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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Alomomola #39
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June 5, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#39/114 (Black and White)
After yesterday’s review, you are probably thinking
‘well, at least this Alomomola
can’t be any worse’, and you’d be right about that. It
is, you will be glad to hear,
significantly better.
This version keeps the impressive 100 HP and the
Lightning Weakness of the other version. One downside is
that is does have a higher three Energy Retreat cost,
but this Alomomola more than
makes up for that by having much better attacks.
The first, Water Pulse, is nothing special: [W][C] for
20 damage and auto Sleep is something that you would
only use to hopefully stall for a turn or two if you had
nothing else you could do. Luckily, Hydro Pump,
Alomomola’s second attack,
is a significant improvement. For three Energy of any
Colour, you get to do 40 damage.
Yep, I know that sounds awful but the thing is that, for
every Water Energy attached, it will do 10 more damage.
Basically, it’s a weaker version of
Samurott #32’s attack (also called Hydro Pump).
You get less damage, but then
is a Basic, so what did you expect?
So, does this Pokémon have any use?
Possibly. Because of its Colourless Energy
requirements it could be a
splashable (heh
heh) anti-Donphan
tech in a lot of decks. Much like the
Swanna we reviewed on
Wednesday, it’s not an ideal solution by any means, but
it’s one of the best we have available in HGSS-BW. I
could also see it finding a place in
decks, allowing for a decent quick hit with a Basic if
Gatr’s Stage 2 partner isn’t
may be nothing special, but with our currently reduced
cardpool, it’s good enough
not to be overlooked completely. I’m sure that future
cards will quickly make it obsolete though.
Modified (HGSS-on): 2.25 (could do a job while we wait
for Beartic)
Limited: 3.5 (big Basic that
can do some serious damage if it survives)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! We end our COTD week
today by reviewing a new Water-type Basic that may have
potential as a secondary attacker in a deck, and one
that is decent in Limited. Today's Card of the Day is
Alomomola #39 from Black and White.
Alomomola is a Basic Water-type Pokemon. Water-types
will probably become more popular with the rise of
Reshiram and Emboar in HGSS-on Modified, but right now
Alomomola will fall prey to stronger threats like Luxray
GL Lv. X or even Zekrom in MD-on Modified (although
Zekrom will still be around for HGSS-on, too). 100 HP is
great for an unevolving Basic, and although it's nowhere
near the level of the dragons, this Caring Pokemon
should still be able to take at least one powerful
unboosted hit. Lightning Weakness really hurts due to
the aforementioned Luxray and Zekrom, and both no
Resistance and Retreat Cost of 3 are bad. If you wish to
retreat Alomomola, be sure to use something like Switch
or Warp Point.
Alomomola has two attacks. Water Pulse deals 20 damage
for [WC], but automatically puts the Defending Pokemon
to sleep. Not bad for Limited, but doesn't realistically
do enough in Modified, where there are Pokemon that can
do 100+ damage for that cost or less. Hydro Pump,
however, is why Alomomola might see some play in Water
decks in HGSS-on. The attack starts at 40 damage for
three Colorless Energy, but increases by 10 for each
Water Energy attached to Alomomola. Therefore, if you
have three Water Energy attached to begin with to pay
for the attack, it starts at a decent 70 damage, which
is enough to get rid of a few prominent threats in
HGSS-on because of their Water Weakness (Reshiram,
Emboar, and Typhlosion come to mind). However, it is
also important to realize that Samurott can do the same
attack but with a higher damage output (it starts at 70
damage for the same cost), but Samurott is also a Stage
2, and will therefore be slower to get into play.
Additionally, Zekrom will still destroy Alomomola, as
will Reshiram if it hits first.
Modified: 2/5 This is for HGSS-on, and I'm being nice.
Alomomola might be able to work as a secondary attacker
in Water decks that need something that can hit
relatively fast with Feraligatr Prime also present,
although there may be better options.
Limited: 3.5/5 Alomomola is pretty good here. High HP
for a basic, Colorless Energy requirements, and decent
damage output make it a great choice. Just keep it out
of the way of Lightning-types and you'll be good to go.
Combos With: Feraligatr Prime
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Alomomola 39/114 (Black & White)
This is the rare version of yesterday's uncommon card,
so it will likely follow the same pattern as Maractus
from 3 weeks back. I hope I'm wrong though as that is
definitely a bad track to follow.
This version of Alomomola comes with the same stats as
yesterday's card, except that the retreat cost has been
jacked up a notch. I have no idea why the design team
felt the penalty was necessary but at least this version
has better attacks. Then again, having worse attacks
would be an achievement in itself!
