Energy needed to retreat is enough
to make retreating not an option. You'll
need to factor in more deck space for
the support needed to get this out of
the Active slot when it isn't supposed
to be there anymore, or cards that will
allow it to endure.
Honestly, this is a solid foundation for
a Stage 2 Pokémon: a good Ability could
turn it into a great back-up for many
This is not unprecedented for
Stage 2 Colorless Pokémon: Pidgeot
(FireRed/LeafGreen, 10/112) is
perhaps the most famous example, a card
that was very nearly a true staple run
in almost every deck due to the easy (at
the time) of running even a 1-0-1 line
of it with
Rare Candy, though I favored a 2-1-2
line myself.
As we can clearly see this
Stoutland possesses two attacks.
This does not bode well. The
Energy requirements are spaced well: a
single Double Colorless Energy
can power up the first attack in one go,
and two will get you to the second quite
quickly. Lamentably what the attacks do
is provide a poor return on your Energy
and time investment, even when using
Odor Sleuth would be great as a
once-per-turn Ability, and perhaps that
is why it is an attack. We do have
plenty of "discarding" tricks now (Professor
Juniper and Junk Arm spring
readily to mind) so even as an attack,
you might have several great cards to
"rescue" from your discard pile.
Flipping three coins for such an effect
isn't too bad: the odds of not getting a
single card are low (one in eight) and
offset by the same odds of getting three
cards back. You're just as likely to get
one card back as you are two. The catch
is that being an attack neuters the
potency of this kind of effect. Unless
your expended cards are building to a
win condition, every turn you recycle
them with Odor Sleuth your opponent is
potentially pulling ahead in Prizes.
Attacks that fetch cards from your deck
sometimes work because early game
most of your cards are in your deck, and
since you're building you can
theoretically trade one or two
Prizes lost for a near perfect set up
that will quickly even things out or
give you the lead with good consistency.
Doesn't work too well here: I said
getting three cards was a decent way to
offset the chance of getting zero, but
that only works if you have three
worthwhile cards to rescue: unlikely
early in the game. You won't be able to
get Stoutland
out before your second turn, anyway, but
even by then you'll be doing good to
have used enough Trainers that are
worth recycling to re-use. Your
opponent also gets an entire turn
to make those cards dead-in-hand,
shuffle them back into your deck, or
possibly fuel a card effect of their
I do like that this makes a
somewhat continuous theme for the entire
line: as one
Lillipup and
Stoutland draw cards for you (why
wasn’t it called “Fetch?”) while the
Lillipup can retrieve an Item card
from the discard pile with its first
attack, but again it doesn’t feel well
thought out for how the game actually
plays out.
Giga Impact may have had good Energy
structuring to take advantage of
Double Colorless Energy, but the end
result is pretty poor. If you use it,
you can only attack with
every other turn. Any attacks, not just
Giga Impact are prevented by said
attack’s effect. You'd have to Bench
and re-promote it to attack repeatedly
with it, and its just more efficient to
alternate attackers. If you don't, you
average a measly 45 points of damage a
turn: that is a horrible return for four
Energy, even if they can be any Energy.
This attack would have to deal massive
amounts of damage, well over 100 and
possibly more than 120 to really be
worth using every other turn and have
just sit there as a punching bad. I have
to come back to how Odor Sleuth should
have been an Ability again: even with
stipulations like ending your turn
and/or only working while Active, at
least there would be an inherent combo
between the two instead of just making
some sense thematically but failing to
be practical in the slightest.
Lillipup and Herdier do
feel like logical beginnings for the
effects, and are a little better
designed than
Stoutland. They aren't blessed with
as good of HP (even proportionately) as
We have two Lillipup, and while
adorable one has 50 HP and the other 60,
both scores being average for a Basic
Pokémon that can Evolve twice for the
Black & White sets. Both are
Fighting Weak, lack Resistance, and have
an affordable single Energy Retreat Cost
and vanilla low damage attacks: 10 for
(C) on the 50 HP version and 20 for (CC)
on the 60 HP version. They also each
have a decent, single Energy attack. The
smaller has the more combo-oriented
attack, Pick Up. This lets you get one
Item from the discard pile and add it
back to your hand. Why is this "good"
while Odor Sleuth isn't? You'll use this
to get a useful Item back and then
Evolve, unless you can Evolve sooner. It
isn't part of the "meat" of the
Evolution line, but instead a tasty
appetizer. The bigger
Lillipup has a generic "draw 1 card"
attack for (C), and while never really
powerful it is at least occasionally
useful. Herdier was covered in
detail yesterday, and was very close to
being good in its own right. 80 HP is
just too low and was even back in the
days of Base Set. If it is active for a
turn there is a real good chance it will
be OHKO'd by most decks.
For attacks you won't be relying
on and probably using once before
Evolving, Herdier does some solid
things, letting you draw three cards for
(CC) or Bite for 50 points of damage
using (CCC). Even if your normal
acceleration tricks fail, you could
quite easily drop Lillipup first
turn, attach an Energy card, and attack
for a decent return. Next turn you can
drop Herdier onto that
Lillipup, attach another Energy
card, and again attack for a decent
return. If the Energy is a Double
Colorless Energy, that even includes
using Bite. Since
is so poor, it detracts from these as
they aren't good enough to justify
playing them for their own sake.
