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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Munna #48
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June 7, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#48/114 (Black and White)
look . . . it’s
One of the cute Pokémon from Generation V.
The whole Munna/Musharna
BW line is a bit of a weird one in which the Stage 1 is
effectively a slightly more powerful version of the
Basic: same attacks and everything, just a bit more
damage and a bit more HP. As such, you can’t really have
any complaints about the way they work together.
Munna has a decent 70 HP and
can put the Defending Pokémon to Sleep so that next turn
you evolve into Musharna and
use Dream Eater for 90 damage.
isn’t at all bad at what it does. Its Hypnosis attack is
cheap and the effect is automatic. Even if you don’t get
the Musharna out next turn,
its own Dream Eater isn’t completely terrible, doing 60
damage (but only if the defending Pokémon is Asleep).
The real problem lies in actually managing to make the
Sleep Condition stick in the first place. Even if the
opponent does miss both flips to wake up, they could
still evolve or Retreat their way out of trouble, in
which case Munna and
Musharna become virtually
useless. I suppose you could always try using
Hypno HGSS to give yourself
another shot at inflicting Sleep, but in the end, the
reward for all this effort is just nowhere near enough,
especially considering the fact that the combo is highly
dependent on luck.
Annoying and effective as it is in limited, the
strategy is just too unreliable and weak to make much of
an impact outside of that format.
Modified (HGSS-on): 1.5 (sturdy Basic, but you could
never rely on using its attack)
Limited: 2.75 (can be a very irritating wall. If you
pull Musharna as well, you
might even have a workable strategy here)
Garage |
6/7/11: Munna(Black &White)
Say, does this card look familiar? If it doesn't,
you might want to look at the COTD reviews in the first
couple of weeks of B/W cards, because its evolution,
Musharna, has the same gimmick. The difference is that
Musharna doesmore damage.
As such, I don't feel the need to reiterate how
luck dependent the whole “put to sleep, then hope for two
tails flips” strategy is. I will, however, say that
as much as I don't like the gimmick used here, I do like
it better for an evolving basic, like Munna, rather than
a Stage 1, because simple basic attacks that cause
status effects are more useful on basics, since it can
buy some time to evolve, and you'd rather have something
more effective on an unevolving Stage 1. Still, the
whole concept is broken, and not even the Sableye type
of broken, where say what you will about Sableye, it's
certainly effective(overly so, even). The 'sleep plus
Dream Eater' gimmick? Not so much.
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited: 2.25/5

Otaku |
Today’s card is
Munna, the… Dream Eater Pokémon.
Wow, sounds pretty specific.
It is a Basic Pokémon, making it
easy to run and fit into a deck.
In the MD-On version of Modified,
support for Psychic-Type Pokémon is
limited to
Azelf Lv.X (Legends Awakened,
140/146) to neutralize Weakness on your
Psychic-Type Pokémon and
Miasma Valley, which places two
damage counters on Basic Pokémon that
not Psychic-Types when you Bench
them from your hand, though the latter
also applies to Grass-Type Basic Pokémon
as well.
There is actually more support for
Psychic Energy than actual Psychic
Gardevoir (Platinum, 8/127)
can move Psychic-Type Energy from your
Benched Pokémon to your Active,
Jirachi (Unleashed, 1/95)
gets to flip three coins when Benched
from hand and attach a Psychic Energy to
itself for each “heads”,
Metagross Unleashed, 4/95)
zeroes out the Retreat Cost of an Active
Pokémon with a Psychic-Type Energy
Mismagius (Unleashed 5/95)
which lets you move a Psychic-Type
Energy attached to one of your Pokémon
to another of your Pokémon once per
Roserade (Unleashed, 23/95)
Poisons the your opponent’s Defending
Pokémon when a Psychic-Type Energy is
attached to it from your hand, and
Vileplume (Legends Awakened,
45/146) similarly Poisons your
opponent’s Defending Pokémon when you
attach a Psychic-Type Energy card to it
from your hand.
In either case, things drop off
once the card pool shifts to
HeartGold SoulSilver and later sets:
no direct Psychic-Type
Pokémon support and Psychic-Type
Energy support loses
Gardevoir and
has a solid 70 HP for a basic Pokémon
that can Evolve once more, so it isn’t
an easy OHKO first/second turn.
After that, it’s in OHKO range,
which actual renders the card’s Psychic
Weakness x 2 pretty irrelevant,
especially when Psychic-Type Pokémon
tend to specialize in more indirect
methods of attack or are played in a
non-attacking role entirely.
The lack of Resistance feels lazy
on the designers’ part, but it is a
common sight on most cards and as such
shouldn’t be crippling.
The two Energy needed to Retreat
is chunky for a Basic Pokémon and can be
a problem, but nothing to severe.
has two attacks: Hypnosis and Dream
Both seem overpriced.
Hypnosis requires (C) to use and
automatically inflicts Sleep on the
Defending Pokémon.
This isn’t horrible, but Sleep is
the weakest Special Condition because
even though it could theoretically last
several turns, it also has a 50% chance
of curing itself between each turn.
Another effect on top would have
been appreciated, or just turning this
attack into an Ability.
Especially since the second
attack only does anything if the
Defending Pokémon is Asleep when it
hits, specifically Dream Eater does 60
points of damage for (PP).
If this were a less stringent
requirement, that’d be a good return,
but like I said, 50% chance between
turns that Sleep goes away before your
opponent even needs to use any of the
easy methods of ditching a Special
itself is clearly not worth running for
its own sake in a Constructed format.
It can Evolve into
Musharna, so let’s remind ourselves
of what the only legal version is like:
20 more HP than
Munna but the same stats, a first
attack requiring a (P) Energy to do 20
with automatic Sleep, and 30 more points
of damage from its identically priced
Dream Eater.