So, Alomola has 2 attacks, the first being Water Pulse,
which inflicts auto-Sleep and 20 damage for [w][c]
(which is weird, as Water Pulse always cause Sleep in
the TCG but cause Confusion in the video games instead).
This is a fair attack for the cost cost and makes this
version of Alomomola a better wall than yesterday's
card, but Sleep is usually pretty worthless with only a
50% chance of actually helping you (before considering
any tricks your opponent might have up their sleeve) so
the second attack had better be worth the investment if
Alomomola wants to avoid the binder.
Surprisingly enough, Hydro Pump is actually worth a look
despite the terrible numbers involved. The base cost is
[c][c][c] and the base damage is 40 (add 10 more for
each [w] energy attached), which is completely lame next
to all of the other attackers available... except that
Alomomola is a Basic.
The significance of that fact is that when your main
attacker gets KOed, you can drop Alomomola, fuel it with
energy courtesy of Feraligatr Prime and switch out the
other card you sent up to deal an immediate counter
punch to keep you in the game (add Pluspower and Black
Belt to reach the high damage you are going to need). If
you use a different backup attacker then you have to
deal with the twin problems of searching out extra cards
and the slower evolution speed of the HGSS-on format (no
Spiritomb PA, no Broken Time Space and Rare Candy gets a
rewrite) which translates to a higher chance of being
unable to build your backup quickly enough to save
The other major advantage is the amount of deck space
you save. Running single copy of a Basic is a lot easier
than running another evolution line and you won't find
it trapped in the Prizes too often, but the same is not
true of a Stage 1 or Stage 2 line (too thin and it is
easily ruined by a discard or having a piece in your
Prizes while thicker lines are hard to fit in a deck).
With Alomomola as your backup attacker (even if you run
multiple copies) you can afford to run heavier lines of
Feraligatr Prime and your chosen attacker (Samurott BW
and Lanturn Prime could both work well with Alomomola
since their attacks work the same way).
Alomomola might have a space and speed advantage over
other Water type attackers (at the cost of lower damage
and being intensely energy hungry) but why wouldn't you
just use Feraligatr Prime as the backup attacker
The reason is beacause Feraligatr only brings the big
guns when hitting a Poke'mon that is already slightly
hurt. If you need to hit a healthy attacker then Hydro
Crunch isn't going to help you since the base damage is
60 while Alomomola can hit 80 damage for the same energy
As a single copy of Alomomola can be used to cover
contingency situations, or you can run multiple copies
for use as early walls and sacrifices to make you
eligible for Twins (a big advantage) and Black Belt
(which is a big boost to damage). Or if you manage to
Rare Candy a Feraligatr on Turn 2 you can go on an early
The energy-hungry nature of Alomomola is less of a
problem if you use Engineer's Adjustments for draw power
(it works best in an energy heavy deck) or you could run
heavy lines of Feraligatr and your chosen attacker so
that you can use Professor Juniper for draw power (since
with your heavy evolution lines you don't have to be
afraid of discarding an evolving Basic or Stage 1 that
you can't replace).
Up to this point I have been pointing out all of the
good parts of Alomomola, but there are significant
downsides. The lower base damage is a major problem that
needs a lot of testing to overcome and all of the
abovementioned cards that work well with Alomomola are
Supporters so jamming your hand is also a risk. The
retreat cost also leaves you vulnerable to a soft lock
if your opponent plays Poke'mon Reversal as you won't
get out of the Active slot easily.
Finally, the biggest problem is the weakness. Magnezone
Prime will only have to Lost Zone a single energy to get
the KO and Zekrom will only need 3 damage counters for
Outrage to deal the death blow. Both Reshiram and Zekrom
can build their second attack as quickly as Alomomola
can which will aslo result in a KO for your opponent. To
be truthful, if you use Alomomola then you will usually
be trading KOs as opposed to gaining an a lead so you
had best focus on getting the first hit. At least you
hit Fire and Donphan for weakness.
To conclude this review, I am more fond of Alomomola now
than I was when I started writing and I expect that the
weird little fishy will probably be paired with
Armourott (my new nickname for Samurott BW 29/114) in a
few Rain Dance builds that aren't afraid of discards.
Alomomola may not be main attacker material but it plays
the same role that Jirachi ex played in Gardevoir decks
back in 2007 and I would be very afraid to see this card
in the hands of someone who understands the value of a
sacrfice (for instance, anyone who has dominated with
Gyarados SF or Regigigas lv X in the past year).