I state this because if we
magically renamed them to fit in with a
proven Stage 2 Pokémon, they’d probably
be top picks.
I can think of a few tricks to make a
minimally functional deck out of
Functional should not be taken as
high praise: it basically means that if
your opponent doesn’t slaughter you
quickly the deck should set-up and have
at least a 10% chance of winning the
game provided both players are of equal
ability and luck doesn’t heavily favor
one play over the other.
Option one is simple: Energy
It works for almost everything
and that includes
Stoutland, but also means all
acceleration has better options. Damage
swap is another option, since
Stoutland is just barely big enough
to tank, and while tanking out could at
least attempt to recycle key combo
Again better options exist, even
for a large Stage 2 attacker.
Lastly maybe something that could
make it easier to get it out of the
Active slot to reset its effect (or
alternate as an attacker).
Yet again, the return yield is so
low as to make it not worth even trying.
Like so many cards this Set, Limited is
Stoutland can and should see
play. The lower Stages are good enough
to warrant playing without the later
Stages, provided you have room (and a
few Item cards to recycle with the
smaller Lillipup). No Colorless
Resistance this set, so if you have one
of the few types likely to encounter
Resistance (Fighting and Psychic), that
is a small bonus as well. Mostly it is
just that they can all use any Energy in
your deck, always important for the
often three and four Type decks of
Limited play. Two versions of the Basic
of the line will make pulling a stronger
line easier as well, and as usual HP
scores and damage output just aren't as
good on average in this format, making
the output of this line effectively
With so many decks having single
copies of important cards, re-using them
or drawing extras is very important.
Be very careful when using
itself. Drop it into play only when you
can Giga Impact for a KO or really want
to use Odor Sleuth. Even with its HP
score, it will only have two or three
attacks coming from it: remember that
Giga Impact will almost always waste two
attacks due to its effect, unless you
use it right before being KO’d. I'd
actually rely on Herdier more and
Evolve for one last big attack, or if
your opponent has a very weak set up an
Odor Sleuth followed by Giga Impact.
Unlimited: 1/5 – Minimally
functional here is truly low: the
resources of this format both prop up
and cripple so many decks.
Modified (MD-On): 1.3/5 - It
would be able to use Expert Belt
and OHKO many commonly played things
like Pokémon SP.
It’d still be filling the place
of something better.
Modified (HGSS-On): 1.5/5 - Why
were people complaining about
Scolipede again?
Limited: 3.5/5 - A solid line
with a so-so finale, but you should be
able to at least break even for Prizes
when not facing Fighting-Type Pokémon.
is a great example of a card that is
less than the sum of its parts.
Everything but Giga Impact would range
from "average" to "good" on Stage 2
Pokémon in general, and even Giga Impact
wouldn't be so bad if there was another
good, damaging attack on the card and it
was reserved for big hits. Instead we
have a Stage 2 Pokémon with a supporting
attack that doesn't work for a Stage 2
Pokémon and a big attack that isn't that
big in the damage department. Looks like
being able to make good use of Double
Colorless Energy isn't everything.
eBay auctions are still going on, so
feel free to see if I have anything that
interests you.
Remember that Pojo.com is not
responsible for any transactions.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Stoutland (Black & White)
Hey Pojo readers, today's card is Stoutland, which looks
like the terrier that guards Hell when Cerberus is on
break. Does that translate to a good card?
Stoutland is a Colourless type Stage 2 with 140 HP,
Fighting weakness, a retreat cost of 3 and two attacks.
Between Donphan Prime, Machamp Prime and Pluspower the
weakness is a problem but the HP is high enough to stop
almost any other card getting an OHKO (you'l either need
a complete setup or a large boost to damage to take down
a healthy Stoutland). The retreat cost is not
surprising, but you will need Switch to get out of
trouble. Or you can just leave Stoutland hanging,
which based on the attacks is what most players will do.
Odor Sleuth is the useful attack and costs [c][c] for 3
coin flips. Fore each Heads result, you can search your
discard pile for any card and put it into your hand.
This would be great if it wasn't on a Stage 2, because
noone is going to dedicate that many deck slots to
flippy retrieval, despite how useful it would be to get
back certain cards (Supporters, Special energy, Legend
pieces, evolutions, etc). As it stands, needing to
evolve a Stage 2 and play two energy (or a DCE) for an
attack that might not even work is too much effort.
Especially since Judge is still popular and can ruin all
of your effort by shuffiling your hand into the deck.
Giga Impact does nothing to help Stoutland. For
[c][c][c][c] you deal a paltry 90 damage and cannot
attack during the next turn. I know that the
damage-to-energy ratio is being lowered, but there is no
way you will ever want to pay for an expensive attack
that not only fails to score an OHKO on all but the
weakest of evolutions but also has the added cost of
cancelling your attack on the next turn.
Stoutland looks awesome and it would make a brilliant
guard dog, but this card will never see play.
Modified: 2 (the retrieval effect can be awesome but the
costs far outweigh the benefits)
Limited: 3 (the two Lilipup cards and the Herdier in
this set are perfect for Limited, so you might as well
run Stoutland as well. Giga Impact still sucks terribly)
Combos with: the binder |