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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Audino #87
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June 30, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.37
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#87/114 (Black and White)
If you’ve seen the anime, you’ll know that
Audino is the
Chansey of the
Unova Region, working
alongside Nurse Joy in the Pokémon Centres.
Audino also has its uses in
the videogame, as they give massive amounts of EXP
points to help you level up your Pokémon.
In the TCG?
Completely different story.
is an unevolving Basic with
80 HP. To me, that seems on the low side for a Pokémon
of this type. The Retreat cost of two isn’t helpful,
neither is Fighting Weakness. You won’t be in a hurry to
use the Doubleslap attack
either: For [C][C] you get to
flip two coins and do 30 damage. Eh, I guess if you were
really lucky, started with this and a Double Colourless
and flipped two heads you could
donk something but honestly, the chances are not
good and from that point on Audino
would just be a waste of space.
Today’s review is short but not sweet:
Audino is not sufficiently
durable and its attack is rubbish. Avoid.
Modified (HGSS-on): 1.25 (tomorrow’s card will be
Limited: 1.5 (even here, it’s not a lot of use)

Otaku |
Thank you everyone who voted for Feeding
South Dakota in the
Toyota 100 Cars for Good on Facebook
giveaway contest for charities.
Feeding South Dakota won! :D
is a Basic Pokémon from the Black &
White set. With what little I just
looked up from the video games, it
appears to be a Normal-Type Pokémon that
can't Evolve but has some use for having
good HP (especially for a Basic Pokémon)
and all around solid-to-good marks in
the other stats. Being Colorless in
MD-On (yes, less than two full days left
of it) is useful for hitting Colorless
Weakness on Garchomp C Lv.X.
Seems like next format, it will become a
more or less neutral type useful for
buffering your deck's Weakness(es),
which was largely how it was meant to
be. I have just enough of a concern
about Colorless Resistant Pokémon to
warn you about them, but not in detail.
80 HP is good for a Basic that
can't Evolve, but it is more or less the
cut off: the best decks can OHKO it with
their preferred set-up but supporting
Pokémon will need a boost.
The Fighting Weakness isn’t a
huge concern: mostly it will save a
bigger Fighting-Type burning a
PlusPower or requiring another turn
of set-up for their OHKO. It mostly
becomes a problem when a deck isn't
opening with Donphan Prime and
has something simple up there to go down
swinging: a Sawk will score a
2HKO by their second turn for the price
of a single Fighting Energy.
No Resistance still feels weak on the
part of the designers, but since it is
so common it isn't doesn't really hurt
performance for a Pokémon. A Retreat
Cost of (CC) that seems a tad high: this
isn't so big that it really needs to be
balanced by more than a single Energy
requirement for retreating.
Having a single attack on a Basic that
doesn't Evolve is usually a bad sign.
For (CC),
Audino can use Double Slap:
this version of the attack gives the
usual two coin flips but does 30 points
of damage per "heads". This is just
enough to matter. Since it can use
Double Colorless Energy it can
Double Slap first turn. This gives you a
one-in-four chance of OHKOing many Basic
Pokémon; most Basic Pokémon if you are
willing to use a PlusPower or
two. The obvious problem is that one in
four times (on average), your whiffing
and doing no damage at all. The rest of
the time (two of four possible results),
you're hitting for 30 points of damage,
which isn't bad for (CC) on a Basic
Pokémon, but certainly isn't enough to
carry a card (or get that FTKO,
We already have a good Basic, Colorless
Pokémon in the form of Bouffalant
(Black & White, 91/114): I'd
rather go for Revenge KOs instead of
such an uncertain pay out based on just
two coin tosses. In Unlimited FTKO decks
have Erika's Jigglypuff, and I
already pointed out it is really too
unreliable for such a role. I just
explained why it isn't especially good
for Modified play (either format), so
I'll mention the obvious, that it is a
good card for Limited play. Being a
Basic Pokémon makes it easy to run,
while all Colorless Energy requirements
and just needing two Energy makes it
easy to Energize. The nature of Limited
means lower average HP and damage
scores, so 80 with a 0/30/60 split
becomes a useful attack and filler card
for your deck.
Unlimited: 1.5/5
Modified (MD-On): 1.75/5
Modified (HGSS-On): 2/5
Limited: 4/5
Audino is a Pokémon you happily add
to your deck for Limited play but
quickly forget about for constructed
formats. Unless we need an entire deck
of Colorless Basic Pokémon for HGSS-On
play, this won't serve a purpose beyond
a placeholder for Bouffalant.
eBay auctions are still going on, so
feel free to see if I have anything that
interests you.
Remember that Pojo.com is not
responsible for any transactions.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Audino (Black & White)
Hey guys, just a short review today. Audino is sadly one
of those cards that has absolutely nothing to recommend
it. The art isn't all that inspiring, the stats are
below par and the single attack costs 2 energy to flip
coins for damage, giving you a 25% chance of doing
absolutely nothing and a 75% chance of dealing mediocre
As an 80 HP Colourless Basic, Audino could have made the
grade as a starter or tech but the complete lack of
useful attacks and Abilities means that Audino rots in
the shoebox.
Modified: 1 (Audino has nothing going for it except that
it is a Colourless Basic. And there are a lot of
Colourless Basics running around)
Limited: 1.5 (the attack is cheap and the HP is good
here. Still, the damage output is unlikely to impress
anyone after the first few turns, or however long it
takes to play and power Zekrom and Reshiram)
Combos with: the shoebox |