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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Swoobat #51
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June 8, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.10
Limited: 2.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#51/114 (Black and White)
The best thing I can say about
Swoobat is that its Basic form is based on one of
the cutest animals in existence – the Honduran White Bat
(thanks, Bulbapedia!). Apart
from that, Swoobat is one of
those cards that will get notice only because it is
so utterly,
utterly useless. It won’t achieve the same level of
notoriety as Arcanine SV
did, but it’s not too far off.
For a start, the 80 HP is below par for a Stage 1.
There’s little point in complaining about the Lightning
Weakness, as it’s an easy KO for competitive Pokémon of
that type anyway. Fighting Resistance is nice, I can’t
deny it, but rather pointless on a card that does as
little as Swoobat.
first attack, Attract, costs one
Energy of any Colour and means your opponent will
have to flip a coin on their next turn in order to
attack with the Defending Pokémon. Yes, it’s easy enough
to play around by just promoting another attacker, but
that isn’t even the point. While an immunity attack like
this might be useful in helping an evolving Basic to
survive, it simply isn’t something you want to see on a
final Stage Evolution. I mean, really, is this what you
run a Pokémon line for? To set up an extremely flimsy,
easily avoided attack lock? It’s not even as if
Swoobat has anything else to
offer. Heart Stamp is 40 points of effect-free damage
for the cost of [P][C].
That’s all I have to say about that.
I honestly cannot think of a single game-related use for
this card that would be worth the time and effort.
Modified (HGSS-on): 1.25 (Fighting Resistance aside,
everything about this card is seriously lame)
Limited: 1.5 (still bad)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! There are still quite
a few cards left to look at in the Black and White
expansion, so keep checking back and you may be able to
find a favorite card or two, even if it's not thought to
be popular or useful in Modified. Our COTD week this
week continues with Swoobat from Black and White.
Swoobat is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon. Psychics have
seen a drop in popularity lately in Modified, with the
errata to Rare Candy making Vilegar decks a slightly
more difficult play. Therefore, Swoobat itself is going
to need something special in order to make it worth
playing. 80 HP is terrible for a finally-evolved Stage
1, meaning that Swoobat will probably not be able to
take many major hits from opposiing Pokemon (and even
worse, it is OHKO'd by the likes of Garchomp C Lv. X,
Reshiram, Magnezone, and many other common Modified
threats). Lightning Weakness is also terrible right now
with the popularity of Luxray GL Lv. X, Magnezone Prime,
and Zekrom; although admittedly Swoobat wouldn't have
much of a matchup against these Pokemon anyway. Fighting
Resistance is always nice to have against the random
Donphan or Machamp that you'll see, and a Retreat Cost
of 1 is decent: not bad, not good.
Since Swoobat's upper and lower stats are relatively
unimpressive, its attacks or abilities will have to
stand out in order for it to see play. Swoobat doesn't
have any Abilities, but it does have two attacks:
Attract and Heart Stamp. Attract costs a single
Colorless Energy, and turns the Defending Pokemon's next
attack into a "tails-fails" deal, where if they flip
tails, the attack does nothing. Unfortunately, this is
easily dealt with by simply having your opponent switch
out, which is very common in MD-on Modified with the use
of Warp Point and many free retreaters.
Heart Stamp, Swoobat's only form of offense, deals a
vanilla 40 damage for a Psychic and a Colorless. Nothing
impressive or noteworthy here, either.
Modified: 1/5 Bad HP, terrible weakness, and
lackluster attacks make Swoobat basically unusable here.
One notable thing about Swoobat is that it's a
Psychic-type that isn't weak to Psychic, but really,
Lightning is an even worse Weakness to have.
Limited: 2.5/5 Swoobat is incredibly average, even in
Limited. If you draft something really great in Psychic
(like Reuniclus or maybe some others) it might be good
as a filler card, but on its own, it's definitely not
worth building a deck around.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Swoobat (Black & White)
Today we have a Valentine's Day themed card. Too bad we
are in June instead of February, and too bad this guy
doesn't have an evolution because it really needs one.
Swoobat is a Psychic type non-evolving Stage 1 with 80
HP, Lightning weaknesss, Fighting resistance, a retreat
cost of 1 and two attacks.
As I said before, those stats Would be great for an
evolving Stage 1 moving on to a Stage 2, but as Swoobat
does not evolve that HP is too low. The weakness is bad
with Zekrom and Magnezone waiting to ruin your day and
the retreat cost, while easy to manage, is still an
insult between the HP and the fact that Swoobat has
wings. At least the resistance will hold off Donphan and
other Fighting types.
The first attack is Attract, and it costs [c] for a coin
flip. A Tails result means the attack does nothing but
Heads will give you a single turn of immunity to
attacks. Aside from the 50% failure rate, Poke'mon
Circulation and Poke'mon Reversal will happily remove
that immunity while Poke'mon like Blastoise UL and Entei
& Raikou Legend will just snipe around Swoobat. While a
cheap shot at immunity is always appeciated, it will
never make a card playable on it's own, especially if
the attack you are using doesn't deal any damage.
So it comes down to Heart Stamp to save Swoobat from the
shoebox. At a cost of [p][c] for 40 vanilla damage, the
attack name is more interesting than the attack itself.
The price might be fair but it is definitely not main
attack material which puts Swoobat smack-bang in the
middle of the 'unplayable category'. Both the stats and
attacks would be forgivable, even great on an evolving
Stage 1 (especially the immunity) but on a Poke'mon that
doesn't evolve? No way.
Modified: 1.25 (they put these stats and attacks on the
wrong card)
Limited: 2 (immunity is always good for stalling and the
second attack is at least cheap)
Combos with: the shoebox. And a reprint with these exact
attributes, but name it 'Golbat' to go with Crobat