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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Zebstrika #42
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June 6, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.37
Limited: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#42/114 (Black and White)
Hello and welcome to the week on
CotD, as we
continue to make our way through the
Black and White cards.
We kick off with
Zebstrika #42. We reviewed the
rare version of this card a couple of
weeks ago, and now it’s time to take a
look at the uncommon. You would normally
expect the rare to be a significantly
better card (like it was with
last week), but in this case, there
isn’t really that much to choose between
is a Stage 1, with a mediocre 90 HP, and
Fighting Weakness. Nothing good about
that, but nothing that seems
inappropriate either. Where I do take
offence is at the lack of Resistance
(Lightning Pokémon used to Resist Metal
didn’t they? It wasn’t much, but at
least it was
something), and the Retreat cost of
one. The card designers seem to really
want to take free retreat abuse out of
the game: fair enough, but don’t you
think an electric zebra
deserves free retreat?
Stomp is
Zebstrika’s first attack.
An uninspired name
for an uninspiring attack.
Two Colourless
Energy gets you 20 damage with a
coin flip for 20 more. Even if you do
get heads, this would be a waste of a
Double Colourless Energy. What makes it
worse is that that DCE would also be
wasted when it comes to
second attack, which makes the
potentially beneficial Colourless cost
of Stomp irrelevant. Wild Charge costs
gives you a vanilla 70 damage
and Zebstrika
does 10 damage to itself. Why the card
designers thought the recoil was
necessary I have no idea. 70 for three
Energy on a Stage 1
is not exactly broken (or even
good). Needless to say, self-damaging a
90 HP Pokémon is not a very good idea
for anyone who doesn’t enjoy giving
their opponent easy Prizes, especially
when the reward is so very mediocre.
So, Zebstrika
falls right into the category of too
weak/too expensive Stage 1s that will
never see play outside of a
I suppose the other version
is marginally better, but the pair
of them are
practically useless if I’m honest.
Modified (HGSS-on): 1.25 (a card that
gives you no reason to use it)
Limited: 2.25 (not terrible here, but
you still have better options in
Lightning Pokémon)
Garage |
6/6/11: Zebstrika(Black &White)
I, uh, didn't realize thiscard existed. I assumed
there was only one Zebstrika in the set, andthere might
as well be one Zebstrika, honestly.
So, uh, what do you want to know about this card?
Stomp is nice, I guess, in that it has the colorless
energy requirement, and could be teched to counter water
decks, but it's also flippy, and even without the flip,
you'd be able to KO something with 80 HP and a lightning
weakness, and a good deckin any format could probably
muster enough damage on its own. And then Wild Charge is
just bad, and for an example, look at Jolteon from
Undaunted. Jolteon's first attack is slightly better,
because ofthe immunity flip and the smaller energy cost.
In terms of second attacks, Jolteon's is terrible, but
apparently, it wasn't bad enough, because Wild Charge is
nearly identical as Jolteon's Mach Bolt, only now it
damages Zebstrika too.
So, uh, yeah. I guess there's only one Zebstrika
in this set, right? Just like how there 'sonly one
Gengar in the Arceus set.
Modified: 1.5/5
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Zebstricka 42/114 (Black & White)
Today we have the uncommon version of Zebstricka up for
review. Hopefully this card has something more to offer
than the rare version we reviewed a few weeks ago.
Zebstricka is a Lightning type non-evolving Stage 1 with
90 HP, Fighting weakness, a retreat cost of 1 and two
The rough translation is that Zebstricka gets laughed at
by Donphan Prime as well as any other attacker (main or
backup) while the retreat cost is annoying. What is
wrong with free retreat on a lightning zebra? At least
being a Lightning type is good as it is easier to fit in
with Magnezone Prime and Zekrom BW.
The first attack is Stomp, which costs [c][c] and deals
20 damage with an extra 20 damage if you get a Heads
result on the coin flip. At 30 average damge this seems
a bit overpriced to me, especially since you can't use
DCE to power the second attack as well as Stomp. Lack of
damage and lack of synergy are always a bad sign for a
non-support Poke'mon.
Wild Charge lives up to it's name, dealing 70 damage for
[l][l][c] and 10 recoil damage (which is a suicidal wild
charge, as opposed to a triumphant wild charge). With
the recoil damage eating away at your HP Zebstricka
probably won't last long in a fight. If you are using
this attack, I assume you are playing at a prerelease
with a complete lack of other options (which is what
happened to me, by the way).
With average stats, low damage and zilch in the way of
useful effects (or even useless effects), Zebstricka is
destined for the shoebox with the rest of the multiple
unccommons you pull that you will never use.
Modified: 1 (average stats, self damage and a complete
lack of synergy)
Limited: 1.5 (at least it can fit in with Zekrom easily
Combos with: my unending scorn because Zebstricka
deserves better!