That isn’t really a good enough
reason to play this card.
If you felt like it, you could
build a deck around it, at least in
Darkrai (Majestic Dawn,
Hypno (HeartGold SoulSilver,
23/123) and/or the
Vileplume I mentioned above.
Darkrai puts the Defending Pokémon
to sleep automatically when you Bench it
from your hand, unless you choose not
Hypno has a Poké-Power that lets you
flip a coin to put the Defending Pokémon
to Sleep on “heads”, with no effect on
Vileplume Poké-Power, which I
mentioned above, has a second effect of
inflicting Sleep to the Defending
Pokémon if you attach a (G) Energy to
That is more resource intensive
and time consuming than
Hypno, but the deck will want to run
Vileplume (Undaunted, 24/90)
anyway to block Trainers that would make
getting rid of Sleep easier.
Darkrai G places a damage counter on
each of your opponent’s Pokémon that
remain Asleep between turns.
All of that stacked on top of
each other (possibly with a
Miasma Valley tossed in) and you’ll
actually rack up some quick
but with more effort than is worthwhile
and not a whole lot of reliability.
If Dream Eater is to become a viable
attack, it needs an effect seen on a
card not currently Modified legal.
I speak of “Deep Sleep”, the Poké-Body
Misdreavus (Legend Maker,
Misdreavus is Active, Deep Sleep
forces each player to flip two coins
between turns for his/her Pokémon to
wake-up from Sleep, and requires both
coins come up “heads” for a Pokémon to
Hopefully the designers realize
this would be much better as an enhanced
attack (like how some attacks Poison for
multiple damage counters), slap it on
something bigger (that
Misdreavus had 40 HP), or make it
work from the Bench.
The existence of this
Misdreavus also makes running
utterly pointless in Unlimited, even
trying to adapt the above deck.
You still might find yourself using
Munna in Limited play, but only if
you’re running a decent amount of
Psychic Energy: the instant your
opponent’s Active Pokémon is still
Asleep at the beginning of your turn,
you want to drop a second
Psychic Energy onto it and go for
Dream Eater.
All Special Conditions are better
here (and average HP/attack damage
worse), so this is an okay pull if you
already have a decent Psychic presence.
Even then, I probably wouldn’t use it
myself unless desperate or if I pulled a
few and at least one
Modified (MD-On):
Modified (HGSS-On):
Dream Eater is actually a pretty good
attack in the video games, where Sleep
is a little more reliable and a
successful Dream Eater both does good
damage to the other Pokémon while
healing your attacker.
It once again has failed to
translate well to the TCG.
If you aren’t playing a Psychic
deck in Limited, you shouldn’t be
running this card.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Munna (Black & White)
Before I jump into the review, I would like to say good
luck to all of the competitors who will be at the
Australian Nationals in Sydney this Saturday. Take care
traveling on the June long weekend and I'll see you
For all of the European players, best of luck with your
upcoming Nationals as well. Both Australia and Europe
are playing MD-on with NO Black & White so it will be
interesting to see what happens. Gengar For The Win!
With that out of the way, I'll start talking about Munna
now. We reviewed the evolution a few weeks back so this
card will seem pretty familiar.
Munna is a Psychic type evolving Basic with 60 HP,
Psychic weakness, a retreat cost of 1 and two attacks.
Munna has acceptable HP for an evolving Basic and none
of the other stats are surprising (although they are
disappointing). The weakness is actually quite good with
Psychic Poke'mon set to almost disappear from the format
once the rotation kicks in (but until then it is an
easily exploited death sentence). The retreat cost is a
serious pain on such a weak Poke'mon but I didn't expect
any better, seeing how Munna is involved with dreams and
sleeping (and is shaped like a jelly bean). All in all
these are solid stats for an evolving Basic but it
doesn't matter because the only Musharna available sucks
Speaking of Musharna, the attacks are almost the exact
same. Munna's first attack is Hypnosis and does almost
the same thing as Hypnotic Ray. For [c] you inflict auto
sleep, which is okay but nothing brilliant. They might
as well have made the cost [p] instead and added some
damage because I don't see Munna getting played in an
off type deck. Musharna doesn't strike me as the kind of
Poke'mon that is going to be printed as an obscenely
broken card that everyone will try to tech in. Then
again neither did Claydol and look how that turned out,
so maybe having a cheap, Colourless stall attack is a
good thing.
Dream Eater is an exact copy of Musharna's attack,
except that it deals 60 damage instead of 90 (which
makes sense, Stage 1 Poke'mon have more powerful
attacks). The cost is [p][p] and you only deal damage if
the Defending Poke'mon is Asleep, so unless you have a
Poke-power or Ability to inflict Sleep you have, at
most, a 25% chance of succesfully landing a hit with
Dream Eater. Maybe Hypno HGSS has found a friend?
If we get a must-have Musharna in the next few Black &
White sets (maybe one with a draw-based Ability), then
this Munna could be played. As it stands, this card
won't go anywhere but the shoebox.
Although I must admit, seeing 2 Munna trying to take
each other out with Dream Eater would be really funny
for the first few turns. It would be like seeing Metapod
versus Metapod ("Use Harden!") except with a lot of coin
Modified: 1.75 (the cheap stall, decent HP and
soon-to-be-obscure weakness are good but the retreat
cost and lack of good Musharna are very bad)
Limited: 2 (the stall is cheap and you could get lucky
with Dream Eater, but the retreat cost is still
terrible. Only run it if you also run Musharna or if you
think there is a good chance of a mirror match for the
Combos with: sweet dreams of a powerful Musharna that
will come to liberate this poor Munna from the shoebox.
Hypno HGSS could fit as well. |