Modified: 3.5 (Zekrom BW, Reshiram BW and Donphan Prime
will all keep Alomomola down and you won't get far
without Feraligatr Prime since the HP won't last long
enough for manual energy attachment, but I will be using
this card in my Rain Dance deck next season to see just
how well I can make it work)
Limited: 2.5 (since you have to attach the energy
manually your speed advantage is gone but the HP may
balance that out. zekrom and Reshiram still own you
though) |

Otaku |
(Black & White 39/114) is still a
fairly beefy Basic Water-Type Pokémon,
making it easy to work into a deck and
get into play.
Its 100 HP means that outside of
its Weakness it requires effort to OHKO,
and some decks just might not be able to
do it. The aforementioned Weakness can
be problematic with the current format
and the next already having multiple,
solid-to-great Lightning-Type decks. No
Resistance is disappointing as always,
but since it is so common it isn't going
to wreck this card. The three Energy
needed to retreat does hurt, and you'll
be feeling it if you have to manually
Water Pulse is like the Resistance: a
bit disappointing but all too common a
filler attack. It isn't totally vanilla,
possessing an automatic Sleep inducing
effect but given how relatively weak
such an effect is, TPC probably could
have left it with a (CC) or even a (W)
Energy cost with the 20 damage.
Fortunately the second attack - Hydro
Pump - can get this into the right deck.
Three of any Energy will let you hit the
opponent for 40 points of damage, and
that is... actually a fairly weak by
modern standards.
Of course, like all versions of
Hydro Pump, that is because you get more
damage from using Water Energy. There
are no annoying restrictions like "up to
X Energy" or "not used to pay for the
attack", so if you have three Water
Energy on this Pokémon, then it hits for
70. While still not the greatest, I’d
call it functional.
There is a pretty obvious use for this
card: opener/closer for a Feraligatr
Prime Rain Dance deck. As a Basic
Pokémon, there are multiple cards to get
this to the hand/field easily in both
formats, and while the return isn't
stupendous, in a deck that can easily
drop between three and five Water Energy
on it, it'll be enough to take down.
With some forethought, it can take out
almost anything (barring various
effects), and since it is a Basic
Pokémon you'll have room for the various
supporting cards you'll need, like
Energy recycling and search cards. In a
Rain Dance deck it is okay if this gets
OHKO'd, even while loaded with Energy,
because you should have enough Energy in
your deck to load up the next Pokémon
while playing cards to draw into what is
left and/or recycle what was lost.
In Limited play, you can use it as an
okay Water splash (pardon the pun) in a
non-Water deck to put out Fire
Pokémon... yes, the last pun was
intentional. Since the set has a decent
amount of Fire Pokémon, that could be
pretty important. If you have enough
Water Pokémon (or a lack of anything
else especially good needing specific
Energy) then this becomes an even better
pull, as both attacks are much improved
in this format. Even just one or two
Water Energy will make Hydro Pump
worthwhile against any Pokémon and not
just those Weak to Water.
Unlimited might be where it is best,
Given its better stats, I’d
Feraligatr Prime based Rain Dance
decks are supplanting the old Base Set
Blastoise based variety.
That means you can and should add
a copy of the Neo Genesis
Feraligatr with Downpour/Riptide to
the deck, and that provides an easy and
painful way to recycle your
Water Energy from the discard while
attacking your opponent.
It also means you can replace an
older big, Basic, beatstick like
Suicune ex with
You’ll enjoy a 100 HP on a Basic
without giving up two Prizes for being
KO’d but the common healing tricks used
Suicune ex will end up wasting more
Energy. The latter is okay, though,
because you’ve got
Feraligatr and barring the usual
(bad luck, bad build, bad plays, etc.)
shouldn’t ever run out of Energy.
3.75/5 – Decent opener/closer for Rain
Dance decks, especially ones using
Feraligatr Prime.
Modified (MD-On): 3/5 - Rain
Dance only
Modified (HGSS-On): 3.25/5 - Rain
Dance only.
Slight boost due to less
competition and more (anticipated) use
of Fire Pokémon.
Limited: 3.5/5 – Still a big
Basic Pokémon, so even running it off
type just to thump for 40 points of
damage works in most decks.
Much better with actual Water
A good Basic beatstick for Rain Dance,
but most likely to matter in a format
few people will think to run it in,
As usual, I’ll remind you to check out
eBay auctions.
Pojo is in no way responsible for
any transactions and merely kind enough
to let me link in my articles.